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Vilyen Pidgornyy  MOD Spokesperson
(weekly update)
Day-by-day review of ceasefire
violations against UAF
(September 19  25)
number of
Shelling with
heavy arms
Number of ceasefire violations by the
Russia-backed militants
September 19  25
Luhansk sector
Donetsk sector
Mariupol sector
Combat casualties
of UAF (September 19-25)
1  KIA
14  WIA
MoD Spox En 26.09 2

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MoD Spox En 26.09 2

  • 1. Vilyen Pidgornyy MOD Spokesperson RUSSIA`S MILITARY AGGRESSION AGAINST UKRAINE (weekly update)
  • 2. Day-by-day review of ceasefire violations against UAF (September 19 25) 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Total number of shootings Shelling with heavy arms
  • 3. Number of ceasefire violations by the Russia-backed militants September 19 25 Luhansk sector Donetsk sector Mariupol sector 24 60 57
  • 4. Combat casualties of UAF (September 19-25) 1 KIA 14 WIA