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ZION, IL 60099
Professional Summary
 Senior DB2 DBA with over 20 years of experience in Information Technology providing production
DB2 database administration on UNIX AIX, IBM mainframe and Windows client server platforms.
 Worked in large database environments up to 80TB in size and multi-partitioned environments up
to 80 partitions.
 Worked with consumer data-centric companies including Crate and Barrel, TransUnion, and
Staples, Kroger, Mervyns, Tweeter.
 Over 17 years on the UNIX platform experience, including 8 years of experience specifically on
Linux, and he has over 17 years of Shell scripting experience.
 Three years of experience using DB2 on Windows
 Worked on SAP Databases
Johnson&Johnson, Jacksonville Fla February 2015  Present
Migrated DB2 from 9.1 to 9.7.9, to 10.1 to 10.5
Design Installed, HADR for Johnson@Johnson on Windows, AIX and Linux
Performed Database Performance and Tuning on the DB2 LUW versions 9.7, 10.1 ,10.5
Performed Backup and Restore of the DB2 Databases
 Installed and administered HADR on DB2 versions 9.7,10.1 10.5 on DB2 LUW
 Installed Tivoli Netcool/Omnibus application
 Installed Tivoli Monitor software
 Installed Tivoli Business Service Manager
 Installed Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager
 Migrated DB2 UDB Databases from version 9.1 to version 10.5
 Installed HADR DB2 10.1 on Multiple Standbys
 Administered HADR using TSA
Performance and Tuning on SQL Applications
 Migrating DB2 from Windows to AIX other
 Used SQL Server 2008, 2012
 Installed and administered IBM Data Studio
 Installed and administered IBM Data Server Manager version 1.1
 Installed DB2 version 10.1
 Installed DB2 version 10.5
 Migrated 3 Oracle version 11 databases to DB2 versions 10.1 and 10.5
 Installed Data Administration tool AQT
 Installed fixpacks on version DB2 versions 10.1 and 10.5
 Designed backup and restore strategies.
 Worked on 30 instances
 Worked on 180 databases
 Worked on DB2 on Windows 2008, 2012
 Worked on DB2 on AIX 6.1, and 7.1
 Worked with IBM on PMRs
 Administered DPF Databases on DB2 UDB
 Worked on the E-Commerce system
 Installed and administered Foglight
 Administered SAP Transport
 Working with Middleware team using WebSphere
 Installed DB2 version 10.1.4
 Migrated from DB2 9.7.9 to 10.1.4
 Worked with the Application and Systems Teams
Professional Experience
Northwestern Mutual, Milwaukee, WI February 2014  February 2015
Performed 35 migrations on this project from version 9.1 to 9.7, 10.1,10.5
 Helped design a Data Warehouse with the Accounting Group
 Installed HP Asset Manager 9.2 and a newer version of DB2 9.7 for this project
 Worked with the storage team to add additional space to the database
 Performed Data migration of the 2 TB sized accounting Data Warehouse
 Worked with IBM and business partners on multiple projects
 Performed backup and restores of over 80 databases
 Worked on Suse Linux on the HP Asset project
 Involved in performance tuning major financial applications
 Worked on table partitioning, DB2 Data Warehouse, DPF Tables, & Optim Performance Manager
 Worked closely with the offshore team
 Setup HADR on DB2 version 9.1, 9.7, 10.1
Environment: DB2 10.1, Linux, AIX, Windows, SUSE Linux 10,11, SAP Financials
Crate and Barrel, Chicago, IL April 2013  February 2014
 Involved in install and upgrades of PeopleSoft 9.2; migrated data between 20 databases
 Installed DB2 9.7, 10.1 and Fix Packs; upgraded from version 9.1 to 10.0
 Installed and Administered DB2 Connect version 9.7
 Migrated DB2 from AS 400 to DB2 AIX 9.7
 Created backup and restore procedures for Crate and Barrel, creating new tables, table spaces,
buffer pools etc.
 Involved in mentoring DB2 Unix to the DB2 AS400 DBAs, ORACLE DBAs
 Set up DB2 Backup to Tivoli Storage manager (TSM), setup HADR and Federated databases
 Created tables, indexes for all databases for Crate and Barrel
 DPF Databases
 Performed the physical and logical disk layout
 Designed and Administered an E-Commerce solution.
 Migrated Oracle 9 to DB2 LUW 9.7
 Set up SAP Databases on DB2 9.7
 Worked on DB2 LUW on Windows 2008 30% of the time.
 Performed Space Management of DB2
 Sun Solaris 9.7
 Involved in making recommendations to Managers on hardware and software purchases
 Worked with Offshore and provided on-call 24/7 support
Environment: PeopleSoft 9.2, DB2 9.5, 9.7,10.1, 10.5, Windows 2008, DB2 LUW, Optim Performance
Monitor, Optim Database Administrator, SAP
Trans Union, Chicago, IL April 2012  March 2013
 Duties included being on-call during the weekends, setting up restores, performing backups and
creating new tables, table spaces, buffer pools, etc.
 Worked on DB2 version 9.7 and 10.1 on AIX version 6.1
 Installed and Administered DB2 Connect version 9.7
 Installed DB2 LUW version 10 on AIX, LINUX, and WINDOWS
 Worked on Windows 2008
 Performed the physical and logical disk layout.
 Worked with Offshore Teams
 Migrated Databases, data from DB2 Z/OS to DB2 LUW on Linux and AIX
 Setup HADR on both Non Clustered and Clustered System
 Involved in the TSM backup installation and configuration.
 Q Replication
 Worked on DB2 and SAP Databases
 Worked on Suse Linux 10
 BMC Foglight
 Worked on E-Commerce databases
 Worked with Content Manager version 7.1
 Worked on DB2 Data Warehouse
 Sun Solaris 9.7
 Windows 2008
 Performed Q and SQL Replication
Environment: DB2 9.5/9.7/10.1, LUW 10, Z/OS, AIX 6.1, Suse Linux 10, Infosphere Windows 2008,
CDC version 6.5, DB2 9.8 Pure Scale, Optim Performance Monitor, Optim Database Administrator, SAP
Infosphere Optim 9.1
BP, Naperville, IL June 2011  March 2012
 Provided on-call weekend support, setup restore procedures, performed backups, created new
tables in a DB2 environment comprising versions 8 and 9 on Z/OS and version 9.7 on AIX version
 Installed and Administered DB2 Connect version 9.7
 Performed the physical and logical disk layout.
 Migrated Databases and data from DB2 Z/OS to DB2 LUW on Windows and AIX
 Worked with Wipro Offshore teams; supervised a 2 member team
 Setup HADR on both Non Clustered and Clustered Systems
 Created DB2 and SAP Databases on DB2 9.7
 Involved in Veritas backup installation and configuration
 Set up DB2 Backup to Tivoli Storage manager (TSM); setup HADR and Federated databases
 Made recommendations to managers on hardware and software purchases
 Performed Q and SQL Replication
Environment: DB2 8, 9, DB2 LUW, Z/OS, Windows, AIX, DB2 Pure Scale 9.8, DB2 LUW, Oracle
Transport Version 11, Optim Performance Monitor, Optim Database Administrator, Infosphere Optim 7.3
WELLS FARGO ADVISORS, ST. LOUIS, MO December 2009  March 2011
 Was brought in to perform data migration due to the Wachovia and Wells Fargo merger
 Migrated a total of 80 terabytes from Oracle databases to DB2 LUW on AIX
 Performed the physical and logical disk layout
 Provided on-call support during weekends, set up restore procedures, performed backups and
created new tables, table spaces and buffer pools
 Worked closely with the Project Managers; provided status reports on a weekly basis
 Involved in DB2 UDB migration from version 9.5 to 9.7
 Migrated from TSM version 6.1 to NetBackup version 7
 Migrated 20 databases from AIX to Windows
 Migrated Query Patroller, DB2 Governor to Work Load Manager 9.7.
 Windows 2008
 Participated in the upgrade of Datastage version 8.0 to version 8.1.
 Installed the Optim Database Administrator tool.
 Performed Q and SQL Replication
 Worked closely with Wipro offshore teams of WIPRO
Environment: DB2 LUW, DB2 UDB 9.5/9.7, TSM, NetBackup, Windows 2008, DataStage, Oracle,
Infosphere Optim 7.3
State Farm, Bloomington, IL December 2007  December 2009
DB2 UDB DBA, UNIX Systems Administrator
 Responsible for performance tuning of SQL and DB2 systems
 Worked with Quest Software to educate State Farm, which products would benefit them
 Installed third party applications software
 Created physical and logical disk layout
 Worked with Offshore Teams of INFOSYS, TCS, WIPRO
 Installed, configured and administered TSM on AIX and Windows.
 Designed DPF Warehouse databases which are at least 80 terabytes in size.
 Installed configure and administered DB2 Patrol across two hundred servers.
 Q Replication
 Worked on Windows 2008
Lead point of contact in converting DB2 Disks backups to TSM.
 Worked with Content Manager version 6
 BMC Foglight
 Worked on a Data Warehouse that was 100 terabytes in size
 Worked as Lead DBA on the sizing project with IBM (spent 4 months in Gaithersburg Maryland
with IBM in their Data Replication Center)
 Installed DB2 version 9.7 on AIX Version 6, Infosphere Warehouse, and Power VM and DB2
 Performed Q and SQL Replication
Mervyns (IBM), Hayward, CA December 2005  December 2007
DB2 DBA, UNIX Systems Administrator
 Installed DB2 EE and EEE, DPF v. 8.2, 8.2.4 on AIX v.5.2, 5.3.
 Worked on Windows 2000
 Created databases, backup, recovery and tables.
 Setup the disaster recovery for DB2.
 Responsible for upgrades on DB2 across all nodes.
 Responsible for major new system at Mervyns.
 Performance and tuning of DB2 systems and SQL.
 Performed UNIX and Linux System administration.
 Installed third party software.
 Worked on DB2 Data Warehouse
 Responsible for SAP GUI administration and installation.
 Performed physical and logical disk layout.
 Migrated Oracle version 7 to IBM version 8.2
 Designed E-Commence soulution
 Set up DB2 Backup to Tivoli Storage manager (TSM), setup HADR and Federated databases
 Designed the new Sigcapp and EJ systems which included making the decision on which UNIX
servers to buy setting up the volume groups.
 Help Setup SAP Financials on DB2 version 9.1
 Installed version 5.3 on AIX.
 Installed DataStage, DB2 UDB version 9.0.
State Farm, Bloomington, IL April 2005  December 2005
 Installed the DB2 EE and DPF v. 8.2 on AIX v.5.2.
 Responsible for DB2 Z/OS administration on Z/OS 1.7; Created databases, backup, recovery,
and tables; Set up the disaster recovery for DB2.
 Worked with Offshore Team of INFOSYS
 Responsible for upgrades on DB2 across all nodes.
 Responsible for performance tuning of DB2 systems and SQL.
 Performed UNIX and Linux system administration.
 Responsible SAP GUI administration and installation.
 Q Replication
 Used SAP utilities with the DB2 database; Applied the SAP OSS patches; Involved in
performance tuning of the SAP database.
 Performed physical and logical disk layout.
 Installed and configured WebSphere version 5.1 and version 6
Tweeter (IBM), Boston, MA January 2005  April 2005
 Installed the DB2 EE and EEE, DPF v. 8.1.6 on AIX v.5.2.
 Set up the disaster recovery for DB2; Responsible for upgrades on DB2 across all nodes;
Performance and tuning of DB2 systems and SQL
 Worked on DB2 Data Warehouse
 Performed UNIX and Linux System administration.
 Responsible for the performance and tuning of SAP databases; Monitored SAP databases with
the SAP monitoring tool.
 Set up DB2 Backup to Tivoli Storage manager (TSM)
 Responsible for physical and logical disk layout.
ServiceMaster, Memphis, TN February 2003  January 2005
 Installed the DB2 EE and ESE, DPF v. 8.1.4, 8.2 on AIX v.5.2.
 Created databases, backup, recovery, and tables; Set up the disaster recovery for DB2.
 Design and implemented the Data Warehouse using IBMs Data Warehouse.
 Responsible for upgrades on DB2 across all nodes.
 Responsible for major new system at ServiceMaster.
 Performance and tuning of DB2 systems and SQL.
 Worked with Offshore Team
 Performed UNIX and Linux system administration; Responsible for the physical and logical disk
layout; Installed and configured SmartDBA and Patrol.
Kroger (IBM), Cincinnati, OH January 2002  February 2003
 Installed the DB2 EE and EEE v. 8.4 on AIX v.5.2.
 Created databases, backup, recovery, and tables; Responsible for Data Warehouses and Data
Marts; Set up the disaster recovery for DB2.
 Responsible for SAP GUI administration and installation; involved in tuning and performance of
SAP databases.
 Worked on DB2 Data Warehouse; Installed Patrol and BMC SmartDBA; Responsible for
upgrades on DB2 across all nodes.

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  • 1. JON SMITH DB2 LUW DBA UCLAIBM@GMAIL.COM ZION, IL 60099 Professional Summary Senior DB2 DBA with over 20 years of experience in Information Technology providing production DB2 database administration on UNIX AIX, IBM mainframe and Windows client server platforms. Worked in large database environments up to 80TB in size and multi-partitioned environments up to 80 partitions. Worked with consumer data-centric companies including Crate and Barrel, TransUnion, and Staples, Kroger, Mervyns, Tweeter. Over 17 years on the UNIX platform experience, including 8 years of experience specifically on Linux, and he has over 17 years of Shell scripting experience. Three years of experience using DB2 on Windows Worked on SAP Databases Johnson&Johnson, Jacksonville Fla February 2015 Present DB2 DBA Migrated DB2 from 9.1 to 9.7.9, to 10.1 to 10.5 Design Installed, HADR for Johnson@Johnson on Windows, AIX and Linux Performed Database Performance and Tuning on the DB2 LUW versions 9.7, 10.1 ,10.5 Performed Backup and Restore of the DB2 Databases Responsibilities: Installed and administered HADR on DB2 versions 9.7,10.1 10.5 on DB2 LUW Installed Tivoli Netcool/Omnibus application Installed Tivoli Monitor software Installed Tivoli Business Service Manager Installed Tivoli Netcool Configuration Manager Migrated DB2 UDB Databases from version 9.1 to version 10.5 Installed HADR DB2 10.1 on Multiple Standbys Administered HADR using TSA Performance and Tuning on SQL Applications Migrating DB2 from Windows to AIX other Used SQL Server 2008, 2012 Installed and administered IBM Data Studio Installed and administered IBM Data Server Manager version 1.1 Installed DB2 version 10.1 Installed DB2 version 10.5 Migrated 3 Oracle version 11 databases to DB2 versions 10.1 and 10.5 Installed Data Administration tool AQT Installed fixpacks on version DB2 versions 10.1 and 10.5 Designed backup and restore strategies. Worked on 30 instances Worked on 180 databases Worked on DB2 on Windows 2008, 2012 Worked on DB2 on AIX 6.1, and 7.1 Worked with IBM on PMRs Administered DPF Databases on DB2 UDB Worked on the E-Commerce system
  • 2. Installed and administered Foglight Administered SAP Transport Working with Middleware team using WebSphere Installed DB2 version 10.1.4 Migrated from DB2 9.7.9 to 10.1.4 Worked with the Application and Systems Teams Professional Experience Northwestern Mutual, Milwaukee, WI February 2014 February 2015 DB2 DBA Performed 35 migrations on this project from version 9.1 to 9.7, 10.1,10.5 Responsibilities: Helped design a Data Warehouse with the Accounting Group Installed HP Asset Manager 9.2 and a newer version of DB2 9.7 for this project Worked with the storage team to add additional space to the database Performed Data migration of the 2 TB sized accounting Data Warehouse Worked with IBM and business partners on multiple projects Performed backup and restores of over 80 databases Worked on Suse Linux on the HP Asset project Involved in performance tuning major financial applications Worked on table partitioning, DB2 Data Warehouse, DPF Tables, & Optim Performance Manager Worked closely with the offshore team Setup HADR on DB2 version 9.1, 9.7, 10.1 Environment: DB2 10.1, Linux, AIX, Windows, SUSE Linux 10,11, SAP Financials Crate and Barrel, Chicago, IL April 2013 February 2014 DB2 DBA Involved in install and upgrades of PeopleSoft 9.2; migrated data between 20 databases Installed DB2 9.7, 10.1 and Fix Packs; upgraded from version 9.1 to 10.0 Installed and Administered DB2 Connect version 9.7 Migrated DB2 from AS 400 to DB2 AIX 9.7 Created backup and restore procedures for Crate and Barrel, creating new tables, table spaces, buffer pools etc. Involved in mentoring DB2 Unix to the DB2 AS400 DBAs, ORACLE DBAs Set up DB2 Backup to Tivoli Storage manager (TSM), setup HADR and Federated databases Created tables, indexes for all databases for Crate and Barrel DPF Databases Performed the physical and logical disk layout Designed and Administered an E-Commerce solution. Migrated Oracle 9 to DB2 LUW 9.7 Set up SAP Databases on DB2 9.7 Worked on DB2 LUW on Windows 2008 30% of the time. Performed Space Management of DB2 Sun Solaris 9.7 Involved in making recommendations to Managers on hardware and software purchases Worked with Offshore and provided on-call 24/7 support Environment: PeopleSoft 9.2, DB2 9.5, 9.7,10.1, 10.5, Windows 2008, DB2 LUW, Optim Performance Monitor, Optim Database Administrator, SAP
  • 3. Trans Union, Chicago, IL April 2012 March 2013 DB2 DBA Duties included being on-call during the weekends, setting up restores, performing backups and creating new tables, table spaces, buffer pools, etc. Worked on DB2 version 9.7 and 10.1 on AIX version 6.1 Installed and Administered DB2 Connect version 9.7 Installed DB2 LUW version 10 on AIX, LINUX, and WINDOWS Worked on Windows 2008 Performed the physical and logical disk layout. Worked with Offshore Teams Migrated Databases, data from DB2 Z/OS to DB2 LUW on Linux and AIX Setup HADR on both Non Clustered and Clustered System Involved in the TSM backup installation and configuration. Q Replication Worked on DB2 and SAP Databases Worked on Suse Linux 10 BMC Foglight Worked on E-Commerce databases Worked with Content Manager version 7.1 Worked on DB2 Data Warehouse Sun Solaris 9.7 Windows 2008 Performed Q and SQL Replication Environment: DB2 9.5/9.7/10.1, LUW 10, Z/OS, AIX 6.1, Suse Linux 10, Infosphere Windows 2008, CDC version 6.5, DB2 9.8 Pure Scale, Optim Performance Monitor, Optim Database Administrator, SAP Infosphere Optim 9.1 BP, Naperville, IL June 2011 March 2012 DB2 DBA ARCHITECT Provided on-call weekend support, setup restore procedures, performed backups, created new tables in a DB2 environment comprising versions 8 and 9 on Z/OS and version 9.7 on AIX version 6.1 Installed and Administered DB2 Connect version 9.7 Performed the physical and logical disk layout. Migrated Databases and data from DB2 Z/OS to DB2 LUW on Windows and AIX Worked with Wipro Offshore teams; supervised a 2 member team Setup HADR on both Non Clustered and Clustered Systems Created DB2 and SAP Databases on DB2 9.7 Involved in Veritas backup installation and configuration Set up DB2 Backup to Tivoli Storage manager (TSM); setup HADR and Federated databases Made recommendations to managers on hardware and software purchases Performed Q and SQL Replication Environment: DB2 8, 9, DB2 LUW, Z/OS, Windows, AIX, DB2 Pure Scale 9.8, DB2 LUW, Oracle Transport Version 11, Optim Performance Monitor, Optim Database Administrator, Infosphere Optim 7.3 WELLS FARGO ADVISORS, ST. LOUIS, MO December 2009 March 2011 IT ARCHITECT/ DB2 DBA - CONSULTANT Was brought in to perform data migration due to the Wachovia and Wells Fargo merger Migrated a total of 80 terabytes from Oracle databases to DB2 LUW on AIX
  • 4. Performed the physical and logical disk layout Provided on-call support during weekends, set up restore procedures, performed backups and created new tables, table spaces and buffer pools Worked closely with the Project Managers; provided status reports on a weekly basis Involved in DB2 UDB migration from version 9.5 to 9.7 Migrated from TSM version 6.1 to NetBackup version 7 Migrated 20 databases from AIX to Windows Migrated Query Patroller, DB2 Governor to Work Load Manager 9.7. Windows 2008 Participated in the upgrade of Datastage version 8.0 to version 8.1. Installed the Optim Database Administrator tool. Performed Q and SQL Replication Worked closely with Wipro offshore teams of WIPRO Environment: DB2 LUW, DB2 UDB 9.5/9.7, TSM, NetBackup, Windows 2008, DataStage, Oracle, Infosphere Optim 7.3 State Farm, Bloomington, IL December 2007 December 2009 DB2 UDB DBA, UNIX Systems Administrator Responsible for performance tuning of SQL and DB2 systems Worked with Quest Software to educate State Farm, which products would benefit them Installed third party applications software Created physical and logical disk layout Worked with Offshore Teams of INFOSYS, TCS, WIPRO Installed, configured and administered TSM on AIX and Windows. Designed DPF Warehouse databases which are at least 80 terabytes in size. Installed configure and administered DB2 Patrol across two hundred servers. Q Replication Worked on Windows 2008 Lead point of contact in converting DB2 Disks backups to TSM. Worked with Content Manager version 6 BMC Foglight Worked on a Data Warehouse that was 100 terabytes in size Worked as Lead DBA on the sizing project with IBM (spent 4 months in Gaithersburg Maryland with IBM in their Data Replication Center) Installed DB2 version 9.7 on AIX Version 6, Infosphere Warehouse, and Power VM and DB2 virtualization. Performed Q and SQL Replication Mervyns (IBM), Hayward, CA December 2005 December 2007 DB2 DBA, UNIX Systems Administrator Installed DB2 EE and EEE, DPF v. 8.2, 8.2.4 on AIX v.5.2, 5.3. Worked on Windows 2000 Created databases, backup, recovery and tables. Setup the disaster recovery for DB2. Responsible for upgrades on DB2 across all nodes. Responsible for major new system at Mervyns. Performance and tuning of DB2 systems and SQL. Performed UNIX and Linux System administration. Installed third party software. Worked on DB2 Data Warehouse
  • 5. Responsible for SAP GUI administration and installation. Performed physical and logical disk layout. Migrated Oracle version 7 to IBM version 8.2 Designed E-Commence soulution Set up DB2 Backup to Tivoli Storage manager (TSM), setup HADR and Federated databases Designed the new Sigcapp and EJ systems which included making the decision on which UNIX servers to buy setting up the volume groups. Help Setup SAP Financials on DB2 version 9.1 Installed version 5.3 on AIX. Installed DataStage, DB2 UDB version 9.0. State Farm, Bloomington, IL April 2005 December 2005 DB2 DBA Installed the DB2 EE and DPF v. 8.2 on AIX v.5.2. Responsible for DB2 Z/OS administration on Z/OS 1.7; Created databases, backup, recovery, and tables; Set up the disaster recovery for DB2. Worked with Offshore Team of INFOSYS Responsible for upgrades on DB2 across all nodes. Responsible for performance tuning of DB2 systems and SQL. Performed UNIX and Linux system administration. Responsible SAP GUI administration and installation. Q Replication Used SAP utilities with the DB2 database; Applied the SAP OSS patches; Involved in performance tuning of the SAP database. Performed physical and logical disk layout. Installed and configured WebSphere version 5.1 and version 6 Tweeter (IBM), Boston, MA January 2005 April 2005 DB2 DBA Installed the DB2 EE and EEE, DPF v. 8.1.6 on AIX v.5.2. Set up the disaster recovery for DB2; Responsible for upgrades on DB2 across all nodes; Performance and tuning of DB2 systems and SQL Worked on DB2 Data Warehouse Performed UNIX and Linux System administration. Responsible for the performance and tuning of SAP databases; Monitored SAP databases with the SAP monitoring tool. Set up DB2 Backup to Tivoli Storage manager (TSM) Responsible for physical and logical disk layout. ServiceMaster, Memphis, TN February 2003 January 2005 DB2 DBA Installed the DB2 EE and ESE, DPF v. 8.1.4, 8.2 on AIX v.5.2. Created databases, backup, recovery, and tables; Set up the disaster recovery for DB2. Design and implemented the Data Warehouse using IBMs Data Warehouse. Responsible for upgrades on DB2 across all nodes. Responsible for major new system at ServiceMaster. Performance and tuning of DB2 systems and SQL. Worked with Offshore Team Performed UNIX and Linux system administration; Responsible for the physical and logical disk layout; Installed and configured SmartDBA and Patrol.
  • 6. Kroger (IBM), Cincinnati, OH January 2002 February 2003 DB2 DBA Installed the DB2 EE and EEE v. 8.4 on AIX v.5.2. Created databases, backup, recovery, and tables; Responsible for Data Warehouses and Data Marts; Set up the disaster recovery for DB2. Responsible for SAP GUI administration and installation; involved in tuning and performance of SAP databases. Worked on DB2 Data Warehouse; Installed Patrol and BMC SmartDBA; Responsible for upgrades on DB2 across all nodes.