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How to manage online
adverse events within
pharmaceutical players?

Haider Alleg
Global eMarketing Manager

Munich - 06.02.2013
About this presentation

                                                  Why using social media listening and
                                                   monitoring to impact Esmya速 digital

                                                  How to structure as a global
                                                   pharmaceutical company to handle
                                                   social media mentions?

                                                  How to setup a robust social media
                                                   process both at a global and local

                                                  How to handle online adverse events
                                                   as an international team?

    Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
    Munich (06.02.2013)
About Gedeon Richter
     and Esmya速

                                                                   Development of generic drugs and chemical processes as well
    A Pan-European specialty pharmaceutical company
                                                                   as biotechnology

    A 112 year old company present in more than thirty countries   An expanding product portfolio

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
About Gedeon Richter
    and Esmya速

    Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
    Munich (06.02.2013)
About me

    Gedeon Richter Global eMarketing Manager

   27 years old, 10 years working in the digital industry

   2 master degrees: International Marketing and Business              /*Digital worker since 2003*/

   5 years in the healthcare industry and global projects (Novartis,
    Roche, Pfizer, NovoNordisk, Medtronic...)

   e-insights mining, social media campaigns, performance
    campaigns, metrics and dash-boarding...

       Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
       Munich (06.02.2013)

                                               launched in
                                               Europe since
                                               (present in UK, DE and some CEE
                                               countries, others to follow soon)

    Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
    Munich (06.02.2013)

    Esmya速 digital strategy is a core DNA branch
    of the brand plan

            Measuring Esmya@ brand impact on corporate image
             (Biotech drug vs. Generics)

            Engaging with doctors (gynecologists, surgeons and

            Help patients put a name on a condition (disease
             awareness strategy)

         Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
         Munich (06.02.2013)

                                               Gedeon Richter (GR) is structuring
                                               digital activities globally and locally

                                                    Listening to know where to act and
                                                     which content strategy to adopt

                                                    Defining a process globally and
                                                     improve our efficiency locally

                                                    Engage in social media from a
                                                     corporate, patients and doctors angle

    Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
    Munich (06.02.2013)
Listening to diagnostic
      and build the e-strategy

    E-insights mining (qualitative)              E-monitoring (quantitative)

      Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
      Munich (06.02.2013)
Step 1. Take a snapshot

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Listening to diagnostic
        and build the e-strategy

    2 pilot studies in German and English, with focus in
     the UK and Germany

    2 months of research, humanized approach (native

    Verbatim based on the disease keywords, Esmya速
     and Gedeon Richter mentions

        Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
        Munich (06.02.2013)
Listening to diagnostic
     and build the e-strategy

                                                Objectives of the study: a fly on the wall

                                                      Who is speaking? Profile of talkers.

                                                      Where are nodes of communication around
                                                       the product, the disease?

                                                      Where are KOLs?

                                                      What is the reputation of the drug? The lab?
                                                       Among patients? Among doctors?

                                                      What are the topics? Why?

                                                      How to engage with them?

                                                      Where are potential adverse events?

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Listening to diagnostic
     and build the e-strategy

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Listening to diagnostic
     and build the e-strategy

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Step 2. Establish the digital strategy

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Key takeaways for
     Esmya速 digital strategy

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Step 3. Take the pulse

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Monitoring tools market

                                                Existing solutions are

                                                    Not easy to setup

                                                    Not easy to scale

                                                    Not easy to use

                                                    Not cheap!

                                                    Too technical

                                                    Not adapted

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Monitoring tools market

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Setup the monitoring to
     answer business goals

            We setup Radarly at a global
            level to measure in all markets:

                      Brand mentions

                      Event impact

                      Marketing campaigns impact

                      Uterine fibroids discussions

                      KOLs exposure

                      Adverse events

                      Scientific publications

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Step 4. Structure

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Setup the monitoring to
     answer business goals
                        Medical/           ≒Prepare the

                                            PV/             ≒Review and
                                                              training updates

                                                                                   of English
                                                           eMarketing              (global)

                                                                                  Local              ≒Adapt global
                                                                                 Medical/              verbatim to local

                                                                                                    Local PV/              ≒Review local

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Monitoring process structure:
     Think global, act local

                                                      Radarly captures
                                                     mentions in the global




                     Local native speakers                                 Global eMarketer
                      qualify the posts in                  1h / day     assigned posts to local
                     English (Marketer/PV)                                  native speakers

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Monitoring process structure:
     Think global, act local



                                                Centralised at the HQ

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Monitoring process

                                                                Innovation              Marketing

                                                      Events                                         Coms

            Key stakeholders                    Digital                 Social                              PR

            are required for                                          monitoring
            success                             Legal
                                                                       process                              IT

                                                        Sales                                          PV

                                                                Marketing               Regulatory
                                                                             Med Info

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Monitoring tool box:
     Response grid and criticality matrix

                        Online Monitoring

           One to one                               One to Many
       Criticality                       Response   Contact
                                                              KOLs list
        matrix                             grid      plan

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Monitoring tool box:
     Response grid and criticality matrix

                                                3 levels of content interactions

                                                    White, green, red list content, where
                                                     designed employee and external agency
                                                     can answer based on a list of predefined

                                                    Grey list, updated as soon as a new
                                                     topic, question pops up on a social media
                                                     support by experts

                                                    Black list, where the DEFCON mode
                                                     may be activated with a proactive and
                                                     protective answer.

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Monitoring tool box:
     Response grid and criticality matrix

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Monitoring tool box:
     Response grid and criticality matrix

            Criticality =
           Detectability X Severity X Frequency

           Monitoring and qualifying posts in
            Radarly help us track a common KPI and
            to take quick decisions

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Monitoring tool box:
     Response grid and criticality matrix

                                                Response grid
                                                Each posts collected and
                                                qualified (White, Green, Red...) is
                                                associated with a pre-defined
                                                action or message in a database
                                                updated globally.

                                                Helps keep a unique voice and

                                                Anticipate and solve potential
                                                crisis with the crisis committee.

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Step 5. Adapt

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Definition of an adverse
            event reaction

     Adverse Event (or Adverse Experience)

     Any untoward medical occurrence in a patient
     or clinical investigation subject administered a
     pharmaceutical product and which does not
     necessarily have to have a causal relationship
     with this treatment.

     An adverse event (AE) can therefore be any
     unfavorable and unintended sign (including an
     abnormal laboratory finding, for example),
     symptom, or disease temporally associated
     with the use of a medicinal product, whether or
     not considered related to the medicinal
     Source: http://www.emea.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Scienti鍖c_guideline/2009/09/WC500002749.pdf

            Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
            Munich (06.02.2013)
Obligations as
             a pharma player

     New Guideline on good pharmacovigilance practices published on 2nd July 2012

     Two scenarios:
         1.         Digital media company sponsored.

         2.         Digital media not company sponsored.

     How is defined company sponsored?

                   if it is owned, paid for and/or controlled by the Market Authorization Holder

     Note: a donation (financial or otherwise) to an organization/site by a Market Authorization Holder does not
     constitute ownership, provided that the MAH does not control the final content of the site.

     Source: Internal PV

             Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
             Munich (06.02.2013)
How to react vs.
            an adverse event?

                                                       1.   The adverse event is collected by Radarly

                                                       2.   A team member is qualifying it under the potential
                                                            AE category on a defined time screening (e.g. 10
                                                            minutes every day)

                                                       3.   An email is sent within 24h to local PV if one or
                                                            multiple AEs are detected during the screening

                                                       4.   PV asses if this is an actual AE (association with
                                                            the drug, drug potential side effects, possibility of
                                                            contacting the patient...)

                                                       5.   If the AEs is valid, PV is reporting it as any other
                                                            AEs coming from other channel.

     Source: ABPI - UK

            Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
            Munich (06.02.2013)
Next steps for Gedeon Richter

                                                   Follow and adjust Esmya速 digital
                                                    plan for 2013-15

                                                   Continue the integration of new
                                                    brand teams and countries in the
                                                    global monitoring activity

                                                   Continue training more and more
                                                    colleagues locally to expand our
                                                    capability of absorbing mentions

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Thank You!

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)
Obligations as
             a pharma player

     Digital media company sponsored

                   The company should regularly screen it for potential reports of suspected adverse reactions.

                   Frequency of the screening should allow for potential valid cases to be reported on time to the Authorities
                    based on the date the information was posted on the media: At a minimum, regular screening every two/
                    three days.

                   Clear process should be in place to report this case (valid or non-valid) to the local PV Officer within 24

                   Obligation to screen for adverse reactions and any cases of lack of efficacy, misuse, overdose, abuse, off-
                    label use, pregnancy, breastfeeding

     Source: Internal PV

             Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
             Munich (06.02.2013)
Obligations as
             a pharma player

     Digital media non company sponsored (ex: forum)

                   If the company becomes aware of a report of suspected adverse reaction, it should be assessed and
                    handled as a spontaneous report.

                   Day 0 is not the day of posting but the day one Gedeon Richter employee becomes aware of the report.

                   No regular screening is requested.

                   Clear process should be in place to report this case (valid or non-valid) to the local PV Officer within 24

                   No obligation to screen for adverse reactions and any cases of lack of efficacy, misuse, overdose, abuse,
                    off-label use, pregnancy, breastfeeding

     Source: Internal PV

             Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
             Munich (06.02.2013)
Crisis Process

                Core task force prepared
                 in case (PR, IT, Legal,

                Quick response on
                 situations even locally
                 (same platform)

                Anticipate by learning
                 before acting online

                Avoid crisis by adapting
                 the right messages to the
                 right audience through
                 the right channel

     Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
     Munich (06.02.2013)

                                                          10.   Monitoring process structure: Think global, act
     1.   About this presentation                               local

     2.   About Gedeon Richter and Esmya速                 11.   Monitoring process stakeholders

     3.   About me                                        12.   Monitoring tool box: Response grid and criticality
     4.   Context
                                                          13.   Crisis process
     5.   Listening to diagnostic and build e-strategy
                                                          14.   Definition of an adverse event reaction
     6.   Why listening using insights mining?
                                                          15.   Obligations as a pharma player
     7.   Key takeaways for Esmya速 digital strategy
                                                          16.   How to react vs. an adverse event?
     8.   Monitoring tools market
                                                          17.   Next steps for Gedeon Richter
     9.   Setup the monitoring to answer business goals
                                                          18.   Questions

           Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg
           Munich (06.02.2013)

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Monitoring forum

  • 1. Online monitoring process How to manage online adverse events within pharmaceutical players? Haider Alleg Global eMarketing Manager Munich - 06.02.2013
  • 2. About this presentation Why using social media listening and monitoring to impact Esmya速 digital strategy? How to structure as a global pharmaceutical company to handle social media mentions? How to setup a robust social media process both at a global and local scale? How to handle online adverse events as an international team? Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 2 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 3. About Gedeon Richter and Esmya速 Development of generic drugs and chemical processes as well A Pan-European specialty pharmaceutical company as biotechnology A 112 year old company present in more than thirty countries An expanding product portfolio Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 3 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 4. About Gedeon Richter and Esmya速 Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 4 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 5. About me Gedeon Richter Global eMarketing Manager (Geneva) 27 years old, 10 years working in the digital industry 2 master degrees: International Marketing and Business /*Digital worker since 2003*/ Administration 5 years in the healthcare industry and global projects (Novartis, Roche, Pfizer, NovoNordisk, Medtronic...) e-insights mining, social media campaigns, performance campaigns, metrics and dash-boarding... Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 5 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 6. Context Esmya速 launched in Europe since 2012 (present in UK, DE and some CEE countries, others to follow soon) Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 6 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 7. Context Esmya速 digital strategy is a core DNA branch of the brand plan Measuring Esmya@ brand impact on corporate image (Biotech drug vs. Generics) Engaging with doctors (gynecologists, surgeons and pathologists) Help patients put a name on a condition (disease awareness strategy) Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 7 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 8. Context Gedeon Richter (GR) is structuring digital activities globally and locally Listening to know where to act and which content strategy to adopt Defining a process globally and improve our efficiency locally Engage in social media from a corporate, patients and doctors angle Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 8 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 9. Listening to diagnostic and build the e-strategy E-insights mining (qualitative) E-monitoring (quantitative) Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 9 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 10. Step 1. Take a snapshot Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 10 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 11. Listening to diagnostic and build the e-strategy 2 pilot studies in German and English, with focus in the UK and Germany 2 months of research, humanized approach (native speakers) Verbatim based on the disease keywords, Esmya速 and Gedeon Richter mentions Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 11 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 12. Listening to diagnostic and build the e-strategy Objectives of the study: a fly on the wall Who is speaking? Profile of talkers. Where are nodes of communication around the product, the disease? Where are KOLs? What is the reputation of the drug? The lab? Among patients? Among doctors? What are the topics? Why? How to engage with them? Where are potential adverse events? Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 12 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 13. Listening to diagnostic and build the e-strategy Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 13 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 14. Listening to diagnostic and build the e-strategy Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 14 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 15. Step 2. Establish the digital strategy Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 15 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 16. Key takeaways for Esmya速 digital strategy Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 16 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 17. Step 3. Take the pulse Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 17 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 18. Monitoring tools market Existing solutions are either: Not easy to setup Not easy to scale Not easy to use Not cheap! Too technical Not adapted Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 18 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 19. Monitoring tools market Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 19 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 20. Setup the monitoring to answer business goals We setup Radarly at a global level to measure in all markets: Brand mentions Event impact Marketing campaigns impact Uterine fibroids discussions KOLs exposure Adverse events Scientific publications Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 20 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 21. Step 4. Structure Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 21 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 22. Setup the monitoring to answer business goals Medical/ ≒Prepare the verbatim marketing PV/ ≒Review and training updates Regulatory ≒Implementation of English eMarketing (global) verbatim Local ≒Adapt global Medical/ verbatim to local market Marketing Local PV/ ≒Review local verbatim Regulatory Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 22 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 23. Monitoring process structure: Think global, act local Radarly captures mentions in the global dashboard y da AU n/ TO mi 20 Local native speakers Global eMarketer qualify the posts in 1h / day assigned posts to local English (Marketer/PV) native speakers Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 23 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 24. Monitoring process structure: Think global, act local Decentralised Clustered Centralised at the HQ Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 24 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 25. Monitoring process stakeholders RH Innovation Marketing Corporate Events Coms Key stakeholders Digital Social PR media are required for monitoring success Legal process IT Sales PV Med Marketing Regulatory Med Info Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 25 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 26. Monitoring tool box: Response grid and criticality matrix Online Monitoring One to one One to Many Criticality Response Contact KOLs list matrix grid plan Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 26 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 27. Monitoring tool box: Response grid and criticality matrix 3 levels of content interactions White, green, red list content, where designed employee and external agency can answer based on a list of predefined answers Grey list, updated as soon as a new topic, question pops up on a social media support by experts Black list, where the DEFCON mode may be activated with a proactive and protective answer. Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 27 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 28. Monitoring tool box: Response grid and criticality matrix Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 28 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 29. Monitoring tool box: Response grid and criticality matrix Criticality = Detectability X Severity X Frequency Monitoring and qualifying posts in Radarly help us track a common KPI and to take quick decisions Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 29 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 30. Monitoring tool box: Response grid and criticality matrix Response grid Each posts collected and qualified (White, Green, Red...) is associated with a pre-defined action or message in a database updated globally. Helps keep a unique voice and tonality. Anticipate and solve potential crisis with the crisis committee. Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 30 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 31. Step 5. Adapt Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 31 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 32. Definition of an adverse event reaction Adverse Event (or Adverse Experience) Any untoward medical occurrence in a patient or clinical investigation subject administered a pharmaceutical product and which does not necessarily have to have a causal relationship with this treatment. An adverse event (AE) can therefore be any unfavorable and unintended sign (including an abnormal laboratory finding, for example), symptom, or disease temporally associated with the use of a medicinal product, whether or not considered related to the medicinal product. Source: http://www.emea.europa.eu/docs/en_GB/document_library/Scienti鍖c_guideline/2009/09/WC500002749.pdf Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 32 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 33. Obligations as a pharma player New Guideline on good pharmacovigilance practices published on 2nd July 2012 Two scenarios: 1. Digital media company sponsored. 2. Digital media not company sponsored. How is defined company sponsored? if it is owned, paid for and/or controlled by the Market Authorization Holder Note: a donation (financial or otherwise) to an organization/site by a Market Authorization Holder does not constitute ownership, provided that the MAH does not control the final content of the site. Source: Internal PV Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 33 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 34. How to react vs. an adverse event? 1. The adverse event is collected by Radarly 2. A team member is qualifying it under the potential AE category on a defined time screening (e.g. 10 minutes every day) 3. An email is sent within 24h to local PV if one or multiple AEs are detected during the screening 4. PV asses if this is an actual AE (association with the drug, drug potential side effects, possibility of contacting the patient...) 5. If the AEs is valid, PV is reporting it as any other AEs coming from other channel. Source: ABPI - UK Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 34 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 35. Next steps for Gedeon Richter Follow and adjust Esmya速 digital plan for 2013-15 Continue the integration of new brand teams and countries in the global monitoring activity Continue training more and more colleagues locally to expand our capability of absorbing mentions qualification Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 35 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 36. Thank You! Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 36 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 37. Appendix Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 37 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 38. Obligations as a pharma player Digital media company sponsored The company should regularly screen it for potential reports of suspected adverse reactions. Frequency of the screening should allow for potential valid cases to be reported on time to the Authorities based on the date the information was posted on the media: At a minimum, regular screening every two/ three days. Clear process should be in place to report this case (valid or non-valid) to the local PV Officer within 24 hours. Obligation to screen for adverse reactions and any cases of lack of efficacy, misuse, overdose, abuse, off- label use, pregnancy, breastfeeding Source: Internal PV Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 38 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 39. Obligations as a pharma player Digital media non company sponsored (ex: forum) If the company becomes aware of a report of suspected adverse reaction, it should be assessed and handled as a spontaneous report. Day 0 is not the day of posting but the day one Gedeon Richter employee becomes aware of the report. No regular screening is requested. Clear process should be in place to report this case (valid or non-valid) to the local PV Officer within 24 hours. No obligation to screen for adverse reactions and any cases of lack of efficacy, misuse, overdose, abuse, off-label use, pregnancy, breastfeeding Source: Internal PV Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 39 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 40. Crisis Process Core task force prepared in case (PR, IT, Legal, Marketing...) Quick response on situations even locally (same platform) Anticipate by learning before acting online Avoid crisis by adapting the right messages to the right audience through the right channel Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 40 Munich (06.02.2013)
  • 41. Agenda 10. Monitoring process structure: Think global, act 1. About this presentation local 2. About Gedeon Richter and Esmya速 11. Monitoring process stakeholders 3. About me 12. Monitoring tool box: Response grid and criticality matrix 4. Context 13. Crisis process 5. Listening to diagnostic and build e-strategy 14. Definition of an adverse event reaction 6. Why listening using insights mining? 15. Obligations as a pharma player 7. Key takeaways for Esmya速 digital strategy 16. How to react vs. an adverse event? 8. Monitoring tools market 17. Next steps for Gedeon Richter 9. Setup the monitoring to answer business goals 18. Questions Online monitoring process | Haider Alleg 41 Munich (06.02.2013)