The document discusses folksonomies, social tagging, and Web 2.0 tools. It defines folksonomies as user-generated categorization of web content using tags. It describes how folksonomies make information easier to search and navigate over time. It also discusses the differences between folksonomies and formal taxonomies, and provides examples of Web 2.0 tools like tagging, bookmarking, and social media platforms that enable folksonomies and user interaction.
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Social metadata and Web 2.0
1. Co-funded by the European Union , through the Comenius Programme Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools (folskonomies & social tagging)
2. Structure Folksonomies Tags / Tagging in the Web Taxonomies Vs Folksonomies Web 2.0 tools Examples of use / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
3. Folksonomies Internet-based information retrieval methodology consisting of collaboratively generated, open-ended labels that categorize content such as Web pages, online photographs, and Web links / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
4. Folksonomies U ser generated taxonomy used to categorize and retrieve Web pages and other web content using open ended labels called tags Most commonly Internet-based, but their use may occur in other contexts as well / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
5. Folksonomies F olksonomic tagging is intended to make a body of information increasingly easy to search, discover, and navigate over time The ideal folksonomy is accessible as a shared vocabulary that is both originated by, and familiar to, its primary users / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
6. Tagging / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools Holland, garden Cycling, house Countryside, vacation
7. Tags Tag is a non-hierarchical keyword or term assigned to a piece of information Internet bookmark, Digital image, Computer file etc / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
8. Tags in general / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools Army tags Clothes tags Luggage tags
14. Kinds of Folksonomies / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools Broad Folksonomies Narrow Folksonomies M any people tag the same object and every person can tag the object with their own tags in their own vocabulary D one by one or a few people providing tags that the person uses to get back to that information
15. Evolution No tagging / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools Few users tagging one resource Author generated tags Many tagging one resource (folksonomy) User generated tags
16. Broad VS Narrow Broad folksonomies generate a vocabulary of tags provided by many users Narrow folksonomies are limited to the tags provided by few users / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
17. Taxonomies VS Folksonomies / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools U nsystematic Flexible Random User based P rofessionally developed Sophisticated Carefully Engineered Expert based
18. Strengths Cheap and extendable Quick and responsive to user needs Community building Feedback Scalability, easy for everyone to use Classification systems can emerge Added value metadata / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools Folksonomies: Community Metadata? , Marieke Guy, UKOLN
19. Weaknesses Ambiguity Only single words no spaces allowed No homonym, synonyms or localisation control Uncontrolled and chaotic Imprecise Many tags are single use, many compound words Worst in searching than controlled vocabularies / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools Folksonomies: Community Metadata? , Marieke Guy, UKOLN
20. Web 2.0 What does it mean? / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
21. Godfather: Tim OReilly According to Tim OReilly, Web 2.0 begins with a sudden emergence of a whole range of software tools, applications and platforms in the last 4-5 years or so that is taking the WWW to a completely different direction / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
22. In a nutshell Web 2.0 means Sharing Tagging Bookmarks Rating Interacting Socializing Collaborating / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
23. I am a student/pupil I can share my sources for writing an essay or paper with my friends I can collaborate with other students or pupils that deal with the same topics I can bookmark interesting resources / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
25. Tag Galaxy Browsing through a universe of tags, allows pupils to find resources to support their needs / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
26. Tag Galaxy / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
27. I am a teacher I can use existing tools to open discussions between my students to encourage interaction I can share my notes with them and rate their assignments I can interact with other colleagues / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
28. YackPack / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
29. Functionalities Grade student work, giving feedback Give assignments for oral practice in foreign language learning Discuss topics as a class, as staff, as a district, and with other educators Answer questions from students Collaborate with other classrooms / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
30. Wiki Spaces Free and membership Wikis Teachers can set up a wiki on any subject they want to teach to their pupils / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
31. EverNote Evernote enables you to save your ideas Things you see, and things you like can be stored in a personal workspace Find them all on any computer or device you use A teacher can collect material on any given subject and provide access to pupils / 21 Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools
33. Dear user, please take the time (5 minutes) to help us improve METASCHOOL modules! Find the Module Questionnaire here: METASCHOOL Portal: Find present module (ask your workshop leader, if you are unsure) Scroll to the end of the module description Fill in the Module Questionnaire If you took part in a METASCHOOL Workshop and this is the last module of your workshop, please ALSO help us improve our METASCHOOL Workshops by completing the Workshop Questionnaire (10 minutes): METASCHOOL Portal: Click on a language: Evaluation
34. Social Metadata and Web 2.0 Tools (folskonomies & social tagging) Informatics Laboratory Agricultural University of Athens