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Model-driven adaptation of service choreographies [SAC 2018]
1. Claudio Pompilio
Ph.D. Student in Computer Science at University of LAquila
Model-driven adaptation of service
Marco Autili, Amleto Di Salle, Francesco Gallo,
Claudio Pompilio, Massimo Tivoli University of LAquila, Italy
SAC 2018, SATTA - Software Architecture: Theory, Technology, and Applications
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Title: Automated Synthesis of Dynamic and Secured
Choreographies for the Future Internet
Follow up FP7 EU project CHOReOS
Period: January 2015 - January 2018
Site: http://www.chorevolution.eu
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Choreography realizability enforcement
Automatic realizability enforcement:
given a choreography specification and a set of existing services to be
reused, externally coordinate their interaction so to fulfill the
collaboration prescribed by the choreography specification
coordination and adaptation issues must be solved automatically
automatically compose services, and perform exogenous coordination
and adaptation of their interactions (nontrivial and error prone)
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BPMN2 choreographies
Task in BPMN2
- atomic activity
- two participant roles (one is initiating)
- XML Schema used internally, e.g.,
for discovery purposes
Parallel flow
- Diverging Parallel Gateway
- Converging Parallel Gateway
Alternative branches
- Diverging Exclusive Gateway
- Converging Exclusive Gateway
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CHOReVOLUTION synthesis process
Binding Components (BCs): are generated when the middleware-
level interaction paradigm of a selected service is different from SOAP,
which is used by as the middleware-level interaction paradigm
Security Filters (SFs): are generated for those (selected) services
having security constraints
Adapters (As): allow to bridge the gap between the interfaces and
interaction protocols of the selected services and the ones of the
(respective) participant roles they have to play and solve possible
interoperability issues due to operation names mismatches and I/O data
mapping mismatches
Coordination Delegate Generation(CDs): are in charge of
coordinating the interactions among the selected services so as to fulfill the
global collaboration prescribed by the choreography specification, in a fully
distributed way
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CHOReVOLUTION synthesis process
Binding Components (BCs): are generated when the middleware-
level interaction paradigm of a selected service is different from SOAP,
which is used by as the middleware-level interaction paradigm
Security Filters (SFs): are generated for those (selected) services
having security constraints
Adapters (As): allow to bridge the gap between the interfaces and
interaction protocols of the selected services and the ones of the
(respective) participant roles they have to play and solve possible
interoperability issues due to operation names mismatches and I/O data
mapping mismatches
Coordination Delegate Generation(CDs): are in charge of
coordinating the interactions among the selected services so as to fulfill the
global collaboration prescribed by the choreography specification, in a fully
distributed way
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Model-driven approach: Adapter metamodel
Transformation rules
Subset of Enterprise Integration Patterns (EIPs) [1]
Flow-driven adaptation
Data-driven adaptation
[1] - Gregor Hohpe and Bobby Woolf. 2004. Enterprise Integration Patterns: Designing, Building, and Deploying Messaging
Solutions - Fiftheenth printing 2011. Addison- Wesley Longman Publishing Co., Inc., Boston, MA, USA.
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Flow-driven adaptation
Flow-driven adaptation: is realized by means of Message Routing EIPs
and it is used to adapt sequences of messages; this type of adaptation operates at
the granularity of messages, without touching the content of the messages
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Data-driven adaptation
Data-driven adaptation: is realized by means of Message
Transformation EIPs and are used to adapt the content of a single message
exchange; this type of adaptation operates at the granularity of the data items
constituting the message and their types
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Smart Mobility and Tourism choreography
Regarding Smart Mobility
one of the involved participant is the
Journey Planner participant, who
is in charge of providing trips
information to the
Mobility Information
The two participants exchange
the messages tripsRequest
and tripsResponse within the
choreography task Get Trips