This document discusses 10 feelings people have about mobile phones: excitement, fascination, intrigue, impatience, uncertainty, disappointment, understanding, caution, rebelliousness, and disgust or delight. It notes that mobile phones provide an opportunity to rethink psychology since they are ubiquitous, sensor-rich devices that are with people over 80% of the time and could be used to gain insights into people's lives through consecutive digital records. Mobile phones have the potential to help develop interventions through collecting inputs from people and sensors, applying algorithms, and providing outputs.
10. mobile phones are an
occasion to re-think what
psychology could be...
G. Miller
11. if psychology had no history
if it was invented today [] we
would use smartphones
because they are ubiquitous,
unobtrusive, intimate, sensor-
rich, computationally powerful,
and remotely accessible
G. Miller
and with us > 80% of the time
17. psychology needs to concern itself with life
as it is lived, with significant total-processes
of the sort revealed in consecutive and
complete life documents
Gordon Allport, 1942