Programa Diada agrupació 2014Agrupació fotogràfica Sant Adrià de BesòsPrograma de la Diada de l'Agrupació el proper 4 de maig de 2014 que es celebrarà a Castelló d'Empuries
Museu de la vida ruralCarlos ColomerPER SABER ON ANEM, CAL SABER D'ON VENIM.
Vine al nou Museu de la Vida Rural de l'Espluga de Francolí i veuràs com era la vida al camp fa mes de cent anys. Segur que et sorprendrà tot el que podria ensenyar-nos un pagès de fa dos segles: coses com el valor del reciclatge, de l'esforç, i de la paciència, o el que costa dur a taula un parell de tomàquets.
Descobreix un dels museus mes moderns del nostre país. Completament renovat el 2009 i ampliat en espai i en contingut el 2012. Amb una gran exposició de carruatges, un calidoscopi cinètic gegant, galeries de teatre virtual i tot un seguit de projeccions audiovisuals que ens conviden a reflexionar sobre alguns valors que venen d'antic, però que cal tenir presents per encarar be el futur.
Kostlevyresume - for mergeBill KostlevyWilliam Charles Kostlevy is a historian who has held positions at several universities and seminaries. He received his PhD in History from the University of Notre Dame. His areas of research and publication include the Holiness Movement, Brethren history, and 19th century evangelicalism. He currently serves as the Director of the Brethren Historical Library and Archives in Illinois.
Place based education in your own backyard (2)Melanie RuarkThis document contains a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show nature scenes, people, and other subjects. Attribution is required for some photos while other photos allow for commercial use or modification as long as attribution and sharing alike conditions are met.
Ciencias politicas y sociales<iframe height="400" src=/slideshow/montjuc-46316682/46316682/"/ AnguianoEl documento define la ciudadanía como la relación entre personas y sociedad que crea derechos y deberes. Explora los diferentes tipos de ciudadanía, derechos y territorios. También distingue entre derecho público, que regula las relaciones entre individuos y entidades públicas, y derecho privado, regulado por el derecho civil. Además, describe la sociedad civil como una organización autónoma e independiente del estado que agrupa a individuos y puede incidir en lo público.
My vacation sonia cubillosmilenapulido3The author visited the Peñón municipality in Cundinamarca, Colombia and stayed at the Fernando agrotouristic farm country house. The country house offers extreme sports like rafting, zip lining, climbing, paragliding, ATVs, paintball, and games. While some activities like crossing a high Tibetan bridge in windy conditions or getting hit by a paintball were negative experiences, the author enjoyed horseback riding, canoeing, mountain climbing, warm weather, helpful staff, and family time.
SMS for Life_MINSANTE Presentation_06032015_IOmulepuandrew wybornThe document summarizes the national implementation of SMS for Life in Cameroon to improve data collection and management across various health programs. SMS for Life uses mobile phones and the Mango platform to collect commodity stock data, surveillance data, and other health information in real-time from health facilities. This data is then aggregated and shared with the Ministry of Health and partner organizations to provide greater visibility and informed decision making. The program aims to reduce stockouts, improve data quality and coordination across programs, and support the health system in Cameroon.
auto biography of nelson mandelagurleenkwaraichNelson Mandela arrived in Johannesburg to find work in the mines but was unsuccessful and fired from his jobs. He stayed with relatives and expressed his desire to become a lawyer. He was taken on as a clerk at a law firm, where he was warned against getting involved in politics. However, he became aware of racial oppression in South Africa and attended political meetings. He passed his BA exam but knew a degree alone would not lead to success. He enrolled in law school, where he was exposed to political debates, and became increasingly involved in politics despite warnings.
iMAF_Buch_Satz_061114Eoin McGeeneyThis document provides lessons learned from the 2014 international Military Academic Forum (iMAF 2014) held in Austria. It includes forewords from LtCol Dirk Dubois and Col Karl-Heinz Wiedner on the importance of developing common modules for basic officer education across Europe. Dubois discusses how the first common module on ESDP was developed in 2008 and more slowly expanded thereafter. He argues common modules are needed because alternatives like long-term student exchanges are not feasible for military training, and short-term exchanges allow exposure to different approaches while minimizing time away. Wiedner highlights how iMAF 2014 advanced the goal of developing a European security and defense culture among future leaders. The document then outlines contributions from participating countries
Museu de la vida ruralCarlos ColomerPER SABER ON ANEM, CAL SABER D'ON VENIM.
Vine al nou Museu de la Vida Rural de l'Espluga de Francolí i veuràs com era la vida al camp fa mes de cent anys. Segur que et sorprendrà tot el que podria ensenyar-nos un pagès de fa dos segles: coses com el valor del reciclatge, de l'esforç, i de la paciència, o el que costa dur a taula un parell de tomàquets.
Descobreix un dels museus mes moderns del nostre país. Completament renovat el 2009 i ampliat en espai i en contingut el 2012. Amb una gran exposició de carruatges, un calidoscopi cinètic gegant, galeries de teatre virtual i tot un seguit de projeccions audiovisuals que ens conviden a reflexionar sobre alguns valors que venen d'antic, però que cal tenir presents per encarar be el futur.
Kostlevyresume - for mergeBill KostlevyWilliam Charles Kostlevy is a historian who has held positions at several universities and seminaries. He received his PhD in History from the University of Notre Dame. His areas of research and publication include the Holiness Movement, Brethren history, and 19th century evangelicalism. He currently serves as the Director of the Brethren Historical Library and Archives in Illinois.
Place based education in your own backyard (2)Melanie RuarkThis document contains a collection of photos from Flickr shared under various Creative Commons licenses. The photos show nature scenes, people, and other subjects. Attribution is required for some photos while other photos allow for commercial use or modification as long as attribution and sharing alike conditions are met.
Ciencias politicas y sociales<iframe height="400" src=/slideshow/montjuc-46316682/46316682/"/ AnguianoEl documento define la ciudadanía como la relación entre personas y sociedad que crea derechos y deberes. Explora los diferentes tipos de ciudadanía, derechos y territorios. También distingue entre derecho público, que regula las relaciones entre individuos y entidades públicas, y derecho privado, regulado por el derecho civil. Además, describe la sociedad civil como una organización autónoma e independiente del estado que agrupa a individuos y puede incidir en lo público.
My vacation sonia cubillosmilenapulido3The author visited the Peñón municipality in Cundinamarca, Colombia and stayed at the Fernando agrotouristic farm country house. The country house offers extreme sports like rafting, zip lining, climbing, paragliding, ATVs, paintball, and games. While some activities like crossing a high Tibetan bridge in windy conditions or getting hit by a paintball were negative experiences, the author enjoyed horseback riding, canoeing, mountain climbing, warm weather, helpful staff, and family time.
SMS for Life_MINSANTE Presentation_06032015_IOmulepuandrew wybornThe document summarizes the national implementation of SMS for Life in Cameroon to improve data collection and management across various health programs. SMS for Life uses mobile phones and the Mango platform to collect commodity stock data, surveillance data, and other health information in real-time from health facilities. This data is then aggregated and shared with the Ministry of Health and partner organizations to provide greater visibility and informed decision making. The program aims to reduce stockouts, improve data quality and coordination across programs, and support the health system in Cameroon.
auto biography of nelson mandelagurleenkwaraichNelson Mandela arrived in Johannesburg to find work in the mines but was unsuccessful and fired from his jobs. He stayed with relatives and expressed his desire to become a lawyer. He was taken on as a clerk at a law firm, where he was warned against getting involved in politics. However, he became aware of racial oppression in South Africa and attended political meetings. He passed his BA exam but knew a degree alone would not lead to success. He enrolled in law school, where he was exposed to political debates, and became increasingly involved in politics despite warnings.
iMAF_Buch_Satz_061114Eoin McGeeneyThis document provides lessons learned from the 2014 international Military Academic Forum (iMAF 2014) held in Austria. It includes forewords from LtCol Dirk Dubois and Col Karl-Heinz Wiedner on the importance of developing common modules for basic officer education across Europe. Dubois discusses how the first common module on ESDP was developed in 2008 and more slowly expanded thereafter. He argues common modules are needed because alternatives like long-term student exchanges are not feasible for military training, and short-term exchanges allow exposure to different approaches while minimizing time away. Wiedner highlights how iMAF 2014 advanced the goal of developing a European security and defense culture among future leaders. The document then outlines contributions from participating countries
Nit dels Museus i Dia Internacional dels Museus. Lleida 2014LaManyanaNit dels Museus i Dia Internacional dels Museus a les comarques de Lleida. 17 i 18 de maig de 2014
Programa de la Fira d'Alcúdia 2017Los Patos RestaurantPrograma de la Fira d'Alcúdia 2017
Artesania, mostra gastronòmica, empreses, esports, productes de les illes, cossiols música, animals
2. Acords Consell Escolar web 30-01-2025.docxEscolaRoserCapdevila18Acta del Consell Escolar celebrat el dia 30/01/25 a l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
Liquidació del pressupost 22-01-2025.pdfEscolaRoserCapdevila18Liquidació del Pressupost, exercici 2024, de l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
3. Acords Comissió Permanent web 20-02-2025.docx.pdfEscolaRoserCapdevila18Acta de la Comissió permanent del dia 20/02/25 a l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
1. Acords Consell Escolar 15-10-2024EscolaRoserCapdevila18Acta del Consell Escolar celebrat el dia 15/10/24 a l'escola Roser Capdevila de Sant Joan Despí.
Et recomanem visitar al centre de arenas, perquè
hi han moltes tendes i coses molt divertides.
HORARI: De dilluns a dissabte de 10:00 a
22:00 h.
En aquet centre hi ha exposicions, les exposicions
les van cambiant.
Al centre esta obert de dilluns a dissabte.
A montjuïc podem arribar o
transportarnos amb:
2. OCI
El preu mínim d’un dels teatres es de vuit
Horari d'hivern: d’octubre a abril, de dimarts a dissabte, de
10 a 18 h; diumenges i festius, de 10 a 15 h
Horari d'estiu: de maig a setembre, de dimarts a dissabte,
de 10 a 20 h; diumenges i festius, de 10 a 15 h
El Palau sant jordi es un pavelló d’esports
que es va construir amb motius de les
olimpíades a 1992. En aquet edifici també
es celebran concerts de pop, rock etc.
Aquet estadi esta especialitzat en
l’atletisme, esta situat a la muntanya de
ѴDzԳï i es va reformar per les
A cultura tenim caixaforum:
Obert de dimarts a diumenge, de 10 a 20 h.
Entrada general: 4 euros.