2. Location
Montillana is located in
North Granada.
3. Population
The population in
Montillana is one
thousand four hundred and
four inhabitants.
There are seven hundred
thirty nine men.
There are six hundred
sixty five women.
4. Places to visit
If you come to Montillana
you can visit.
Cave of the virgin.
The chapel.
The church.
The dam
5. Gastronomy
Typical dishes from Montillana are:
Meat sauce with chips.
Crumbs the bread.
Fried chips.
6. Popular customs
Popular customs in our
village are:
The matanza.
The harvest of olives.
The pilgrimage.
7. 10 reasons why you should
visit us!!!
Because we have a beautiful town.
Because we have some very nice buildings
Because there are lots of peace
Because there is agriculture .
Because you can hike
Because there are very beautiful mountains
Because there is livestock
To know Montillana new sites like the cave of the virgin..
Because we have a very nice alamo ( poplar)
Because there are very nice parks