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Modified resazurin microtiter assay for in vitro assessment of
different antimicrobials against laboratory pathogen.
Development of microtitre plate-based
antibacterial assay incorporating
resazurin as an indicator of cell growth,
and its application in the in vitro
antibacterial screening of laboratory
1) To standardise the assay using
standard strains of bacteria, different
concentrations of dye, incubation
conditions (time).
2) To compare the disc diffusion assay
methods with the microtitre resazurin
reduction test in determining
3) To validate the assay in clinical
Antibiotics have revolutionised
mankinds health status, allowing
treatment of life threatening infections.
But, resistance has been observed to
virtually most of the antimicrobial
agents approved for use in human and
veterinary clinical medicine. Moreover,
there is a limited number of
antimicrobials agents currently
available. This makes the selection of an
appropriate antimicrobial agent an
increasingly more challenging task. And
hence, it is essential to employ an in vitro
antibacterial assay that is simple, rapid,
efficient, reliable, sensitive, safe and
cost-effective. There are a variety of
formats for invitro susceptibility, most
common being disc diffusion, agar
dilution, broth macro dilution, broth
micro dilution and concentration
gradient test that are available for
antibacterial screening, can be a limiting
factor sometimes. As, all this
conventional methods requires solid
agar plates, and occupies space and
reagents and could be cumbersome and
tedious. Although disc diffusion assay is
the gold standard used in hospitals for
determining the suitable antimicrobial
agent against the microorganism causing
particular infection. We propose a
modified resazurin microtiter assay for
invitro assessment of different
antimicrobials against laboratory
pathogens. There are no reports in
literature where microtitre format using
discs and resazurin dye for evaluating
antimicrobial susceptibility has been
attempted. There is considerable
opportunity for improvement in the area
of rapid, economical detection of
bacterial resistance /susceptibility to
Outcomes and benefits of the study:
This method, with incorporated
resazurin as indicator, would allow the
detection of microbial growth in
extremely small volumes of solution in
microtiter plates faster than conventional
method using solid /liquid Medias.
An advantage of the microtiter format is
that it allows the screening of several
isolates in a short period of time.It could
visually determine the resistance
/susceptibility of the pathogen to a panel
of antibiotics, requiring less incubation
space. The economyof reagents and less
space constraints due to the
miniaturization of the test is another
advantage. This would result in the
development of a diagnostic test that is
simple, accurate, rapid and economical
in detecting susceptibility of laboratory
pathogens including multidrug resistant
organisms which would be especially
ideal in low resource setting and in low
income countries.
A) Disc diffusion assay(Kirby-Bauer
Preparation of bacterial inoculum (1-
2108 cfu/ml. Applying it on the agar
surface (Mueller-Hinton) with sterile
swab stick. Commercially-prepared
fixed concentration, paper antibiotic disc
are placed on inoculated agar surface.
Incubate the plates at 37C for 16-
24hrs.The diameter of the zones in
millimetre showing complete inhibition
would be measured. The zone diameter
of each drug are interpreted using the
clinical and laboratory standards
institute (CLSI) guidelines.
The result of the disc diffusion test are
qualitative and categorised as
susceptible, intermediate, resistant.
B) Broth method with incorporation
of resazurin dye.
 Preparation of bacterial culture:
Inoculate 3-4 similar looking colonies in
to MH broth (Mueller Hinton) and
incubate at 37C for 1-2 hour until light
to moderate turbidity develops.
Compare the inoculum with that of
standard 0.5 McFarland. Dilute or else
incubate further as necessary to attain
desired turbidity. Alternatively the
desired density can be obtained by
taking OD at 625nm around (0.08-0.13)
and diluted to 1:100 with MH broth.
 Preparation of resazurin solution:
The resazurin solution will be prepared
by dissolving resazurin due in D/W.The
solution would be filter sterilized
through 0.22袖m and used. This ready to
use prepared solution is stable fora week
if stored at 4C.
 Resazurin reduction test:
Preparation of 96 well microtiter plates
are done with antimicrobial discs of
particular known potencyand pre-placed
in the well under aseptic condition.100袖l
of MH broth added in to the wells.
Finally bacterial inoculum is added of
concentration 510^6 cfu/ml.To all
wells 50袖l of desired concentration of
dye is added. A set of control is kept,
positive control with all solutions and
bacterial inoculum and a negative
control with all solutions except
bacterial inoculum. And a sterility
control of media.
Incubate the plate at 37C and record the
change in colour from blue to pink for
growth development. Gram negative
panel results can be read in 4-8hrs and
gram positive 8-16hrs.The plate would
be further read in ELISA reader at the
two wavelengths of 575(blue) and
600(pink) nm.
Preliminary studies:
 Standarization of the test:
Standardization of the test was carried
out using standard bacterial strains like
E.coli, P.aeruginosa and S.aureus.
For standardization the parameters
considered where various concentration
of resazurin dye and various
concentration of bacteria
Concentration of resazurin dye: 0.5mM,
1mM, 1.5mM, 2mM, 2.5mM and 3mM.
Concentration of bacterial inoculum:
108, 107,106,105,104,103,102,101 cfu/ml.
Incubation temperature: 37C.
Positive =all solutions with one
concentration of dye and bacteria
Negative =all solutions except bacteria.
 Standardisation of test using
antibiotic disc:
The second step was to standardize the
findings with a resistant and sensitive
antibiotic for the standard strains. As, all
the above strains are standard and are
expected to besensitive to all antibiotics.
Concentration of culture:108,107,106,105
Concentration of resazurin dye: 0.5mM,
1mM, 1.5mM, 2mM, 2.5mM and 3mM.
Antibiotics used-Amikacin (E.coli)
Oflaxain (P.aeruginosa).
Gentamicin (S.aureus).
The test was put with and without
antibiotic for all the respective cultures
such that without antibiotic plate would
be considered as control to observe the
effect of antibiotic on them.
 Note: From all the above trial 106
was considered as appropriate
concentration of culture for gram
negative bacilli but gram positive
being a slow grower conclusion
were not made for them.
 Standardization ofdye concentration.
From the above experiments we were
able to deduceappropriate concentration
of the culture i.e. 106cfu/ml (1:100)
dilution of 108 cfu/ml.
Therefore, to decidethe concentration of
the dye to be used, concentration of
bacterial inoculum is kept constant with
varied concentration of dye and
appropriate antibiotic.
To know the sensitivity and resistant
pattern simultaneously Kirby Bauer
method was put.
Antibiotic used:
Cotrimox, vacomycin.
Oflaxacin, vancomycin.
 Carry out the test with clinical
After obtaining concentration of dye
and bacterial inoculum, the test was
put for clinical isolates and results
were compared with Kirby Bauer
Standardization of the test:
Standardization of the test using
Standardization of dye concentration:
Clinical isolate results:
20 E.coli isolates-1)Kirby Bauer and
2)Resazurin reduction test.
Amikacin Amox-
cotrimox norfloxac
1 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 16mm(R) 10mm(R)
pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
2 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 16mm(R) 10mm(R)
pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
3 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 20mm(S) 11mm(R)
pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
4 18mm(S) 6mm(R) 10mm(R) 10mm(R) 14mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 18mm(S) 9mm(R)
pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
5 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 20mm(S) 10mm(R)
pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
6 20mm(S) 10mm(R) 25mm(R) 14mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 20mm(S) 16mm(R)
pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
7 16mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 13mm(R) 6mm(R) 19mm(S) 6mm(R) 19mm(S) 20mm(R)
pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
8 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 9mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 21mm(S) 19mm(R)
pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
9 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 14mm(R) 10mm(R)
blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
10 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 25mm(S) 16mm(R) 18mm(S) 25mm(S)
Blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
11 19mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 26mm(S) 6mm(R) 19mm(S) 17mm(R)
blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
12 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 26mm(S) 9mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 18mm(S) 15mm(R)
blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
13 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 16mm(R) 10mm(R)
pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
14 19mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 12mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 18mm(S) 12mm(R)
pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
15 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 10mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 19mm(S) 15mm(R)
Blue pink blue pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
16 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 8mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 20mm(S) 15mm(R)
blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
17 15mm(R) 14mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 18mm(S) 14mm(R)
blue blue pink blue pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
18 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 20mm(S) 17mm(R)
pink pink pink blue pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
19 19mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 16mm(R) 11mm(R)
blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
20 21mm(S) 15mm(R) 24mm(S) 23mm(S) 6mm(R) 19mm(S) 6mm(R) 15mm(R) 22mm(S)
pink blue pink blue pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
This are the comparative result obtained
for 20 E.coli isolates from two methods
Kirby Bauer and resazurin reduction
test.The discrepant results are
highlighted in red colourand thoseresult
obtained for nitrofurantoin and
meropenem cannot be considered as
these two antibiotics being coloured
showed no distinct colour.
We explored the possibility of
evaluating antimicrobial sensitivity
using microtitre formatted antibiotic
discs panels incorporating resazurin dye
which could visually determine the
sensitivity of different pathogens. We
initially attempted to evaluate the assay
using standard strains of
The objective was to develop a rapid
format for evaluation of MIC so to
enable the physician in choosing the best
appropriate antibiotic for individual
treatment. Attempts were made to
evaluate the time point for dye reduction
by visually comparing the microtitre
plate at different time intervals. It was
observed that the dye reduction depend
upon the number of organisms in the
inoculum and the metabolic activity of
the organisms. Organisms which had an
initial high inoculum and which was
metabolically active e.g. E.coli gave a
reduction in 4 hrs, whereas organisms
which were metabolically less active e.g.
S.aureus or those with low initial
inoculum took time to causereduction in
Hence, as used during standardization
various concentration of bacterial
inoculum i.e. 108,
107,106,105,104,103,102,101 cfu/ml, from
the result obtained 104,103,102,101
cfu/ml were ruled out as this
concentration had low inoculum to get
result in desired time.
Further, using appropriate antibiotics
like amikacin, oflaxacin and gentamicin
for E.coli, P.aeruginosa and S.aureus
respectively .106 cfu/ml was considered
appropriate concentration in comparison
with time taken for reduction in dye.
Further, to standardize concentration of
dye; bacterial inoculum was kept
constant (106 cfu/ml) and concentration
of dye was varied with combination of
antibiotic like amikacin & gentamicin,
oflaxacin & gentamicin and gentamicin
for E.coli, P.aeruginosa and S.aureus
respectively. Simultaneously Kirby 
Bauer method was also done for the
respective organisms with respective
antibiotics to compare the findings. The
results obtained were all sensitive and
both the method finding matched, this
did not helped to deduce the
concentration of antibiotic and hence it
was repeated with other antibiotic
combination like cotrimox
&vancomycin, oflaxacin &vancomycin
and vancomycin for E.coli, P.aeruginosa
and S.aureus respectively. After
recording the readings at 575nm and 600
nm, we came to the conclusion that any
one concentration of dye could be used
as the colour change was observed even
at the lowest concentration and decided
to use 0.5mM.
Thus, after getting concentration of
bacterial inoculum and concentration of
resazurin dye to be used, the test was
carried out using clinical isolates for
about 20 E.coli isolates obtained from
urine samples. A 9 panel of antibiotics
were used (amikacin, amox-clav,
cefotaxime, norfloxacin, cotrimox,
pipercallin, nitrofurantoin, meropenem,
nalidixic acid).
The readings were recorded at 575 and
600 nm wavelength and it was observed
that the result obtained from both the
method were at 95% agreement. But for
those antibiotics which are coloured
didntgive a desired coloured and hence,
there was a limitation in interpreting
Our study, thus can be assessed without
instrumentation .The 96 well micro titre
resazurin format could be employed to
determine antimicrobial sensitivity of
8samples with 12 antibiotics and vice
versa. A comparison of visual and
photometric reading of the microtitre
plates showed that the results could be
assessed without instrumentation.
Thus this modified resazurin method is
simple, sensitive, cost effective, rapid
and robust and reliable to assess
antimicrobial suspecibitlity. To support
our findings we would assess more
clinical isolates (900) and thus validate
the testsuchthat it can beused routinely.
1. Microtitre plate-based antibacterial assay
incorporating resazuras an indicator of cell
growth, and its application in the
In vitro antibacterial screening of
Satyajit D. Sarker, Lutfun Nahar, Yashodharan
2. Development of resazurin microtiter assay
for drug sensibility testing of Trypanosoma
cruzi epimastigotes
Miriam Rol坦n Celeste Vega, Alicia G坦mez-
Barrio Jos辿 A. Escario.
3. Lactobacillus Bacteraemia, Species
Identi鍖cation, and Antimicrobial Susceptibility
of 85 Blood Isolates
M. K. Salminen, H. Rautelin, S. Tynkkynen,
T. Poussa, M. Saxelin, V. Valtonen, and A.
4. Spectrophotometric application of resazurin
reduction assay to evaluate boar semen quality
P. zrimsek, j. kunc, m. kosec and j. mrkun
Clinic for Reproduction and Horses,
Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana.
6.Spectrophotometric analysis of resazurin
reduction test and semen quality in men
,Reddy KV,Bordekar AD ,Indian journal of
experimental biology (1999).

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Modified resazurin microtiter assay for in vitro assessment of different antimicrobials against laboratory pathogen

  • 1. 1 Modified resazurin microtiter assay for in vitro assessment of different antimicrobials against laboratory pathogen. Objectives: Development of microtitre plate-based antibacterial assay incorporating resazurin as an indicator of cell growth, and its application in the in vitro antibacterial screening of laboratory pathogens. 1) To standardise the assay using standard strains of bacteria, different concentrations of dye, incubation conditions (time). 2) To compare the disc diffusion assay methods with the microtitre resazurin reduction test in determining susceptibility. 3) To validate the assay in clinical samples. Introduction: Antibiotics have revolutionised mankinds health status, allowing treatment of life threatening infections. But, resistance has been observed to virtually most of the antimicrobial agents approved for use in human and veterinary clinical medicine. Moreover, there is a limited number of antimicrobials agents currently available. This makes the selection of an appropriate antimicrobial agent an increasingly more challenging task. And hence, it is essential to employ an in vitro antibacterial assay that is simple, rapid, efficient, reliable, sensitive, safe and cost-effective. There are a variety of formats for invitro susceptibility, most common being disc diffusion, agar dilution, broth macro dilution, broth micro dilution and concentration gradient test that are available for antibacterial screening, can be a limiting factor sometimes. As, all this conventional methods requires solid agar plates, and occupies space and reagents and could be cumbersome and tedious. Although disc diffusion assay is the gold standard used in hospitals for determining the suitable antimicrobial agent against the microorganism causing particular infection. We propose a modified resazurin microtiter assay for invitro assessment of different antimicrobials against laboratory pathogens. There are no reports in literature where microtitre format using discs and resazurin dye for evaluating antimicrobial susceptibility has been attempted. There is considerable opportunity for improvement in the area of rapid, economical detection of bacterial resistance /susceptibility to antibiotics. Outcomes and benefits of the study: This method, with incorporated resazurin as indicator, would allow the detection of microbial growth in extremely small volumes of solution in
  • 2. 2 microtiter plates faster than conventional method using solid /liquid Medias. An advantage of the microtiter format is that it allows the screening of several isolates in a short period of time.It could visually determine the resistance /susceptibility of the pathogen to a panel of antibiotics, requiring less incubation space. The economyof reagents and less space constraints due to the miniaturization of the test is another advantage. This would result in the development of a diagnostic test that is simple, accurate, rapid and economical in detecting susceptibility of laboratory pathogens including multidrug resistant organisms which would be especially ideal in low resource setting and in low income countries. Methods: A) Disc diffusion assay(Kirby-Bauer method): Preparation of bacterial inoculum (1- 2108 cfu/ml. Applying it on the agar surface (Mueller-Hinton) with sterile swab stick. Commercially-prepared fixed concentration, paper antibiotic disc are placed on inoculated agar surface. Incubate the plates at 37C for 16- 24hrs.The diameter of the zones in millimetre showing complete inhibition would be measured. The zone diameter of each drug are interpreted using the clinical and laboratory standards institute (CLSI) guidelines. The result of the disc diffusion test are qualitative and categorised as susceptible, intermediate, resistant. B) Broth method with incorporation of resazurin dye. Preparation of bacterial culture: Inoculate 3-4 similar looking colonies in to MH broth (Mueller Hinton) and incubate at 37C for 1-2 hour until light to moderate turbidity develops. Compare the inoculum with that of standard 0.5 McFarland. Dilute or else incubate further as necessary to attain desired turbidity. Alternatively the desired density can be obtained by taking OD at 625nm around (0.08-0.13) and diluted to 1:100 with MH broth. Preparation of resazurin solution: The resazurin solution will be prepared by dissolving resazurin due in D/W.The solution would be filter sterilized through 0.22袖m and used. This ready to use prepared solution is stable fora week if stored at 4C. Resazurin reduction test: Preparation of 96 well microtiter plates are done with antimicrobial discs of particular known potencyand pre-placed in the well under aseptic condition.100袖l of MH broth added in to the wells. Finally bacterial inoculum is added of concentration 510^6 cfu/ml.To all wells 50袖l of desired concentration of dye is added. A set of control is kept, positive control with all solutions and bacterial inoculum and a negative control with all solutions except bacterial inoculum. And a sterility control of media. Incubate the plate at 37C and record the change in colour from blue to pink for growth development. Gram negative panel results can be read in 4-8hrs and gram positive 8-16hrs.The plate would be further read in ELISA reader at the
  • 3. 3 two wavelengths of 575(blue) and 600(pink) nm. Preliminary studies: Standarization of the test: Standardization of the test was carried out using standard bacterial strains like E.coli, P.aeruginosa and S.aureus. For standardization the parameters considered where various concentration of resazurin dye and various concentration of bacteria simultaneously. Concentration of resazurin dye: 0.5mM, 1mM, 1.5mM, 2mM, 2.5mM and 3mM. Concentration of bacterial inoculum: 108, 107,106,105,104,103,102,101 cfu/ml. Incubation temperature: 37C. Controls: Positive =all solutions with one concentration of dye and bacteria Negative =all solutions except bacteria. Standardisation of test using antibiotic disc: The second step was to standardize the findings with a resistant and sensitive antibiotic for the standard strains. As, all the above strains are standard and are expected to besensitive to all antibiotics. Concentration of culture:108,107,106,105 cfu/ml. Concentration of resazurin dye: 0.5mM, 1mM, 1.5mM, 2mM, 2.5mM and 3mM. Antibiotics used-Amikacin (E.coli) Oflaxain (P.aeruginosa). Gentamicin (S.aureus). The test was put with and without antibiotic for all the respective cultures such that without antibiotic plate would be considered as control to observe the effect of antibiotic on them. Note: From all the above trial 106 was considered as appropriate concentration of culture for gram negative bacilli but gram positive being a slow grower conclusion were not made for them. Standardization ofdye concentration. From the above experiments we were able to deduceappropriate concentration of the culture i.e. 106cfu/ml (1:100) dilution of 108 cfu/ml. Therefore, to decidethe concentration of the dye to be used, concentration of bacterial inoculum is kept constant with varied concentration of dye and appropriate antibiotic. To know the sensitivity and resistant pattern simultaneously Kirby Bauer method was put. Antibiotic used: E.coli Cotrimox, vacomycin. P.aeruginosa Oflaxacin, vancomycin. S.aureus Vancomycin.
  • 4. 4 Carry out the test with clinical isolates. After obtaining concentration of dye and bacterial inoculum, the test was put for clinical isolates and results were compared with Kirby Bauer method. Results: Standardization of the test: Standardization of the test using antibiotic: Standardization of dye concentration: Clinical isolate results:
  • 5. 5 20 E.coli isolates-1)Kirby Bauer and 2)Resazurin reduction test. Amikacin Amox- clav Cefotaxi me piperacill in cotrimox norfloxac in Nalidixic acid Nitrofura ntoin meropenem 1 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 16mm(R) 10mm(R) pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 2 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 16mm(R) 10mm(R) pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 3 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 20mm(S) 11mm(R) pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 4 18mm(S) 6mm(R) 10mm(R) 10mm(R) 14mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 18mm(S) 9mm(R) pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 5 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 20mm(S) 10mm(R) pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 6 20mm(S) 10mm(R) 25mm(R) 14mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 20mm(S) 16mm(R) pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 7 16mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 13mm(R) 6mm(R) 19mm(S) 6mm(R) 19mm(S) 20mm(R) pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 8 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 9mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 21mm(S) 19mm(R) pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 9 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 14mm(R) 10mm(R) blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 10 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 25mm(S) 16mm(R) 18mm(S) 25mm(S) Blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 11 19mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 26mm(S) 6mm(R) 19mm(S) 17mm(R) blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 12 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 26mm(S) 9mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 18mm(S) 15mm(R) blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 13 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 16mm(R) 10mm(R) pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 14 19mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 12mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 18mm(S) 12mm(R) pink pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 15 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 10mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 19mm(S) 15mm(R) Blue pink blue pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 16 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 8mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 20mm(S) 15mm(R) blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 17 15mm(R) 14mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 18mm(S) 14mm(R) blue blue pink blue pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 18 20mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 20mm(S) 17mm(R) pink pink pink blue pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 19 19mm(S) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 6mm(R) 16mm(R) 11mm(R) blue pink pink pink pink pink pink BLUE BLUE 20 21mm(S) 15mm(R) 24mm(S) 23mm(S) 6mm(R) 19mm(S) 6mm(R) 15mm(R) 22mm(S) pink blue pink blue pink pink pink BLUE BLUE
  • 6. 6 This are the comparative result obtained for 20 E.coli isolates from two methods Kirby Bauer and resazurin reduction test.The discrepant results are highlighted in red colourand thoseresult obtained for nitrofurantoin and meropenem cannot be considered as these two antibiotics being coloured showed no distinct colour. Discussion: We explored the possibility of evaluating antimicrobial sensitivity using microtitre formatted antibiotic discs panels incorporating resazurin dye which could visually determine the sensitivity of different pathogens. We initially attempted to evaluate the assay using standard strains of microorganisms. The objective was to develop a rapid format for evaluation of MIC so to enable the physician in choosing the best appropriate antibiotic for individual treatment. Attempts were made to evaluate the time point for dye reduction by visually comparing the microtitre plate at different time intervals. It was observed that the dye reduction depend upon the number of organisms in the inoculum and the metabolic activity of the organisms. Organisms which had an initial high inoculum and which was metabolically active e.g. E.coli gave a reduction in 4 hrs, whereas organisms which were metabolically less active e.g. S.aureus or those with low initial inoculum took time to causereduction in colour. Hence, as used during standardization various concentration of bacterial inoculum i.e. 108, 107,106,105,104,103,102,101 cfu/ml, from the result obtained 104,103,102,101 cfu/ml were ruled out as this concentration had low inoculum to get result in desired time. Further, using appropriate antibiotics like amikacin, oflaxacin and gentamicin for E.coli, P.aeruginosa and S.aureus respectively .106 cfu/ml was considered appropriate concentration in comparison with time taken for reduction in dye. Further, to standardize concentration of dye; bacterial inoculum was kept constant (106 cfu/ml) and concentration of dye was varied with combination of antibiotic like amikacin & gentamicin, oflaxacin & gentamicin and gentamicin for E.coli, P.aeruginosa and S.aureus respectively. Simultaneously Kirby Bauer method was also done for the respective organisms with respective antibiotics to compare the findings. The results obtained were all sensitive and both the method finding matched, this did not helped to deduce the concentration of antibiotic and hence it was repeated with other antibiotic
  • 7. 7 combination like cotrimox &vancomycin, oflaxacin &vancomycin and vancomycin for E.coli, P.aeruginosa and S.aureus respectively. After recording the readings at 575nm and 600 nm, we came to the conclusion that any one concentration of dye could be used as the colour change was observed even at the lowest concentration and decided to use 0.5mM. Thus, after getting concentration of bacterial inoculum and concentration of resazurin dye to be used, the test was carried out using clinical isolates for about 20 E.coli isolates obtained from urine samples. A 9 panel of antibiotics were used (amikacin, amox-clav, cefotaxime, norfloxacin, cotrimox, pipercallin, nitrofurantoin, meropenem, nalidixic acid). The readings were recorded at 575 and 600 nm wavelength and it was observed that the result obtained from both the method were at 95% agreement. But for those antibiotics which are coloured didntgive a desired coloured and hence, there was a limitation in interpreting them. Our study, thus can be assessed without instrumentation .The 96 well micro titre resazurin format could be employed to determine antimicrobial sensitivity of 8samples with 12 antibiotics and vice versa. A comparison of visual and photometric reading of the microtitre plates showed that the results could be assessed without instrumentation. Thus this modified resazurin method is simple, sensitive, cost effective, rapid and robust and reliable to assess antimicrobial suspecibitlity. To support our findings we would assess more clinical isolates (900) and thus validate the testsuchthat it can beused routinely. References: 1. Microtitre plate-based antibacterial assay incorporating resazuras an indicator of cell growth, and its application in the In vitro antibacterial screening of phytochemicals Satyajit D. Sarker, Lutfun Nahar, Yashodharan Kumarasamy. 2. Development of resazurin microtiter assay for drug sensibility testing of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes Miriam Rol坦n Celeste Vega, Alicia G坦mez- Barrio Jos辿 A. Escario. 3. Lactobacillus Bacteraemia, Species Identi鍖cation, and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of 85 Blood Isolates M. K. Salminen, H. Rautelin, S. Tynkkynen, T. Poussa, M. Saxelin, V. Valtonen, and A. Jarvinen. 4. Spectrophotometric application of resazurin reduction assay to evaluate boar semen quality P. zrimsek, j. kunc, m. kosec and j. mrkun Clinic for Reproduction and Horses, Veterinary Faculty, University of Ljubljana. 6.Spectrophotometric analysis of resazurin reduction test and semen quality in men ,Reddy KV,Bordekar AD ,Indian journal of experimental biology (1999).
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