This is the presentation I gave at Ropecon 2019 on the history of the game, its influence on Modern gaming, and its continuing support by the gaming community despite the fact that there has been no official support for it in 10 years. I explore the design decisions that led to the continued longevity of the game system and its support by a passionate fanbase.
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Mordheim 20 years later
2. A beginning is the time for taking the
most delicate care that the balances
are correct.
Frank Herbert, Dune
3. It was the Year 1998...
The world was gripped by Y2K paranoia
All over the world, people were convinced the
apocalypse was NOW
At GW, we decided to make it happen!
Wed been looking for a fantasy Skirmish setting
for a long time
4. The Rules
How to innovate and pay homage at the same time
Had tie into Warhammer 5th edition rules
Important not to deter Necromunda players
Blend dice and storytelling
5. Philosophy
We went back to grimdark, low fantasy
Mainly human warbands
Magic is rare and dangerous
Even supernatural elements are almost
believable (ie. the Undead have Zombies,
not Skeletons)
Develop with the community
7. Warbands
Being thematically correct was everything
Low magic, high grit
Each faction had a reason
to be in Mordheim
Armour and blackpowder
weapons are expensive!
8. Innovation
Innovation within skirmish game space
Risk/reward gameplay: Diving charges, jumps
Knocked down/stunned rules tied to miniatures
(think Little Wars!)
Vertical gameplay
Fast post-battle sequence
9. Easter Eggs
The team had a mission to 鍖ll the game with surprises
Spider-man, Highlander and many others
Tons of inside jokes from the Studio
Put 鍖sh everywhere
10. Playtesting
First GW game where external playtesting was o鍖cial
Playtesting group grew out of the
newsgroup community
International playtesting via miracle of
12. The Mordheim factor
The 鍖nal hurrah of the artisan illustrator
Everything was hand-made
Mordheim had a plan as a whole, rather than lots of individual
Distinctive look that has stood the test of time
Only project where John Blanche was given a free hand
15. The Production
Production got gripped by Mordheim bug
Human mercenaries sprue is one of the
longest-serving plastic kits of all time
Cheaper box price (40 pounds vs 50)
Plan to make the game as high value for
money as possible
16. Legacy and Influence
Mordheim has lived on for 20 years and 鍖ourished
Mordheim was always a community-鍖rst game (Town
Cryer, Fanatic, Compendiums)
The fanbase has kept the game alive and 鍖ourishing.
Mordheim created a new game genre, the ruined city
fantasy skirmish (Frostgrave is the best-known homage
20. 20 Years Later
The game is going stronger than ever!
PC game with well over 400 000 copies sold
Mobile game with 500 000 downloads
Thriving communities online with tens of
thousands of enthusiasts
Reddit, Facebook, forums, Youtube
22. And the final secret is...
There were TWO creatures who came with the comet
Shadowlord, the Avatar of Chaos
Child of Light, the Avatar of Sigmar
So the Sisters were in the right, after all!