A different TCAD R&D center for semiconductor and optoelectronics process & device simulations requires new ideas and brave reasoning of Technical Marketing and Poject Management.
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Defy and Redefine...
1. An Overseas Attempt:
A different R&D center
failed by the headquarters
Vincent Tsao
2. Critical Thinking
A different TCAD R&D center for
semiconductor and optoelectronics
process & device simulations requires
new ideas and brave reasoning of
Technical Marketing
Project Management.
6. - Small business visibility
Without why, it’s hard to remember how.
― David Bohm, Quantum physicist
? B2B branding Product usage
Information effectiveness LED, PV, Laser
Buyer’s risk reduction CMOS, HEMT, Power
Value added & images Co-projects
? Customer’s job to be done:
11. An Unseen Problem
? R&D projects have difficulty in expecting or measuring
the result even following a strict procedure. An easy-to-
use model of project management is required for all the
team members.
― Steve Jobs
? My original ideas shaped thru years of experience:
1. The David Star Project Management Model
2. The TPDS Clear-Tech Teamwork Doctrines
14. The TPDS Doctrines
?Trusting and trusted down to the field operation
( 於實際作業行動之層次上彼此信賴 )
?Positioning and performance gauged on the
customer’s needs
( 績效定位於顧客導向之決定與衡量 )
?Driven and driving through a working feedback
( 建立維持良性互動之有效回饋機制 )
?Scope and scaling to govern management by
( 範疇和尺度規範了目標管理之內容 )
15. - Expectations
? A balanced East & West approach!
( 建立品質機能展開 )
? Steady, endurable product upgrade
? Organic growth of technical people
? Lessons learned ( 成功或失敗 )
? R&D constitution ( 制度 / 體質 )
? Business & brand strategy alignment
( 標竿學習 BMW)
16. - In a word
Plan is nothing. Planning is everything.
― Dwight D. Eisenhower ( 艾森豪 )
PMP/PMBOK tells about the
procedure in a plan. DSPM &
TPDS paradigm works on the
dynamics of planning!