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Curriculum Vitae
Mohamed Hanfy Roshdy
EL Wasta_BeniSeuif, Egypt
E-mail: eng.mhr91@hotmail.com
Tel: 00201148403161, 00201220520155, 00966541983428
Whats App: 00966541983428
Utilizing and enhancing my skills and qualifications through a big organization
which encourages continuous education and development of its employees,
and through which I can interact and work efficiently in a dynamic
environment to prove myself.
件Date of BirthNovember 27th, 1988
件 Place of BirthBeniSuif, Egypt
件 Nationality Egyptian
件 Marital Status Single
件 2006  2011 Bachelor of Civil Eng., Faculty of Engineering at
ElFyoum, Egypt.
件 Cumulative grade:Good With 74.5%
件Last year grade : Very Good.
件 Project grade : Excellent
 Graduation project topics: Maintenance of roads
件Arab Contractor Jul 2008, 2009
Trained on some Plane Surveying skills and office works
Ginza company Jul 2009, 20010
 I can works @ level, Total Station
Work Experience:
Site Engineer at Arabian Construction Company (Acc)
Project:(up town Cairo)September 2011 to October 2012
And (Hilton_Plaza_Hurghada) October2012 TO 2014
 Planner, Technical Office @ Construction Company
(Riyadh) @2014
 Site Engineer at Construction Company @(Riyadh) @ 2015
 Site Engineer at Beijing Emirates International
Construction (BEC) From January 2016 till Now @ Gazan
General Skills
э Able to work on own initiative or as part of a team.
э Can deal with problems and duties competently.
э Dynamic & very good Performer and brilliant communicator.
э Well-organized, excellent planner.
э Possess good leadership and motivation skills.
э Very good Performer under Pressure.
э Can do his best to satisfy the customer's needs.
э Trying to make appropriate balance between the demands of the
customer and the offers of the company.
э Dealing with anybody whatever his position is.
Computer Skills
э IBM Compatible PCs Running Win XP,Win 7.
э Microsoft Office速 XP, 2011.
э Internet Surfing and related Skills.
э Native speaker of Arabic
э Fluent in English
mohamed hanfy2016-1
mohamed hanfy2016-1
mohamed hanfy2016-1
mohamed hanfy2016-1
mohamed hanfy2016-1
mohamed hanfy2016-1

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  • 1. Curriculum Vitae Mohamed Hanfy Roshdy EL Wasta_BeniSeuif, Egypt E-mail: eng.mhr91@hotmail.com Tel: 00201148403161, 00201220520155, 00966541983428 Whats App: 00966541983428 OBJECTIVE Utilizing and enhancing my skills and qualifications through a big organization which encourages continuous education and development of its employees, and through which I can interact and work efficiently in a dynamic environment to prove myself. PERSONAL DATA 件Date of BirthNovember 27th, 1988 件 Place of BirthBeniSuif, Egypt 件 Nationality Egyptian 件 Marital Status Single EDUCATION 件 2006 2011 Bachelor of Civil Eng., Faculty of Engineering at ElFyoum, Egypt. 件 Cumulative grade:Good With 74.5% 件Last year grade : Very Good. 件 Project grade : Excellent Graduation project topics: Maintenance of roads SUMMER TRAINNING 件Arab Contractor Jul 2008, 2009 Trained on some Plane Surveying skills and office works Ginza company Jul 2009, 20010 I can works @ level, Total Station
  • 2. Work Experience: Site Engineer at Arabian Construction Company (Acc) Project:(up town Cairo)September 2011 to October 2012 And (Hilton_Plaza_Hurghada) October2012 TO 2014 Planner, Technical Office @ Construction Company (Riyadh) @2014 Site Engineer at Construction Company @(Riyadh) @ 2015 Site Engineer at Beijing Emirates International Construction (BEC) From January 2016 till Now @ Gazan University SKILLS General Skills э Able to work on own initiative or as part of a team. э Can deal with problems and duties competently. э Dynamic & very good Performer and brilliant communicator. э Well-organized, excellent planner. э Possess good leadership and motivation skills. э Very good Performer under Pressure. э Can do his best to satisfy the customer's needs. э Trying to make appropriate balance between the demands of the customer and the offers of the company. э Dealing with anybody whatever his position is. Computer Skills э AUTO CAD Primavera э SAP э IBM Compatible PCs Running Win XP,Win 7. э Microsoft Office速 XP, 2011. э Internet Surfing and related Skills. Languages э Native speaker of Arabic э Fluent in English