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Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers
                                                                   Information            Assess learning              Communication          Co-create                    Bloom’s
                                       What you want to                                   Will this tool               & interaction                                       Allows what
                                                                   Transfer                                                                   content
            What you want to
            use (technology)

                                      achieve (pedagogy)
                                                                   Is it a tool for       allow you to                 Can it be used for     Can you & your               thinking order?
                                                                   disseminating          assess your                  communication &        students                     •Remember
                                                                   information from       students’                    interaction            collaborate &                •Understand
                                                                   you to your            learning?                    among                  create content               •Apply
                                        Ease of use
                                                                   students?                                           participants           together?                    •Analyse
                                        How easy can this
                                                                                                                       (you & your                                         •Evaluate
                                        be set up by you?
                                                                                                                       students)?                                          •Create

Add Resource                            Easy, like an email       Yes. Only teachers      Maybe. Use to                No. It’s a             Maybe. Use to                None.
Upload a file                           attachment. But           can upload files to     give task. Collect           distribution tool.     give task. Collect           This is not a
(Word Document/                         can your doc              course site. So         student files                No option for          student files                learning activity,
PowerPoint)                             stand on its own?         definitely a push-      through Forum or             interaction or         through Forum or             but information
                                                                  tool.                   Assignment.                  communication.         Assignment.                  transfer.

Add Resource                            Easy, find the web        Very easy way of        Not directly.                Maybe. Link to         Maybe. You can               6/6
Link to a web page                      address (aka url –        leading students        Option is to link to         external tools eg      link to external             Can do all of the
                                        the bit that starts       to information.         external student             Google Calendar,       collaborative sites          above, depending
                                        with http://), copy       Can link directly to    e-portfolios or              groups, blogs or       e.g. Google Docs,            on where you link
                                        it, paste it.             database articles.      blogs.                       wikis.                 wikis or blogs.              to.

News Forum                              Easy. It’s a              Yes. Include            No. The News                 You can start new      Limited because              2/6
Use to send out                         standard forum ,          course updates,         Forum is limited.            topics. Students       students cannot              Not strictly
course                                  already set up in         encouragement,          Students cannot              respond. Great for     start new topics.            learning activity.
announcements                           your course.              timely links, etc.      post new topics.             establishing           Tip: Set up                  Test readiness for
                                                                                                                       course rhythm.         another Forum.               next class? R & U

Discussion Forum                        Easy. Forum has           Share resources         Forum is versatile           Yes. Students          Yes. Students can            5/6
Use for many                            usable default            as links or files.      & allows this, e.g.          communicate with       collaborate &                Understand,
types of learning                       settings. A name          High message            design a formative           you & peers.           explore topics,              Apply, Analyse,
activities *                            & description is          volume? Risk of         assessment                   Interact as a class    discuss them &               Evaluate, Create
                                        enough.                   losing info.            activity.                    or in groups.          write together.

Wiki                                    Tricky. Decide on         Yes. Use as             Wiki is versatile &          Not suited for         Yes. Students can            5/6
Use for many                            individual & group        information site.       allows this, e.g.            discussions. Use in    collaborate &                Understand,
types of learning                       settings. Has             Allow editing only      design a formative           brainstorming,         explore topics,              Apply, Analyse,
activities                              some quirks. Get          by teachers or by       assessment                   planning, collabo-     discuss them &               Evaluate, Create
                                        some training.            any participant.        activity.                    rative writing,…       write together.

Glossary                                Default settings          Use glossary to         Glossary is                  Not suited for         Only original                5/6
Use for learning                        are good. Try to          define terms or         versatile & allows           discussions.           author can edit an           Understand,
activities that                         set it so the             present info.           this. But you need           Students can read      entry. Class can             Apply, Analyse,
gather resources                        author’s name is          Better yet, let the     to design the right          other entries &        collect reviews,             Evaluate, Create
or present info                         shown.                    students add to it.     learning activity.           comment or rate.       resources, etc

Quiz                                    Tricky & takes             The quiz is aimed      Quiz can be timed            No. Tip: Use           No. Tip: Use                 6/6
Use to assess                           time. Set up quiz,        at assessment,          & secure. Has                forums instead.        forums or wikis              Can test all 6 but
learning,                               then questions.           not as distribution     essay, mc, true/                                    instead.                     this requires you
formative or                            Consider your             channel. Tip: use       false, matching, &                                                               to be creative in
summative.                              categories.               as self-test.           other questions.                                                                 your assessment.

Lesson                                  It can be tricky to       Great for               Yes, allows                  No this is an          No this is an                6/6
Use for presenting                      set up, make sure         presenting              grading. Use as              individual activity,   individual activity,         Can test all 6 but
branched info or                        you plan the              information in a        branched quiz,               not a group            not a group                  this requires you
testing                                 lesson first. Worth       branched, guided        scenario, case               activity.              activity.                    to be creative in
                                        the effort.               way.                    study, role play.                                                                your assessment.

Assignment                              Easy. Choose from         No. The                 Yes. Set due dates           No. Only allows        No. Currently it             6/6
Use to collect,                         4 types. Both             assignment tool is      & maximum                    very limited           does not allow               Indirectly.
assess & provide                        online & offline          not a distribution      grades. Collect              interaction            group                        Depends on your
feedback on                             assignments are           channel.                assignments and              between teacher        assignments. Use             assessment
assignments                             possible.                                         provide feedback.            & student.             forum or wiki .              design.

Database                                Tricky to set up.         Can be used for         Database is                  Not suited for         Students can                 5/6
Allow students to                       Know what you             teacher to present      versatile & allows           discussions.           share info & files           Understand,
collect, share &                        want before you           info, but better to     this. But you need           Students can read      in searchable way.           Apply, Analyse,
search created                          build. Get some           let the students        to design the right          other entries &        Create joint                 Evaluate, Create
artifacts                               training.                 add to it.              learning activity.           comment or rate.       collections.

Great fit
                                        How to use this guide                              *Be creative with Discussion Forums                Need more Moodle help?
                                        Are you a teacher new to Moodle? Use this          It doesn’t always have to be an in-depth           •Moodle community at www.moodle.org
                                        guide to pick the right tool for the job.          class discussion. Other activity ideas: class      •Download Using Moodle book (it’s free!)
Can work w/ some                        •Know which tool you want to use? Follow           debate, team discussions, report weekly            •@lasic’s 2 Minute Moodles videos
learning design                         its row across to see its strengths &              project findings, web quests, role play &          •@moodleman blog: www.moodleman.com
                                        weaknesses.                                        feedback, gather resources & reviews,              •Go meet your friendly e-learning, flexible
                                        •Know what you want to achieve? Pick a             assessment support, Helpline, NZ’s Got             learning or educational technology team.
Not best tool for                       column and follow it to see which tool will        Talent (use the rating), rotated student-led       Buy them a coffee!
the job                                 help you do it.                                    discussions, weekly magazine,…

                               Joyce Seitzinger (@catspyjamasnz / www.cats-pyjamas.net) - May 2010                                                                www.eit.ac.nz

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  • 1. Moodle Tool Guide for Teachers Information Assess learning Communication Co-create Bloom’s What you want to Will this tool & interaction Allows what Transfer content What you want to use (technology) achieve (pedagogy) Is it a tool for allow you to Can it be used for Can you & your thinking order? disseminating assess your communication & students •Remember information from students’ interaction collaborate & •Understand you to your learning? among create content •Apply Ease of use students? participants together? •Analyse How easy can this (you & your •Evaluate be set up by you? students)? •Create Add Resource Easy, like an email Yes. Only teachers Maybe. Use to No. It’s a Maybe. Use to None. Upload a file attachment. But can upload files to give task. Collect distribution tool. give task. Collect This is not a (Word Document/ can your doc course site. So student files No option for student files learning activity, PowerPoint) stand on its own? definitely a push- through Forum or interaction or through Forum or but information tool. Assignment. communication. Assignment. transfer. Add Resource Easy, find the web Very easy way of Not directly. Maybe. Link to Maybe. You can 6/6 Link to a web page address (aka url – leading students Option is to link to external tools eg link to external Can do all of the the bit that starts to information. external student Google Calendar, collaborative sites above, depending with http://), copy Can link directly to e-portfolios or groups, blogs or e.g. Google Docs, on where you link it, paste it. database articles. blogs. wikis. wikis or blogs. to. News Forum Easy. It’s a Yes. Include No. The News You can start new Limited because 2/6 Use to send out standard forum , course updates, Forum is limited. topics. Students students cannot Not strictly course already set up in encouragement, Students cannot respond. Great for start new topics. learning activity. announcements your course. timely links, etc. post new topics. establishing Tip: Set up Test readiness for course rhythm. another Forum. next class? R & U Discussion Forum Easy. Forum has Share resources Forum is versatile Yes. Students Yes. Students can 5/6 Use for many usable default as links or files. & allows this, e.g. communicate with collaborate & Understand, types of learning settings. A name High message design a formative you & peers. explore topics, Apply, Analyse, activities * & description is volume? Risk of assessment Interact as a class discuss them & Evaluate, Create enough. losing info. activity. or in groups. write together. Wiki Tricky. Decide on Yes. Use as Wiki is versatile & Not suited for Yes. Students can 5/6 Use for many individual & group information site. allows this, e.g. discussions. Use in collaborate & Understand, types of learning settings. Has Allow editing only design a formative brainstorming, explore topics, Apply, Analyse, activities some quirks. Get by teachers or by assessment planning, collabo- discuss them & Evaluate, Create some training. any participant. activity. rative writing,… write together. Glossary Default settings Use glossary to Glossary is Not suited for Only original 5/6 Use for learning are good. Try to define terms or versatile & allows discussions. author can edit an Understand, activities that set it so the present info. this. But you need Students can read entry. Class can Apply, Analyse, gather resources author’s name is Better yet, let the to design the right other entries & collect reviews, Evaluate, Create or present info shown. students add to it. learning activity. comment or rate. resources, etc Quiz Tricky & takes The quiz is aimed Quiz can be timed No. Tip: Use No. Tip: Use 6/6 Use to assess time. Set up quiz, at assessment, & secure. Has forums instead. forums or wikis Can test all 6 but learning, then questions. not as distribution essay, mc, true/ instead. this requires you formative or Consider your channel. Tip: use false, matching, & to be creative in summative. categories. as self-test. other questions. your assessment. Lesson It can be tricky to Great for Yes, allows No this is an No this is an 6/6 Use for presenting set up, make sure presenting grading. Use as individual activity, individual activity, Can test all 6 but branched info or you plan the information in a branched quiz, not a group not a group this requires you testing lesson first. Worth branched, guided scenario, case activity. activity. to be creative in the effort. way. study, role play. your assessment. Assignment Easy. Choose from No. The Yes. Set due dates No. Only allows No. Currently it 6/6 Use to collect, 4 types. Both assignment tool is & maximum very limited does not allow Indirectly. assess & provide online & offline not a distribution grades. Collect interaction group Depends on your feedback on assignments are channel. assignments and between teacher assignments. Use assessment assignments possible. provide feedback. & student. forum or wiki . design. Database Tricky to set up. Can be used for Database is Not suited for Students can 5/6 Allow students to Know what you teacher to present versatile & allows discussions. share info & files Understand, collect, share & want before you info, but better to this. But you need Students can read in searchable way. Apply, Analyse, search created build. Get some let the students to design the right other entries & Create joint Evaluate, Create artifacts training. add to it. learning activity. comment or rate. collections. Great fit How to use this guide *Be creative with Discussion Forums Need more Moodle help? Are you a teacher new to Moodle? Use this It doesn’t always have to be an in-depth •Moodle community at www.moodle.org guide to pick the right tool for the job. class discussion. Other activity ideas: class •Download Using Moodle book (it’s free!) Can work w/ some •Know which tool you want to use? Follow debate, team discussions, report weekly •@lasic’s 2 Minute Moodles videos learning design its row across to see its strengths & project findings, web quests, role play & •@moodleman blog: www.moodleman.com weaknesses. feedback, gather resources & reviews, •Go meet your friendly e-learning, flexible •Know what you want to achieve? Pick a assessment support, Helpline, NZ’s Got learning or educational technology team. Not best tool for column and follow it to see which tool will Talent (use the rating), rotated student-led Buy them a coffee! the job help you do it. discussions, weekly magazine,… Joyce Seitzinger (@catspyjamasnz / www.cats-pyjamas.net) - May 2010 www.eit.ac.nz