This document summarizes changes to the Mahara assignment plugin for Moodle. It discusses how the plugin allows teachers to assign student portfolios created in Mahara and assess them within Moodle. The updated plugin features a nicer interface, better support for drafts and exceptions, the ability to work with Mahara collections and unlock specific pages, and upcoming archiving capabilities. Instructors can use the plugin to assign portfolio work in Mahara and provide feedback and grades to students directly through Moodle.
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Assessing Mahara portfolios in Moodle: Changes to the Mahara assignment plugin
1. Assessing Mahara
portfolios in Moodle:
Changes to the Mahara
assignment plugin
Presented by Aaron Wells, Catalyst IT // 3rd Oct 2014
Creative Commons BY-SA 3.0
6. Mahara: the facts
An open-source ePortfolio for education
mahara: to think, thinking, thought
Originated in 2006 as a collaboration between Massey,
AUT, Open Poly, and Victoria Uni, with funding from the
New Zealand Tertiary Education Commission
Today the project is mostly managed by Catalyst IT
7. What the &$%# is an e-Portfolio?
Mahara is a fully featured web application to build your electronic
portfolio. You can create journals, upload files, embed social media
resources from the web and collaborate with other users in groups.
10. Mahara's features in outline
Users create Pages, i.e. webpages
Managing, and creating the content that goes in those
webpages: images, files, blogs, etc.
Pages can be organized into Collections, i.e. mini-websites
Social network functionality to let users collaborate and share
content (all content is Private until shared)
User groups with forums and shared content
Comments & group submissions for feedback & assessment
11. What the &$%# is it good for?
12. Mahara + Moodle =
Mahoodle logo by I単aki Arenaza (@iarenaza)
18. A proliferation of plugins...
Catalyst 1.9 (mod/assignment)
Catalyst 2.0 (mod/assignment)
Lancaster University (mod/assign)
Portland University (mod/assign)
Catalyst merged plugin (mod/assign)
19. Synthesis!
Nicer interface!
Better support for
drafts & exceptions
Unlocking pages
Leap2A archiving
(coming soon)
20. Your gateway to the Mahara ePortfolio:
The Mahara community website:
The Mahara wiki:
The Mahara Launchpad project:
(but it's usually easier to just link there from