Campaign Branding presentation by Emma Edmunds and Michael Jones of the University of Virginia at the CASE Campaign Communications Conference in San Francisco, May 21, 2008
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More than a Slogan
1. Campaign
1 Communications
More than a Slogan
Build a strong brand for your
campaign by doing your homework
Emma Edmunds, Michael Jones
University of Virginia
San Francisco, May 21, 2008
2. Campaign
2 Introduction Communications
A brand lives in your head.
Its the promise linking your
product or service to the
24. Campaign
24 Institutional, Campaign Brands Communications
Thomas Jefferson
distinguishes the
University from other
institutions of higher
learning. Arguably,
Jefferson is our brand.
25. Campaign
25 Institutional, Campaign Brands Communications
Planning for our $3
billion campaign started
almost as soon as the $1
billion campaign
concluded in 2000.
26. Campaign
26 Institutional, Campaign Brands Communications
How would we take the 19th century man, his
writings, the place he designed and employ
him as symbol of who we are and what we
aspire to be? How does the University use the
brand to create entity that reaches emotions,
people want to identify with?
27. Campaign
27 Whats in Place? Communications
Situational Analysis
Institutional Strategic Plan
Communications/Marketing Plan
Campaign Plan
Campaign Case (not the book)
Campaign Communications Plan/
28. Campaign
28 Ask Questions Communications
Why this campaign?
Why now?
The purpose of this campaign is to create
a privately 鍖nanced public university with
the means t chart its own course toward
global excellence.
29. Campaign
29 Develop Your Brand Communications
quot;...the important truths, that knowledge is power, that
knowledge is safety, and that knowledge is happiness.quot;
Thomas Jefferson
30. Campaign
30 Develop Your Brand Communications
31. Campaign
31 Brand Champion Communications
John T. Casteen III
With increasing competition from foreign
nations, the fortunes of our country
depend more than ever on our ability to
generate capable leaders.
Students must leave the U well-prepared
for effective engagement in public life
in their jobs, in their communities, and
in this global society.
Provide the most powerful and
rewarding student experience on any
American campus
33. Campaign
Follow the Leader
No founding father
to fall back on?
How do you go about branding
your campaign?
34. Campaign
34 Follow the Leader Communications
Our key messages are aligned
stressing ties to the City, to the World,
and to Discovery, as well as a
commitment to undergraduate
Its an umbrella people are happy to
step under instead of a BIG IDEA were
trying to sell.
Jerry Kisslinger, Columbia University
35. Campaign
35 Follow the Leader Communications
36. Campaign
36 Follow the Leader Communications
37. Campaign
37 Follow the Leader Communications
Boldly Brown: research was conducted on brand.
Boldly Brown 鍖ts with identity of university, and
de鍖nes where Brown wants to go. Incorporated into
graphics, images, text, testimonials. Feels speci鍖c,
integrated. Quotes from students, faculty, con鍖rm,
give it authenticity.
Going off the beaten track is not just allowed at
Brown. It is celebrated.
Brown is less traditional, less bureaucratic, with
fewer people who say no. than most institutions. If
you have a good idea, nobody stops you.
38. Campaign
38 Follow the Leader Communications
Boldly Brown illustrates how an
institutional brand and its campaign
brand work together. Boldly Brown: Plan
for Academic Enrichment is articulation
of direction and priorities over the next
39. Campaign
39 Follow the Leader Communications
40. Campaign
40 Follow the Leader Communications
41. Campaign
41 Do Your Homework Communications
Existing Research
Communications Inventory
Primary Research
42. Campaign
42 Do Your Homework Communications
Go it alonein house research
A little of both
Test, test, test
43. Campaign
Test, Test, Test
When Thomas Jefferson created the University of
Virginia, he envisioned a great public institution
of international scope and characterin his
words, the bulwark of the human mind in this
hemisphere. More than at any time in its history,
the University is within reach of this global
excellence, but it will only be achieved with
generous funding from private sources.
Like Jefferson, we understand that the greatest
hope for our future power, prosperity, and
happiness lies in the eradication of ignorance and
in the cultivation of the human mindand in our
ability to harness the transformative power of
knowledge to serve the public good.
44. Campaign
44 Test, Test, Test Communications
Case Reviews: At U.Va. we held case reviews throughout the United
States as ell as online. These were luncheons and receptions. Case
sent in advance. President spoke, then asked for comments on the
Case reviews provide not simply ideas, but ways to engage alumni,
to hear their views, and to make them part of the process.
45. Campaign
45 Instilling the Brand Communications
Staying on Message