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I'm writingthislettertoexpressmyinterestinthe medical representative position.
I've enclosedaresume andan outline of myskillsandtrainingqualifiesme forthisposition.
I believethatmypast trainingwouldmake me agreat asset, Below isalistof myexperience thatisthe
relative tothisposition.
- I'm a medical representative atApex- Multi apex pharmasince March2014.
- I've started(( MBA )) at Arab AcademyForScience AndTechnologyNov.2014.
- Tanta University'stheaterteamfor3 years.
- vice presidentof studentunion.2011.
- Studentsunionfor1 year,Cultural committee.
- Studentsunionfor2 years,Social andtripscommittee.
- Attendedmore thanone leaderspreparationcourse.
Throughmy careeri have learnedhowtoprovide excellentcustomerservice andi have acqiredgreat
I fullyunderstandthatmedical representative isthe linkbetweenmycompanyandthe doctors.
Thisis an importantpositionthat i'mconfidenti canfill successfully.
Please give me acall at 01100099601, or feel free toemail me at m.dreeny@live.com
Mohammad Dreeny.

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Mohammad Dreeny's Cover letter

  • 1. Dear, I'm writingthislettertoexpressmyinterestinthe medical representative position. I've enclosedaresume andan outline of myskillsandtrainingqualifiesme forthisposition. I believethatmypast trainingwouldmake me agreat asset, Below isalistof myexperience thatisthe most relative tothisposition. - I'm a medical representative atApex- Multi apex pharmasince March2014. - I've started(( MBA )) at Arab AcademyForScience AndTechnologyNov.2014. - Tanta University'stheaterteamfor3 years. - vice presidentof studentunion.2011. - Studentsunionfor1 year,Cultural committee. - Studentsunionfor2 years,Social andtripscommittee. - Attendedmore thanone leaderspreparationcourse. Throughmy careeri have learnedhowtoprovide excellentcustomerservice andi have acqiredgreat interpersonalskills. withgreatself-motivation. I fullyunderstandthatmedical representative isthe linkbetweenmycompanyandthe doctors. Thisis an importantpositionthat i'mconfidenti canfill successfully. Please give me acall at 01100099601, or feel free toemail me at m.dreeny@live.com Sincerely, Mohammad Dreeny.