The document provides an overview of the University of Akron Libraries which migrated to the Sierra library management system in 2012, detailing the benefits of becoming an early development partner such as improved workflows and engagement of library staff. It also discusses how the libraries utilizes various Sierra features and tools like DNA queries, mobile technologies, and APIs to further streamline operations and enhance user services. The libraries seeks to continuously improve, share knowledge, and collaborate with other Sierra institutions.
2. University Libraries (UL)
Bierce Library
Science & Technology Library
Archival Services
Law Library
Wayne College Library
Center for the History of Psychology
Archives of the History of American Psychology
2 remote sites/partners
Northeast Ohio Regional Depository
Goodyear Research
OhioLINK member
About The University of
Akron Libraries
Migrated to Sierra on June 27, 2012
8th development partner
3rd academic library
2nd library in Ohio
1st academic library in Ohio
Improved staff & service point workflow efficiency
Achieved Library Action Plan goal
Engaged staff
Created a stronger relationship with internal and external
Gained recognition
A Little Bit about the UL
Dev Partner Experience
4. Sierra development, beta testing and implementation as
action item in UL Action Plan (2012-2013)
Sierra training plan as action item in University Libraries
Action Plan (2013-2014)
Sierra Audits (functional area reviews) as action item in
University Libraries Action Plan (2013-2014)
Sierra development and beta testing participation included in
annual staff performance review goals (2012-2013)
Implementation Team Functional Experts become UL Sierra
Functional Experts
On-going staff engagement and involvement
Continuing to share our experience and knowledge
Sierra at UL
Streamline and improve workflows
Keep staff engaged
Enhance user services
Keep up with new Sierra developments
Seek and take advantage of opportunities for
Post-migration Momentum
Develop ongoing Sierra training plan
Encourage use of Sierra Web Help and CSDirect
Involve staff in IUG Enhancement process
Encourage information sharing
Keep Staff Engaged
Workflow customizations
Customize drop down menu of Sierra functions
Sierra System Audits (by functional area)
Review system settings, codes, and tables
Define standard use of codes and fields
Mobile Worklists
Sierra DNA and SQL Queries
Streamline & Improve
Direct access to Sierra database
Run internal reports
Improve and streamline internal processes
Enhance user experience
Sierra DNA
and SQL Queries
Sierra DNA and SQL Queries used for
Permission review
Database clean-up
Non-local lending report
Course Reserves shelf list
Overdue notice shelf list
ILL record report
And much more
Sierra DNA
and SQL Queries
Sierra Mobile Technologies
Mobile Worklists
Patron Mobile App
Sierra DNA and SQL Queries
Enhance User Services
API - Application Based Interface
How applications talk to each other
Web-based read access to Sierra database
Write access to Sierra database coming soon
Real time access to data
Provide integration with
Campus portals
Mobile apps
Learning Management Systems
Custom reports and notifications
And much more
Sierra APIs
What do you want to do?
Has someone else already done it?
Does anyone else out there want to do?
Can we do it together?
Give to get
Share what you know
Contribute to IUG Clearinghouse
Present at MOBIUS or IUG Annual Conference
Share knowledge and experience with co-workers and
Seek Opportunities for
13. Whats new?
What are others doing?
How can we improve what were doing?
How can we enhance our services?
What do we want to do?
How can we get it done?
How can we share what weve done?
14. If you have any questions or would like
more information about Sierra in general or
Sierra at The University of Akron -
Contact me at or