MobileSenegal: Three Years of Lessons of Capacity Building with Impact
Presented at the mEducation Alliance International Symposium: Partnering for Scale and Impact,, September 5-6, Washington DC
This presentation covers the work of MobileSenegal (,, @mobilesenegal).
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MobileSenegal: Three Years of Lessons of Capacity Building with Impact
1. MobileSenegal: Three Years of Lessons
of Capacity Building with Impact
Dr. Christelle Scharff
Pace University, New York, NY, USA
The 1st mobile
MobileSenegal community in Senegal since
@mobilesenegal /mobilesenegal
Presented at the mEducation Alliance International Symposium:
Partnering for Scale and Impact,,
September 5-6, Washington DC
2. Founded in 2008
First initiative of this type in a
Francophone country of Africa
Goal: Capacity building in M4D
4. Project Social
Mgt networking
Technology Monetization
Community Global
Entrepreneurship Engineering
Local Model for Process
Building Assurance
Real Projects
Real Beneficiaries Design
Mentoring /
Oral / Written Skills Follow-up
Presentations English
5. Community
Universities, companies, NGOs, associations,
incubators etc
Mobile Innovations Dakar
Mobile Innovations Thi竪s
Mobile Monday Dakar First Mobile
Monday in West
7. 4 Courses in 3
5 Bootcamps Dakar and St Competitions
3 Faculty 3 Years of Global
training Software Development
(US, Senegal, India,
More than 30 apps
More than developed (7
More than 200
250 students beneficiaries deployed, 7
impacted released)
From Dakar to Ziguinchor Evolving technologies
8. Outcomes
A license in Mobile Application Development created
at the University of Thies in 2011
KomKom was awarded a Judge Choice Prize at the
Nokia Calling All Innovators Competition in 2009.
KomKom was piloted in the artisan village of Thi竪s.
StopMalaria was awarded first prize at the Population
Council Data Uncovered Contest in December 2011 and
presented at the GSMA Mobile Health University
Challenge 2011-2012.
5 applications submitted to MobileSenegal
competitions were released in the Google Play
(SenGeoSante) and Nokia Store (Africa Quiz, Donor,
CodeDeLaRoute, and Niett)
9. CibleCI
CibleCI was developped by students at Pace,
Thies, ESP and ESMT (Dakar), and India in
2010, and piloted in Senegal in July 2012
10. Lessons
Keys are:
Creating and nurturing an ecosystem
Having champions in Senegal
Training faculty
Working on real projects with real
beneficiaries (on the ground)
Choosing the right tools
Integrating mentoring from day ONE
11. Future
Strengthen the project in Senegal and in the
sub-region during my Fulbright at UCAD in
#6: Mobile Monday est un reseau glboal. Il y a des mobile Monday dans le monde entier. Celui sci est le permiere en afrique francophone. Si on te demande le prochaine venemetn c est en octobre. C est plus un reseay pour les professionnels.
#8: Les accomplissementsOn ne fait pas que Dakar = Dakar, ZigunichorToutes les technologies Java ME depuis le debut, SMS (Kannel, frontline) mais en plus Android et web bientot,Bootcamps 3 a thies, 1 a l ESMt, 1 sponsorise par Google a Dakar C est pas de la theorie c est de la pratiqueBeneficiaires des applications c est les personnes qui ont utilsees les applicationsPour le developpement distribue / global des etuaints de l ESP, ESMT, Pace, du Cambodge et d Inde ont developpe CibleCIFormation des formateurs en Java ME, un peu Android et cet annee web mobile avec W3CDes publications sur le projet a des conferencesTu peux parler du bootcamp auquel tu as participeDemandes peut etre si certaines personnes ont participe a des bootcamp ou competitions(peut etre j espere qu il y en aura!)