Michael Lewis in his 2003 book Moneyball wrote in-part about how baseball has become an unfair game controlled by the big-spending teams. The same can be said of our political system, and the problem is only getting worse.
3. Article the ?rst... After the ?rst enumeration required by
the ?rst article of the Constitution, there shall be one
Representative for every thirty thousand, until the
number shall amount to one hundred, after which the
proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there
shall be not less than one hundred Representatives, nor
less than one Representative for every forty thousand
persons, until the number of Representatives shall
amount to two hundred; after which the proportion
shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall not
be less than two hundred Representatives, nor more
than one Representative for every ?fty thousand persons.
4. Article the ?rst... After the ?rst enumeration required by
the ?rst article of the Constitution, there shall be one
Representative for every thirty thousand, until the
number shall amount to one hundred, after which the
proportion shall be so regulated by Congress, that there
shall be not less than one hundred Representatives, nor
less than one Representative for every forty thousand
persons, until the number of Representatives shall
amount to two hundred; after which the proportion
shall be so regulated by Congress, that there shall not
be less than two hundred Representatives, nor more
than one Representative for every ?fty thousand persons.
31. Mass media
? Top-down, one-to-
? Expensive, self-
? Message concentrated
in few hands
? Command-and-control
Social media
? Many-to-many
? Cheap, accessible
? Message can evolve
? New blocs can form
based on shared
? Self-organization
33. Before
? Voter data kept
hidden by political
? Consumer data
expensive, locked
? TV watching high
? Phone, location,
transit limits message
? Voter roll data available
to the public
? Data is being shared on
? TV on the decline; cell
phones, internet
? Messages can spread
36. Still Happening
? Donors and their
agendas most
? Negative ads
? Politicians forced to
satisfy donors to be
? Outspending
? New power-brokers on
social media are the
most important
? Positive messages
? Politicians need to hold
support of engaged
? Outfriending
37. “the person who brings in the most online voters
between now and September 10 will win coffee
with the Congresswoman”