The mobile device has become our communication hub, our diary, our entertainment portal, our primary source of media, our wallet and our gateway to real-time information tailored to our needs. The revolution is now!
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Mobile revolution
1. The real voyage of discovery is not seeking
New landscapes ,but in having new eyes.
2. Before
Industrial Revolution . . .
British experts says ;
Humans could not travel faster than 15 miles per
hour or blood would spurt out from their noses and
Then came . . .
Ford T Model
and the rise of
the auto industry.
3. Before
Information Revolution . . .
Thomas Watson ,Chairman of IBM 1943 said:
I think there is a world market for only eight
Then came . . .
The Personal Computer
and the rise of
Information technology.
4. Now . . .
Mobile Revolution
will change the
way we live and
how we live our lives.
7. A revolution does not
happen when society
adopts new tools, it
happens when one
adopts new behaviors.
Clay Shirky
Professor,NYU Graduate
Interactive Telecommuniations
8. Imagine your Mobile phone
can . . .
Earn & save money.
Pay the bills.
Remit & send money.
Protect health & wealth.
Buy & sell stuff.