1. The student conducted an experiment to observe the effects of red wine and beer on coconut candy when submerged for 20 minutes.
2. The results showed that candy submerged in wine shrank slightly, took on a reddish color, became stickier and smelled of wine. Candy submerged in beer also shrank, became stickier but harder on the surface and smelled disgusting.
3. The conclusion is that both wine and beer can cause candy to shrink and change color and texture, with wine making candy softer and stickier and beer harder on the surface.
3. Introduction
I wonder what red wine and beer can do to coconut candy?
This is both a question and experiment which makes me
curious. I like it because it incudes close observations, is
very fun, and is neither hard nor easy to do.
4. Hypothesis
When the candy is put into the wine and beer, I predict
that they will both turn a little smaller because the
water will wash off part of the candy. It will
definitively get wet which means it will turn non-sticky,
unlike what it was before.
5. Procedure-Utensils
2 or more glass wine cups
2 or more pieces of coconut candy
100mL of red wine
100mL of beer
a table
a piece of table cloth
some tissues
a pair of gloves
1 plate
bottle marked with mL
camera/phone (for taking photos)
6. Procedure-Steps
1. First, put on some gloves.
2. Then, cover a table with a table cloth to prevent the table from
getting wet with wine and beer.
3. After, cautiously pour about 100mL of wine into a bottle marked
with millilitres and transfer exactly 100mL of red wine into a glass
4. Next, carefully rip open the wrapping of a piece of coconut candy
and drop the candy lightly into the wine. Wait for 20 minutes, then
put on the gloves and put the candy onto the other plate.
5. After that, observe what happens, then record it down, and also
take a photo of it to remind you in the future of what it looks like.
6. Take pictures whenever you like and especially at interesting things.
7. Then do the experiment again but only using beer instead of wine.
8. Redo the experiment a few times again if you need to.
7. Results
Kind of Candy Description Picture
Normal Candy The candy is yellow, sticky, and
shaped like a cuboid.
Candy in Wine (Cienna
It smells of stinky wine and was
more sticky than before! The candy
had a small area of a reddish-
purplish colour, a slippery surface,
and it turned a little smaller.
Candy in Beer (Draft) The candy that was put into the
beer smelt like disgusting candy. It
turned a little more sticky and
turned much more smaller than
before. It also turned harder on
the surface (unlike before).
The first thing I did was putting the candy in the wine. Then, I put the candy in
the beer. The description of the normal candy, the candy that was put in the
wine, and the candy that was put in the beer are shown below.
8. Conclusion
According to my experiment I have conducted, when candy is
placed in wine and also taken back out, it will shrink, the colour
will change a little, the surface will turn slippery, it will
become more sticky and it will smell differently. That means
red wine has a strong smell, it has a dark colour, it can make
candy sticky and is strong enough to wash off some parts of
the candy.
When the coconut candy is put in beer and taken back out,
it smells disgusting, its sticky, it turned smaller than before,
and it also turned harder on the surface. This shows that beer
can make candy turn harder, also has a really strong smell, can
turn the candy more sticky and can also can make
some parts of the candy wear off.