ForkFly is a mobile data platform that provides small businesses with geolocation data on consumer impressions, page views, deal views, and redemptions from their mobile advertising. The Red Door Lounge in Billings, Montana saw over 69,000 impressions in 7 months using ForkFly, with 80% coming from mobile devices. This resulted in over 2,200 clicks at a cost of $65 per month for ForkFly, saving thousands compared to estimated costs on Google AdWords and Facebook. The data showed the merchant's mobile ads reached customers not just in Billings but across a 500 mile regional area.
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Mobile case study
1 Business. 8 days.
Leveraging Mobile Data:
The Red Door Lounge
Billings, Montana
ForkFly captures and shares unique geolocation data with small businesses.
This data is based on the following events:
Impressions: Consumer saw merchant’s logo, branding, distance, number of offers
Page Views: Consumer clicked on merchant profile page
Deal Views: Consumer reviewed merchant’s offers
Redemptions: Consumer redeemed specific offer
2. 7 Months:
Impressions: 69,470
80% from mobile devices
2,205 clicks
Cost: ForkFly = $65/month
Equivalent Spend:
Mapping feature overlays
latitude and longitude of Google Adwords CPC
specific mobile Average = $3.50/click
events, demonstrating the Total = $7,717
effectiveness of the SAVINGS: $7,262
Facebook CPC
Average = $1.08/click
Total = $2,381
SAVINGS: $1,926
ForkFly CPC Advantages:
• Cost
• Geo-Targeted
(location & Interest)
User info, specific • Customizable
event, and time stamp • Measurable
listed here
for merchant’s reference.
5. In just 8 days, mobile
activity targeting this
merchant in Billings
blankets the entire