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Molly F. Weimer
1860 Thousand Oaks Lane  Lawrenceville, GA  30043
(678) 492-0118  mw06589@georgiasouthern.edu
Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing with a minor in Finance Statesboro,GA
 Deans List, Presidents List, Hope Scholarship
FacilitiesAssistant Statesboro,GA
 Greet each patron while establishing guidelines for the facility
 Uphold working knowledge of company regulations, campus events,and recreational activities
 Set up and taking down organized events put on by GSU events within the facility
 Assess emergency situations with patrons that may arise
 Elevate the atmosphere of the facility by working well with my peers and establishing strong team work
SKY ZONE ATLANTA September 2012  Present
Party Planner Suwannee, GA
 Organize a multitude of parties each shift such as preparing the venue for the event
 Create a safe and fun environment for the guests ofthe party
 Establish unity with all otheremployees to ensure a good atmosphere
 Selling the brand of the facility to the guests ofthe party to ensure they will visit again
Academic Excellence Chairman Statesboro,GA
 Oversaw a budget of $12,300 for the semester
 Organize scholarship banquet for 70 girls 2 consecutive semesters
 Negotiate with local businesses to obtain scholarship rewards
 Assessing all 209 chaptermembers grade reports
 Counting studying hours and motivating girls on academic probation to improve their grades
Vice President of ChapterDevelopment
 Developing weekly chapter activities for 209 chaptermembers to inspire them throughout the week
 Motivated each member to be more involved within the organization
 Organizing a sisterhood retreat for all 209 chapter members to attend
 Worked with local businessesand venues to proficiently hold a sisterhood retreat
 Staying within a budget of $10,750 while planning for the sisterhood retreat and sisterhood events throughout the year
 Phi Mu Fraternity- Memorial Hospital prom assisting with 30 children in the hospitalto host a dance: Included putting together
their outfits, makeup, and setting up the event
 Phi Mu Fraternity- First Annual Childrens Miracle Network Dance Marathon at GSU: Included setting up the event and
playing games with the children who attended
Molly Weimer Resume

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  • 1. Molly F. Weimer 1860 Thousand Oaks Lane Lawrenceville, GA 30043 (678) 492-0118 mw06589@georgiasouthern.edu GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY May 2017 Bachelor of Business Administration in Marketing with a minor in Finance Statesboro,GA Deans List, Presidents List, Hope Scholarship PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY THE RECREATION ACTIVITY CENTER September 2014 Present FacilitiesAssistant Statesboro,GA Greet each patron while establishing guidelines for the facility Uphold working knowledge of company regulations, campus events,and recreational activities Set up and taking down organized events put on by GSU events within the facility Assess emergency situations with patrons that may arise Elevate the atmosphere of the facility by working well with my peers and establishing strong team work SKY ZONE ATLANTA September 2012 Present Party Planner Suwannee, GA Organize a multitude of parties each shift such as preparing the venue for the event Create a safe and fun environment for the guests ofthe party Establish unity with all otheremployees to ensure a good atmosphere Selling the brand of the facility to the guests ofthe party to ensure they will visit again LEADERSHIP EXPERIENCE GEORGIA SOUTHERN UNIVERSITY PHI MU FRATERNITY September 2014 Present Academic Excellence Chairman Statesboro,GA Oversaw a budget of $12,300 for the semester Organize scholarship banquet for 70 girls 2 consecutive semesters Negotiate with local businesses to obtain scholarship rewards Assessing all 209 chaptermembers grade reports Counting studying hours and motivating girls on academic probation to improve their grades Vice President of ChapterDevelopment Developing weekly chapter activities for 209 chaptermembers to inspire them throughout the week Motivated each member to be more involved within the organization Organizing a sisterhood retreat for all 209 chapter members to attend Worked with local businessesand venues to proficiently hold a sisterhood retreat Staying within a budget of $10,750 while planning for the sisterhood retreat and sisterhood events throughout the year COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENET Phi Mu Fraternity- Memorial Hospital prom assisting with 30 children in the hospitalto host a dance: Included putting together their outfits, makeup, and setting up the event Phi Mu Fraternity- First Annual Childrens Miracle Network Dance Marathon at GSU: Included setting up the event and playing games with the children who attended