The document discusses enabling a mobile solution by capturing the mobile marketplace, noting that mobiManage is a 100% mobile focused company that provides various mobile marketing tools like mobiApps, mobiEvents, and mobiTablet to help businesses engage mobile users, and these tools can help add value through features such as mobile GPS integration, advertising, analytics, surveys and more.
3. Let’s Talk m o b i l e
• 84% of U.S. smartphone users access the Internet via
their phones at least once a week
• 44% of Facebook users, or 350M people
worldwide, access the site via mobile devices
• Global Internet usage through
mobile devices doubled from 2011
to 8.5% in 2012
• In 2011, mobile devices
accounted for approx. 10% of
all global internet traffic
4. WHYmobiManage?
•100% mobile focused
•Over 400 mobile sites and applications
•One of the first mobile marketing platforms
•DMAI and Mobile Marketing Assoc. member
and contributor
•New modules and technology announced every
•Software Engineering specialist ASP, .NET, PHP,
Java, HTML 5 and more
10. mobiKiosk
Great for visitors centers, hotels, lobbies, stores & more.
• Fully enclosed and secure tablet products
• Replace your big Kiosk with a more efficient and
sleek product
11. Add value with our marketing & management tools.
mobiGEO mobiAd Network mobiAnalytics
Integration of National and local Track hits and mobile
Smartphone GPS into advertising for mobile patterns
your listings
mobiSMS mobiQR mobiSEO
Mobile Text QR codes Mobile Search Engine
marketing NFC technology Optimization
mobiTickets mobiSurvey mobiLoyalty
Mobile Ticketing for your Mobile surveys to capture Driving value to your
on-the-go customer real time data loyalty programs
#3: What are your main initiatives? Have you had any experience with mobile, what kind? Have you budgeted for mobile? Tell me about your main events/attractions..