Our organization is contemplating the facts around the implementation of the immigration law 287g. We want to find out if, through racial profiling, the police are targeting the immigrant community, and more particularly, the Latino community.
2. Mission Statement The Goal of this project is to design and implement an effective and comprehensive system for monitoring the actions of local law enforcement pertaining to immigration enforcement.
3. The goal To observe immigration enforcement by local law enforcement (specifically Guilford County sheriffs office) Identify any abuses ( ex . Racial profiling) that occur during immigration enforcement Analyze recorded data for patterns Document these abuses in a clear and cohesive manor Record the documented abuses in a clear and systematic way Use data and analysis of data in order to advocate for the rights of immigrants and hold law enforcement accountable for abuses of power.
4. Things to be monitored Checkpoints -establish an effective system for monitoring police checkpoints such as license checkpoints, Click It or Ticket checkpoints, etc. -Guilford County Jail Roster -it is publicly available online and contains basic info about all arrests made.
5. Checkpoint Monitoring Use the Southern Coalition for Social Justices model as a basic guideline for structure. Hold training session with volunteers Go over 287 g and its impact Go over structure Go over what data needs to be collected Go over know your rights Go over what is to be done with the collected information.
6. Why monitor checkpoints Ice Access Programs are supposed to focus attention on undocumented immigrants with a criminal background. There are significant indicators of abuses in power and tools such as traffic checkpoints used as a means of targeting non-violent/non-criminal immigrants. This racial profiling leads to arrests and even deportation of undocumented immigrants for minor offenses which is a violation of the current immigration programs, ( 287 g and Secure Communities) Monitoring checkpoints is an effective way of gathering information about abuses.
7. Infrastructure for Checkpoint Monitoring Central Number (Skype or other) for spotters to call in checkpoints. Twitter account for organization and volunteers in order to send out checkpoint alerts via text messages. Online database for storing multimedia evidence. Mapping program ( Google Maps) for recording the location of checkpoints Tools for data entry and analysis, geographical and statistical.
9. What data needs to be collected at checkpoints Date, time and location of checkpoint Type of checkpoint Race of driver Amount of time stopped Further action: arrested? pulled over? Any other important observations including pattern of car stops.
10. Monitoring the Guilford County jail Roster Needed: A few Volunteers to look at the jail roster online (weekly) and record all info related to immigration detainees. A spreadsheet system for clearly recording data as its reviewed.
11. Example of Information to be monitored on Jail Rosters Date immigration retainer was issued Arresting officer Charge Location of arrest Time Date Name
12. Whats needed from volunteers A wide range of availability ( checkpoints could go up anywhere at anytime) A definite interest in the issue Commitment and follow through Basic understanding of certain program (Twitter, Google maps, skype, etc. ) Good observation skills Respect for the work and courtesy while gathering information Consistency US Citizen (not naturalized)
13. What happens to the Data after is collected The data collected from both checkpoints and jail rosters should be given to FaithAction International House By hand, email, fax Within 2 days of being collected Monitoring team will enter data at it comes in and analyze on monthly basis
14. How data can be recorded effectively once received Initially, data can be kept in spreadsheet form on the intern computer in the immigrant assistance office. Eventually, data can be entered into a database that will make it easier to analyze Example, open envys, a free downloadable software that allows a space to record and share human rights violations
15. Desired results Recorded data will be effectively analyzed for patterns which indicate abuses occurring during immigration enforcement The recorded and analyzed data can be used to hold local law enforcement accountable for their actions and create positive changes
16. Next steps Plan an information session Recruit volunteers to info session and to work on project Implement project Follow up with project