The PSCG's Ron Munitz's talk on MobSecCon, September 3rd, 2015.
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MobSecCon 2015 - Burning Marshmallows
2. MobSecCon is all about Mobile Security!
Agenda in numbers:
5 technical talks
1 technical panel
1 awesome sponsor (thank you!)
0% biased
Coming up soon:
Mobile Modders Summit
MobSecCon #2
Adding Fraud Analysis track
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Welcome to MobSecCon #1!
Ron Munitz
Founder & CEO - The PSCG
September 2015
The slides are available online at:
4. This work is licensed under the Creative Commons
Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
To view a copy of this license, visit
息 Copyright Ron Munitz 2015
5. about://Ron Munitz
Founder and CEO of the PSCG
The Premium Embedded/Android consulting and Training firm
Android*, Linux*, Security* Trainer and Instructor
The PSCG, NewCircle and the Linux Foundation
Senior Lecturer at Afeka College of Engineering and
Holon Institute of Technology
Founder and (former) CTO of Nubo Software
The first Remote Android Workspace
Always up for something new. Builder, Adviser.
Building up on diverse engineering experience:
Distributed Fault Tolerant Avionic Systems
Highly distributed video routers
Real Time, Embedded, Server bringups
Operating Systems, very esoteric libraries, 0s, 1s and lots of them.
8. Android Security Architecture
Key Features
Robust security at the OS level through the Linux
Mandatory application sandbox for all applications
Secure interprocess communication
Application signing
Application-defined and user-granted permissions
SE Linux
Multi-User support, work profiles, guest profiles,...
FUSE for sdcard (permissions, encryption)
Trusted Execution Environment and HW support
9. Android Security features timeline
Permission System / Signature Systems
JCE (BouncyCastle), OpenSSL
Partial ASLR (stagefright ICS!)
Hardware Backed KeyStore
Full ASLR (and later heap randomization and full PIE)
SE Linux (first permissive, then Enforcing)
OTA Update System (e.g. Chromium)
Full disk encryption, dm-crypt
Trusted Boot support, dm-verity
SE Linux - Full domain enforcement (important addition)
Partial Permission Module (Burden on the developer...)
Fingerprinting API
11. Popular Attack Surfaces
The AOSP builds on countless lines of code
Developed by Google and Partners
(@see Certifi-gate talk at 16:50
init services
If defined critical may lead to device reboot
If restarts other services - may lead to DoS
Android services
Usually one service (server) serves multiple
components (clients) DoS
Separate code injection and privilege
escalation from DoS!
12. Dont (blindly) believe the news
StageFright sequences (by several vendors).
Fact: Everyone is fuzzing stagefright.
@see Fuzzing the media framework in android
by the Intel OTC, at ELC 2015
The mediaserver runs stagefright as the media
If everyone fuzzes at least someone succeeds
13. Dont (blindly) believe the news
Fact: One of the Stagefright exploits was
severe because it could be triggered
This is a huge deal.
If only...
Fact: ASLR, PIE, DEP, SELinux,...
Home exercise/Group bet:
Assuming an MMS costs $0.01. How many USD
would you spend on arbitrary remote code
14. Dont (blindly) believe the news
Fact: One of the stagefright exploits resulted
in DoS attacks on the media server due to
heap overflow.
This can lead to annoying behavior, and
Fact: mediaserver is not a privileged user.
Software components have bugs. Its a part
of life.
Opinion: If someone manages to exploit
those vulnerabilities, they probably deserve
a prize...
16. Marshmallow Additions
FingerPrinting API
Biometric IDs anyone?
Trusted Execution Environment implementation
@see attacks on ARM TrustZone..
What if the device has no TEE?
Prone to forensics
Dynamic Permission API
Basically a good thing. Finally catches up with iOS
dynamic permission model
Drawback: Will break applications. Not because it is
a bad things. But because of application developers
Mitigation: SDL, Captain Hindsight
17. Marshmallow Additions
APK Validation changes
Following various notorious APK signing bugs (Master
Key etc.).
If a file is declared in the manifest but not present in
the APK itself APK is considered corrupt
Android for Work
Behavior is still evolving (for better? worse?)
Examples: Automatic System updates
Runtime Permission policy for all applications
Data usage tracking.
Most changes are Android. Not Google Play services.
External Storage Encryption, App Linking and
18. Dynamic Permission API
Target API < 23 Target API >= 23
Device API < 23 No change (shocking, isnt it?) Use Build.VERSION.SDK_INT switch.
Device API >= 23 No change on installation (all
permissions granted)
Permission can be revoked -
may break apps. The device
will warn the user about it.
Full dynamic permission model.
Make sure you check for SDK_INT ,
and always checkSelfPermission() ,
and requestPermission() when
Then, handle the users choice on
19. Dynamic Permission API
Long story short:
Target API Level 23 Application
developer needs to be aware of dynamic
Device Level 23 End User needs to be
aware of the consequences of disabling
permissions for older SDK level apps.
Its quite obvious researchers will
celebrate this significant behavior
20. Ahead Of Time Compiling (ART)
Marshmallow provides ART as the default
(and only unless specifically configured) run
It seems that the OAT files are still Lollipop
compliant Trivially reversible due to:
A full mapping from Native code to DEX
A full mapping from both to Java
So you can apply the same techniques
for .dex file decompiling.
21. Speculations
The most dominant attacks well hear of will
be in the categories of:
Certificate validation, self Certificate Chain validation
Everything under the AOSP /external/
Home exercise: Can you play with toybox?
Everything media related
Application breaking
Fingerprint stealing (if and when)
Bad SE Linux policies (unlikely for the serious
vendors, but hey, Android fragmentation)
Or maybe we will hear of nothing. But
attackers/researchers will definitely try.
22. Follow up:
Mobile Modders Summit Tel-Aviv
A gathering of Android, iOS, Tizen, Windows
platform builders.
Professor X is calling: Lets find them all.
Coming up November 2015 - Stay tuned!
Android Security workshop
Public class in Tel-Aviv - October 18-20, 2015.
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