Cancer preventive lifestyle : Incorporating latest finding in cancer causes and advancement in preventive measures
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Modern cancer prevention 2018
1. A Health Education Premier: Promoting the Medical Science of Preventive Self-care
Public Health Symposium
International Advanced Bio-Pharmaceutical Industries Pte Ltd.
2. Cancer is A Largely Avoidable Disease
? 2/3 (66%) of cancer may
be prevented through
environment & lifestyle
? 1/3 (33%) of these cancer
occurrences can be
minimized via dietary
modifications and/or
3. Latest
in Cancer Prevention
? 10 (Easy) Cancer
Prevention Steps
? Small changes in your
everyday life might help
reduce your risk of
4. Step 1 Stay Active & Maintain a Healthy Weight
? Physically active for 30 min
or more on most days of
the week
? Low-key activities
? Brisk walking
? Swimming
? Tai Chi
? Ballroom dancing
Type of
of Cancer
of incidence
attributed to
20-80% 9%
30-40% 11%
20-40% 39%
20% -
NA 25%
NA 37%
NA 24%
1) US National Cancer Institute: Fact sheet; Physical Activity and Cancer
2) Australia Cancer Council: National Cancer Prevention Policy; Preventable risk factors; Overweight & obesity
Obesity increase
risk of cancer of
? Breast
? Colon
? Esophagus
? Kidney
? Stomach
? Uterus
5. Known human carcinogens
International Agency for Research on Cancer
Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans
? Solar radiation
? Ultraviolet (UV) radiation, UVA, UVB, UVC rays
? Ultraviolet-emitting tanning devices
? X- and Gamma-radiation
Evidence of Cell phones and cancer risk
6. Step 2: Protect Yourself from Sun
Skin cancer is one of most common
& preventable kinds of cancer
Nearly all skin cancer is treatable if detect
? Avoid peak radiation hrs. (10 am ¨C 2 pm)
? Stay in the shade
? Cover exposed areas
? Don¡¯t skimp on sunscreen:
? SPF15 - prevents skin reddening 15x longer than
unprotected skin
? Apply every 2 hrs
Symptoms of
abnormal skin
7. Known human carcinogens
International Agency for Research on Cancer
Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans
VIRUS Diseases that can cause cancer
?Epstein-Barr virus
?Helicobacter pylori
?Hepatitis B virus (chronic infection with)
?Hepatitis C virus (chronic infection with)
?Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-1)
?Human papilloma virus (HPV)
?Human T-cell lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-1)
8. Step 3: Avoid Risky Behaviors
Viruses transmitted sexually or by sharing contaminated needles
? Human Papillomavirus (HPV)
? Correlate with number of sexual partners
? Anal cancer, cervical cancer, liver cancer & lymphoma etc
? Hepatitis B and C
? Liver cancer
Avoid behavior that can
lead to infections
9. Step 4: Get Immunized
? Hepatitis B
? Liver cancer
? Human papillomavirus (HPV)
? Cervical cancer, Cancers of anus,
penis, throat, vulva & vagina
10. Step 5: Get Screened
To discover the cancer early
Screening should include
? Breast
? Cervix
? Prostate
? Testes
? Mouth
? Colon
? Rectum
? Skin
11. Conventional approach
Advancement in
Breast self check
Advancement in Breast
Breast cancer early detection
Conventional Method Advancement in breast check instrumentation
Using Breastlight
12. Breast Light
Detection Performance
Compare with Mammography
Evaluation of BreastLight as a Tool for Early Detection of Breast Lesions among Females
Attending National Cancer Institute, Cairo University; Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention,
Vol 14, 2013; DOI:
PPV = positive predictive value NPV = negative predictive value
Current Mammography concerns
? X-Ray raise cancer risk
? Procedure is Intrusive & Stressful
? Appointment Inconvenient &
Cost of mammograpgy
Breastlight Advantage:
? High safety, no radiation risk
? Non intrusive, self inspection
? At home, lifetime cost of device
13. Step 6: Know Your Personal & Family History
? Most common hereditary cancers:
? Breast cancer
? Ovarian cancer
? Colorectal cancer
? Prostate cancer
? Genetic testing
? Breast
?BRCA1 & 2
? Ovarian
?BRCA1 & 2
? Colorectal
?MLH1 & MSH2
? Prostate
?6 potential genes
14. Known human carcinogens
International Agency for Research on Cancer
Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans
?Engine exhaust, diesel
?Ionizing radiation (all types)
?Outdoor air pollution (and the particulate matter in it)
?Tobacco smoke, secondhand
?Vinyl chloride
?Wood dust
15. Smoking has been linked to several types of cancer
? Lip
? Mouth
? Voice box
? Throat
? Esophagus
? Lung
? Bladder
? Cervix
? Kidney
? Pancreas
? Chewing tobacco, inhaled chewing tobacco &
secondhand smoke also increase the risk of
Step 7.a: Avoid Tobacco
16. Step 7.b: Avoid Environmental Risks
Known carcinogens
?Diesel exhaust
?Vinyl chloride
?Nickel chromates
?Coal products
?Mustard gas
?Chloromethyl ethers
Air Pollution
17. ? Avoid high temperature
cooking or burn food.
¨C Charred food produce carcinogenic heterocyclic amines.
? Avoid using metal utensils for
cooking (except stainless steel)
¨C To avoid chemical reaction; Stop Using Aluminum for
Breast Cancer Prevention.
? Don't store hot food or fat-
containing food in plastic
containers or use plastic wrap,
¨C Once heat comes into contact with plastic it releases
harmful chemicals called BPA (Bis Phenol A) which has
been linked to carcinogens, especially breast cancer.
Step 8: Watch your cooking
18. Source:
1. American Institute for Cancer Research
2. Diet, Nutrition and the Healing & Prevention of Cancer & Other Diseases
(XVIII); Acid-Forming & Alkaline-Forming Food Table
Chemopreventive 1 Alkaline forming 2
Mushrooms Lemons & Limes
Berries Watermelon
Cherries Grapefruit
Cruciferous Vegetables Mangoes
Flaxseed Papayas
Garlic Asparagus
Grapes Onions
Green Tea Parsley
Soybean Spinach
Tomatoes Broccoli
Beans Garlic
Foods that have Cancer Preventive properties
Step 9 : Cancer Avoidant Diet
Eat A Variety of
Healthy Foods
? Eat abundance of foods
from plant-based
? 5+ servings of fruits &
vegetables each day
19. Known human carcinogens
International Agency for Research on Cancer
Group 1: Carcinogenic to humans
Common FOOD Carcinogens
?Aflatoxins [liver & gallbladder cancer]
?Alcoholic beverages [oral, liver, colon cancer]
?Areca nut [oral cancer]
?Ethanol in alcoholic beverages [Liver cancer]
?Processed meat (consumption of)[colon cancer]
?Salted fish (Chinese) [nasopharyngeal cancer]
Aflatoxins are poisonous carcinogens that are produced by certain molds which grow in soil, decaying vegetation, hay, and grains.
They are found in improperly stored staple commodities such as cassava, chili peppers, corn, cotton seed, millet, peanuts, rice,
sesame seeds, sorghum, sunflower seeds, tree nuts, wheat,
20. Red Meat is positively associated with higher incidents of
Colon Cancer
18.50 42.90 64.10 88.50 129.50
Amount of Red Meat intake (median g/day)
Intake of Fat, Meat, and Fiber in Relation to Risk of Colon Cancer in Men; CANCER
RESEARCH 54. 2390-2397, May 1, 1994
Step 9.a : Cut down on Red Meat
21. Cumulative cancer incidence (overall cancer risk) according to
quarters of proportion of ultra-processed food in diet.
Thibault Fiolet et al. BMJ 2018;360:bmj.k322
Evidence of Processed food and Cancer risk
Relative contribution of each food group to ultra-
processed food consumption in diet.
A 10% increase in the proportion of ultra-processed foods in the diet was associated with
a significant increase of more than 10% in the risks of overall and breast cancer
Step 9.b : Cut down on Processed food
22. Alcohol Induced Liver Injury:
1. Alcohol Intoxication
2. Fatty Liver
3. Alcoholic Hepatitis
4. Alcoholic Fibrosis
5. Alcoholic Cirrhosis
Liver Cancer
? Increase cancer risk if exceeded:
? 2 drinks a day for man
? 1 drink a day for woman
? 1 drink a day if about 65 yrs old
Step 9.c: Drink alcohol at moderation, if at all
23. Dietary Treatments for Cirrhosis of Liver
? Avoid alcohol
? 10-20% of heavy drinker develop
? Healthy diet
? Low-sodium diet
? To reduce fluid retention & swelling
? Low-fat diet
? Mineral, Vitamin B & K supplements
? Coffee??
? 1 cup a day reduce risk by 42%!!
24. Step 10: Dietary Chemoprevention
Promising chemopreventive agents include:
? Micronutrients
? e.g. vit A, C, & E, ¦Â-carotene, molybdenum, calcium
? Phytochemicals
? indoles (DIM),
? polyphenols,
? flavonoids,
? monoterpenes, triterpenes,
? organosulfides
Modern Approach:
Cancer Prevention via Dietary Enhancement
25. ? Agaricus blazei
? Antrodia Camphorata Å£ÕÁÖ¥
? Cordyceps militaris
? Ganoderma lucidium ÁéÖ¥
? Hericium Erinaceus ºïÍ·¹½
? Maitake
Medicinal Mushrooms:
source of potent natural based
Chemopreventive Agents
26. Coriolus versicolor ÔÆÖ¥
Phellinus linteus É£»Æ
Antrodia Camphorata Å£ÕÁÖ¥
TOP 3 Medicinal Fungus that have potent
immune regulatory & Anti Cancer properties
27. Phellinus linteus
? Medicinal mushroom Phellinus linteus has
been used in traditional oriental medicine
in Japan, China & Korea.
? Study in Japan demonstrated that PL has
strongest anti tumor effects compared
to other mushrooms. (1)
Anti tumor Biological activities (2):
Other pharmacological effects:
? immunomodulatory
? anti-inflammatory
? anti-allergic
? anti-oxidant
(2) Anticancer Effect of Phellinus linteus ; Potential Clinical Application in Treating
Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma; Kang et al., J Carcinogene Mutagene 2013, S9
(1) Potent Anticancer Effects of Bioactive Mushroom Extracts (Phellinus
linteus) on a Variety of Human Cancer Cells; J Clin Med Res. 2015;7(2):76-82
28. Polysaccharide-peptide (PSP)
of Coriolus versicolor
PSP Pharmacological Actions:
control the growth of tumour cells
? lung cancer
? stomach cancer
? lymphoma
? leukemia
? sarcoma-180
A review of research on
the protein-bound
(polysaccharopeptide, PSP)
from the
mushroom Coriolus
versicolor Review Article;
General Pharmacology:
The Vascular System,
Volume 30, Issue 1,
January 1998, Pages 1-4
Results of Chinese Administration of Health Bureau carry out a multi-center Phase III clinical trial in 1996-1997
Overall Effectiveness of PSP Phase III clinical trial
Esophageal cancer Lung Cancer Gastric cancer
Control Group 43.3% 42.4% 42.4%
Treatment Group 87.0% 85.7% 90.0%
Open Group 85.2% 86.0% 85.3%
PSP capsules in clinical cancer therapy; PSP Research; Prof Qing-yao Yang, Head, Institute of Microbiology & Immunology, Shanghai Teachers University.
29. A Rare Fungus
1. Review of Pharmacological Effects of Antrodia camphorata and its Bioactive Compounds ; eCAM Advance Access published August 17, 2009 2005.
2. Review, Niuchangchih (Antrodia camphorata) and its potential in treating liver diseases Journal of Ethnopharmacology 121 (2009) 194¨C212
3. Taiwan Nutriceutical Journal 87; ISBN:978-986-6664-37-3; 2010
Highly priced for its effectiveness in treating
the following ailments over centuries in
Taiwan 1,2,3:
? Anti-cancer (Solid Tumor)
? Improve liver functions
? Anti Fatigue
? Anti-inflammation
? Anti-hepatitis infection
? Improve immunity
? Anti-allergenic
Medicinal Fungus Lingzhi AC
Bio Active Triterpenoids 20-50 >200
Tritepenoids concentration 1 ¨C 3 % 10 - 63 %
Source worldwide Only Taiwan
30. Wide spectrum anti solid tumor effects
Antroquinonol (a compound isolated from AC)
inhibited the growth of various types of cancer cells in culture
31. Anti Initiation
? Anti oxidation
? Anti inflammation
Anti Promotion
? Growth inhibition
Anti Progression
? Induce apoptosis
? Tumor regression
AC simultaneously attack the various stages
of cancer formation [1]
Antrodia Camphorata (AC)
Powerful Natural Chemopreventive Compound
Functions of AC in combination chemotherapy:
? Increased cancer cell kill
o Administration of compounds with different
mechanisms of action.
? Suppression of drug resistance
o Less chance of a cell developing resistance to 2 or more
compounds than to 1 drug
? Helps reduced injury to normal cells
o AC is not toxic to normal cell.
o AC also provide Hepatoprotection against drug toxic
side effects
? Support Immunity against infections
[1] Review of Pharmacological Effects of Antrodia camphorata And Its Bioactive Compounds;
Hindawi Publishing Corporation Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine
Volume 2011, Article ID 212641
[2] A preliminary randomised controlled study of short-term Antrodia cinnamomea treatment
combined with chemotherapy for patients with advanced cancer ; Tsai et al. BMC
Complementary and Alternative Medicine (2016) 16:322
32. Cancer Prevention: 10 Steps
1. Stay active & maintain a healthy weight
2. Protect yourself from sun
3. Avoid risky behaviors
4. Get immunized
5. Get screened & self awareness
6. Know your personal & family history
7. Avoid tobacco & environmental risks
8. Watch your cooking
9. Cancer avoidance diet
10. Dietary Chemoprevention
Complementary Cancer
¡ñ Adjuvant chemotherapy
¡ñ Neo Adjuvant chemotherapy
¡ñ Alternative chemotherapy
Chemo prevention:
¡ñ Cancer survivor
¡ñ Post cancer therapy
¡ñ High cancer risk prevention
Nutriceutical recovery:
¡ñ Post surgery
¡ñ Post chemotherapy
¡ñ Post radiation therapy
Chronic Diseases
Principal Consultant
Mr Lee Chee Cheow M.Sc. Dip CMP
Centre for Integrated & Adjuvant Medicine
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