Learn how to make the right decisions for your mobile ecosystem: Do you reall need an App, how many do you need, and what should they do ?? All from a user-centered perspective
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Mobile where it Matters - A Strategic Approach to Digital Ecosystems
1. Mobile Where It Matters
- Taking a Structured Approach to Digital Ecosystems
04 May 2019 S淡ren Engelbrecht, Senior Mobile Strategist
3. Classification: Public
page 3
Mobile Devices Change how we Work
The Nokia Era:
Making calls away
from your desk
The Blackberry Era:
Replicating PC
The Smart Device Era:
New devices, tools, and data
sources. Multi-device behavior.
4. Classification: Public
The Maersk Mobile Strategy
page 4
Mobile Where it Matters
Governance and Guidance
Pin-point the most
important customer
priorities and their
mobile relevance
Highlight mobile
achievements and
failures to facilitate
taking proper action
Protect the Brand in
public App stores
and reach internal
users effectively
Maximize Business Value from Mobile Solutions
Pin-point the most
important customer
priorities and their
mobile relevance
6. Classification: Public
page 6
Full Benefit Requires Ecosystem Thinking
Mobile devices can filter
information and present
a subset to the user,
depending on context,
e.g., time, location,
activity, or user profile
7. Classification: Public
page 7
Device Characteristics
Laptop Smartphone MicrodeviceDesktop Tablet
Large screen
Longer interaction
Complex applications
Fewer daily tasks
Shared between users
Slow start-up
Longer life-time
Content production
Small screen
Shorter interactions
Simple applications
Many daily tasks
Instant start-up
Shorter life-time
Content consumption
8. Classification: Public
page 8
The Device Matrix (Simplified)
User Task
User Task
High interaction
Low interaction
Solution: Large Screen
App, e.g., MS Word
Solution: Small screen
App, e.g., Yahoo Weather
Solution: Large Screen
website, e.g., Dell.com
Solution: Small Screen
website, e.g., m.ikea.dk
User Task: Write a
historic novel
User Task: Check, if it will
rain tomorrow
User Task: Buy a tailor-
made computer
User Task: Confirm, that
IKEA is open today
9. Classification: Public
page 9
Further Aspects of Platform Choice
Quick answer to a simple question ??
Expected time to solve short or long ??
Amount of reading required
Amount of filling-out to do
Does the user task fit naturally into a
larger theme ??
Interaction Frequency: Daily, frequently,
intensive for a short period, rarely ??
Does the User Task involve (subjectively)
important decisions ??
Expected number of users
Relation: Customer, potential customer,
employee ??
Type of User Task Level of User Engagement
Where will the user typically be ??
Will he need to move around ??
Is a rugged device required ??
Will he have a steady, high-speed Internet
connection or none at all ??
Physical Setting(s)
Is device-specific hardware relevant ??
(GPS, camera, webcam, motion sensor,
barcode scanning, RFID, text messaging)
Is a touch interface convenient or
detrimental to the UX ??
Are any devices or technologies excluded,
e.g., Java on Tablets ??
10. Classification: Public
page 10
Case: Music Festival Companion Apps
Customer Perspective Rock Festival Opera Festival
Duration 8 days 9 days
Decision to participate 6 months before sight unseen 30-0 days before will search
Extent of engagement A weeks holidays total cost up
to 1.000 USD
An evening or two modest cost
Check schedule for something
Several times daily over 8 days
plus the week(s) before
1-5 times
Check map of site / stages Several times daily over 8 days 0-5 times
Organizer Perspective Rock Festival Opera Festival
Potential number of users 100.000 primarily younger
people. Everyone participates in
numerous events over 8 days
2-5.000 clearly older on average
than the rock festival. Most guests
participate in 1-3 events
Data to evaluate the festival Interest in each event, crowd flow Interest in each event
Website & Mobile App Website
11. Classification: Public
Relevant parts of the system are
available (in a simplified form) on
employee devices via the Intranet
page 11
Ecosystem Strategy: Mobile Where It Matters
Global finance system:
A complex mainframe App
used by finance staff
The feature report
mileage for refund is
implemented in an App
which measures mileage
based on the GPS
Start Stop
Your distance:
17 km
Confirm & Report
The feature log hours
for blue-collar workers
is implemented in an
App, since they have
limited PC access
Your hours today:
Confirm & Report
12. Classification: Public
page 12
User Groups and Examples of Key UX Priorities
Allow configuration of
rules per country or
region without any IT
Facilitate extraction
and visualization of
Simplify and automate
approval processes as
much as possible
Allow visualization of
workforce status and
behaviour notify in
case of outliers
Simplify day-to-day
Allow a clear overview
of status, e.g., hours
worked and holidays
Administrators Managers Employees
Mobile is
less relevant
Mobile is
highly relevant
Mobile is relevant
for some tasks
13. Classification: Public
Platforms and the Customer Journey
page 13
A (fictional) company sells heating systems for energy-optimizing private homes
Target group is the home-owners, who make the purchase decision
The heating system can be controlled remotely
Pre-sale Purchase Daily use Service
15. Classification: Public
page 15
What is the Right Number of Apps ??
1 10 100
The purpose and relevance of each
App is easily understood by targeted
users (and communicated to peers)
Each App can be optimised as a tool
for that specific purpose
Great UX leads to high adoption
rates, maximising business benefits
Running Training Step counter
Soccer Golf Skateboard
App Store
17. Classification: Public
page 17
Optimizing the Number of Features per App
Source: Adapted from Magnus Revang, Gartner, 2017
Number of Features
Key learning: Know when to stop,
when it comes to adding to the
feature set and then spend your
time optimizing key user tasks
22. Classification: Public
page 22
1. Who are the (targeted) users ??
2. What are the key user tasks ??
3. Which user tasks are relevant to
which users on which devices ??
A User-Centered Approach to the Ecosystem
Feature X is relevant on
mobile for a large number
of people, regardless of
their role. A narrow-focus
App makes sense
Persona 3 is a heavy
mobile user in his role,
and needs an App with
a suite of features
Persona 1 works
almost desktop-only
23. Classification: Public
The Maersk Application Mountain
page 23
Required features to support User Tasks
Visuals, Information Architecture, Usability, etc
Underlying technologies and interfaces
Photograph 息 Juuyoh TANAKA used with permission
For more information, please contact the Mobile Centre of Excellence mobile@maersk.com
What good does this App
do for which people in
which context and what
do we gain ourselves ??
and what can you do
with the App ??
Mission Statement
Key User Tasks
24. Classification: Public
page 24
Example: An Employee App for our HQ
Mission Statement: The Esplanaden
App will reduce friction in the everyday
life of HQ employees
Key User Tasks: One of the key user
tasks is to spontaneously find an
available meeting room
Required features: Allow room search
by name/size/AV equipment, and show
my location
Visuals and UI: Create a map in 3D
and sortable room lists
Underlying Technology: Fetch room
availability data from Outlook, use Wi-Fi
access points for positioning
27. Classification: Public
Case: Maersk Tankers Maintenance App
page 27
Work orders are
planned in the
Engine Control Room
Pick up spare parts,
perform maintenance
and document work
completed work
orders and spare
parts usage with ERP
28. Classification: Public
Case: AidCube HomeRehab
page 28
Dedicated training tool for patients with, e.g.,
Smokers Lungs or in post-surgery rehab
Each patient is given a 7 Android tablet for
tracking exercise activity and subjective well-
being at home
Benefits: Higher activity level, better data for
evaluating progress, reduced cost
Medical staff use desktop PCs for follow-up
33. Classification: Public
page 33
Summary: Three Ecosystem Foundations
Target Group(s),
Users, and Roles
Processes, User Tasks,
and Environment(s)
Devices and
Mobile Apps
Web Solutions
Legacy Systems
34. Classification: Public
page 34
Thank You
e-mail: Soren.Engelbrecht@maersk.com
Mobile: +45 21 84 00 00
Social: #Maersk
This presentation: slideshare.net/imagepro