2. Mobile strategy
The mobile channel a stand alone service.
Enable the French speaking community to connect with each other.
Connect social & media monitoring.
Be larger than life!
5. From consumers to
Enable your fans to connect call each other from inside the app while
they’re watching your content.
Enable the consumers to share the content.
Enable consumers to remind each other that a broadcast is on.
Remind the consumer that want’s a push into their mobile when:
- When there’s Breaking news
- A new trailer
- Their favorite show is on
The push enters the consumers screen - convenient to enter the
The responsive screen brings a new life to live.
7. Why are we doing
Objective is to increase:
Number of subscribers
Number of Viewers
Loyalty among customers
8. How do we create a
First we have to tune into
what consumers are saying
in order to get to know
Then, we have to
communicate with them in
order to create a
relationship with them.
First after an established
relationship, can we
change their perspective.
9. Some examples
We can filter so that we see who's talking & when - so we can
understand when it’s a good time to talk to different groups.
10. Some examples
We can in real time see how much communication there is around, the
shows, people etc. compared to different competitors.
We are competing for the consumers attention.