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Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
10 feelings about mobile phones
10. excitement
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
mobile phones
9. fascination
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
8. intrigue
mobile phones are an
occasion to re-think what
 psychology could be...
                        G. Miller
if psychology had no history 
if it was invented today [] we
      would use smartphones
 because they are ubiquitous,
 unobtrusive, intimate, sensor-
rich, computationally powerful,
     and remotely accessible
                                       G. Miller
       and with us > 80% of the time
7. impatience
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
6. uncertainty
depressed person
neal programming
5. disappointment
psychology needs to concern itself with life
as it is lived, with significant total-processes
   of the sort revealed in consecutive and
            complete life documents
                Gordon Allport, 1942
1. people/input
2. sensors/input         interventions
3. applications/output
4. disgust / delight
91% of 28-35 year olds text
    while on the toilet
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
3. rebellious
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
2. caution
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
1. understanding
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data
Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data

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Mobile Phones, Emotions, Data