This document discusses strategies for protecting intellectual property, including practical information about patents. It provides an overview of patent basics such as the components and claims of a patent application. It also discusses post-grant reviews that allow third parties to challenge the validity of an issued patent at the USPTO. The document notes increasing popularity of inter partes reviews for challenging patents and trends in electrical/computer patents being challenged most often. It also summarizes changes to evaluating patent eligible subject matter after important Supreme Court cases like Alice and Sequenom.
Patents on Software and Business Methods: Have the Rules Changed?Karl Larson
The standard for patentable subject matter under Bilski is a machine-or-transformation test, which restricts patenting to inventions that are either tied to a particular machine or apparatus, or that transform a particular article into a different state or thing.
SKGF_Advisory_Stem Cells-Patent Pools to the Rescue_2005SterneKessler
Stem cell research faces challenges due to numerous existing and pending patents covering related technologies. A patent pool is proposed to consolidate these patents into a single license to streamline access for researchers and developers. A patent pool would integrate complementary patents and reduce costs by avoiding multiple licensing agreements. However, any patent pool must be carefully designed to avoid anti-competitive behaviors like restricting innovation. If properly structured, a stem cell patent pool could enable continued progress while respecting patent holders' rights.
This document provides a brief overview of US utility patent law and the patenting process. It discusses the different types of patents including design, plant, and utility patents. It describes the basic patenting timeline including filing a provisional or non-provisional patent application and undergoing examination. Key concepts like patentability requirements of utility, novelty, and non-obviousness are introduced. Cost estimates and strategies for obtaining and enforcing a patent are also summarized.
The document discusses the foundation of patent law. It covers the different types of patents including utility patents, design patents, and plant patents. It explains that a patent is a legal right granted by the government that allows the owner to prevent others from making, using, or selling the invention. It also outlines the requirements for an invention to be patentable, including that it must be useful, novel, and non-obvious. Finally, it discusses factors considered in determining if an invention is non-obvious like analogous prior art, the level of ordinary skill in the art, and secondary considerations.
The document summarizes a panel discussion on the evolving landscape of molecular diagnostics in light of recent changes in patent law. The panelists, who represented both public and private sector organizations, discussed how Supreme Court rulings have narrowed the scope of patentable subject matter. This has made it more difficult to patent diagnostic methods, natural products, and isolated genomic sequences. The panelists outlined strategies for companies to diversify their patent portfolios and pursue more creative claiming approaches in response to the changing legal environment. They also emphasized the importance of demonstrating clinical utility rather than relying solely on patent protection. While the full impacts of the new case law remain uncertain, the consensus was that clarity around patent eligibility is needed for continued innovation in molecular diagnostics
Are Oklahoma Hospital Managers Faring Better Than Texas Counterparts? (際際滷S...Emsco Solutions
Are Oklahoma Hospital Managers Faring Better Than Texas Counterparts? (際際滷Share).
Is it possible for Oklahoma hospital managers to stay ahead of the game? Learn tips and comparisons to hospital managers in Texas.
Copyright (C) Emsco Solutions. All worldwide rights reserved.
El documento describe algunas herramientas principales de la Web 2.0 como About Me, 際際滷Share, Scribd, YouTube y Delicious, y c坦mo se pueden utilizar en el aula para trabajos personalizados que ayudan a los estudiantes a aprender sobre inform叩tica y diferentes aplicaciones. Las herramientas permiten compartir documentos, videos, p叩ginas web favoritas y m叩s de manera interactiva.
This document outlines the organizational structure and culture of SkyView, a growing technology company. It describes the four main departments - technology, marketing, finance/HR, and accounting - and how the 285 employees are divided into specialized teams within each department. It also discusses SkyView's mission, emphasis on teamwork and productivity, and use of an online database to facilitate communication and sharing of information across departments.
La presentaci坦n describe varios programas para crear videojuegos, incluyendo Construct 2 y RPG Maker para juegos did叩cticos, Unreal Development Kit y Game Maker Studio para juegos 3D, y M.U.G.E.N y RPG Maker para juegos normales 2D. Explica brevemente las caracter鱈sticas de cada programa.
Este documento discute os princ鱈pios fundamentais da Constitui巽達o brasileira contidos nos artigos 1-4, incluindo a soberania, dignidade humana e pluralismo pol鱈tico. Tamb辿m descreve os poderes legislativo, executivo e judici叩rio da Uni達o e os objetivos de construir uma sociedade justa e erradicar a pobreza. Por fim, lista os princ鱈pios das rela巽探es internacionais como a independ棚ncia nacional e solu巽達o pac鱈fica de conflitos.
How to Develop with the UAT Studios - IGDA UAT Greenlight GuideBen Reichert
The document provides guidance on assembling an effective team for a game jam project. It recommends having an experienced core team that is committed to completing the project, including at least one programmer and one artist. The core team members should want to make the game, enjoy working together, and be reliable. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for a product owner, clear vision and goals, prioritized product backlog, well-written user stories, and a ScrumMaster to facilitate the process and handle any obstacles. The team should aim to have a presentable first release by the end of the semester to demonstrate their progress.
A aluna Laura Cardoso Ferreira apresentou um trabalho no 1属 ano B sobre diversos t坦picos relacionados a sustentabilidade como feira de conhecimento, coleta de 坦leo e gordura, biomassa, reino animalia, babesiose canis e reaproveitamento da 叩gua da chuva. O trabalho foi apresentado para a professora Norma Coelho na disciplina de Matem叩tica.
This document discusses the sharing economy and on-demand services. It notes that many sharing economy startups were founded in 2008-2010 after the financial crisis. While Generation X and Millennials are driving this new economy, baby boomers are enjoying utilizing their owned assets. However, on-demand services face challenges like low entry barriers leading to tough competition, cash flow management issues, and regulatory uncertainty around whether workers are employees or contractors. As the sharing economy grows, individual reputation and credibility online may become increasingly important.
El documento presenta los productos y servicios de una corporaci坦n peruana dedicada a la provisi坦n de soluciones en puertas de garaje, puertas contra fuego, automatismos y manejo de materiales. La corporaci坦n ofrece una variedad de puertas seccionales, enrollables, contra fuego de acero y madera, as鱈 como herrajer鱈a, automatismos y accesorios para puertas. Tambi辿n provee topes para estacionamientos y otros productos relacionados con la construcci坦n y seguridad industrial.
Adicci坦n a las nuevas tecnolog鱈as recomendacionesMvvica
Este documento discute varias estrategias para prevenir la adicci坦n a las nuevas tecnolog鱈as entre los estudiantes, incluyendo educarlos sobre los riesgos y buenas pr叩cticas, usar ejemplos de casos reales, fomentar h叩bitos saludables y relaciones interpersonales, establecer normas sobre el uso de dispositivos, y designar estudiantes expertos para ense単ar a los dem叩s sobre un uso responsable de la tecnolog鱈a.
Building a data-driven organization requires defining standard metrics to measure performance, making data easily accessible to employees, and empowering people with data to make decisions. A data-driven organization uses feedback from students on courses to identify attributes related to positive or negative feedback, then adjusts standards, instructor guidelines, and provides feedback in a constant feedback loop to improve course quality.
Presentation skills with guided sign postTimothy Wooi
Course Outline
Speaking and presenting can be fun and done by anyone it is a skill, which can be learned. Unfortunately, so many people allow themselves to believe that good presenters are born'.
Course Objective
To equip Participants with tools and knowledge to deliver a pre prepared Presentation with confidence;
replacing fear of presentation with soft skills and fluency guided by a structured report out format.
enabling Participants to write report- out presentation that are clear, concise and easy to understand and act upon.
learning the principles of preparing, writing and editing the report-out presentation.
The Course will be conducted by the Trainer teaching the use of a structured format and how to present it with Confidence.
A workshop Presentation on delivering a pre prepared report-out will be done by Participants after the theory impartation.
Sample format and documents will be provided by Trainer as well as presentation styles used throughout. Participants will do a workshop with a report-out Presentation and get feedback from others and the course Trainer.
By the end of the course you will learn how to identify the essential factors for successfully preparing and planning a presentation report-out and to control nerves converting the energy into a positive, dynamic force by;
Examine non-verbal communication
techniques adding professionalism to
a presentation.
Use a Format with technique that will
help you structure the presentation.
Examine the quality of voice, volume,
variety and articulation.
Identify techniques for managing
audience and the discussion period.
Review the essential factors for
developing and using visual aids.
Este documento apresenta diretrizes curriculares para a Rede Estadual de Ensino do estado do Maranh達o. Ele define os princ鱈pios e objetivos da educa巽達o b叩sica no estado, analisa indicadores educacionais e taxas de aprova巽達o, e estabelece diretrizes para a organiza巽達o do trabalho pedag坦gico, avalia巽達o escolar, temas sociais e compet棚ncias esperadas nas diferentes etapas de ensino. O documento tem como finalidade nortear as escolas estaduais na melhoria cont鱈nua da qualidade da educa巽達o oferecida
Este documento describe la cultura material del per鱈odo Neol鱈tico. Explica que la cultura material incluye todos los elementos que nos permiten conocer c坦mo era la vida de los grupos humanos del pasado. Detalla las herramientas, armas, m辿todos de transporte y vestimenta que usaban para la caza, pesca y supervivencia. Tambi辿n cubre el desarrollo de la metalurgia, la agricultura, el comercio y el uso primitivo de monedas. Concluye que el hombre neol鱈tico estaba constantemente buscando nuevas formas de
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a los sistemas operativos, resumiendo brevemente la historia de los sistemas operativos desde las d辿cadas de 1940 a 1990 y describiendo conceptos b叩sicos como las funciones de un sistema operativos y ejemplos de sistemas operativos populares como Windows, Linux y MacOS. Tambi辿n discute brevemente conceptos como virus inform叩ticos y antivirus.
Ca巽a Palavras - Cultura Carioca - Turma 504leopalasjh
Cantor e compositor brasileiro que comp担s m炭sicas famosas como "Samba do Avi達o" e nasceu na Tijuca. Outro cantor e compositor criou sucessos como "Do Leme ao Pontal" e "Oceano". Uma cantora ficou famosa com o sucesso "Garota de Ipanema" enquanto era vocalista da banda Blitz.
This document summarizes strategies for managing patent rights after the America Invents Act. It discusses the changes to a first-inventor-to-file system, provisions of the Act like prioritized examination and third party challenges, and developing a comprehensive patent strategy including defensive and offensive patenting, monitoring competitors, and ensuring freedom to operate. The document provides an overview of patent basics, the patent process, and considerations for patent filing, review, and enforcement.
This document discusses various aspects of the patent process, including what constitutes intellectual property, types of patents, the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and obtaining patents in the US and internationally. It provides an overview of the patenting process, noting important dates and risks of delay. It also summarizes how recent Supreme Court decisions have impacted patentability evaluations for health care technologies. The America Invents Act is summarized, noting how it changes from a first to invent system to a first inventor to file system and some implications this has for universities.
Knobbe Martens co-hosted a 2-hour seminar in Orange County on Protecting Your Intellectual Property with a distinguished panel of global patent practitioners.
The document discusses various third-party challenges to patents and patent applications that can be filed with the USPTO, including inter partes review (IPR), post grant review (PGR), covered business method patent review (CBM), preissuance submissions, and derivation proceedings. It provides details on the standards for instituting each proceeding, who can file, applicable grounds, timing requirements, procedures, and differences between the proceedings. USPTO fees for IPR are around $25k with typical total costs to completion of $350k-$700k. The overall success rate of IPRs is very high for petitioners, with around 85% of petitions granted and 60% of all claims found unpatent
Patent Law Review - IP Year in Review CLE v2Bryan Beel
This document provides a summary of a presentation on recent developments in patent law given to the Oregon State Bar Intellectual Property Section. It discusses several topics, including proposed patent legislation, practice before the International Trade Commission and Patent and Trademark Office, as well as recent decisions from the Federal Circuit and Supreme Court that have impacted patent law. The presentation was delivered by Bryan Beel of Perkins Coie LLP on February 14, 2014.
The document summarizes issues related to patent prosecution in light of recent changes to patent law and guidelines from court decisions. It discusses revisions to Section 102 of the patent act regarding novelty and exceptions. It provides examples of how the revisions apply. It also discusses guidelines from the Alice Corp v. CLS Bank decision regarding subject matter eligibility and the two-part test examiners use to evaluate claims. Finally, it discusses recent Patent Trial and Appeal Board decisions interpreting means-plus-function claiming and the requirement for algorithms in specifications.
This document outlines the organizational structure and culture of SkyView, a growing technology company. It describes the four main departments - technology, marketing, finance/HR, and accounting - and how the 285 employees are divided into specialized teams within each department. It also discusses SkyView's mission, emphasis on teamwork and productivity, and use of an online database to facilitate communication and sharing of information across departments.
La presentaci坦n describe varios programas para crear videojuegos, incluyendo Construct 2 y RPG Maker para juegos did叩cticos, Unreal Development Kit y Game Maker Studio para juegos 3D, y M.U.G.E.N y RPG Maker para juegos normales 2D. Explica brevemente las caracter鱈sticas de cada programa.
Este documento discute os princ鱈pios fundamentais da Constitui巽達o brasileira contidos nos artigos 1-4, incluindo a soberania, dignidade humana e pluralismo pol鱈tico. Tamb辿m descreve os poderes legislativo, executivo e judici叩rio da Uni達o e os objetivos de construir uma sociedade justa e erradicar a pobreza. Por fim, lista os princ鱈pios das rela巽探es internacionais como a independ棚ncia nacional e solu巽達o pac鱈fica de conflitos.
How to Develop with the UAT Studios - IGDA UAT Greenlight GuideBen Reichert
The document provides guidance on assembling an effective team for a game jam project. It recommends having an experienced core team that is committed to completing the project, including at least one programmer and one artist. The core team members should want to make the game, enjoy working together, and be reliable. Additionally, it emphasizes the need for a product owner, clear vision and goals, prioritized product backlog, well-written user stories, and a ScrumMaster to facilitate the process and handle any obstacles. The team should aim to have a presentable first release by the end of the semester to demonstrate their progress.
A aluna Laura Cardoso Ferreira apresentou um trabalho no 1属 ano B sobre diversos t坦picos relacionados a sustentabilidade como feira de conhecimento, coleta de 坦leo e gordura, biomassa, reino animalia, babesiose canis e reaproveitamento da 叩gua da chuva. O trabalho foi apresentado para a professora Norma Coelho na disciplina de Matem叩tica.
This document discusses the sharing economy and on-demand services. It notes that many sharing economy startups were founded in 2008-2010 after the financial crisis. While Generation X and Millennials are driving this new economy, baby boomers are enjoying utilizing their owned assets. However, on-demand services face challenges like low entry barriers leading to tough competition, cash flow management issues, and regulatory uncertainty around whether workers are employees or contractors. As the sharing economy grows, individual reputation and credibility online may become increasingly important.
El documento presenta los productos y servicios de una corporaci坦n peruana dedicada a la provisi坦n de soluciones en puertas de garaje, puertas contra fuego, automatismos y manejo de materiales. La corporaci坦n ofrece una variedad de puertas seccionales, enrollables, contra fuego de acero y madera, as鱈 como herrajer鱈a, automatismos y accesorios para puertas. Tambi辿n provee topes para estacionamientos y otros productos relacionados con la construcci坦n y seguridad industrial.
Adicci坦n a las nuevas tecnolog鱈as recomendacionesMvvica
Este documento discute varias estrategias para prevenir la adicci坦n a las nuevas tecnolog鱈as entre los estudiantes, incluyendo educarlos sobre los riesgos y buenas pr叩cticas, usar ejemplos de casos reales, fomentar h叩bitos saludables y relaciones interpersonales, establecer normas sobre el uso de dispositivos, y designar estudiantes expertos para ense単ar a los dem叩s sobre un uso responsable de la tecnolog鱈a.
Building a data-driven organization requires defining standard metrics to measure performance, making data easily accessible to employees, and empowering people with data to make decisions. A data-driven organization uses feedback from students on courses to identify attributes related to positive or negative feedback, then adjusts standards, instructor guidelines, and provides feedback in a constant feedback loop to improve course quality.
Presentation skills with guided sign postTimothy Wooi
Course Outline
Speaking and presenting can be fun and done by anyone it is a skill, which can be learned. Unfortunately, so many people allow themselves to believe that good presenters are born'.
Course Objective
To equip Participants with tools and knowledge to deliver a pre prepared Presentation with confidence;
replacing fear of presentation with soft skills and fluency guided by a structured report out format.
enabling Participants to write report- out presentation that are clear, concise and easy to understand and act upon.
learning the principles of preparing, writing and editing the report-out presentation.
The Course will be conducted by the Trainer teaching the use of a structured format and how to present it with Confidence.
A workshop Presentation on delivering a pre prepared report-out will be done by Participants after the theory impartation.
Sample format and documents will be provided by Trainer as well as presentation styles used throughout. Participants will do a workshop with a report-out Presentation and get feedback from others and the course Trainer.
By the end of the course you will learn how to identify the essential factors for successfully preparing and planning a presentation report-out and to control nerves converting the energy into a positive, dynamic force by;
Examine non-verbal communication
techniques adding professionalism to
a presentation.
Use a Format with technique that will
help you structure the presentation.
Examine the quality of voice, volume,
variety and articulation.
Identify techniques for managing
audience and the discussion period.
Review the essential factors for
developing and using visual aids.
Este documento apresenta diretrizes curriculares para a Rede Estadual de Ensino do estado do Maranh達o. Ele define os princ鱈pios e objetivos da educa巽達o b叩sica no estado, analisa indicadores educacionais e taxas de aprova巽達o, e estabelece diretrizes para a organiza巽達o do trabalho pedag坦gico, avalia巽達o escolar, temas sociais e compet棚ncias esperadas nas diferentes etapas de ensino. O documento tem como finalidade nortear as escolas estaduais na melhoria cont鱈nua da qualidade da educa巽達o oferecida
Este documento describe la cultura material del per鱈odo Neol鱈tico. Explica que la cultura material incluye todos los elementos que nos permiten conocer c坦mo era la vida de los grupos humanos del pasado. Detalla las herramientas, armas, m辿todos de transporte y vestimenta que usaban para la caza, pesca y supervivencia. Tambi辿n cubre el desarrollo de la metalurgia, la agricultura, el comercio y el uso primitivo de monedas. Concluye que el hombre neol鱈tico estaba constantemente buscando nuevas formas de
Este documento presenta una introducci坦n a los sistemas operativos, resumiendo brevemente la historia de los sistemas operativos desde las d辿cadas de 1940 a 1990 y describiendo conceptos b叩sicos como las funciones de un sistema operativos y ejemplos de sistemas operativos populares como Windows, Linux y MacOS. Tambi辿n discute brevemente conceptos como virus inform叩ticos y antivirus.
Ca巽a Palavras - Cultura Carioca - Turma 504leopalasjh
Cantor e compositor brasileiro que comp担s m炭sicas famosas como "Samba do Avi達o" e nasceu na Tijuca. Outro cantor e compositor criou sucessos como "Do Leme ao Pontal" e "Oceano". Uma cantora ficou famosa com o sucesso "Garota de Ipanema" enquanto era vocalista da banda Blitz.
This document summarizes strategies for managing patent rights after the America Invents Act. It discusses the changes to a first-inventor-to-file system, provisions of the Act like prioritized examination and third party challenges, and developing a comprehensive patent strategy including defensive and offensive patenting, monitoring competitors, and ensuring freedom to operate. The document provides an overview of patent basics, the patent process, and considerations for patent filing, review, and enforcement.
This document discusses various aspects of the patent process, including what constitutes intellectual property, types of patents, the Patent Cooperation Treaty, and obtaining patents in the US and internationally. It provides an overview of the patenting process, noting important dates and risks of delay. It also summarizes how recent Supreme Court decisions have impacted patentability evaluations for health care technologies. The America Invents Act is summarized, noting how it changes from a first to invent system to a first inventor to file system and some implications this has for universities.
Knobbe Martens co-hosted a 2-hour seminar in Orange County on Protecting Your Intellectual Property with a distinguished panel of global patent practitioners.
The document discusses various third-party challenges to patents and patent applications that can be filed with the USPTO, including inter partes review (IPR), post grant review (PGR), covered business method patent review (CBM), preissuance submissions, and derivation proceedings. It provides details on the standards for instituting each proceeding, who can file, applicable grounds, timing requirements, procedures, and differences between the proceedings. USPTO fees for IPR are around $25k with typical total costs to completion of $350k-$700k. The overall success rate of IPRs is very high for petitioners, with around 85% of petitions granted and 60% of all claims found unpatent
Patent Law Review - IP Year in Review CLE v2Bryan Beel
This document provides a summary of a presentation on recent developments in patent law given to the Oregon State Bar Intellectual Property Section. It discusses several topics, including proposed patent legislation, practice before the International Trade Commission and Patent and Trademark Office, as well as recent decisions from the Federal Circuit and Supreme Court that have impacted patent law. The presentation was delivered by Bryan Beel of Perkins Coie LLP on February 14, 2014.
The document summarizes issues related to patent prosecution in light of recent changes to patent law and guidelines from court decisions. It discusses revisions to Section 102 of the patent act regarding novelty and exceptions. It provides examples of how the revisions apply. It also discusses guidelines from the Alice Corp v. CLS Bank decision regarding subject matter eligibility and the two-part test examiners use to evaluate claims. Finally, it discusses recent Patent Trial and Appeal Board decisions interpreting means-plus-function claiming and the requirement for algorithms in specifications.
The Supreme Court and Federal Circuit issued several significant patent opinions in 2012 focusing on patentable subject matter under Section 101. The Mayo v. Prometheus decision established that medical diagnostic claims involving natural laws or conventional activities may not be patent eligible. Other cases questioned the patentability of isolated DNA, method of treatment claims, and business method claims. The courts emphasized that simply adding generic computer elements or insignificant post-solution activity is not enough to make an otherwise abstract idea patent eligible. The Global-Tech decision defined the knowledge requirement for induced infringement as willful blindness. The Hyatt decision allowed completely new evidence to be introduced in Section 145 actions in district court.
The document discusses patentability requirements in the US, including utility, novelty, and non-obviousness. It provides details on the types of subject matter that can be patented, conditions for novelty like anticipation and statutory bars, and considerations for non-obviousness. It also discusses the European patent regime and takes questions.
America Invents Act: Recent Changes to US Patent Law and PracticeGary M. Myles, Ph.D.
The document summarizes changes brought by the America Invents Act to U.S. patent law and practice. Some key changes include transitioning from a first-to-invent system to a first-inventor-to-file system, expanding the definition of prior art, creating new post-grant review proceedings like post-grant review and inter partes review, expanding prior user rights, and changing treatment of errors in inventorship. The changes aim to harmonize the U.S. system with other countries and improve patent quality and challenge procedures.
This document proposes a "Common Stock Theory" test for determining patent eligibility. It begins by discussing the U.S. court case In re Petrus A.C.M. Nuijten, which dealt with patent eligibility of a signal encoding technique. The document then lays out the foundations and principles of the proposed Common Stock Theory test, which is intended to provide a consistent methodology for determining patent eligibility grounded in fundamental patent law principles. The theory is based on Jeffersonian philosophy around encouraging innovation and the expanding scope of patent eligibility established in court cases like Diamond v. Chakrabarty.
The document summarizes various intellectual property news items, including a report finding waste and mismanagement at the Patent Trial and Appeal Board due to unused paralegals, a potential $6 million malpractice suit over an incorrectly claimed bra insert patent, the upcoming vote on Scottish independence and its potential intellectual property implications, the USPTO pulling patent allowances in view of the Alice decision, and upcoming intellectual property events.
Patent Law in 2014: Act fast or get left behindsteve_ritchey
A presentation on patent law fundamentals, the changes caused resulting from the America Invents Act, other topical patent law issues such as new developments on patentable subject matter, appellate review of claim constructions, and best practices
Surname 2NameCourseDatePE Exam in ECE Computer En.docxmabelf3
Surname: 2
PE Exam in ECE: Computer Engineering
Part 1: Summary
Professional Engineering Licensing is an official recognition that exhibits an engineers devotion to a higher level of principles. It also demonstrates a persons higher levels of responsibility and authority. Again, professional engineering licensing acts as a protection to the public by enforcing values that restrict practice to competent individuals who have met particular credentials in learning, work experience as well as in the exam. The whole process of licensure is carried out and regulated by the state government. For instance, engineers in the United States are licensed at the state level by respective professional licensing boards. Further, I have learned that the NCEES is the one responsible for developing and scoring the FE and PE exams for engineering licensure.
Part 2: Interest in PE exam
I think the PE Exam in ECE-Computer Engineering test closest to my interest is to ensure that the minimum level of competency in my engineering discipline is achieved. The state is performing a great work which helps to minimize the number of unauthorized and incompetent engineers from flooding the market as well as ensuring quality work is done in the state.
Part 3: Questions
How many attempts is one given after failing the PE test?
Is the PE license obtained in the state universal documentation?
What happens to other engineers from other countries who have gained a minimum of four years post-college work experience in their chosen engineering discipline or have attained a PE license from their state and want to work in California State?
Part 4: My Plan to prepare for the test
For the first criteria (Power) I can take a class in Mathematics and physics (Math 123 and phys 152).
For the second criteria (Power) I can take a class Capstone (EE 430 Analog Electronic Circuits II)
For the third criteria (Power) I can take a class in Math and Science (EE 220 Materials Science for Electrical Engineers)
For the fourth criteria (Power) I can take a class in Electronics EE 202.
There is no assigned outside reading for this week, however, you may find it helpful to look at some of the links provided in this weeks presentation.Writing the 4MATIn Part 1, summarize what you learned about Intellectual Property and its protection from the presentation. In Part 2, give your opinion on one or more issues or historical cases presented. Part 3 is questions you still have about Intellectual Property and its protection. Part 4 is a concise and specific action plan to learn more about one or more aspects of Intellectual Property and its protection that is beyond what was presented in class.
Intellectual Property Protection
Industrial Design Rights
Trade Dress
Trade Secrets
This presentation is for educational
purposes only and does not
constitute legal advice
Ingenuity should receive a liberal
This document discusses recent trends in patent litigation and strategies for early patent litigation. It notes that patent lawsuit filings in 2015 were close to historic highs, with most lawsuits filed in Delaware and Eastern District of Texas. However, filings dipped in the first quarter of 2016, potentially due to Supreme Court decisions like Alice v. CLS Bank, invalidations from USPTO proceedings, and raised pleading standards. The document then focuses on the impacts of Alice, IPR proceedings, and raised pleading standards, including statistics on case outcomes. It analyzes recent court decisions and discusses strategies for patent plaintiffs in light of these changes.
The document summarizes key changes to patent law and procedures introduced by the America Invents Act (AIA). The goals of the AIA were to promote global patent harmonization, improve patent quality, provide more efficient challenges to patents, reduce unwarranted litigation costs, and reduce inconsistent damage awards. Major changes included moving from a first-to-invent to a first-to-file system, introducing new administrative review procedures like Post Grant Review and Inter Partes Review, limiting joinder rules to curb patent litigation abuse, providing prior user rights, and allowing virtual patent marking. The changes aimed to simplify the patent system and reduce litigation costs while improving patent quality.
1) Post-grant reviews like inter partes reviews and post-grant reviews allow third parties to challenge patent validity, but Section 101 subject matter eligibility challenges can only be brought in post-grant reviews, not inter partes reviews.
2) Recent Supreme Court cases have increased the use of Section 101 challenges in district courts, which have invalidated patents around 70% of the time post-Alice. However, post-grant reviews have limitations for Section 101 challenges including timing restrictions and estoppel risks.
3) It remains uncertain how the Patent Trial and Appeal Board will handle Section 101 challenges compared to district courts, and whether success rates will differ across technologies like molecular diagnostics. The increasing use of Section 101 in
Patent infringement searches are conducted to ensure no other individual or organization is using, making, or selling a patented invention without authorization. The search process involves breaking down the technical features of the patent claim and any potentially infringing products, then comparing them to determine if there is infringement. If infringement is found, the patent owner can take legal action or pursue licensing opportunities.
The New US Patent Law - From a Medical Device PerspectiveClark Wilson
The document discusses Clark Wilson, a registered patent attorney at the law firm Gardner Groff. Wilson has experience in patent law and the medical device industry. The document then provides information on recent changes to US patent law under the America Invents Act, including changes to prior art, first-inventor-to-file provisions, derivation proceedings, and post-issuance procedures.
The New US Patent Law - From a Medical Device PerspectiveClark Wilson
Montana IP Roadshow
1. Protecting Your Intellectual Property:
Practical Strategies for Managing
Patent Rights
Jennifer Spaith, Partner
Marcus Simon, Partner
Patent Prosecution Group
4. Patent Basics: What is a Patent?
Complete description of an invention, followed by
Claims: The claims define in words the inventive
technology owned by the patent holder
Rights: Patents provide the right to exclude others
from making, using, selling, or importing the claimed
invention into the United States a patent does not
confer a right to use invention
Term: of 20 years from filing (not counting various
patent and regulatory extensions)
5. Patent Basics: Anatomy of a Patent
Detailed Description
Define the territory owned or scope of the
From U.S. Patent No. 8,541,127 assigned to Tesla Motors, Inc.
6. Patent Basics: Claims
Independent and Dependent Claims
Examples from U.S. Pat. No. 8,541,127 Assigned to Tesla Motors, Inc.
1. A thermal management system for use with a battery pack, the
battery pack comprised of a plurality of cells arranged into at least a first row of cells
and a second row of cells, wherein said first row of cells is adjacent to said second row
of cells, said system comprising:
a cooling manifold assembly interposed between said first and second rows of
cells, said cooling manifold assembly comprising; a coolant tube, said coolant tube
including at least one coolant channel, wherein said coolant tube is comprised of a first
surface adjacent to said first row of cells and a second surface adjacent to said second
row of cells; and
a thermal interface layer overmolded onto said coolant tube, wherein said
thermal interface layer is comprised of a plurality of pliable fingers that extend away
from said coolant tube, wherein said plurality of pliable fingers are interposed between
said first surface of said cooling tube and said first row of cells and between said
second surface of said cooling tube and said second row of cells, and wherein said
plurality of pliable fingers are deflected by and in thermal contact with said first and
second rows of cells.
2. The thermal management system of claim 1, wherein said first row of cells
is offset from said second row of cells.
7. Types of Patents: Technologies
Patent Eligible Subject Matter: Any new and useful
process, machine, manufacture, or composition of
Mechanical Inventions turbines, wind power,
hydropower, electric vehicles, fueling stations, modular
Electrical Inventions (hardware, software) solar cells,
fuel cells, batteries, power distribution control, network
architecture for power management, LEDs
Chemistry-Related Inventions and Biotechnology
biodegradable materials, polymers made from recycled
pollutants, light-weight composites, high-temperature
materials for more efficient combustion technologies,
cement alternatives, insulation materials
Methods or processes for any of the above methods of
use, methods of making, etc.
8. Example Timeline of a Typical U.S. Patent
Year -1: Provisional application filing patent pending,
Year 0: File non-provisional description substantively frozen
18 months after first filing patent application publishes unless a nonpublication request was
Year 2 Claims are examined and, often, rejected
Years 2-3.5: Patent Prosecution back and forth with Patent Office, arguing law and
technology, amending claims
Year 3.5: Notice of Allowance
Year 4: Issued U.S. Patent Patented mark with patent #
9. Some Patent Statistics
Number of US Patents Issued by the USPTO in 2014
Colorado 3184
Utah 1374
Idaho 1012
Nebraska 364
Wyoming 122
Montana 115
South Dakota 115
North Dakota 104
10. New Third-Party Challenges to Patents
and Patent Applications at the USPTO
Third-party challenges to patents or patent applications
Inter partes review (IPR)
USPTO fees ~$25k
$350k-$700k professional fees to completion
Typical patent case is $1-$5 million to completion
Post grant review (PGR)
Ex Parte Reexamination
Covered Business method patent review (CBM)
Preissuance submissions
Derivation proceedings
11. Why and When Use an IPR?
Why? Faster, cheaper, and more defendant friendly
to challenge the validity of an issued patent at the
USPTO than in federal district court
~85% of IPR petitions granted
~70% of stays granted in patent litigation cases in which an
IPR was filed
~60% all claims in patent deemed unpatentable in IPRs
~76% cancellation/amendment of at least some claims in
patent in IPRs
When? Your company is sued for patent
infringement and/or a patent prevents your company
from being able to freely operate
12. Stages and Timeline of an IPR
Old inter partes reexamination proceedings
Inter partes review proceedings
13. Efficient Resolution of Validity
Who is in
3 Administrative patent judges
Emphasis on access and quick decisions (encourages
conference calls)
Parties can stipulate to different dates than the scheduling
order (but not different oral hearing date).
Trial Practice Guidelines (77 F.R. 48,756).
Limited, routine discovery is allowed. Parties may agree to
additional discovery between themselves.
37 C.F.R.則 42.51(b)(2).
Final written decision w/in 12 months of initiation of
proceedings (grant of petition). But can extend 6 months for
good cause. 35 U.S.C.則 316(a)(11), 37 CFR 42.100
The PTAB recently confirmed that they are committed to
meeting the 12 month deadline, despite the increasing
16. Major Differences Between AIA Actions
All patents are eligible
(both Pre- and Post-AIA
filing dates)
Petitioner has not filed an
invalidity action and
petition is filed no more
than one year after service
of infringement complaint
Only 則則 102 and 103
grounds based on
patents or printed
Only FTF (post-AIA)
patents are eligible
Petitioner has not
filed an invalidity
action and petition
filed within 9 months
of patent grant
Only 則則 101, 102, 103,
and 112, except best
All covered business
method patents are
Petitioner must be
sued or charged w/
Only 則則 101, 102, 103,
and 112, except best
18. Alice Abstract Idea problem for
computer-implemented innovation
Patent concerned system for intermediated settlement of a
US Supreme Court invalidates patent, setting out process
for invalidation when directed toward abstract idea
Identify the abstract idea (intermediated settlement)
Then, look for something more
NOT OK = routine steps, generic computer implementation,
obtain data, etc.
COULD BE OK = improve function of computer itself, improve
another technology or field
19. Mayo/Sequenom Law of nature
problem for therapeutic innovation
Mayo patent concerned system for correcting drug dosage
based on measured quantity of blood metabolites
US Supreme Court invalidates patent, setting out process
for invalidation when directed toward law of nature
Identify the law of nature (metabolism of drug in
Then, look for something more
NOT OK = routine steps, administer drug, measure metabolite
COULD BE OK = action to be taken, how to administer drug,
mechanism to measure metabolite levels
20. Mayo/Sequenom Law of nature
problem for therapeutic innovation
Sequenom patent concerned MaterniT-21 test for fetal
anomalies (e.g., Downs)
Federal Circuit invalidates patent as ineligible law of
Identify the law of nature (presence of fetal DNA in maternal
blood stream)
Then, look for something more
NOT OK = routine methods and techniques for isolating,
amplifying, sequencing DNA
Even technology that revolutionized patient care can
be patent ineligible
21. What to do?
Greater care in assessing inventions in these areas
Fields like digital health / big data for medicine can face a
Computer-implemented inventions
Focus on how computer operation is improved
Where possible, include portions of a physical system that go
beyond an everyday computer
Medical inventions
Consider claiming actions taken based on diagnostic
Where possible, include specific actions or systems for
sample acquisition or analysis
Consider alternatives
23. Thanks for your attention! Questions?
Marcus Simon
(801) 933-7360
Jennifer Spaith
(206) 903-8836