4. 這一生最大的榮耀 就是教母親寫她的名字。 ~ 桂雅文 Mom, I love you. You gave me such a honor to teach you how to write your name, which is the best achievement of my life. ~ Aven Kuei
5. 您為我做了五十五年的好母親, 我只為您做了兩年半的好女兒。 ~高映梅 You had been the best mom to me for over 55 years while I had been a good daughter to you for only 2.5 years. ~ inmay Kao
7. 小時候,媽媽對我說, 她不會參加學校所有的活動。 後來才明白, 她不想因為她的殘疾讓別人瞧不起我。 長大後,我想對媽媽說: 「我以您為榮,我以身為您的孩子為榮。」 ~ 李志強 1972.1. 媽媽、哥哥和我 When I was little, my mother told me:” She wouldn’t go to school.” as I understood, she thought her body was not perfect which might bring people look down on me. Now I want to say to my Mom, “ I love you because I am so proud to be your son. “ ~ Jester Lin
8. 媽媽? 就是一雙沒停下來的手。 ~ 吳淑菁 ~Mom is non-stop hands whenever I see and miss her. ~shu-gin
9. 在我生命的每一個重要時刻,她都在場。 ~ 張譽騰 At every important moment of my life, she was always there. ~ Francis Chang