The document discusses Albert Bandura and his social learning theory. Some key points:
- Bandura conducted the famous "Bobo doll" experiment which showed that humans can learn behaviors by observing others.
- Social learning theory posits that people can learn through observation, attention, retention, and motivation without needing to demonstrate the behavior themselves.
- Effective modeling, opportunities for collaboration, and creating a positive learning environment are important aspects of social learning in the classroom according to Bandura's theory.
2. * Founder of the Social
Learning Theory.
* Conducted the Bobo
Doll experiment, which
presented evidence that
humans can influence
how we learn from one
anothers behaviors.
* He helped shape the
concept of cooperative
learning in the
Most human behavior is learned observationally
through modeling: from observing others, one forms
an idea of how new behaviors are performed, and
on later occasions this coded information serves as a
guide for action. ~Bandura
3. * People can learn through Observation.
* The Model has to be: Real, Verbal, and Symbolic
* A persons Mental State is an influence in ones learning.
* Intrinsic Reinforcement examples: Pride, confidence, and a sense of
* People can learn the new information without
demonstrating the new behavior.
* By the influence of Observational Learning.
4. * Attention: * Reproduction:
* If a student pays * The new skill must be
attention, they will given opportunities to be
practiced in order for it
* The model must be to be mastered.
interesting enough to
keep their attention.
* Retention: * Motivation:
* Mental images and
Verbal descriptions * Feeling motivated to
when stored in the brain, repeat the skill is what
help the student you need in order to
recreate the new skill
that the model keep on performing it.
5. *The Teacher must: * The Student must:
* Present effective * Pay close attention by
modeling in the lesson. listening and observing to
* Demonstrate interesting the peer/teacher
lessons. modeling the information.
* Provide opportunities to * Be willing to work with
incorporate technology others who have similar
with peer collaboration and different
throughout the lesson. personalities.
* Stay positive and inviting * Try to stay confident and
for others to contribute positive when learning
to the lesson. something new and
* Trust the students to work
with one another.
6. * It is very important that the students experience many opportunities to
work with one another, because this form of learning only enhances their
comprehension of the new information.
* Social learning creates a positive and safe learning environment.
* The students will gain high self-esteem and respect from one another by
sharing ideas and opinions.
* The motivation to learn new skills will be heightened.
* The opportunities to work with others will always be inviting.
* I will encourage the Near Peer Role Modeling, which is an important
component in Social Learning.
7. * Learning Theories- Social Learning
* Social Learning Theory- Understanding
Banduras Theory of Learning
* Albert Bandura- Personality Theories
* Best of Tim Murphey, Vol. 1- Near Peer Role