The document provides instructions for completing a Money In Money Out worksheet to track weekly income, expenses, and savings. The worksheet is intended to help users see where their money is going and make better financial decisions. It guides the user through counting starting money, recording income and expenses each day in different categories, and comparing the ending balance to what was tracked to assess accuracy over time. Reflecting on spending patterns using the worksheet can reveal financial decision-making habits and help users align choices with their values and goals.
4. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
Money In Money Out Sheet
Track weekly income, expenses, saving
Helps you see where your money is going
Helps you make decisions about your money
5. The MIMO
worksheet is
completed and
submitted to your
financial fitness
class instructor
You will do 5
consecutive weekly
MIMOs for the
You should keep
a copy of each
6. First, make sure your
name and the dates for
the week you are
tracking are on the
sheet, as shown in the
next 2 slides.
9. Instructions for Money I start with, Day 1 section
1. Start by counting all the money you have on Day 1. Day 1
is usually the day of your first financial fitness class. If
your class is at night, Day 1 can start the next morning.
2. You will need to count the cash you have in your
possession, the money in your checking account, and any
money you have in a savings account.
3. Enter those numbers in the box in the upper left hand
corner that says Day 1 Money I start with.
4. Add the numbers and enter the total in the box next to
total starting money.
5. See the example in the next slide. Its circled in red. This
person had $500 on Day 1.
11. Instructions for Money In, (Income this week) section
1. Next, enter income you received during the week you are
tracking. Income is any money coming in salary/wages,
tips, bonuses, child support, unemployment check, social
security, disability, interest and dividends, anything.
2. List all income in the box in the upper right hand corner
that says Money In, income this week.
3. Since people are paid at different times, its possible that
you wont have any income for a week you are tracking.
4. Add the numbers and enter the total in the box next to
total money in.
5. See the example in the next slide. Its circled in red. This
person received $1200 in income during the week tracked.
13. Instructions Money Out (this weeks expenses) section
1. Next you enter any expenses money out for the week. This would
include bills you paid and pocket money spent.
1. Since it may be difficult to remember everything spent at the end of the
week, track it as you spend. Keep receipts or use a small journal in your
car to write down spending.
2. List all expenses by day and type of expense under Money Out. Make
sure to also include bills paid and automatic payments from a checking
account. Put each item in the expense category that makes sense to
you. Add up daily expenses in each line (for example, clothing and eating
out); put the total for that category in the total column.
3. Add numbers in the total column and write that number in the total
money out box.
4. See the example in the next slide. It has a red square around it. This
person paid $800 for rent on day 1, a total of $20 in the eating out
category for the week, and $945 total expenses for the week.
15. Instructions for Checking my tracking section
1. This is the first step to see how accurate you were at tracking income and
expenses. Find the checking my tracking section under the money out
1. In the box called starting money, write in the amount from the total
starting money box in the upper left hand corner. In the example its
2. Next, write in the money in from the total money in box in the upper
right hand corner. In the example that number is $1200.
3. Add the two numbers for a total. The example is $1700.
4. Then, write in the money out number from the total money out box,
which is $945 in the example.
5. Subtract the money out from the total you had previously. That
number is what I should have, if you tracked income and expenses
accurately. In the example its $755.
17. Instructions for Count the money I actually have at the
end of Day 7
1. This is the second step to see how accurately you tracked
income and expenses.
1. Just as you did for Day 1 to determine your starting
money, count the money you actually have in Day 7.
Include cash and money in your checking and savings
accounts. Enter them, as shown in the next slide.
2. Add up the three categories, which is your actual ending
money. In the example shown in the next slide, this
section has a red box around it. The amount of actual
money in the example is $755.
19. Instructions for determining How accurate was I?
1. This is the last step to see how you did at tracking income
and expenses.
2. Write in what I should have as you calculated in the box
above (as shown with an arrow in the next slide). Subtract
the actual ending money you counted (as shown in the
next slide). When you subtract actual ending money
from what I should have the number will be 0 if you
were accurate in tracking each part of the worksheet.
3. Often, it takes a week or two to get in the habit of
tracking income and expenses completely. You may find
that you dont end up with 0 but instead have a positive
or negative number in the last box. With practice, the
number should get closer to 0, showing that you are
accurate in tracking.
21. What next? Some questions to think about
As you use the Money In, Money Out tool each week, you can
look for patterns in how you are using your money.
1. Every time you spend or save money you are making a
financial decision. When you look at your spending, are
there surprises in what you bought or how much you spent?
1. Can you identify needs and wants in your spending?
2. Are your financial decisions planned, or are they impulsive?
3. Are you making spending and savings decisions that reflect
your values and will help you reach your goals?
4. Who shares your money? Have you communicated
appropriately about your financial decisions with them?
22. Decisions, Decisions, Decisions
The Money In Money
Out worksheet is a
tool for managing
finances. It can help
you make more
informed and
intentional decisions
about how you spend
and how you save.