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Mobisoft Projects
People Power (iPhone)

People Power app is the easiest way to start managing your energy to save money while
cutting energy waste. People Power recommends many ways to cut energy waste, tests
your energy knowledge and compares your home against others. It can be connected
with devices that allow you to monitor and control your electricity spend so you
can save money by being eco-friendly. People Power's Energy Dashboards puts your
energy use at your fingertips. Find out the price that your utility is charging you for
electricity right when it changes.

Download : http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/people-power/id445782320?mt=8
This speedometer
shows the current
watt usage/ money
spent. It has settings
to dynamically
change the range.
This graph shows
the consumption
over the time frame
of 1
This tab gives a
prediction of the
estimated monthly
consumption and
Studyhall (iPad)
Study Hall is an easy to use personal whiteboard with built-in access to course content,
instructors and your friends and family.You may access your course content or
assignments, annotate or seek help from friends and family. It creates effective learning
moments by integrating in-class slides, homework assignments, questions or content in
the social learning process.In addition to conferencing with your Facebook friends, you
may also post questions to (participating) instructors.
Download : http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/study-hall-hd/id428486284?mt=8
This has the
functionality to
drawing/editing of
shapes, inserting
text, paging, color
Whiteboard with TCP/IP
This has multiple
user drawing
functionality by
whiteboard sharing
and chatting via
TCP/IP protocol
This screen shows
the UI for live chat
with online friends
who use StudyHall.
Articulate it (iPhone)
Articulate it! is an application designed to help children practice their pronunciation
skills. Articulate it! is Smarty Ears' brand new app that allows speech therapists and
parents work towards improving the speech of children with speech delays. It contains
over 1 thousand images in all sounds of the English language!
Download : http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/articulate-it!/id391296844?mt=8
Default landing
Has sound settings
and menu
Screen to choose
different phonetic
Phonetics Screen
This is a visual
prompt for the child
to speak. The voice
is then recorded for
This screen shows
the accuracy
breakdown of the
students phonetics.
Rotary Club locator (iPhone)
This app helps you find a club meeting wherever you are. Search by city, state, and
country or by distance from your location.Youll also find information about
Rotary and how to become a member on the Rotary Club Locator app.
The Rotary Club Locator app can locate those clubs that have submitted the street
address of their meeting place to Rotary International via Member Access.
Download : http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/rotary-club-
Find a club
This screen allows
the user to enter his
preferred keywords,
country, state and
province to locate
the clubs in the
vicinity. An alternate
way is to use the
near me option,
which gives the
clubs nearby using
the users GPS
Search results
This screen displays
the keyword search
results for the clubs
in that area on a
map. This tab also
has a table view list
of the relevant clubs.
This tab allows the
user to set his
preferences for the
radius in which
clubs should be
searched. It also
allows the user to
set the search
criteria for clubs
with specific
meeting days and
SceneTap (Android)
SceneTap is a social network designed to provide an exciting new nightlife
experience. With the tap of a button, you can view how full a venue is, the male to
female ratio, and the average age of the patrons, all in REAL TIME! Combined
with our deals, specials, commenting features, social media integration (with
facebook, twitter, foursquare, and google), and more, you will find whatever you
are looking for with SceneTap! SceneTap answers the question, "What's going on
Download :
This tab shows the
featured bars for the
day with an option
to see the favorite
haunts on the left
bar button.The table
view when clicked
displays the relevant
bar details such as
overall stats,
featured deals for
the day, specials to
be served for the
day, etc.
This tab shows the
bars near the user
using his GPS
coordinates. When
tapped, the bar
details are shown.
The user can search
for specific deals,
locations and menus
using this tab.
This tab shows the
latest deals from
different bars. User
can click on the
deals to view the
deal details.
This screen allows
the user to buy the
selected deal from
the bar using his
This tab allows the
user to set his
preferences. It also
has the help guide,
feedback, social
media sharing, and
legal information.
Smartnet (iPhone)
SmartNet provides personalization and context to local information, making it more
relevant to you. In addition to your location, SmartNet takes into account other 'input'
such as time & weather to add context to the search results delivered to you.
Using "My Route". Users can add up to 5 custom routes in their profile which you can
access at any time. SmartNet provides relevant information along those routes! This
feature will help find businesses, events and traffic alerts along the saved route. Users
can create routes by providing start & destination addresses or they can use
"Waypoints" which are random location points that can be added to a route.
Download : http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/smartnet/id333223644?mt=8
The app allows the
user to register
directly from his
phone. The user can
then fill his details,
routes and contact
SmartNet support.
Load my route
This screen loads the
users chosen route
data and allows to
add and and delete
existing routes
New route
This screen allows
the user to add his
the info about a new
route he wants to
Add Way Point
This screen allows
the user to add way
points to the
selected route. Upto
5 waypoints can be
added on a
particular route.
This screen allows
the user to search
for his preferred
keyword search.
Thumbstruck is a social networking/ storytelling application that allows users to
improvisationally write stories together through three methods of interaction: Choose my words,
Use my words, and Fuse my words.
"Choose my words" is for the moments when a user is at a loss for what to tweet, text, or post as
a status update (aka they are "thumbstruck"). In "Choose my words" we say it for you by
providing a humorous update from a variety of categories that can be texted/tweeted/posted.
"Use my words" allows two users to complete an ad-lib story where one user chooses a story
topic from Thumbstruck's list, and sends it to a second user, who is prompted to fill in blanks
within the story. The story is then sent back to both users via a push message.
"Fuse my words" allow users to tell a story in a group. Thumbstruck provides the first sentence
and then users complete the story by adding on to each other's sentences via a series of push
Download : http://itunes.apple.com/th/app/thumbstruck-app/id376617582?mt=8
This tab has the
menu for the user to
choose his preferred
mode of story.
This screen allows
the user to select the
story he wants to
make by filling in
the word prompts
from Thumbstruck.
Story Details
This screen shows
the story which the
user can send to a
friend. When a new
story is received,
user gets a push
regarding the story.
This tab allows the
user to set his
profile, friends info,
bookshelf and social
media sharing

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Mobisoft Infotech iphone & android apps portfolio

  • 2. People Power (iPhone) People Power app is the easiest way to start managing your energy to save money while cutting energy waste. People Power recommends many ways to cut energy waste, tests your energy knowledge and compares your home against others. It can be connected with devices that allow you to monitor and control your electricity spend so you can save money by being eco-friendly. People Power's Energy Dashboards puts your energy use at your fingertips. Find out the price that your utility is charging you for electricity right when it changes. Download : http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/people-power/id445782320?mt=8
  • 3. Speedometer This speedometer shows the current watt usage/ money spent. It has settings to dynamically change the range.
  • 4. History This graph shows the consumption over the time frame of 1 day/week/month/y ear.
  • 5. Projection This tab gives a prediction of the estimated monthly consumption and budget.
  • 6. Studyhall (iPad) Study Hall is an easy to use personal whiteboard with built-in access to course content, instructors and your friends and family.You may access your course content or assignments, annotate or seek help from friends and family. It creates effective learning moments by integrating in-class slides, homework assignments, questions or content in the social learning process.In addition to conferencing with your Facebook friends, you may also post questions to (participating) instructors. Download : http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/study-hall-hd/id428486284?mt=8
  • 7. Whiteboard This has the functionality to allow drawing/editing of shapes, inserting text, paging, color picker.
  • 8. Whiteboard with TCP/IP This has multiple user drawing functionality by whiteboard sharing and chatting via TCP/IP protocol
  • 9. Chat This screen shows the UI for live chat with online friends who use StudyHall.
  • 10. Articulate it (iPhone) Articulate it! is an application designed to help children practice their pronunciation skills. Articulate it! is Smarty Ears' brand new app that allows speech therapists and parents work towards improving the speech of children with speech delays. It contains over 1 thousand images in all sounds of the English language! Download : http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/articulate-it!/id391296844?mt=8
  • 11. Default landing Has sound settings and menu navigation.
  • 12. Menu Screen to choose different phonetic methods.
  • 13. Phonetics Screen This is a visual prompt for the child to speak. The voice is then recorded for analytics.
  • 14. Results This screen shows the accuracy breakdown of the students phonetics.
  • 15. Rotary Club locator (iPhone) This app helps you find a club meeting wherever you are. Search by city, state, and country or by distance from your location.Youll also find information about Rotary and how to become a member on the Rotary Club Locator app. The Rotary Club Locator app can locate those clubs that have submitted the street address of their meeting place to Rotary International via Member Access. Download : http://itunes.apple.com/in/app/rotary-club- locator/id406614602?mt=8
  • 16. Find a club This screen allows the user to enter his preferred keywords, country, state and province to locate the clubs in the vicinity. An alternate way is to use the near me option, which gives the clubs nearby using the users GPS location.
  • 17. Search results This screen displays the keyword search results for the clubs in that area on a map. This tab also has a table view list of the relevant clubs.
  • 18. Settings This tab allows the user to set his preferences for the radius in which clubs should be searched. It also allows the user to set the search criteria for clubs with specific meeting days and time.
  • 19. SceneTap (Android) SceneTap is a social network designed to provide an exciting new nightlife experience. With the tap of a button, you can view how full a venue is, the male to female ratio, and the average age of the patrons, all in REAL TIME! Combined with our deals, specials, commenting features, social media integration (with facebook, twitter, foursquare, and google), and more, you will find whatever you are looking for with SceneTap! SceneTap answers the question, "What's going on tonight? Download : https://market.android.com/details?id=com.sceneTap&feature=search_result
  • 20. Home This tab shows the featured bars for the day with an option to see the favorite haunts on the left bar button.The table view when clicked displays the relevant bar details such as overall stats, featured deals for the day, specials to be served for the day, etc.
  • 21. Bars This tab shows the bars near the user using his GPS coordinates. When tapped, the bar details are shown.
  • 22. Search The user can search for specific deals, locations and menus using this tab.
  • 23. Deals This tab shows the latest deals from different bars. User can click on the deals to view the deal details.
  • 24. Buy This screen allows the user to buy the selected deal from the bar using his phone.
  • 25. Settings This tab allows the user to set his personal preferences. It also has the help guide, feedback, social media sharing, and legal information.
  • 26. Smartnet (iPhone) SmartNet provides personalization and context to local information, making it more relevant to you. In addition to your location, SmartNet takes into account other 'input' such as time & weather to add context to the search results delivered to you. Using "My Route". Users can add up to 5 custom routes in their profile which you can access at any time. SmartNet provides relevant information along those routes! This feature will help find businesses, events and traffic alerts along the saved route. Users can create routes by providing start & destination addresses or they can use "Waypoints" which are random location points that can be added to a route. Download : http://itunes.apple.com/us/app/smartnet/id333223644?mt=8
  • 27. Profile The app allows the user to register directly from his phone. The user can then fill his details, personal preferences,add routes and contact SmartNet support.
  • 28. Load my route This screen loads the users chosen route data and allows to add and and delete existing routes
  • 29. New route This screen allows the user to add his the info about a new route he wants to define.
  • 30. Add Way Point This screen allows the user to add way points to the selected route. Upto 5 waypoints can be added on a particular route.
  • 31. Search This screen allows the user to search for his preferred keyword search.
  • 32. Thumbstruck Thumbstruck is a social networking/ storytelling application that allows users to improvisationally write stories together through three methods of interaction: Choose my words, Use my words, and Fuse my words. "Choose my words" is for the moments when a user is at a loss for what to tweet, text, or post as a status update (aka they are "thumbstruck"). In "Choose my words" we say it for you by providing a humorous update from a variety of categories that can be texted/tweeted/posted. "Use my words" allows two users to complete an ad-lib story where one user chooses a story topic from Thumbstruck's list, and sends it to a second user, who is prompted to fill in blanks within the story. The story is then sent back to both users via a push message. "Fuse my words" allow users to tell a story in a group. Thumbstruck provides the first sentence and then users complete the story by adding on to each other's sentences via a series of push notifications. Download : http://itunes.apple.com/th/app/thumbstruck-app/id376617582?mt=8
  • 33. Home This tab has the menu for the user to choose his preferred mode of story.
  • 34. Story This screen allows the user to select the story he wants to make by filling in the word prompts from Thumbstruck.
  • 35. Story Details This screen shows the story which the user can send to a friend. When a new story is received, user gets a push notification regarding the story.
  • 36. Library This tab allows the user to set his profile, friends info, bookshelf and social media sharing credentials.