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Module-2 (Nogadas-Noval-Salisetonets).docx
Sound Uu
Goal: This lesson allows you to teach the sound /u/ and the proper way of writing the letter U.
Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /u/ and be able to write it correctly. They
should also master the sound /m/.
Your Initial Task
Task 1: Ask a question that will give you a response of the target sound.
? Unsay sunod nga mahitabo human sa itom kaayo nga dag-om?
Answer: ulan
Produce the correct sound of /u/ through the teacher’s modeling.
Your Developmental Task
Task 2: Show pictures that start with the target sound /u/. Let the pupils produce the
correct sound of the initial letter.
ulan unlan
unggoy 1 usa
Task 3: Teacher writes the target letter /u/ on the board and sound it once again as
they look at the letter. Show them how to write it. Then ask them to write
on the board with the fingers on their palm,their desk and on paper as they
produce the sound.
Your Enrichment Task
For mastery in producing the sound /u/,the following activities should be done.
A. Letter Hunting
1.Teacher prepares a strips of paper containing the letter /u/.
2.Teacher places those strips in any parts of the room.
3.She/He tells the class to look for those papers .
4.Once they are able to get one ,let the pupil produce the initial sound of
letter /u/.
B. Picture Association- Match the word with the picture.
1. Teacher mounts the word on the board.
2. Ask pupils to pick a picture and match the picture with the word.
3. Teacher models in producing the sound /u/.
Your Final Task
Let the pupils write the letter as the teacher produce the the sound /u/.
Sound Tt
Goal: This lessons allows you to teach the sound of /t/ and the proper way of writing the letter
T.Pupils are expected to produce the correct soundo of /t/ and be able to write it correctly.
They should master the production of /t/.
Your Initial Task
Task 1 Review the sounds of /m/,/a/ which was previously learned to test their mastery.
m a = ma ma ma = mama
a m = am am am = am-am
a ma = ama
Task 2 Ask a question that will give a respond of the target sound /t//.
? Unsa nga gulay ube ang kolor nga lami lutoon pares ang itlog.
Answer: talong
Teacher models the correct sound of the initial letter of talong /t/.
Let the pupils repeat the sound for several times.
Your Developmental Task
Task 1 Show pictures that start with the target sound /t/. Let the pupils produce the
correct sound of the initial letter.
talong tasa
tuhod tudlo
Task 2 Write the target letter /t/ on the board and sound it once again as they look at
the letter.Show them how to write it. Then ask them to write it on
the board, write on air using their fingers, write on their palm and on paper as
they produce the sound.
Your Enrichment Task
Task 1 – Word Relay
Group the pupils by five and let them form a line. The last pupil on the line will
will have a pencil and paper.The teacher gives instructions to the pupils. The
first pupil on the line will pick a word in a box, read it and relay the word to the
next pupil until the last pupil on the line will write the wordon a sheet of paper.
tuhod talong tasa
toron tambok tudlo
Your Final Task
Let the pupils encircle the word that does belong to the group.
1. tisa tasa lola
2. melon tama tansan
3. tuhod tolda abaga
4. talong yoyo tambok
5. adlaw tudlo talon
Sound Kk
This lesson allows you to teach the sound of /k/ and the proper way of writing letter k.
Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /k/ and be able to write it correctly.
They should master the sound of /k/.
Your Initial Task
Ask a question that will give you a response of the target sound.
? Unsa nga hayop nga mahimong sakyan ug kusog modagan?
Answer: kabayo
The teacher models the production of the sound /k/.
Your Development Task
Show pictures that start with the target sound /k/ and let the pupils produce
the correct sound of the initial sound.
kahoy kahon kanding katre
kabayo kabaw karomata kasoy
kariton kawayan
kalamansi kamote
Kasing kato kolot
Kurente kalibanga kapinyahan
kurtina kilay
Let the pupils produce the sound /k/ individually,by group,by row and the whole class.
Write the target letter k on the board and tell the pupils to sound it once again as they look
at the letter.
Teacher models how to write the letter k correctly and let the pupils write it on the
board,with the fingers on their palm,on their desks and on paper as they give the sound.
Your Enrichment Task
For mastery in producing the sound /k/,the following activities should be done.
A. Letter Tower Building
1. Teacher prepares a ? sheet of cartolina and form it like a cone.
2. Teacher makes at least 20 pieces letter k.
3. She/He tells the class to look for letter k.
4. Once they are able to get one, let the pupil produce the sound of a letter k.
5. Teacher introduces blending of sounds.
Ka so = kaso
Ka ka =kaka
Ka ma = kama
Your Enrichment Task
A. Word Hunting
1. Teacher prepares strips of papers containing the following words. Kabayo ,
2.Teacher places those strips of paper in any parts of the room.
3.She/He tells the class to look for those papers.
4. Once they are able to get one,let the pupils read the words.
B.Read Aloud
Pupils have to repeat after the teacher reads the group of words.
? Kaka ni Tata.
? Ang Kaka ni Tata ningkatkat sa kama.
Your Final Task
Let the pupils write the letters as the teacher produces the sound of /m/,/t/,/a//s/.
Sound Ll
Goal: This lesson allows you to teach the sound of /l/ and the proper way of writing
the letter l.Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /l/. and be able to
write it correctly. They should also master the sound of /l/.
Your Initial Task
Task 1: Ask question that will give you a response of the target sound.
? Unsa imong ginagamit pagsulat sa imong pangalan?
Answer: lapis
Produce the correct sounds of /l/ through teachers' modeling.
Your Developmental Task
Task 2: a. Show pictures that start with the target sound /l/. Let the pupils produce
the correct sound of the initial letter.
lata langgam
laso lamok
b. Show them how to write the letter /l/.Then ask them to write on the
board with the fingers on their palm,on their desks and on the air as they
produce the sound.
c. Teacher introduces blending of sounds.
la ta =lata la sa =lasa
la so = laso la ba =laba
la mi =lami la pis =lapis
Your Enrichment Activities
Task 1: Game PERA o BAYONG
1. Let all the pupils stand. Call five learners tlearners to hold each letter
2. Teacher reads a word.Pupils have to fall in line where the initial sound falls.
3. Pupils who cannot identify the sound shall be eliminated and are advised
to sit down.
Task 2 : Read Aloud
Pupils have to repeat after the teacher reads the group of words.
Your Final Task
Let the pupils write the letters as the teacher produces the sound /k/,/l/,/t/,/u/.
How to Let the Pupils Read Using Marungko Approach
This lesson allows you to teach the sound of /y/ and the proper way of writing the
letter y. Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /y/ and be able to write it
correctly. They should also master the sound of /y/.
Your Initial Task:
Task 1: Give exercises/ drills.
1. Singing the song of the previously learned letter names and sounds. (Tune: The
Farmer in the Dell)
Ang tingog sa m /m/ (2x)
Tanang letra naay tingog.
Ang tingog sa m /m/.
2. Teacher points the letter and asks pupils to name it or give its sound.
Task 2: Ask a question that will give you a response of the target sound.
? Imong ginikanan gapanarbaho. Kamong mga anak tanan na nag-
eskuwela. Kada hawa ninyo sa buntag, gisiguro gayod sa inyong
papa ang nakakandado ang balay. Pag-uli ninyo sa hapon, sirado pa
inyong balay. Wala pa inyong mga ginikanan. Unsay inyong gamiton
para naabri ang nakalock nga kandado sa balay?
(yabi/ yawi)
Produce the correct sound of /y/ through teachers modeling.
Your Developmental Task:
A. Naming pictures presented in a chart.
1. Teacher presents pictures in a chart and says: “Look at the pictures and
listen as I say each name of the picture.”
Teacher says the picture name again and the pupils repeat it.
2. Teacher presents each picture and the pupils will give the name.
yawi/ yabi yoyo yaya
yate yarn yahong
Let the pupils give other name of things, persons, places that begins with /y/.
B. Let the pupils produce the sound /y/ individually, by group, by row and the whole
class. Write the target letter y on the board and tell the pupils to sound it once again as
they look at the letter.
C. Teacher writes the target letter /y/ on the board and sound it once again as they
look at the letter. Show them how to write it. Then ask them to write on the board with
their fingers, on their palm, on their desk and on the paper as they produce the sound.
D. Teacher introduces blending of sounds. Form words by blending sounds of the
letters learned.
y a /ya/ a y /ay/
y o /yo/ ya ya /yaya/
Your Enrichment Task:
For mastery in producing the sound /y/, the following should be done.
A. Letter Hunting
1. Teacher prepares metacards containing the letter y.
2. Teacher places those metacards in any parts of the room.
3. She will instruct the pupils to look for those metacards.
4. Once they are able to get one, let the pupil produce the sound of letter y.
B. Identifying /y/ represented as y in the initial position in words.
1. Teacher points to the pictures and picture name written in the metacards. The
metacards are placed in the pocket chart.
2. Teacher says the picture name again and the pupils will repeat it. Teacher asks
pupils the beginning sound of each word. Teacher underlines y in the words.
3. Teacher produces the sound pointing to the underlined y in every word and the
pupils will repeat after her.
C. Picture - Word Association - Match the picture with its correct word.
1. Teacher prepares metacards with words on it.
2. Ask a pupil to pick a picture and match it to its correct word.
3. Teacher models in producing the sound /y/.
D. Word Relay
1. Teacher prepares metacards with words previously learned.
2. Group the pupils into three. The group members will take turn to do the
3. Teacher will show a metacard. The first child to read the word will make
one big step forward. Repeat until one of the pupils will reach the finish line first.
4. Do the same until all the pupils have tried the relay.
E. Picture Chart
1. Let the pupils look at each picture.
2. Let them write the missing letter on the blank to complete the word below.
F. Pair Matching Game
1. Group the class into three.
2. Distribute pictures and word cards.
3. Pupils pair off pictures with its corresponding word.
4. The first group to complete correctly the set of words and pictures win.
G. Picture and Word Match
1. Distribute pictures to the class.
2. Teacher will show a metacard with word on it.
3. Let the pupils read it.
4. The pupil holding the picture of the word read will stand up.
5. Pair the picture and word on the board.
(Teacher may modify it. Pupils will hold the metacard, teacher will show the picture)
Your Final Task:
A. Letter Sound Identification. The teacher will produce a sound of a letter then the
pupils write the letter on their notebook.
B. Box the beginning sound of the pictures.
C. Oral Reading. Teacher will prepare a list of five learned words. Call a pupil
individually to read the words.
How to Let the Pupils Read Using Marungko Approach
This lesson allows you to teach the sound of /n/ and the proper way of writing the
letter n. Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /n/ and be able to write it
correctly. They should also master the sound of /n/.
Your Initial Task:
Task 1: Give exercises/ drills.
1. Singing the song of the previously learned letter names and sounds.
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
Ang tingog sa a /a/ (2x)
Tanang letra naay tingog.
Ang tingog sa a /a/.
2. a. Play with words using the game “Fishing Letters” Teacher
displays a miniature aquarium filled with cutout fish printed with
b. Teacher calls on some pupils to “fish” letters individually. She
asks pupils to read the letter name and produce its sound they have
hooked. The pupils with more letters fished and read are the winners.
Task 2: Ask a question that will give you a response of the target sound.
? Kung moadto ta sa hospital, kinsa ang naa didto nga gatabang sa
doctor para matambalan ang mga naay sakit?
Produce the correct sound of /n/ through teachers modeling.
Your Developmental Task:
A. Show pictures that start with the target sound /n/. Let the pupils produce the
correct initial sound of the word.
nars nangka nanay
nigo nota
Let the pupils give other name of things, persons, places that begins with /n/.
B. Let the pupils produce the sound /n/ individually, by group, by row and the whole
class. Write the target letter n on the board and tell the pupils to sound it once again as
they look at the letter.
C. 1. Show a model of Nn.
2. Demonstrate how to write the proper way in writing Nn.
3. Pupils practice writing Nn on air, back of classmates, on their tables,
D. Teacher introduces blending of sounds. Form words by blending sounds of the
letters learned.
n a /na/ a n /an/
na na /nana/ ma ni /mani/
Your Enrichment Task:
For mastery in producing the sound /n/, the following should be done.
A. Letter Sound Identification
1. Teacher will read a word.
2. Let the pupils listen to the initial sound of a word read.
3. Ask the pupils to clap their hands if the word begins with /n/ sound and stamp
their feet it not.
B. Letter Hunting
1. Teacher prepares metacards containing the letter n.
2. Teacher places those metacards in any parts of the room.
3. She will instruct the pupils to look for those metacards.
4. Once they are able to get one, let the pupil produce the sound of letter n.
C. Picture - Word Association
1. Teacher display pictures on the board.
2. Teacher points to each picture and say its name while the pupils listen.
3. Teacher says the picture name again and ask pupils to repeat.
4. Ask individual pupils to say the name of each picture.
D. Word Relay
1. Teacher prepares metacards with words previously learned.
2. Group the pupils into three. The group members will take turn to do the
3. Teacher will show a metacard. The first child to read the word will make
one big step forward. Repeat until one of the pupils will reach the finish line first.
4. Do the same until all the pupils have tried the relay.
E. Letter Sound Game
1. Teacher displays a chart of letters.
2. Teacher produces a letter sound and asks some individual pupils to point to the
letter symbol of the sound heard.
F. Puzzle
1. Group the class into three.
2. Distribute a puzzled picture to each group.
3. Let each group arrange the assigned puzzle to them
4. When done, let a member from the group pick the correct word for it from the
pocket chart.
Your Final Task:
A. Initial Sound Identification.
Box the pictures that begins with /n/.
B. Picture-word Association.
Encircle the word that names the picture on the left.
C. Oral Reading. Teacher will prepare a list of five learned words. Call a pupil
individually to read the words.
How to Let the Pupils Read Using Marungko Approach
This lesson allows you to teach the sound of /ng/ and the proper way of writing the
letter ng. Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /ng/ and be able to write it
correctly. They should also master the sound of /ng/.
Your Initial Task:
Task 1: Give exercises/ drills.
1. Singing the song of the previously learned letter names and sounds.
(Tune: The Farmer in the Dell)
Ang tingog sa t /t/ (2x)
Tanang letra naay tingog.
Ang tingog sa t /t/.
2. Teacher displays a chart and says: “Look at the letters and listen as I
produce the sound.”
Task 2: Let the children sing the song “Sampung mga Daliri” with action.
Task 3: Ask a question that will give you a response of the target sound.
? Unsa nga parte sa atong lawas ang gamiton sa pag-usap sa atong
Produce the correct sound of /ng/ through teachers modeling.
Your Developmental Task:
A. Show pictures that start with the target sound /ng/. Let the pupils produce the
correct initial sound of the word.
ngipon ngabil
nga-nga ngisi
Let the pupils give other name of things, persons, places that begins with /ng/.
B. Let the pupils produce the sound /ng/ individually, by group, by row and the
whole class. Write the target letter ng on the board and tell the pupils to sound it once
again as they look at the letter.
C. Teacher writes the target letter /ng/ on the board and sound it once again as
they look at the letter. Show them how to write it. Then ask them to write on the board
with their fingers, on their palm, on their desk and on the paper as they produce the sound.
D. Teacher introduces blending of sounds. Form words by blending sounds of the
letters learned.
ng a /nga/ a ng /ang/
nga nga /nga-nga/ ngi si /ngisi/
Your Enrichment Task:
For mastery in producing the sound /ng/, the following should be done.
A. Letter Hunting
1. Teacher prepares metacards containing the letter ng.
2. Teacher places those metacards in any parts of the room.
3. She will instruct the pupils to look for those metacards.
4. Once they are able to get one, let the pupil produce the sound of letter ng.
B. Picture - Word Association - Match the picture with its correct word.
1. Teacher prepares metacards with words on it.
2. Ask a pupil to pick a picture and match it to its correct word.
3. Teacher models in producing the sound /ng/.
C. Word Relay
1. Teacher prepares metacards with words previously learned.
2. Group the pupils into three. The group members will take turn to do the
3. Teacher will show a metacard. The first child to read the word will make
one big step forward. Repeat until one of the pupils will reach the finish line first.
4. Do the same until all the pupils have tried the relay.
D. Name Me Game
1. Group the class into three.
2. Each group will be distributed a word cards.
3. Teacher shows a picture.
4. Pupils who are holding the name of the picture paste the word card below it.
5. The first one who pastes the correct word card gets a point.
E. Post It Game
1. Group the class into three.
2. Each group will be distributed set of word/ pictures.
3. Each group will look for the picture/ word that has the beginning sound of /ng/.
4. Post it on the board.
5. The first group to complete posting wins.
F. Word Reading Game
1. Group the class into three.
2. Teacher distributes word cards to each group.
3. Teacher will say a word.
4. If the group have that word, raise the card and read the word.
Your Final Task:
A. Word Completion.
Write the initial sound of the word.
B. Initial Sound Recognition.
Encircle the missing letter of the word for the picture shown.
C. Oral Reading. Teacher will prepare a list of five learned words. Call a pupil
individually to read the words.

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Module-2 (Nogadas-Noval-Salisetonets).docx

  • 2. LESSON PLAN 1 HOW TO LET PUPILS READ USING MARUNGKO APPROACH Sound Uu Goal: This lesson allows you to teach the sound /u/ and the proper way of writing the letter U. Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /u/ and be able to write it correctly. They should also master the sound /m/. Your Initial Task Task 1: Ask a question that will give you a response of the target sound. ? Unsay sunod nga mahitabo human sa itom kaayo nga dag-om? Answer: ulan Produce the correct sound of /u/ through the teacher’s modeling. Your Developmental Task Task 2: Show pictures that start with the target sound /u/. Let the pupils produce the correct sound of the initial letter. ulan unlan unggoy 1 usa Task 3: Teacher writes the target letter /u/ on the board and sound it once again as
  • 3. they look at the letter. Show them how to write it. Then ask them to write on the board with the fingers on their palm,their desk and on paper as they produce the sound. Your Enrichment Task For mastery in producing the sound /u/,the following activities should be done. A. Letter Hunting 1.Teacher prepares a strips of paper containing the letter /u/. 2.Teacher places those strips in any parts of the room. 3.She/He tells the class to look for those papers . 4.Once they are able to get one ,let the pupil produce the initial sound of letter /u/. B. Picture Association- Match the word with the picture. 1. Teacher mounts the word on the board. 2. Ask pupils to pick a picture and match the picture with the word. 3. Teacher models in producing the sound /u/. Your Final Task Let the pupils write the letter as the teacher produce the the sound /u/.
  • 4. LESSON PLAN 2 HOW TO LET PUPILS READ USING MARUNGKO APPROACH Sound Tt Goal: This lessons allows you to teach the sound of /t/ and the proper way of writing the letter T.Pupils are expected to produce the correct soundo of /t/ and be able to write it correctly. They should master the production of /t/. Your Initial Task Task 1 Review the sounds of /m/,/a/ which was previously learned to test their mastery. m a = ma ma ma = mama a m = am am am = am-am a ma = ama Task 2 Ask a question that will give a respond of the target sound /t//. ? Unsa nga gulay ube ang kolor nga lami lutoon pares ang itlog. Answer: talong Teacher models the correct sound of the initial letter of talong /t/. Let the pupils repeat the sound for several times. Your Developmental Task Task 1 Show pictures that start with the target sound /t/. Let the pupils produce the correct sound of the initial letter. talong tasa
  • 5. tuhod tudlo Task 2 Write the target letter /t/ on the board and sound it once again as they look at the letter.Show them how to write it. Then ask them to write it on the board, write on air using their fingers, write on their palm and on paper as they produce the sound. Your Enrichment Task Task 1 – Word Relay Group the pupils by five and let them form a line. The last pupil on the line will will have a pencil and paper.The teacher gives instructions to the pupils. The first pupil on the line will pick a word in a box, read it and relay the word to the next pupil until the last pupil on the line will write the wordon a sheet of paper. tuhod talong tasa toron tambok tudlo Your Final Task Let the pupils encircle the word that does belong to the group. 1. tisa tasa lola 2. melon tama tansan 3. tuhod tolda abaga 4. talong yoyo tambok 5. adlaw tudlo talon
  • 6. LESSON PLAN 3 HOW TO LET PUPILS READ USING MARUNGKO APPROACH Sound Kk Goal: This lesson allows you to teach the sound of /k/ and the proper way of writing letter k. Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /k/ and be able to write it correctly. They should master the sound of /k/. Your Initial Task Ask a question that will give you a response of the target sound. ? Unsa nga hayop nga mahimong sakyan ug kusog modagan? Answer: kabayo The teacher models the production of the sound /k/. Your Development Task Show pictures that start with the target sound /k/ and let the pupils produce the correct sound of the initial sound. kahoy kahon kanding katre kabayo kabaw karomata kasoy kariton kawayan
  • 7. kalamansi kamote kadumahan kayo Kasing kato kolot Kurente kalibanga kapinyahan kurtina kilay
  • 8. Let the pupils produce the sound /k/ individually,by group,by row and the whole class. Write the target letter k on the board and tell the pupils to sound it once again as they look at the letter. Teacher models how to write the letter k correctly and let the pupils write it on the board,with the fingers on their palm,on their desks and on paper as they give the sound. Your Enrichment Task For mastery in producing the sound /k/,the following activities should be done. A. Letter Tower Building 1. Teacher prepares a ? sheet of cartolina and form it like a cone. 2. Teacher makes at least 20 pieces letter k. 3. She/He tells the class to look for letter k. 4. Once they are able to get one, let the pupil produce the sound of a letter k. 5. Teacher introduces blending of sounds. Ka so = kaso Ka ka =kaka Ka ma = kama Your Enrichment Task A. Word Hunting 1. Teacher prepares strips of papers containing the following words. Kabayo , kanding,kalamansi,kalo,kamatis. 2.Teacher places those strips of paper in any parts of the room. 3.She/He tells the class to look for those papers. 4. Once they are able to get one,let the pupils read the words. B.Read Aloud Pupils have to repeat after the teacher reads the group of words. ? Kaka ni Tata. ? Ang Kaka ni Tata ningkatkat sa kama. Your Final Task
  • 9. Let the pupils write the letters as the teacher produces the sound of /m/,/t/,/a//s/. LESSON PLAN 4 HOW TO LET PUPILS READ USING MARUNGKO APPROACH Sound Ll Goal: This lesson allows you to teach the sound of /l/ and the proper way of writing the letter l.Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /l/. and be able to write it correctly. They should also master the sound of /l/. Your Initial Task Task 1: Ask question that will give you a response of the target sound. ? Unsa imong ginagamit pagsulat sa imong pangalan? Answer: lapis Produce the correct sounds of /l/ through teachers' modeling. Your Developmental Task Task 2: a. Show pictures that start with the target sound /l/. Let the pupils produce the correct sound of the initial letter. lata langgam
  • 10. laso lamok lugaw b. Show them how to write the letter /l/.Then ask them to write on the board with the fingers on their palm,on their desks and on the air as they produce the sound. c. Teacher introduces blending of sounds. la ta =lata la sa =lasa la so = laso la ba =laba la mi =lami la pis =lapis Your Enrichment Activities Task 1: Game PERA o BAYONG 1. Let all the pupils stand. Call five learners tlearners to hold each letter k,l,t,u. 2. Teacher reads a word.Pupils have to fall in line where the initial sound falls. 3. Pupils who cannot identify the sound shall be eliminated and are advised to sit down. Task 2 : Read Aloud Pupils have to repeat after the teacher reads the group of words. Your Final Task Let the pupils write the letters as the teacher produces the sound /k/,/l/,/t/,/u/.
  • 11. How to Let the Pupils Read Using Marungko Approach Goal: This lesson allows you to teach the sound of /y/ and the proper way of writing the letter y. Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /y/ and be able to write it correctly. They should also master the sound of /y/. Your Initial Task: Task 1: Give exercises/ drills. 1. Singing the song of the previously learned letter names and sounds. (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell) Ang tingog sa m /m/ (2x) Tanang letra naay tingog. Ang tingog sa m /m/. 2. Teacher points the letter and asks pupils to name it or give its sound. Task 2: Ask a question that will give you a response of the target sound. ? Imong ginikanan gapanarbaho. Kamong mga anak tanan na nag- eskuwela. Kada hawa ninyo sa buntag, gisiguro gayod sa inyong papa ang nakakandado ang balay. Pag-uli ninyo sa hapon, sirado pa inyong balay. Wala pa inyong mga ginikanan. Unsay inyong gamiton para naabri ang nakalock nga kandado sa balay? (yabi/ yawi) Produce the correct sound of /y/ through teachers modeling. Your Developmental Task: A. Naming pictures presented in a chart. 1. Teacher presents pictures in a chart and says: “Look at the pictures and listen as I say each name of the picture.” Teacher says the picture name again and the pupils repeat it. 2. Teacher presents each picture and the pupils will give the name.
  • 12. yawi/ yabi yoyo yaya yate yarn yahong yahong Let the pupils give other name of things, persons, places that begins with /y/. B. Let the pupils produce the sound /y/ individually, by group, by row and the whole class. Write the target letter y on the board and tell the pupils to sound it once again as they look at the letter. C. Teacher writes the target letter /y/ on the board and sound it once again as they look at the letter. Show them how to write it. Then ask them to write on the board with their fingers, on their palm, on their desk and on the paper as they produce the sound. D. Teacher introduces blending of sounds. Form words by blending sounds of the letters learned. y a /ya/ a y /ay/ y o /yo/ ya ya /yaya/ Your Enrichment Task:
  • 13. For mastery in producing the sound /y/, the following should be done. A. Letter Hunting 1. Teacher prepares metacards containing the letter y. 2. Teacher places those metacards in any parts of the room. 3. She will instruct the pupils to look for those metacards. 4. Once they are able to get one, let the pupil produce the sound of letter y. B. Identifying /y/ represented as y in the initial position in words. 1. Teacher points to the pictures and picture name written in the metacards. The metacards are placed in the pocket chart. 2. Teacher says the picture name again and the pupils will repeat it. Teacher asks pupils the beginning sound of each word. Teacher underlines y in the words. 3. Teacher produces the sound pointing to the underlined y in every word and the pupils will repeat after her. C. Picture - Word Association - Match the picture with its correct word. 1. Teacher prepares metacards with words on it. 2. Ask a pupil to pick a picture and match it to its correct word. 3. Teacher models in producing the sound /y/. D. Word Relay 1. Teacher prepares metacards with words previously learned. 2. Group the pupils into three. The group members will take turn to do the relay. 3. Teacher will show a metacard. The first child to read the word will make one big step forward. Repeat until one of the pupils will reach the finish line first. 4. Do the same until all the pupils have tried the relay. E. Picture Chart 1. Let the pupils look at each picture. 2. Let them write the missing letter on the blank to complete the word below. F. Pair Matching Game 1. Group the class into three. 2. Distribute pictures and word cards. 3. Pupils pair off pictures with its corresponding word. 4. The first group to complete correctly the set of words and pictures win. G. Picture and Word Match 1. Distribute pictures to the class. 2. Teacher will show a metacard with word on it. 3. Let the pupils read it. 4. The pupil holding the picture of the word read will stand up. 5. Pair the picture and word on the board.
  • 14. (Teacher may modify it. Pupils will hold the metacard, teacher will show the picture) Your Final Task: A. Letter Sound Identification. The teacher will produce a sound of a letter then the pupils write the letter on their notebook. B. Box the beginning sound of the pictures. C. Oral Reading. Teacher will prepare a list of five learned words. Call a pupil individually to read the words. How to Let the Pupils Read Using Marungko Approach
  • 15. Goal: This lesson allows you to teach the sound of /n/ and the proper way of writing the letter n. Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /n/ and be able to write it correctly. They should also master the sound of /n/. Your Initial Task: Task 1: Give exercises/ drills. 1. Singing the song of the previously learned letter names and sounds. (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell) Ang tingog sa a /a/ (2x) Tanang letra naay tingog. Ang tingog sa a /a/. 2. a. Play with words using the game “Fishing Letters” Teacher displays a miniature aquarium filled with cutout fish printed with letters. b. Teacher calls on some pupils to “fish” letters individually. She asks pupils to read the letter name and produce its sound they have hooked. The pupils with more letters fished and read are the winners. Task 2: Ask a question that will give you a response of the target sound. ? Kung moadto ta sa hospital, kinsa ang naa didto nga gatabang sa doctor para matambalan ang mga naay sakit? (nars) Produce the correct sound of /n/ through teachers modeling. Your Developmental Task: A. Show pictures that start with the target sound /n/. Let the pupils produce the correct initial sound of the word. nars nangka nanay
  • 16. nigo nota Let the pupils give other name of things, persons, places that begins with /n/. B. Let the pupils produce the sound /n/ individually, by group, by row and the whole class. Write the target letter n on the board and tell the pupils to sound it once again as they look at the letter. C. 1. Show a model of Nn. 2. Demonstrate how to write the proper way in writing Nn. 3. Pupils practice writing Nn on air, back of classmates, on their tables, etc. D. Teacher introduces blending of sounds. Form words by blending sounds of the letters learned. n a /na/ a n /an/ na na /nana/ ma ni /mani/ Your Enrichment Task: For mastery in producing the sound /n/, the following should be done. A. Letter Sound Identification 1. Teacher will read a word. 2. Let the pupils listen to the initial sound of a word read. 3. Ask the pupils to clap their hands if the word begins with /n/ sound and stamp their feet it not. B. Letter Hunting 1. Teacher prepares metacards containing the letter n. 2. Teacher places those metacards in any parts of the room. 3. She will instruct the pupils to look for those metacards. 4. Once they are able to get one, let the pupil produce the sound of letter n.
  • 17. C. Picture - Word Association 1. Teacher display pictures on the board. 2. Teacher points to each picture and say its name while the pupils listen. 3. Teacher says the picture name again and ask pupils to repeat. 4. Ask individual pupils to say the name of each picture. D. Word Relay 1. Teacher prepares metacards with words previously learned. 2. Group the pupils into three. The group members will take turn to do the relay. 3. Teacher will show a metacard. The first child to read the word will make one big step forward. Repeat until one of the pupils will reach the finish line first. 4. Do the same until all the pupils have tried the relay. E. Letter Sound Game 1. Teacher displays a chart of letters. 2. Teacher produces a letter sound and asks some individual pupils to point to the letter symbol of the sound heard. F. Puzzle 1. Group the class into three. 2. Distribute a puzzled picture to each group. 3. Let each group arrange the assigned puzzle to them 4. When done, let a member from the group pick the correct word for it from the pocket chart. Your Final Task: A. Initial Sound Identification. Box the pictures that begins with /n/. B. Picture-word Association. Encircle the word that names the picture on the left. C. Oral Reading. Teacher will prepare a list of five learned words. Call a pupil individually to read the words. How to Let the Pupils Read Using Marungko Approach Goal: This lesson allows you to teach the sound of /ng/ and the proper way of writing the letter ng. Pupils are expected to produce the correct sound of /ng/ and be able to write it correctly. They should also master the sound of /ng/.
  • 18. Your Initial Task: Task 1: Give exercises/ drills. 1. Singing the song of the previously learned letter names and sounds. (Tune: The Farmer in the Dell) Ang tingog sa t /t/ (2x) Tanang letra naay tingog. Ang tingog sa t /t/. 2. Teacher displays a chart and says: “Look at the letters and listen as I produce the sound.” Task 2: Let the children sing the song “Sampung mga Daliri” with action. Task 3: Ask a question that will give you a response of the target sound. ? Unsa nga parte sa atong lawas ang gamiton sa pag-usap sa atong pagkaon? (ngipon) Produce the correct sound of /ng/ through teachers modeling. Your Developmental Task: A. Show pictures that start with the target sound /ng/. Let the pupils produce the correct initial sound of the word. ngipon ngabil
  • 19. nga-nga ngisi Let the pupils give other name of things, persons, places that begins with /ng/. B. Let the pupils produce the sound /ng/ individually, by group, by row and the whole class. Write the target letter ng on the board and tell the pupils to sound it once again as they look at the letter. C. Teacher writes the target letter /ng/ on the board and sound it once again as they look at the letter. Show them how to write it. Then ask them to write on the board with their fingers, on their palm, on their desk and on the paper as they produce the sound. D. Teacher introduces blending of sounds. Form words by blending sounds of the letters learned. ng a /nga/ a ng /ang/ nga nga /nga-nga/ ngi si /ngisi/ Your Enrichment Task: For mastery in producing the sound /ng/, the following should be done. A. Letter Hunting 1. Teacher prepares metacards containing the letter ng. 2. Teacher places those metacards in any parts of the room. 3. She will instruct the pupils to look for those metacards. 4. Once they are able to get one, let the pupil produce the sound of letter ng. B. Picture - Word Association - Match the picture with its correct word. 1. Teacher prepares metacards with words on it. 2. Ask a pupil to pick a picture and match it to its correct word. 3. Teacher models in producing the sound /ng/. C. Word Relay 1. Teacher prepares metacards with words previously learned. 2. Group the pupils into three. The group members will take turn to do the relay. 3. Teacher will show a metacard. The first child to read the word will make one big step forward. Repeat until one of the pupils will reach the finish line first. 4. Do the same until all the pupils have tried the relay. D. Name Me Game 1. Group the class into three. 2. Each group will be distributed a word cards.
  • 20. 3. Teacher shows a picture. 4. Pupils who are holding the name of the picture paste the word card below it. 5. The first one who pastes the correct word card gets a point. E. Post It Game 1. Group the class into three. 2. Each group will be distributed set of word/ pictures. 3. Each group will look for the picture/ word that has the beginning sound of /ng/. 4. Post it on the board. 5. The first group to complete posting wins. F. Word Reading Game 1. Group the class into three. 2. Teacher distributes word cards to each group. 3. Teacher will say a word. 4. If the group have that word, raise the card and read the word. Your Final Task: A. Word Completion. Write the initial sound of the word. B. Initial Sound Recognition. Encircle the missing letter of the word for the picture shown. C. Oral Reading. Teacher will prepare a list of five learned words. Call a pupil individually to read the words.