The document provides instruction on the proper use of modal verbs to express permission, obligation, and prohibition in English. It defines modal verbs like must, have to, should, and ought to that express firm versus recommended obligations. Examples are given of using these modal verbs correctly in sentences, and there are activities for students to practice identifying and using modals of permission, obligation, and prohibition.
3. 1.Express permission, obligation, and
prohibition through the use of modals
2. Identify the modals expressing
permission, obligation and prohibition
3. Communicate more clearly and effectively
through proper use of modals in the
EN9G-IVd-23: Express permission,
obligation, and prohibition
4. Form a word using the given numbers that
corresponds to the letter in the alphabet.
1. 13 15 4 1 12 19
2. 16 5 18 13 9 19 19 9 15 14
3. 15 2 12 9 7 1 20 1 15 14
4. 14 5 3 5 19 19 9 20 25
5. 16 18 15 8 9 2 9 20 9 15 14
5. Directions: Construct a sentence using the words below.
5. CAN
7. Two types of modal verbs of
Those that primarily express a firm obligation or
must and have to
And those that express a recommendation or moral
should and ought to
9. Examples of firm obligation
or necessity
The costumers must have a library card to take out the
You must stop when a traffic lights turn red.
We have to obey the law.
10. Examples of recommendation
or moral obligation
1. You should/ought to see a doctor. You look pale and
2. As the president of the organization, he
should/ought to finish these accomplishment reports.
3. You should/ought to revise your poem.
12. Can is another type of
modal often used to
ask for and give
13. Both cant and mustnt are
also modals used to show
that something is
prohibited it is not
14. Cant tells us that something is
against the rules. Mustnt is usually
used when the obligation comes
from the person who is speaking.
Directions: Read the following sentences. Use the
correct modals of prohibitions/permission in each of the
1. ______ I stay with the group?
2. You _______ park here, maam. The parking lot is full.
3. You ______ wear shirts but you _____ wear jeans in the
4. You _____ use Mandelas speech to inspire the youth.
5. You _______ make noise while the session is on going.
19. 6. Im afraid you_______ smoke here sir. Its dangerous for
your health.
7. I cant get a connection on my phone. _____ I borrow
8. Did they tell you that you _______ come to this area.
Its restricted to staff only.
9. Theres a lot of noises coming from outside. _____ I
close the window?
10. You _____go into that restaurant without a tie.
Direction: Use must/have to, should/ought to correctly
in the following sentences.
1. I _____ stay on for a few hours because Id rather
work late today than over the weekend.
2. We ___________do a rehearsal before the final
3.Children______ go to school.
4. You ________ be careful in choosing your career path.
5. I _____save money for my future needs.
21. 6. We _______find courage even in the small
things that we do.
7. You ______ follow the rules of the University.
8. Robert ______ revise his composition.
9. My doctor said that I ________stop smoking
or Ill have serious health problems.
10. We ______ be at the airport at least two
hours before our flight.