Vincent Tio is an agricultural engineering student at the University of Illinois who completed a co-op with Seed Process Co-op. During his co-op, he worked on several projects including developing a process to deblend Refuge-in-Bag seeds and upgrading a dryer-sheller diverter valve. He also assisted with smaller projects like a gas train upgrade. Vincent gained valuable experience in engineering, business, agriculture and traveled to different sites. He is grateful for the learning opportunities and thanks his mentors at Seed Process Co-op.
4. Education
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
B.S. in Agricultural and Biological Engineering
Minor in Crop Sciences
Graduating in May or December 2014
6. RIB Deblend
First RIB Deblend Startup
Observed actual RIB Deblend startup
Calibration and testing by Satakes technician
7. RIB Deblend (cont.)
Process Failure Findings
Limitation of ScanMaster IIs monochromatic camera
Reduced seed germination
8. RIB Deblend (cont.)
Alternative color sorters
Research into different type of
sorter to improve the process
Main point of contact with
Odenberg and Wecotek
10. RIB Deblend (cont.)
Satake Evolution Testing
Visited Satakes HQ in Houston, TX
Firsthand experience with the real capability of the
Evolution color sorter
Evaluate sort feasibilty for RIB deblend
Developed report for business justification
13. Dryer-Sheller Diverter Valve Upgrade
Front-End Discussion with Crop Lead
Limited Budget
Upgrade bucket valve instead of indexing conveyor
Front End Evaluation
Measured dimensions and elevations of the existing bucket
valve setup
14. Dryer-Sheller Diverter Valve Upgrade
Scope of Work
Made revision to the scope of
work based from team
Agra Bucket Valve FAT
Constantine, MI
16. Gas Train Upgrade
Compliance to NFPA 85, 86 and Monsanto standards
17. Gas Train Upgrade
First real exposure to project management
Importance of properly defined Scope of Work and
Interacting and working with contractors
Involved in project mobilization and demolition
Importance of communications with stakeholders
18. Gas Train Upgrade
Monsantos emphasis on safety and health
PPE, WIP, Pre-job Orientation, JSA
Specifications that is beyond federal / national standards
Consistent supervision and WIP Audit
19. Gas Train Upgrade
3 cotton sites:
1. Aiken, TX (AR : $70,000)
Gas train is currently in fabrication
Project expected to be completed in Oct 11th, 2013
2. Eloy, AZ (AR: $232,000)
Construction ongoing, forecasted completion Sept 13th, 2013
3. Hollandale, MS (AR : $30,000)
Construction begins Aug 15th, 2013
20. Others
Corn Production Process Presentation
Revised and updated Sam Nesbitts old presentation
21. Cotton Seed Storage Aeration
Others (cont.)
Waco Small Lot Project 2013
Made flow measurements for red dust collection system
22. Others (cont.)
Aiken Ladder and Catwalk Upgrade
Scope of work development
Pre-bid meeting
25. Pros
Opportunity to travel and explore
Includes food poisoning
Great working environment
Working with experts in the field
Work hard, play hard
26. Lesson Learnt
Expect the unexpected to happen
Dont be shy to ask for help from anyone
27. Suggestions
Fleet GPS device
Remote site locations are sometimes hard to locate
Longer co-op term
Hope to get involved in more projects and learn more
28. Acknowledgement
Special thanks to:
Mike Krejcarek
Robert Kelpe
Mike Holliday
Scott Davis
Clint Rodenberg
Chris Bahm
Sheila Rothermich
Chuck Johnson
Jeff Sharpe
Walt Russell
Robert Reed
Om Nangia
Peter Parker
Tim Ogdie
the whole Global Engineering family