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MOOCs: business as usual !?
Wytze Koopal
6 May 2014
Prepared for Dimensie & Komma
則р Introduction
則р Our educational vision
則р Our vision for technology enhanced learning &
teaching (TELT)
則р Current status and plans of MOOCs at UT
則р Discussion
My first MOOC
Screenshot Coursera Mooc
07-05-14 4
Probably the first MOOC
See http://cck11.mooc.ca
Introduction Wytze Koopal
則р Graduated in 1993 (Moonen, Min)
則р Accenture -> Ordina Utopics -> UT -> Koopal
Advies & Projecten =>> UT
則р Expert on TELT (Technology Enhanced
Learning & Teaching)
則р Primary role: get things
in line with TOM
Introduction University of Twente
Twente Educational Model (TOM) summarized
Very concise summary
(we need to facilitate)
learning as well as teaching
Teaching to Learning--a New Paradigm for Undergraduate Education.
Barr, Robert B.; Tagg, John. Change, v27 n6 p12-25 Nov-Dec 1995.
Twente Educational Model (TOM)
則р Studying at the UT is serious business
則р More responsibility for the student
則р Active engagement of students through a variety of effective
methods of teaching and learning
則р Modular programmes
則р Project-Led Education
則р Different methods of assessing where the student stands, during
the process (formative evaluation, and timely feedback!)
則р Staff will act more as coach, tutor, guide, facilitator, motivator
則р Transfer of knowledge becomes less important, since students can
acquire that elsewhere (to a certain degree)
Zie ook http://www.utwente.nl/onderwijs/twents-onderwijsmodel/TOMprincipes
Technology Enhanced Learning &
Teaching: themes we will work on
Plan for 2013-2015
1. Formative testing and assessment
2. Digital learning materials
3. Activating methods for learning & teaching
4. Learning & working together
5. Supporting pioneering staff
Zie ook http://www.utwente.nl/ces/od/onderwijsinnovatie/icto
En besluitvorming CvB, 1 juli 2013
MOOCs and TELT ?
Links to themes
Digital learning materials
Pioneering staff
cMOOC -> short clip (4 min)
MOOCs for the UT: why and what
則р Primary goal: international marketing
則р To enhance our profile High Tech, Human Touch
則р Reach out to potential Master- and Phd- students
則р Participants will need to have Bachelor (?) level
則р Study workload per MOOC: 3-5 EC (85  140 hrs)
則р Typical course length: 8-10 weeks
則р Goal: produce 2 MOOCs in 2014
則р Call for proposals almost finalized
則р To be discussed and researched further:
則р formal credit ?, platform selection ? etc
MOOCs = business as usual !!
1. Treat it as a project  projectplan is in the making
right now
2. Broad range of different expertise needs to be
available in project-team
3. Make the MOOC as attractive and effective as
possible: assignments, videolectures, peer-graded
essays, knowledge tests etc (stretch the platform!)
4. Use an engineering approach (OKT model!) for
design and production
5. Your responses / suggestions? Experience?
MOOCs = business as usual??
1. The world is our podium
2. It needs to be 100% online and 99%
3. Risk of completely seperate development
4. Proficiency in English language
5. Lecturers are used to work independently
6. Is the primary driver Marketing or is it Education?
Biggest challenges right now
1. The right expertise at the right time
2. Availability of lecturer(s) for the project
3. How to assist the lecturer(s)
4. Gain knowledge of and experience with the
MOOC platform (which needs to be chosen)
5. Make the MOOC didactical attractive and
6. Improvement of regular programmes, based
on experiences in MOOC
7. Convert participant in MOOC into regular
8. Your responses / suggestions?
Thank you!

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MOOC's: business as usual !?

  • 1. MOOCs: business as usual !? Wytze Koopal 6 May 2014 Prepared for Dimensie & Komma
  • 2. Agenda 則р Introduction 則р Our educational vision 則р Our vision for technology enhanced learning & teaching (TELT) 則р Current status and plans of MOOCs at UT 則р Discussion
  • 5. Probably the first MOOC See http://cck11.mooc.ca
  • 6. Introduction Wytze Koopal 則р Graduated in 1993 (Moonen, Min) 則р Accenture -> Ordina Utopics -> UT -> Koopal Advies & Projecten =>> UT 則р Expert on TELT (Technology Enhanced Learning & Teaching) 則р Primary role: get things in line with TOM
  • 8. Twente Educational Model (TOM) summarized Very concise summary (we need to facilitate) learning as well as teaching See Teaching to Learning--a New Paradigm for Undergraduate Education. Barr, Robert B.; Tagg, John. Change, v27 n6 p12-25 Nov-Dec 1995.
  • 9. Twente Educational Model (TOM) 則р Studying at the UT is serious business 則р More responsibility for the student 則р Active engagement of students through a variety of effective methods of teaching and learning 則р Modular programmes 則р Project-Led Education 則р Different methods of assessing where the student stands, during the process (formative evaluation, and timely feedback!) 則р Staff will act more as coach, tutor, guide, facilitator, motivator 則р Transfer of knowledge becomes less important, since students can acquire that elsewhere (to a certain degree) Zie ook http://www.utwente.nl/onderwijs/twents-onderwijsmodel/TOMprincipes
  • 10. Technology Enhanced Learning & Teaching: themes we will work on Plan for 2013-2015 1. Formative testing and assessment 2. Digital learning materials 3. Activating methods for learning & teaching 4. Learning & working together 5. Supporting pioneering staff Zie ook http://www.utwente.nl/ces/od/onderwijsinnovatie/icto En besluitvorming CvB, 1 juli 2013 http://utnieuws.nl/nieuws/29727/ vijf_themas_voor_ictvernieuwingen_in_utonderwijs
  • 11. MOOCs and TELT ? Links to themes Digital learning materials And Pioneering staff cMOOC -> short clip (4 min)
  • 12. MOOCs for the UT: why and what 則р Primary goal: international marketing 則р To enhance our profile High Tech, Human Touch 則р Reach out to potential Master- and Phd- students 則р Participants will need to have Bachelor (?) level 則р Study workload per MOOC: 3-5 EC (85 140 hrs) 則р Typical course length: 8-10 weeks 則р Goal: produce 2 MOOCs in 2014 則р Call for proposals almost finalized 則р To be discussed and researched further: 則р formal credit ?, platform selection ? etc
  • 13. MOOCs = business as usual !! 1. Treat it as a project projectplan is in the making right now 2. Broad range of different expertise needs to be available in project-team 3. Make the MOOC as attractive and effective as possible: assignments, videolectures, peer-graded essays, knowledge tests etc (stretch the platform!) 4. Use an engineering approach (OKT model!) for design and production 5. Your responses / suggestions? Experience?
  • 14. MOOCs = business as usual?? 1. The world is our podium 2. It needs to be 100% online and 99% asynchronous 3. Risk of completely seperate development 4. Proficiency in English language 5. Lecturers are used to work independently 6. Is the primary driver Marketing or is it Education?
  • 15. Biggest challenges right now 1. The right expertise at the right time 2. Availability of lecturer(s) for the project 3. How to assist the lecturer(s) 4. Gain knowledge of and experience with the MOOC platform (which needs to be chosen) 5. Make the MOOC didactical attractive and effective 6. Improvement of regular programmes, based on experiences in MOOC 7. Convert participant in MOOC into regular student 8. Your responses / suggestions?