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Digital signatures
What is a digital signature
? A digital signature allows the holder of the secret key (the signing key)
to sign a document
? Everyone who knows the verification key can verify that the signature
is valid (correctness)
? No one can forge a signature even given the verification key even
though he is given a signature
Structure of digital signature
? ??? 1? → (??, ??)
? ?????? ? → ???
? ????? ?, ??? → {0,1}
Structure of digital signature scheme (DSS)
? ??? 1? → (??, ??)
? ?????? ? → ???
? ????? ?, ??? → {0,1}
? Correctness
? ????? ?, ??????(?) = 1
? Unforgeability
? To be continued
? ??? 1? → (??, ??)
? ?????? ? → ???
? ????? ?, ??? → {0,1}
? ??? 1? → ?
? ???? ? → ?
? v??? ?, ? → {0,1}
Mac forgery game
M ← {}
k ∈? 0,1 ?
(?, ?)
Wins if
? ? ? ?
? ?????? ?, ? = 1
?′ ← ????(?′)
M ← ? ∪ {?′} Repeat as many times
as the adversary wants
Signature forgery game
M ← {}
??, ?? ← ???(1?
(?, ???)
Wins if
? ? ? ?
? ???????? ?, ??? = 1
???′ ← ??????(?′)
M ← ? ∪ {?′} Repeat as many times
as the adversary wants
Definition of signature scheme
? Correctness:
? Pr ????? ?, ?????? ? = 1 ??, ?? ← ??? 1? = 1
? Unforgeability
? For all PPT adversary ?, there exists negligible function ?,
? Pr ? ???? ??? ????????? ??????? ???? ≤ ?(?)
Relation between macs and signatures
? Every signature scheme is a message authentication code.
? A mac scheme is not necessarily a signature.
? Without the key, it may be impossible to verify a mac.
Signatures are expensive
? They require public-key operations for each signature you wish to do.
? Hash functions are relatively cheap
Hash and sign
? Let (???′, ????′, ??????′) be a signature scheme and let ? be a
collision resistant hash function, then the following
? ??? 1? ? ???′ 1?
? ?????? ? ? ??????
(? ? )
? ???????? ?, ??? ? ????????
? ? , ??? = 1
Security of hash and sign
? Let (???′, ????′, ??????′) be a signature scheme and let ? be a collision resistant hash function, then the
? ??? 1?
? ???′
? ?????? ? ? ??????
(? ? )
? ???????? ?, ??? ? ??????′
? ? , ??? = 1
? Essentially the same proof as hash and mac
? Breaking security of this scheme means
? Finding a collision
? Finding a signature on an unsigned message
Interesting property of plaintext RSA
? ??, ?? ← ?????? 1? ? ????? ????? ? = ?
? Due to the fact that ?? ? = ?? ?
= ???
RSA signature scheme
? Let (??????, ???, ???) denote the RSA encryption scheme
? ??? 1? ? {?? ← ??′, ?? ← ?? ∣ ??′, ??′ ← ?????? 1? }
? ?????? ? ? ????? ?
? ???????? ?, ??? ? ????? ??? = ?
Insecure RSA signature scheme
? ??? 1? ? { ?? ← ??, ?? ← ??′ ∣ ??′, ??′ ← ?????? 1? }
? ?????? ? ? ????? ?
? ???????? ?, ?????? ? = ????? ????? ?
? ????? ????? ? = ?? ?
= ???? = ?
Secure RSA signature scheme
? Assumptions
? Random oracle ? (Hash function modeled as a random oracle
? ? = ?? where ?, ? are prime
? ??? 1?
? { ?? ← ??, ?? ← ??′ ∣ ??′
, ??′
← ?????? 1?
? ?????? ? ? ????? ?(?)
? ???????? ?, ?????? ? ? ? ? = ????? ????? ?(?)
? ????? ????? ?(?) = (?(?))? ?
??? ?
? (?(?))? ?
??? ? = ?(?)??? ??? ?(?)
(??? ?) = ?(?)
Schnorr signature scheme
? Based on
? Group G
? Generator ? for G
? Random oracle ?
? Discrete logarithm
Schnorr signature scheme
? Requirement: Group ?, ? = ?, generator ?, random oracle ?
? ??? 1?
? ?? ∈? ?
? ?? ← ???
? ????????(?, ???)
? ?, ? ← ???
? u ← ?? ? ????
? Output ? ?, ? = ?
? ?????? ?
? ? ∈? ?|?|
? ? ← ??
? ? ← ?(?, ?)
? ? ← ? ? ?? + ? (??? ?)
? Output (?, ?)

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  • 2. What is a digital signature ? A digital signature allows the holder of the secret key (the signing key) to sign a document ? Everyone who knows the verification key can verify that the signature is valid (correctness) ? No one can forge a signature even given the verification key even though he is given a signature
  • 3. Structure of digital signature ? ??? 1? → (??, ??) ? ?????? ? → ??? ? ????? ?, ??? → {0,1}
  • 4. Structure of digital signature scheme (DSS) ? ??? 1? → (??, ??) ? ?????? ? → ??? ? ????? ?, ??? → {0,1} ? Correctness ? ????? ?, ??????(?) = 1 ? Unforgeability ? To be continued
  • 5. DSS VS MAC ? ??? 1? → (??, ??) ? ?????? ? → ??? ? ????? ?, ??? → {0,1} ? ??? 1? → ? ? ???? ? → ? ? v??? ?, ? → {0,1}
  • 6. Mac forgery game M ← {} ?′ ?′ k ∈? 0,1 ? (?, ?) Wins if ? ? ? ? ? ?????? ?, ? = 1 ?′ ← ????(?′) M ← ? ∪ {?′} Repeat as many times as the adversary wants
  • 7. Signature forgery game M ← {} ?′ ???′ ??, ?? ← ???(1? ) (?, ???) Wins if ? ? ? ? ? ???????? ?, ??? = 1 ???′ ← ??????(?′) M ← ? ∪ {?′} Repeat as many times as the adversary wants ??
  • 8. Definition of signature scheme ? Correctness: ? Pr ????? ?, ?????? ? = 1 ??, ?? ← ??? 1? = 1 ? Unforgeability ? For all PPT adversary ?, there exists negligible function ?, ? Pr ? ???? ??? ????????? ??????? ???? ≤ ?(?)
  • 9. Relation between macs and signatures ? Every signature scheme is a message authentication code. ? A mac scheme is not necessarily a signature. ? Without the key, it may be impossible to verify a mac.
  • 10. Signatures are expensive ? They require public-key operations for each signature you wish to do. ? Hash functions are relatively cheap
  • 11. Hash and sign ? Let (???′, ????′, ??????′) be a signature scheme and let ? be a collision resistant hash function, then the following ? ??? 1? ? ???′ 1? ? ?????? ? ? ?????? ′ (? ? ) ? ???????? ?, ??? ? ???????? ′ ? ? , ??? = 1
  • 12. Security of hash and sign ? Let (???′, ????′, ??????′) be a signature scheme and let ? be a collision resistant hash function, then the following ? ??? 1? ? ???′ 1? ? ?????? ? ? ?????? ′ (? ? ) ? ???????? ?, ??? ? ??????′ ? ? , ??? = 1 ? Essentially the same proof as hash and mac ? Breaking security of this scheme means ? Finding a collision ? Finding a signature on an unsigned message
  • 13. Interesting property of plaintext RSA ? ??, ?? ← ?????? 1? ? ????? ????? ? = ? ? Due to the fact that ?? ? = ?? ? = ???
  • 14. RSA signature scheme ? Let (??????, ???, ???) denote the RSA encryption scheme ? ??? 1? ? {?? ← ??′, ?? ← ?? ∣ ??′, ??′ ← ?????? 1? } ? ?????? ? ? ????? ? ? ???????? ?, ??? ? ????? ??? = ?
  • 15. Insecure RSA signature scheme ? ??? 1? ? { ?? ← ??, ?? ← ??′ ∣ ??′, ??′ ← ?????? 1? } ? ?????? ? ? ????? ? ? ???????? ?, ?????? ? = ????? ????? ? ? ????? ????? ? = ?? ? = ???? = ?
  • 16. Secure RSA signature scheme ? Assumptions ? Random oracle ? (Hash function modeled as a random oracle ? ? = ?? where ?, ? are prime ? ??? 1? ? { ?? ← ??, ?? ← ??′ ∣ ??′ , ??′ ← ?????? 1? } ? ?????? ? ? ????? ?(?) ? ???????? ?, ?????? ? ? ? ? = ????? ????? ?(?) ? ????? ????? ?(?) = (?(?))? ? ??? ? ? (?(?))? ? ??? ? = ?(?)??? ??? ?(?) (??? ?) = ?(?)
  • 17. Schnorr signature scheme ? Based on ? Group G ? Generator ? for G ? Random oracle ? ? Discrete logarithm
  • 18. Schnorr signature scheme ? Requirement: Group ?, ? = ?, generator ?, random oracle ? ? ??? 1? ? ?? ∈? ? ? ?? ← ??? ? ????????(?, ???) ? ?, ? ← ??? ? u ← ?? ? ???? ? Output ? ?, ? = ? ? ?????? ? ? ? ∈? ?|?| ? ? ← ?? ? ? ← ?(?, ?) ? ? ← ? ? ?? + ? (??? ?) ? Output (?, ?)