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Protecting Your Intellectual Property:
Practical Strategies for Managing
Patent Rights
Jennifer Spaith, Partner
Marcus Simon, Partner
Patent Prosecution Group
 Patent Basics
 Post-Grant Review of Patents
 Patent Eligible Subject Matter
Intellectual Property
Patent Basics: What is a Patent?
 Complete description of an invention, followed by
 Claims: The claims define in words the inventive
technology owned by the patent holder
 Rights: Patents provide the right to exclude others
from making, using, selling, or importing the claimed
invention into the United States  a patent does not
confer a right to use invention
 Term: of 20 years from filing (not counting various
patent and regulatory extensions)
Patent Basics: Anatomy of a Patent
 Detailed Description
 Define the territory owned or scope of the
From U.S. Patent No. 8,541,127 assigned to Tesla Motors, Inc.
Patent Basics: Claims
Independent and Dependent Claims
Examples from U.S. Pat. No. 8,541,127 Assigned to Tesla Motors, Inc.
1. A thermal management system for use with a battery pack, the
battery pack comprised of a plurality of cells arranged into at least a first row of cells
and a second row of cells, wherein said first row of cells is adjacent to said second row
of cells, said system comprising:
a cooling manifold assembly interposed between said first and second rows of
cells, said cooling manifold assembly comprising; a coolant tube, said coolant tube
including at least one coolant channel, wherein said coolant tube is comprised of a first
surface adjacent to said first row of cells and a second surface adjacent to said second
row of cells; and
a thermal interface layer overmolded onto said coolant tube, wherein said
thermal interface layer is comprised of a plurality of pliable fingers that extend away
from said coolant tube, wherein said plurality of pliable fingers are interposed between
said first surface of said cooling tube and said first row of cells and between said
second surface of said cooling tube and said second row of cells, and wherein said
plurality of pliable fingers are deflected by and in thermal contact with said first and
second rows of cells.
2. The thermal management system of claim 1, wherein said first row of cells
is offset from said second row of cells.
Types of Patents: Technologies
Patent Eligible Subject Matter: Any new and useful
process, machine, manufacture, or composition of
 Mechanical Inventions  turbines, wind power,
hydropower, electric vehicles, fueling stations, modular
 Electrical Inventions (hardware, software)  solar cells,
fuel cells, batteries, power distribution control, network
architecture for power management, LEDs
 Chemistry-Related Inventions and Biotechnology 
biodegradable materials, polymers made from recycled
pollutants, light-weight composites, high-temperature
materials for more efficient combustion technologies,
cement alternatives, insulation materials
 Methods or processes for any of the above  methods of
use, methods of making, etc.
Example Timeline of a Typical U.S. Patent
Year -1: Provisional application filing  patent pending,
Year 0: File non-provisional  description substantively frozen
18 months after first filing  patent application publishes unless a nonpublication request was
Year 2  Claims are examined and, often, rejected
Years 2-3.5: Patent Prosecution  back and forth with Patent Office, arguing law and
technology, amending claims
Year 3.5: Notice of Allowance
Year 4: Issued U.S. Patent  Patented  mark with patent #
Some Patent Statistics
Number of US Patents Issued by the USPTO in 2014
 Colorado  3184
 Utah  1374
 Idaho  1012
 Nebraska  364
 Wyoming  122
 Montana  115
 South Dakota  115
 North Dakota  104
New Third-Party Challenges to Patents
and Patent Applications at the USPTO
 Third-party challenges to patents or patent applications
 Inter partes review (IPR)
 USPTO fees ~$25k
 $350k-$700k professional fees to completion
 Typical patent case is $1-$5 million to completion
 Post grant review (PGR)
 Ex Parte Reexamination
 Covered Business method patent review (CBM)
 Preissuance submissions
 Derivation proceedings
Why and When Use an IPR?
 Why?  Faster, cheaper, and more defendant friendly
to challenge the validity of an issued patent at the
USPTO than in federal district court
 ~85% of IPR petitions granted
 ~70% of stays granted in patent litigation cases in which an
IPR was filed
 ~60%  all claims in patent deemed unpatentable in IPRs
 ~76%  cancellation/amendment of at least some claims in
patent in IPRs
 When?  Your company is sued for patent
infringement and/or a patent prevents your company
from being able to freely operate
Stages and Timeline of an IPR
 Old inter partes reexamination proceedings
 Inter partes review proceedings
Efficient Resolution of Validity
Who is in
3 Administrative patent judges
Emphasis on access and quick decisions (encourages
conference calls)
Parties can stipulate to different dates than the scheduling
order (but not different oral hearing date).
Trial Practice Guidelines (77 F.R. 48,756).
Limited, routine discovery is allowed. Parties may agree to
additional discovery between themselves.
37 C.F.R.則 42.51(b)(2).
Final written decision w/in 12 months of initiation of
proceedings (grant of petition). But can extend 6 months for
good cause. 35 U.S.C.則 316(a)(11), 37 CFR 42.100
The PTAB recently confirmed that they are committed to
meeting the 12 month deadline, despite the increasing
Increasing Popularity
Electrical/Computer Patents are
Challenged Most Often
Major Differences Between AIA Actions
All patents are eligible
(both Pre- and Post-AIA
filing dates)
Petitioner has not filed an
invalidity action and
petition is filed no more
than one year after service
of infringement complaint
Only 則則 102 and 103
grounds based on
patents or printed
Only FTF (post-AIA)
patents are eligible
Petitioner has not
filed an invalidity
action and petition
filed within 9 months
of patent grant
Only 則則 101, 102, 103,
and 112, except best
All covered business
method patents are
Petitioner must be
sued or charged w/
Only 則則 101, 102, 103,
and 112, except best
Patent Eligible Subject Matter
 What has changed after Alice and Sequenom?
Alice  Abstract Idea problem for
computer-implemented innovation
 Patent concerned system for intermediated settlement of a
 US Supreme Court invalidates patent, setting out process
for invalidation when directed toward abstract idea
 Identify the abstract idea (intermediated settlement)
 Then, look for something more
 NOT OK = routine steps, generic computer implementation,
obtain data, etc.
 COULD BE OK = improve function of computer itself, improve
another technology or field
Mayo/Sequenom  Law of nature
problem for therapeutic innovation
 Mayo patent concerned system for correcting drug dosage
based on measured quantity of blood metabolites
 US Supreme Court invalidates patent, setting out process
for invalidation when directed toward law of nature
 Identify the law of nature (metabolism of drug in
 Then, look for something more
 NOT OK = routine steps, administer drug, measure metabolite
 COULD BE OK = action to be taken, how to administer drug,
mechanism to measure metabolite levels
Mayo/Sequenom  Law of nature
problem for therapeutic innovation
 Sequenom patent concerned MaterniT-21 test for fetal
anomalies (e.g., Downs)
 Federal Circuit invalidates patent as ineligible law of
 Identify the law of nature (presence of fetal DNA in maternal
blood stream)
 Then, look for something more
 NOT OK = routine methods and techniques for isolating,
amplifying, sequencing DNA
Even technology that revolutionized patient care can
be patent ineligible
What to do?
 Greater care in assessing inventions in these areas
 Fields like digital health / big data for medicine can face a
 Computer-implemented inventions
 Focus on how computer operation is improved
 Where possible, include portions of a physical system that go
beyond an everyday computer
 Medical inventions
 Consider claiming actions taken based on diagnostic
 Where possible, include specific actions or systems for
sample acquisition or analysis
 Consider alternatives
 Design Patents
 Trade Secrets
Thanks for your attention! Questions?
Marcus Simon
(801) 933-7360
Jennifer Spaith
(206) 903-8836

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  • 1. Protecting Your Intellectual Property: Practical Strategies for Managing Patent Rights Jennifer Spaith, Partner Marcus Simon, Partner Patent Prosecution Group
  • 2. OVERVIEW Patent Basics Post-Grant Review of Patents Patent Eligible Subject Matter
  • 4. Patent Basics: What is a Patent? Complete description of an invention, followed by claims Claims: The claims define in words the inventive technology owned by the patent holder Rights: Patents provide the right to exclude others from making, using, selling, or importing the claimed invention into the United States a patent does not confer a right to use invention Term: of 20 years from filing (not counting various patent and regulatory extensions)
  • 5. Patent Basics: Anatomy of a Patent Specification Abstract Detailed Description Figures Claims Define the territory owned or scope of the invention From U.S. Patent No. 8,541,127 assigned to Tesla Motors, Inc.
  • 6. Patent Basics: Claims Independent and Dependent Claims Examples from U.S. Pat. No. 8,541,127 Assigned to Tesla Motors, Inc. 1. A thermal management system for use with a battery pack, the battery pack comprised of a plurality of cells arranged into at least a first row of cells and a second row of cells, wherein said first row of cells is adjacent to said second row of cells, said system comprising: a cooling manifold assembly interposed between said first and second rows of cells, said cooling manifold assembly comprising; a coolant tube, said coolant tube including at least one coolant channel, wherein said coolant tube is comprised of a first surface adjacent to said first row of cells and a second surface adjacent to said second row of cells; and a thermal interface layer overmolded onto said coolant tube, wherein said thermal interface layer is comprised of a plurality of pliable fingers that extend away from said coolant tube, wherein said plurality of pliable fingers are interposed between said first surface of said cooling tube and said first row of cells and between said second surface of said cooling tube and said second row of cells, and wherein said plurality of pliable fingers are deflected by and in thermal contact with said first and second rows of cells. 2. The thermal management system of claim 1, wherein said first row of cells is offset from said second row of cells.
  • 7. Types of Patents: Technologies Patent Eligible Subject Matter: Any new and useful process, machine, manufacture, or composition of matter Mechanical Inventions turbines, wind power, hydropower, electric vehicles, fueling stations, modular housing Electrical Inventions (hardware, software) solar cells, fuel cells, batteries, power distribution control, network architecture for power management, LEDs Chemistry-Related Inventions and Biotechnology biodegradable materials, polymers made from recycled pollutants, light-weight composites, high-temperature materials for more efficient combustion technologies, cement alternatives, insulation materials Methods or processes for any of the above methods of use, methods of making, etc.
  • 8. Example Timeline of a Typical U.S. Patent Application Year -1: Provisional application filing patent pending, Year 0: File non-provisional description substantively frozen 18 months after first filing patent application publishes unless a nonpublication request was filed Year 2 Claims are examined and, often, rejected Years 2-3.5: Patent Prosecution back and forth with Patent Office, arguing law and technology, amending claims Year 3.5: Notice of Allowance Year 4: Issued U.S. Patent Patented mark with patent #
  • 9. Some Patent Statistics Number of US Patents Issued by the USPTO in 2014 Colorado 3184 Utah 1374 Idaho 1012 Nebraska 364 Wyoming 122 Montana 115 South Dakota 115 North Dakota 104
  • 10. New Third-Party Challenges to Patents and Patent Applications at the USPTO Third-party challenges to patents or patent applications include: Inter partes review (IPR) USPTO fees ~$25k $350k-$700k professional fees to completion Typical patent case is $1-$5 million to completion Post grant review (PGR) Ex Parte Reexamination Covered Business method patent review (CBM) Preissuance submissions Derivation proceedings
  • 11. Why and When Use an IPR? Why? Faster, cheaper, and more defendant friendly to challenge the validity of an issued patent at the USPTO than in federal district court ~85% of IPR petitions granted ~70% of stays granted in patent litigation cases in which an IPR was filed ~60% all claims in patent deemed unpatentable in IPRs ~76% cancellation/amendment of at least some claims in patent in IPRs When? Your company is sued for patent infringement and/or a patent prevents your company from being able to freely operate
  • 12. Stages and Timeline of an IPR Old inter partes reexamination proceedings Inter partes review proceedings
  • 13. Efficient Resolution of Validity 13 Who is in charge? 3 Administrative patent judges Communication Emphasis on access and quick decisions (encourages conference calls) Flexibility Parties can stipulate to different dates than the scheduling order (but not different oral hearing date). Trial Practice Guidelines (77 F.R. 48,756). Discovery Limited, routine discovery is allowed. Parties may agree to additional discovery between themselves. 37 C.F.R.則 42.51(b)(2). Speed Final written decision w/in 12 months of initiation of proceedings (grant of petition). But can extend 6 months for good cause. 35 U.S.C.則 316(a)(11), 37 CFR 42.100 The PTAB recently confirmed that they are committed to meeting the 12 month deadline, despite the increasing workload
  • 15. Electrical/Computer Patents are Challenged Most Often http://www.uspto.gov/ip/boards/bpai/stats/112714_aia_stat_graph.pdf
  • 16. Major Differences Between AIA Actions IPR PGR CBM All patents are eligible (both Pre- and Post-AIA filing dates) Petitioner has not filed an invalidity action and petition is filed no more than one year after service of infringement complaint Only 則則 102 and 103 grounds based on patents or printed publication Only FTF (post-AIA) patents are eligible Petitioner has not filed an invalidity action and petition filed within 9 months of patent grant Only 則則 101, 102, 103, and 112, except best mode All covered business method patents are eligible Petitioner must be sued or charged w/ infringement Only 則則 101, 102, 103, and 112, except best mode
  • 17. Patent Eligible Subject Matter What has changed after Alice and Sequenom?
  • 18. Alice Abstract Idea problem for computer-implemented innovation Patent concerned system for intermediated settlement of a transaction US Supreme Court invalidates patent, setting out process for invalidation when directed toward abstract idea Identify the abstract idea (intermediated settlement) Then, look for something more NOT OK = routine steps, generic computer implementation, obtain data, etc. COULD BE OK = improve function of computer itself, improve another technology or field
  • 19. Mayo/Sequenom Law of nature problem for therapeutic innovation Mayo patent concerned system for correcting drug dosage based on measured quantity of blood metabolites US Supreme Court invalidates patent, setting out process for invalidation when directed toward law of nature Identify the law of nature (metabolism of drug in bloodstream) Then, look for something more NOT OK = routine steps, administer drug, measure metabolite levels COULD BE OK = action to be taken, how to administer drug, mechanism to measure metabolite levels
  • 20. Mayo/Sequenom Law of nature problem for therapeutic innovation Sequenom patent concerned MaterniT-21 test for fetal anomalies (e.g., Downs) Federal Circuit invalidates patent as ineligible law of nature Identify the law of nature (presence of fetal DNA in maternal blood stream) Then, look for something more NOT OK = routine methods and techniques for isolating, amplifying, sequencing DNA Even technology that revolutionized patient care can be patent ineligible
  • 21. What to do? Greater care in assessing inventions in these areas Fields like digital health / big data for medicine can face a double-whammy Computer-implemented inventions Focus on how computer operation is improved Where possible, include portions of a physical system that go beyond an everyday computer Medical inventions Consider claiming actions taken based on diagnostic information Where possible, include specific actions or systems for sample acquisition or analysis Consider alternatives
  • 23. Thanks for your attention! Questions? Marcus Simon Patent simon.marcus@Dorsey.com (801) 933-7360 Jennifer Spaith Patent spaith.jennifer@Dorsey.com (206) 903-8836