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Manchin  Maverick
in the Middle?
W e s t V i r g i n i a U n i v e r s i t y
P I R e e d S c h o o l o f J o u r n a l i s m
I M C 6 3 9 P - P o l i t i c a l M a r k e t i n g
W e e k 4 W r i t i n g A s s i g n m e n t
2 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 2
Matthew Eric Minor
Assessing the image structure of a conservative Senate
Democrat whose record defies prediction
West Virginias junior Senator Joseph Anthony Joe Manchin, III finds himself in a
number of interesting political positions in early 2013. A Democrat, having yet to complete a full
first term in the Senate, he stands poised to become his home states senior Senator when Jay
Rockefeller retires at the end of his term in 2014. While both of West Virginias Senate seats
have been held by Democrats since the mid-to-late 1950s, it is possible that Manchin will serve
alongside a Republican freshman in 2014 (Hohmann and Brennan, 2013). West Virginia, long
believed to be a Democrat stronghold has gradually shifted to Republican federal representation.
Two of the states three Congressional seats are held by Republicans. Democrats maintain
control of both houses of the state legislature, the Secretary of States office and the Governors
office from whence Manchin ascended from state to federal elected office.
Manchin, a fiscal and social conservative Blue Dog Democrat has been able to weather
the reddening of West Virginia, largely because he has a solid record as a fiscally-conservative
Governor, a fierce defender of the Second Amendment and willing to buck Washington
Democrats on matters of environmental protection, which are often framed as being anti-coal
in a state for which coal is both economic foundation and a source of pride.
This analysis will serve as a brand audit of Manchins political image, with an aim
toward providing guidance as the political skills, attributes and image components that made him
a success at home begin to bump against the expectations of his party and his colleagues in the
upper chamber. This analysis will assess Manchins core features, peripheral features, nonverbal
behavior and nonverbal behavior as both political marketing assets and liabilities. It will also
evaluate the impact external variables, such as voters needs and expectations as well as the
current state of affairs.
In traditional marketing, this exercise would be similar to a brand inventory, in which a
marketing manager would examine all sources of a brands equity with the goal of arriving at a
profile of the current marketing and branding efforts of a companys goods or services (Keller,
2008). However, in this exercise, political marketing tools are brought into play as the product
being inventoried is the candidates public image. Manchins political image structure will be
analyzed according to Cwalinas (2011) model of candidate image structure.
Figure 1-Cwalina's Candidate Image Structure Model
Core Features
At the center of Cwalinas imaging model are a candidates core features. According to
Cwalina, this includes personality features that can refer to a voters beliefs about human nature
(especially integrity and competence) (2011). Simply put, it is those things that create who we
are. Cwalina further defines the core of the ideal candidates image as including two dimensions:
morality (or integrity) and ability (or competence). The defining attributes of morality include
frankness, helpfulness, reliability and honesty. The defining attributes of ability include
persistence, hard work and qualifications (Cwalina, 2011, p. 145). An analysis of Manchins
attributes matching these core dimensions follows.
The West Virginia Encyclopedia refers to Joe Manchin as the scion of a large and
energetic Marion County (West Virginia) family, active in business, the professions, and
politics (Wallace, 2012). This is perhaps Manchins earliest and one of his most important core
features. His uncle, A. James Manchin was among the states best-known politicians, serving as
secretary of state and state treasurer and himself once considered gubernatorial material
(Wallace, 2012). His father owned a carpet and furniture store and his grandfather owned a
grocery store. Both men served as mayor of Manchins hometown of Farmington, WV. As a
descendant of a notable family, Manchin has at the core of his political image, his familys
heritage as Italian/Czech immigrants, independent business owners and a successful history in
elected office.
Figure 2-Joe Manchin III's Official Portrait
Manchin played football at West Virginia University, which is itself a crucial image
component in a state which values both the University and its football program. After an injury
ended his playing days, he earned a bachelors degree in business administration from WVU,
returned to Marion County to operate the family business and later an energy-brokering company
(Wallace, 2012). Athletics foster an image of vigor, health, competitiveness, teamwork,
leadership, drive and respect. His ability to recover from injury shows perseverance, his
willingness to return to his family business shows loyalty and his ability to run a complex
energy-brokering company shows his ability to find his own way.
He has been married only once, to his current wife, Gayle. They have three children
together. He was West Virginias first Roman Catholic Governor and the first Italian-America to
be elected to his states chief executive office. These core attributes contribute to Manchins
morality score, as he is perceived as a family man from strong family roots with strong ethnic
and religious heritages.
Figure 3-Manchin Facial Symmetry Analysis
He is a tall male, aged 65 years with thick salt-and-pepper hair, and tanned skin
suggesting both the wisdom and experience of age, but simultaneously projecting an image of
health. He is rarely seen wearing glasses. His face is fairly symmetrical, which is associated
with genetic fitness (Rhodes and Zebrowitz, 2002) and with an extroverted and open personality
(Neave, et al., 2005). This has not left Manchins physical appearance untouchable by
caricaturists, who emphasize his thick hair, his larger, hooked nose and thin-lipped smile.
Figure 4-Joe Manchin Caricature by Kerry Waghorn
These traits, while not apparently setting Manchin back, could, as his profile elevates on the
national stage, become additional assets to his core features. According to Maarek, certain
physical traitsthen become components of (a candidates) audiovisual image. Ronald
Reagans near-permanent tan is a good example of this kind, as is the large moustache of the
former Polish President Lech Walesa, or the wine stain birthmark on Mikhail Gorbachevs
forehead, popularized by cartoonists the world over (Maarek, 2011).
All of these features represent Manchins core around which his peripheral image
features are situated.
Peripheral Features
Manchins rapid ascent from State Delegate to State Senator to gubernatorial candidate to
Secretary of State to Governor to U.S. Senator has served both as a peripheral feature and as a
test of his peripheral features. By regularly winning elections to higher and higher office, he has
built equity with voters who are used to his leadership style and comfortable with his brand in a
variety of elected offices. Voters have become comfortable with attaching a variety of
prestigious titles (Secretary, Governor, Senator) to his name. It is not incongruous for a West
Virginia voter to think of Joe Manchin as an increasingly powerful elected official with larger
and larger sets of responsibilities and constituents to whom he must answer.
Figure 5  A young Manchin as Secretary of State at WV State Capitol
As Governor, Manchin was well-known within his own state, but crises, such as the
highly-publicized deaths of coal miners in the explosions at Sago (in 2006) and Upper Big
Branch (in 2010) thrust Manchin into the national stage. His hourly news conferences on the
rescue efforts drew live coverage from cable news networks and gave Manchin the opportunity
to present himself as a compassionate consoler-in-chief to the grieving communities. Appearing
in denim-colored shirts with sleeves rolled up, Manchin had an opportunity to also present
himself as knowledgeable about the mining industry and provide a buffer between West
Virginians who were angry about the deaths and the states mine operators who are also very
politically powerful. Standing in this gap allowed Manchin to broker new mine safety regulations
that appeased coal miners without fully alienating coal operators.
Figure 6 - Manchin Manages Upper Big Branch Mining Disaster in April 2010
Nonverbal Behavior
Prior to Manchins ascent to the Senate, he was, as West Virginias Governor, in the
politically difficult position of appointing a successor to the late Robert C. Byrd. While many
Manchin critics considered it fait accompli that he would simply appoint himself, Manchin took
great care to frame his approach around the death of a beloved West Virginia icon with an
abundance of decorum and respect. Note Manchins posture and body language in this press
photo as he and Secretary of State Natalie Tenant ponder the appropriate succession plan for
Byrds seat.
Figure 5-Manchin, Secretary of State solemnly discuss succession for Byrd's seat
While Manchin is tall and potentially imposing, he does not project an overly
intimidating image. He is prone to large, sweeping hand gestures, frequently spreading his
fingers and then interlocking them as he brings them together. This non-verbal gesture serves as
a visual cue to remind voters of his desire to reach mutually beneficial solutions through coming
together where he is, in the middle. Manchin is much more expressive with his hands than he is
with his facial features. His gestures are much larger when speaking to a large group, when he is
on television or speaking from a stage.
Figure 7-Manchin is more expressive with his hands than with his face
As seen in this image from his website, when interacting with voters one-on-one,
Manchin is much more likely to lower himself by sitting or stooping, leaning in and speaking at
their level. One could infer that in this more intimate setting, hes even physically restraining his
hands from making large, potentially intimidating gestures. When analyzing Manchins posture,
tone and speaking pattern, one gets the impression that he allows his large physical presence to
assert power while toning down his gestures, stridence of voice and level of aggressiveness to
convey compassion, friendliness and approachability.
Figure 8 - Manchin "tones it down" when speaking one-on-one
Verbal Behavior
According to Cwalina, these nonverbal behaviors should be completed by an appropriate
soundtrack. The candidate has to say something! (2011, p. 135). The most obvious verbal
behavior built from Manchins core is his pro-life stance on abortion, which is counter to many
in his party, but fully in line with his Roman Catholic core attribute.
Manchin projects himself as gregarious, friendly, sensitive, even-tempered and even
apologetic on occasion. When several of the states barbers bristled at a campaign ad that
suggested paying for a haircut was tantamount to government waste, Manchin immediately
issued an apology. The ad, which featured his wife Gayle cutting his hair (as the candidate insists
that she does whenever possible) and then teasing him about being cheap further served to
push his stable marriage (core attribute) and his fiscal conservatism (peripheral attribute) into the
forefront of his overall image. In an election cycle in which Manchins reelection chances did not
likely hinge on the support of barbers and hairdressers, this message was a relatively low-risk
Figure 6- Manchin "Haircut" Senate Ad
However, Manchin, not wanting to offend any small business owners (such as barbers
and hairdressers) in his state issued an apology through the news media when questioned about
negative response to the ad, saying to station WTOV-TV "First of all, let me just say I am so
sorry. Truly sorry that anyone would take that was meant to be demeaning to any profession. I
can assure you that it was only done in this toxic atmosphere to be a little tongue-in-cheek, just
laugh a little bit (Minor, 2012). This further served Manchins nice guy image by referring to
the toxic atmosphere that permeated his Senate campaign.
There has perhaps been no more dense packaging of Manchins political image into one
single marketing message than his award-winning Dead Aim TV spot, run during his 2010
campaign for the remainder of Byrds unexpired term. In it Manchin, dressed in rugged outdoor
gear, marches confidently and stone-faced toward the camera while providing voiceover
narration about how he bucked his own party during his short time in the U.S. Senate.
Manchins voiceover explains how he sued the EPA to preserve West Virginia coal jobs
and earned an A rating from the National Rifle Association. He then loads and sights up a
hunting rifle and proceeds to shoot a hole in a copy of the Cap and Trade bill posted on a tree
Figure 9 - Manchin's "Dead Aim" Senatorial Campaign Ad
This :30 spot is dense with Manchin mythology and imagery. He is a rugged
outdoorsman. He is capable of being an everyman. He is an action hero (complete with slow
motion walk) poised to defend West Virginia and her signature industry from environmental
bureaucrats. He knows the law well enough to sue the EPA which is a part of his own partys
current administration. Hes not only a proud gun owner (and defender of the Second
Amendment), but he knows how to use a gun, needing only a single shot to hunt down and snuff
out an offensive piece of legislation. This :30 spot manages to capitalize on the positive assets of
Manchins core features (as a blue-collar native West Virginian), his peripheral features (as
someone who can and will physically protect his states best interest), his nonverbal behavior (as
a large man with an unexpressive face), his verbal behavior (on the issues of being pro-coal
and pro-gun. CBS News called it one of the best ads of the year and Manchin himself raved
about the performance of Global Strategy Group (GSG) which helped manage his 2010 special
election campaign. In GSGs case study of his 2010 campaign, Manchin raved:
Our campaign was a perfect campaign in many ways. Global Strategy Group kept us
moving forward, on message and on track. I count on GSG to give me expert advice, and
to back it up with solid research We have a big job to do getting West Virginia back to
work, and Global Strategy Group is helping us do it right. (GSG, 2010)
Influence of Voter Expectations/State of Affairs
Image creation does not take place in a political vacuum. If it did, revisions and
adjustments in a candidates image would be unnecessary. However, according to Cwalina
(2011), all image creation activities take place in particular sociopolitical and economical (sic)
conditions. That is why getting feedback from voters is so important. A constant monitoring of
the images perception is important for maintaining it, regardless of the political campaign (p.
136). In its case study of Manchins Senate campaign, GSG analysts observed:
Despite (Manchins) personal popularity and high job approval ratings as Governor,
Manchin faced the prospect of running in an increasingly conservative state where the
president was unpopular and the Tea Party was energized and motivated (GSG, 2010).
While being a Democrat in state government was never a problem for Manchin, rising to
federal office put him in dangerous proximity to an unpopular President Obama (who, in 2012
failed to carry even one county in West Virginia. While there was speculation he was being
courted to caucus with Senate Republicans), Manchin told The Hill:
He is a proud Democrat, having been raised with the values of always reaching out,
trying to help others have a better quality of life and help themselves and taking care of
those who cannot help themselves. But he said sometimes his partys priorities in
Washington are out of balance withhow we do business in West Virginia (Bolton,
Barack Obamas unpopularity among the West Virginia electorate cannot be ignored as a
factor in Joe Manchins evolving political image. Manchin calls himself a proud Democrat and
had no qualms about appearing with and endorsing a post-Lewinsky scandal Bill Clinton.
Figure 10-Manchin Appears With Bill Clinton
Manchin has been (and must continue to be) more cautious about appearing chummy
with President Obama. Manchins 2010 and 2012 Republican opponent John Raese tried
(unsuccessfully) to run a campaign claiming Manchin would be a rubber stamp for Senate
Democratic Leader Harry Reid and President Obama. Images of Manchin and Obama appearing
friendly together were common before Manchin went to Washington.
Figure 11-Manchin and Obama smiling together with Sen. Byrd
Raese attempted to capitalize on images like this as he attempted to link Manchin to the
unpopular president, although the Manchin brand was strong enough to withstand it.
Figure 12-John Raese Senate Ad Targeting Manchin
The liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling organization found that Manchin got
surprising support from Republican and conservative voters in West Virginia, registering 46
percent approval rating and 36 percent disapproval rating among Republicans.
Since winning re-election, Manchin is now unleashed (at least for six years) to attempt to
further advance his brand and allow it to evolve. Manchin and former GOP Presidential
Candidate Jon Hunstman are the chairs of the reborn No Labels initiative aimed at finding bi-
partisan solutions to divisive issues such as immigration reform and gun control.
Figure 13-Manchin and Hunstman
Advice for Maintaining and Modifying Manchins Image Structure
Manchin, at least publicly, says hes been unchanged by his short stint in Washington,
telling The Hill that his statements and positions have helped him reaffirm that [I am] still the
same person I was as governor and Im not going to change (Bolton, 2011).
This is a delicate time for Manchin, however. Following the shooting at Sandy Hook
Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, Manchin initially appeared on MSNBC calling for
a reevaluation of the nations gun laws, suggesting, in his typical centrist position that
everything should be on the table (including limiting high-capacity magazines and access to
so-called assault weapons) and that both gun control advocates and his friends at the NRA
should be at the table. At the time, Manchin was the most strident pro-gun voice to make any sort
of statement about Newtown (since the NRA had gone into a temporary social and traditional
media blackout). Manchin eventually walked back on those statements, although its not clear if
he did so under pressure from the NRA, his constituents or his own reevaluation of his earlier
Figure 14-Manchin on MSNBC after Newtown Shootings
Whatever the motive, Manchin must be cautious when attempting to brand himself as an
agent and broker of compromise when suddenly taking a stance on a controversial issue that may
suddenly put him more in line with members of his party in Washington than his voting base
back home in West Virginia. Democrats at home offer a similar warning. "You're just real
careful with what you say and you have to be real consistent with what you say to different
audiences," said Michael Oliverio, a former Democratic West Virginia state senator. "We're in
the Internet age of politics where you can't say one thing to one group and something else to
another group (Catalini, 2013). At the same time, Manchin cannot risk being so centrist as to be
impossible to pin down on difficult issues. At some point, hes going to have to take a stand on
issues that will either alienate his colleagues in Washington (or potentially stunt his growth
there) or alienate the voters back home who sent him there.
And at some point, the Democratic partys brand may need to push back against the
conservative Manchin in an act of self-preservation.
It's hard to have a concrete brand when a guy like Manchin is part of your party, wrote
Ezra Klein in the Washington post. It'd be a bit like if Coca-Cola sold not just Cokes, but a
brand that spent its advertising budget convincing people that Coke was gross, and hired guys to
yell at people who ordered Cokes in stores (2010).
Bolton, A (Sept. 14, 2011). Manchins strategy for surviving 2012 in a red state: Bash President
Obama. The Hill (Online Edition) Retrieved Feb. 11, 2013 from
Catalini, M. (Feb. 1, 2013). Manchin in the middle. NationalJournal.com. Retreieved Feb. 11,
2013 from http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/joe-manchin-in-the-middle-20130131
Cwalina, W., Falkowski, A., & Newman, B. I. (2011). Political marketing: Theoretical and
strategic foundations. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe.
Fink, B., Neave, N, Manning J.T. & Grammer, K. (2005). Facial symmetry and the big-five
personality factors. Personality and Individual Differences. 39(3), 523-529.
Global Strategy Group (2010) Joe Manchin for Senate-WV. (Case Study). Washington, DC:
GSG. Retrieved Feb. 11, 2013 from http://globalstrategygroup.com/case-studies/joe-
Hohmann, J. and Bresnahan, J. (Jan. 27, 2013). Big breaks for Republicans, but road to Senate
still steep. Politico.com. Retrieved Feb. 11, 2013 from
Klein, E. (Oct. 13, 2010). Joe Manchin and the liberal brand. The Washington Post [Online
Edition]. Retrieved Feb. 11, 2013 from http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ezra-
Keller, K. (2008). Strategic Brand Management (3rd ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall.
Maarek, P. J. (2011). Campaign communication and political marketing. Malden, MA: Wiley-
Minor, M. E. (Sept. 28, 2012). NEWS9 at Six. Steubenville, OH: WTOV9-TV, Inc..
Rhodes, G. and Zebrowitz, L. (2002). Facial Attractiveness  Evolutionary, Cognitive and Social
Perspectives. New York, NY: Ablex.
Wallace, J. (Nov. 7, 2012). The West Virginia Encyclopedia: Joe Manchin (Online Edition)
Retrieved Feb. 11, 2013 from http://www.wvencyclopedia.org/articles/1484

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E.S.G. JR. Consulting, Inc.


  • 1. Manchin Maverick in the Middle? W e s t V i r g i n i a U n i v e r s i t y P I R e e d S c h o o l o f J o u r n a l i s m I M C 6 3 9 P - P o l i t i c a l M a r k e t i n g W e e k 4 W r i t i n g A s s i g n m e n t 2 / 1 1 / 2 0 1 2 Matthew Eric Minor Assessing the image structure of a conservative Senate Democrat whose record defies prediction
  • 2. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 1 Introduction West Virginias junior Senator Joseph Anthony Joe Manchin, III finds himself in a number of interesting political positions in early 2013. A Democrat, having yet to complete a full first term in the Senate, he stands poised to become his home states senior Senator when Jay Rockefeller retires at the end of his term in 2014. While both of West Virginias Senate seats have been held by Democrats since the mid-to-late 1950s, it is possible that Manchin will serve alongside a Republican freshman in 2014 (Hohmann and Brennan, 2013). West Virginia, long believed to be a Democrat stronghold has gradually shifted to Republican federal representation. Two of the states three Congressional seats are held by Republicans. Democrats maintain control of both houses of the state legislature, the Secretary of States office and the Governors office from whence Manchin ascended from state to federal elected office. Manchin, a fiscal and social conservative Blue Dog Democrat has been able to weather the reddening of West Virginia, largely because he has a solid record as a fiscally-conservative Governor, a fierce defender of the Second Amendment and willing to buck Washington Democrats on matters of environmental protection, which are often framed as being anti-coal in a state for which coal is both economic foundation and a source of pride. This analysis will serve as a brand audit of Manchins political image, with an aim toward providing guidance as the political skills, attributes and image components that made him a success at home begin to bump against the expectations of his party and his colleagues in the upper chamber. This analysis will assess Manchins core features, peripheral features, nonverbal behavior and nonverbal behavior as both political marketing assets and liabilities. It will also evaluate the impact external variables, such as voters needs and expectations as well as the current state of affairs.
  • 3. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 2 In traditional marketing, this exercise would be similar to a brand inventory, in which a marketing manager would examine all sources of a brands equity with the goal of arriving at a profile of the current marketing and branding efforts of a companys goods or services (Keller, 2008). However, in this exercise, political marketing tools are brought into play as the product being inventoried is the candidates public image. Manchins political image structure will be analyzed according to Cwalinas (2011) model of candidate image structure. Figure 1-Cwalina's Candidate Image Structure Model Core Features At the center of Cwalinas imaging model are a candidates core features. According to Cwalina, this includes personality features that can refer to a voters beliefs about human nature (especially integrity and competence) (2011). Simply put, it is those things that create who we
  • 4. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 3 are. Cwalina further defines the core of the ideal candidates image as including two dimensions: morality (or integrity) and ability (or competence). The defining attributes of morality include frankness, helpfulness, reliability and honesty. The defining attributes of ability include persistence, hard work and qualifications (Cwalina, 2011, p. 145). An analysis of Manchins attributes matching these core dimensions follows. The West Virginia Encyclopedia refers to Joe Manchin as the scion of a large and energetic Marion County (West Virginia) family, active in business, the professions, and politics (Wallace, 2012). This is perhaps Manchins earliest and one of his most important core features. His uncle, A. James Manchin was among the states best-known politicians, serving as secretary of state and state treasurer and himself once considered gubernatorial material (Wallace, 2012). His father owned a carpet and furniture store and his grandfather owned a grocery store. Both men served as mayor of Manchins hometown of Farmington, WV. As a descendant of a notable family, Manchin has at the core of his political image, his familys heritage as Italian/Czech immigrants, independent business owners and a successful history in elected office. Figure 2-Joe Manchin III's Official Portrait
  • 5. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 4 Manchin played football at West Virginia University, which is itself a crucial image component in a state which values both the University and its football program. After an injury ended his playing days, he earned a bachelors degree in business administration from WVU, returned to Marion County to operate the family business and later an energy-brokering company (Wallace, 2012). Athletics foster an image of vigor, health, competitiveness, teamwork, leadership, drive and respect. His ability to recover from injury shows perseverance, his willingness to return to his family business shows loyalty and his ability to run a complex energy-brokering company shows his ability to find his own way. He has been married only once, to his current wife, Gayle. They have three children together. He was West Virginias first Roman Catholic Governor and the first Italian-America to be elected to his states chief executive office. These core attributes contribute to Manchins morality score, as he is perceived as a family man from strong family roots with strong ethnic and religious heritages. Figure 3-Manchin Facial Symmetry Analysis He is a tall male, aged 65 years with thick salt-and-pepper hair, and tanned skin suggesting both the wisdom and experience of age, but simultaneously projecting an image of health. He is rarely seen wearing glasses. His face is fairly symmetrical, which is associated
  • 6. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 5 with genetic fitness (Rhodes and Zebrowitz, 2002) and with an extroverted and open personality (Neave, et al., 2005). This has not left Manchins physical appearance untouchable by caricaturists, who emphasize his thick hair, his larger, hooked nose and thin-lipped smile. Figure 4-Joe Manchin Caricature by Kerry Waghorn These traits, while not apparently setting Manchin back, could, as his profile elevates on the national stage, become additional assets to his core features. According to Maarek, certain physical traitsthen become components of (a candidates) audiovisual image. Ronald Reagans near-permanent tan is a good example of this kind, as is the large moustache of the former Polish President Lech Walesa, or the wine stain birthmark on Mikhail Gorbachevs forehead, popularized by cartoonists the world over (Maarek, 2011). All of these features represent Manchins core around which his peripheral image features are situated.
  • 7. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 6 Peripheral Features Manchins rapid ascent from State Delegate to State Senator to gubernatorial candidate to Secretary of State to Governor to U.S. Senator has served both as a peripheral feature and as a test of his peripheral features. By regularly winning elections to higher and higher office, he has built equity with voters who are used to his leadership style and comfortable with his brand in a variety of elected offices. Voters have become comfortable with attaching a variety of prestigious titles (Secretary, Governor, Senator) to his name. It is not incongruous for a West Virginia voter to think of Joe Manchin as an increasingly powerful elected official with larger and larger sets of responsibilities and constituents to whom he must answer. Figure 5 A young Manchin as Secretary of State at WV State Capitol As Governor, Manchin was well-known within his own state, but crises, such as the highly-publicized deaths of coal miners in the explosions at Sago (in 2006) and Upper Big Branch (in 2010) thrust Manchin into the national stage. His hourly news conferences on the rescue efforts drew live coverage from cable news networks and gave Manchin the opportunity to present himself as a compassionate consoler-in-chief to the grieving communities. Appearing in denim-colored shirts with sleeves rolled up, Manchin had an opportunity to also present
  • 8. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 7 himself as knowledgeable about the mining industry and provide a buffer between West Virginians who were angry about the deaths and the states mine operators who are also very politically powerful. Standing in this gap allowed Manchin to broker new mine safety regulations that appeased coal miners without fully alienating coal operators. Figure 6 - Manchin Manages Upper Big Branch Mining Disaster in April 2010 Nonverbal Behavior Prior to Manchins ascent to the Senate, he was, as West Virginias Governor, in the politically difficult position of appointing a successor to the late Robert C. Byrd. While many Manchin critics considered it fait accompli that he would simply appoint himself, Manchin took great care to frame his approach around the death of a beloved West Virginia icon with an abundance of decorum and respect. Note Manchins posture and body language in this press photo as he and Secretary of State Natalie Tenant ponder the appropriate succession plan for Byrds seat.
  • 9. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 8 Figure 5-Manchin, Secretary of State solemnly discuss succession for Byrd's seat While Manchin is tall and potentially imposing, he does not project an overly intimidating image. He is prone to large, sweeping hand gestures, frequently spreading his fingers and then interlocking them as he brings them together. This non-verbal gesture serves as a visual cue to remind voters of his desire to reach mutually beneficial solutions through coming together where he is, in the middle. Manchin is much more expressive with his hands than he is with his facial features. His gestures are much larger when speaking to a large group, when he is on television or speaking from a stage. Figure 7-Manchin is more expressive with his hands than with his face
  • 10. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 9 As seen in this image from his website, when interacting with voters one-on-one, Manchin is much more likely to lower himself by sitting or stooping, leaning in and speaking at their level. One could infer that in this more intimate setting, hes even physically restraining his hands from making large, potentially intimidating gestures. When analyzing Manchins posture, tone and speaking pattern, one gets the impression that he allows his large physical presence to assert power while toning down his gestures, stridence of voice and level of aggressiveness to convey compassion, friendliness and approachability. Figure 8 - Manchin "tones it down" when speaking one-on-one Verbal Behavior According to Cwalina, these nonverbal behaviors should be completed by an appropriate soundtrack. The candidate has to say something! (2011, p. 135). The most obvious verbal behavior built from Manchins core is his pro-life stance on abortion, which is counter to many in his party, but fully in line with his Roman Catholic core attribute. Manchin projects himself as gregarious, friendly, sensitive, even-tempered and even apologetic on occasion. When several of the states barbers bristled at a campaign ad that suggested paying for a haircut was tantamount to government waste, Manchin immediately
  • 11. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 10 issued an apology. The ad, which featured his wife Gayle cutting his hair (as the candidate insists that she does whenever possible) and then teasing him about being cheap further served to push his stable marriage (core attribute) and his fiscal conservatism (peripheral attribute) into the forefront of his overall image. In an election cycle in which Manchins reelection chances did not likely hinge on the support of barbers and hairdressers, this message was a relatively low-risk proposition. Figure 6- Manchin "Haircut" Senate Ad However, Manchin, not wanting to offend any small business owners (such as barbers and hairdressers) in his state issued an apology through the news media when questioned about negative response to the ad, saying to station WTOV-TV "First of all, let me just say I am so sorry. Truly sorry that anyone would take that was meant to be demeaning to any profession. I can assure you that it was only done in this toxic atmosphere to be a little tongue-in-cheek, just laugh a little bit (Minor, 2012). This further served Manchins nice guy image by referring to the toxic atmosphere that permeated his Senate campaign. There has perhaps been no more dense packaging of Manchins political image into one single marketing message than his award-winning Dead Aim TV spot, run during his 2010 campaign for the remainder of Byrds unexpired term. In it Manchin, dressed in rugged outdoor
  • 12. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 11 gear, marches confidently and stone-faced toward the camera while providing voiceover narration about how he bucked his own party during his short time in the U.S. Senate. Manchins voiceover explains how he sued the EPA to preserve West Virginia coal jobs and earned an A rating from the National Rifle Association. He then loads and sights up a hunting rifle and proceeds to shoot a hole in a copy of the Cap and Trade bill posted on a tree nearby. Figure 9 - Manchin's "Dead Aim" Senatorial Campaign Ad This :30 spot is dense with Manchin mythology and imagery. He is a rugged outdoorsman. He is capable of being an everyman. He is an action hero (complete with slow motion walk) poised to defend West Virginia and her signature industry from environmental bureaucrats. He knows the law well enough to sue the EPA which is a part of his own partys current administration. Hes not only a proud gun owner (and defender of the Second Amendment), but he knows how to use a gun, needing only a single shot to hunt down and snuff out an offensive piece of legislation. This :30 spot manages to capitalize on the positive assets of Manchins core features (as a blue-collar native West Virginian), his peripheral features (as someone who can and will physically protect his states best interest), his nonverbal behavior (as a large man with an unexpressive face), his verbal behavior (on the issues of being pro-coal and pro-gun. CBS News called it one of the best ads of the year and Manchin himself raved
  • 13. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 12 about the performance of Global Strategy Group (GSG) which helped manage his 2010 special election campaign. In GSGs case study of his 2010 campaign, Manchin raved: Our campaign was a perfect campaign in many ways. Global Strategy Group kept us moving forward, on message and on track. I count on GSG to give me expert advice, and to back it up with solid research We have a big job to do getting West Virginia back to work, and Global Strategy Group is helping us do it right. (GSG, 2010) Influence of Voter Expectations/State of Affairs Image creation does not take place in a political vacuum. If it did, revisions and adjustments in a candidates image would be unnecessary. However, according to Cwalina (2011), all image creation activities take place in particular sociopolitical and economical (sic) conditions. That is why getting feedback from voters is so important. A constant monitoring of the images perception is important for maintaining it, regardless of the political campaign (p. 136). In its case study of Manchins Senate campaign, GSG analysts observed: Despite (Manchins) personal popularity and high job approval ratings as Governor, Manchin faced the prospect of running in an increasingly conservative state where the president was unpopular and the Tea Party was energized and motivated (GSG, 2010). While being a Democrat in state government was never a problem for Manchin, rising to federal office put him in dangerous proximity to an unpopular President Obama (who, in 2012 failed to carry even one county in West Virginia. While there was speculation he was being courted to caucus with Senate Republicans), Manchin told The Hill: He is a proud Democrat, having been raised with the values of always reaching out, trying to help others have a better quality of life and help themselves and taking care of those who cannot help themselves. But he said sometimes his partys priorities in Washington are out of balance withhow we do business in West Virginia (Bolton, 2011).
  • 14. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 13 Barack Obamas unpopularity among the West Virginia electorate cannot be ignored as a factor in Joe Manchins evolving political image. Manchin calls himself a proud Democrat and had no qualms about appearing with and endorsing a post-Lewinsky scandal Bill Clinton. Figure 10-Manchin Appears With Bill Clinton Manchin has been (and must continue to be) more cautious about appearing chummy with President Obama. Manchins 2010 and 2012 Republican opponent John Raese tried (unsuccessfully) to run a campaign claiming Manchin would be a rubber stamp for Senate Democratic Leader Harry Reid and President Obama. Images of Manchin and Obama appearing friendly together were common before Manchin went to Washington. Figure 11-Manchin and Obama smiling together with Sen. Byrd
  • 15. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 14 Raese attempted to capitalize on images like this as he attempted to link Manchin to the unpopular president, although the Manchin brand was strong enough to withstand it. Figure 12-John Raese Senate Ad Targeting Manchin The liberal-leaning Public Policy Polling organization found that Manchin got surprising support from Republican and conservative voters in West Virginia, registering 46 percent approval rating and 36 percent disapproval rating among Republicans. Since winning re-election, Manchin is now unleashed (at least for six years) to attempt to further advance his brand and allow it to evolve. Manchin and former GOP Presidential Candidate Jon Hunstman are the chairs of the reborn No Labels initiative aimed at finding bi- partisan solutions to divisive issues such as immigration reform and gun control.
  • 16. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 15 Figure 13-Manchin and Hunstman Advice for Maintaining and Modifying Manchins Image Structure Manchin, at least publicly, says hes been unchanged by his short stint in Washington, telling The Hill that his statements and positions have helped him reaffirm that [I am] still the same person I was as governor and Im not going to change (Bolton, 2011). This is a delicate time for Manchin, however. Following the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown, Connecticut, Manchin initially appeared on MSNBC calling for a reevaluation of the nations gun laws, suggesting, in his typical centrist position that everything should be on the table (including limiting high-capacity magazines and access to so-called assault weapons) and that both gun control advocates and his friends at the NRA should be at the table. At the time, Manchin was the most strident pro-gun voice to make any sort of statement about Newtown (since the NRA had gone into a temporary social and traditional media blackout). Manchin eventually walked back on those statements, although its not clear if
  • 17. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 16 he did so under pressure from the NRA, his constituents or his own reevaluation of his earlier statements. Figure 14-Manchin on MSNBC after Newtown Shootings
  • 18. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 17 Whatever the motive, Manchin must be cautious when attempting to brand himself as an agent and broker of compromise when suddenly taking a stance on a controversial issue that may suddenly put him more in line with members of his party in Washington than his voting base back home in West Virginia. Democrats at home offer a similar warning. "You're just real careful with what you say and you have to be real consistent with what you say to different audiences," said Michael Oliverio, a former Democratic West Virginia state senator. "We're in the Internet age of politics where you can't say one thing to one group and something else to another group (Catalini, 2013). At the same time, Manchin cannot risk being so centrist as to be impossible to pin down on difficult issues. At some point, hes going to have to take a stand on issues that will either alienate his colleagues in Washington (or potentially stunt his growth there) or alienate the voters back home who sent him there. And at some point, the Democratic partys brand may need to push back against the conservative Manchin in an act of self-preservation. It's hard to have a concrete brand when a guy like Manchin is part of your party, wrote Ezra Klein in the Washington post. It'd be a bit like if Coca-Cola sold not just Cokes, but a brand that spent its advertising budget convincing people that Coke was gross, and hired guys to yell at people who ordered Cokes in stores (2010).
  • 19. Minor MANCHIN MAVERICK IN THE MIDDLE? 18 References: Bolton, A (Sept. 14, 2011). Manchins strategy for surviving 2012 in a red state: Bash President Obama. The Hill (Online Edition) Retrieved Feb. 11, 2013 from http://thehill.com/homenews/campaign/181361-manchins-strategy-for-surviving-2012-in- a-red-state-bash-obama- Catalini, M. (Feb. 1, 2013). Manchin in the middle. NationalJournal.com. Retreieved Feb. 11, 2013 from http://www.nationaljournal.com/politics/joe-manchin-in-the-middle-20130131 Cwalina, W., Falkowski, A., & Newman, B. I. (2011). Political marketing: Theoretical and strategic foundations. Armonk, NY: M. E. Sharpe. Fink, B., Neave, N, Manning J.T. & Grammer, K. (2005). Facial symmetry and the big-five personality factors. Personality and Individual Differences. 39(3), 523-529. Global Strategy Group (2010) Joe Manchin for Senate-WV. (Case Study). Washington, DC: GSG. Retrieved Feb. 11, 2013 from http://globalstrategygroup.com/case-studies/joe- manchin-for-senate-wv/ Hohmann, J. and Bresnahan, J. (Jan. 27, 2013). Big breaks for Republicans, but road to Senate still steep. Politico.com. Retrieved Feb. 11, 2013 from http://www.politico.com/story/2013/01/senate-control-elections-2014-republicans- 86766.html Klein, E. (Oct. 13, 2010). Joe Manchin and the liberal brand. The Washington Post [Online Edition]. Retrieved Feb. 11, 2013 from http://voices.washingtonpost.com/ezra- klein/2010/10/manchin_draft.html Keller, K. (2008). Strategic Brand Management (3rd ed). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Prentice Hall. Maarek, P. J. (2011). Campaign communication and political marketing. Malden, MA: Wiley- Blackwell. Minor, M. E. (Sept. 28, 2012). NEWS9 at Six. Steubenville, OH: WTOV9-TV, Inc.. Rhodes, G. and Zebrowitz, L. (2002). Facial Attractiveness Evolutionary, Cognitive and Social Perspectives. New York, NY: Ablex. Wallace, J. (Nov. 7, 2012). The West Virginia Encyclopedia: Joe Manchin (Online Edition) Retrieved Feb. 11, 2013 from http://www.wvencyclopedia.org/articles/1484