Mobile Brain Bank (MoBB) is a private network forum of mobile industry professionals. Prime assumption is that value is generated when people are sharing ideas, sharing their experiences and solving challenges together. MoBB is providing a framework facility for such value creation. MoBB is a forum where talents are recognized and job opportunities are created. Hopefully even new business ideas generate entrepreneurs.
The second assumption is that innovation and problem solving is also done beyond corporate frameworks, especially when a diversity of professionals have a desire to be open minded. MoBB is aimed for mobile professionals, be their expertise in business, applications, operating system, RF or similar. The conjunctive domain is mobile industry.
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Mobile Brain Bank
1. Mobile Brain Bank Petra S旦derling Version 3 May 27,2009
2. Background Mobile is quickly becoming the #1 way people exchange information and use digital services Sharp mobile professionals are being freed from traditional corporations Mobile Brain Bank will join these individuals for unforeseen innovation ideas and job opportunities
3. Mobile Brain Bank (MoBB) A talent pool of mobile and other ICT professionals A recruitment opportunity for companies and headhunters A channel for sharing Innovation or entrepreneurial ideas Problem solving capabilities, case studies Personal profiles Research/study papers Business analysis papers CV
4. Focus groups and objectives ICT professionals out-of-work, or under threat of becoming out-of-work Entrepreneurs, microcompanies, startups Finnish and European Promote employment opportunities Directly to corporations Through headhunters Share technology innovation&business ideas for potential new start-ups
5. Business model MoBB is a networked publishing and marketing channel No profit for MoBB MoBB has no employees, nor facilitates hiring Aid job seekers in networking, finding entrepreneurial ideas, or job opportunities Aid entrepreneurs in partnering, finding new innovations and business ideas Aid corporations and headhunters in finding professional employees Legal form to be decided A non-profit/not-for-profit association A cooperative
6. Operational model Phase I A closed group in LinkedIn By invitation only Discussion forum List of people
7. Operational model Phase II A dedicated website under own URL By invitation only Discussion forum Lists our people, their technical expertise, their talent map and experience Publishes papers, studies, presentations, speeches written by our people Posts something unique, e.g. a talent map of everyone who signed up, as one giant mind map