This document summarizes discussions from the 2009 Learning Technologies Conference about effective e-learning practices. Teachers emphasized that personal contact and teacher presence are crucial for keeping students motivated in online courses. While technology enables remote learning, relationships between teachers and students and among students are still important. Teachers noted using videoconferencing, chats, and forums to personalize online instruction and encourage collaboration between students.
10. Charmaine Siegmann Business Teacher...Mt Isa Extremely important. Students need teacher contact & support or it is easy to lose motivation. Jane McKellar.Teacher.Charters Towers Intrinsic motivation might be what brings a student to a learning situation but not what keeps them there. External motivation keeps them rolling along
11. Suzanne OBrien Educational Leader.. ..Brisbane North Communication is vital.a motivator for the student to stay on track and complete the program Michelle Robinson.TAA Teacher Hervey Bay Carolyn Allenonline student I would not have remained motivated without regular contact with the lecturer and other students
12. Students need to have feedback on how they are progressing. No support from the teacher results in very low completion numbers. Students forget and then time runs out and they never get it. Laurna Love Coordinator Business Programs.....Barrier Reef Michelle Robinson. TAA TeacherHervey Bay
13. Ronald Goodwin.Team LeaderElectricalBarrier Reef Teacher presence is crucial to success Our e-learning is self-paced but it is almost as if each student has a personal trainer Jane McKellar.Teacher.Charters Towers A student can feel alone or hidden unless the teacher is present and responsive.
16. Face to face introductions using Elluminate, videoconferencing, Skype, telephone Jane McKellar.Teacher.Charters Towers Being present, modelling interaction, responding quickly, creating a social situation Suzanne OBrien Educational Leader .Brisbane North
17. Deb KosturinInformation Technology TeacherBarrier Reef Michelle Robinson. TAA TeacherHervey Bay Good communication is the keyand activities to engage learners.forums, chats.
19. Question. What sort of e-learning interactions support and motivate your learners best?
20. Charmaine Siegmann A combination of videoconferencing, chats and forums Paul Crosisca Opportunities to participate and enquire in 'live' discussion formats with teacher and other students.
21. Collaborative activities like quiz show sessions. Peer collaboration builds a social group and promotes a fun environment in which to learn. Peter Rundle-Curry Trade TeacherPimlico Michelle Robinson. TAA Teacher Hervey Bay
23. Learning is a social activity. Paul Crosisca You have to use technology to enrich teaching. Concentrate on maintaining real people with real characteristics who do real learning. Technology has got to make it better, expand it, enrich it.
24. The real benefit is it allows students in isolated, remote communities to undertake a course to change and improve their lives. Without the teachers passion and enthusiasm for teaching, it doesnt matter if you are face to face or online Peter Rundle-Curry Trade TeacherPimlico Suzanne OBrien Educational Leader
#3: My technology journeyjourney into e-learning began in January 2001as foreign as the equipment in this image may seem to us today and certainly to many of our learners it depicts in some ways how I felt at the time about the technology that I very rapidly needed to learn about.. During that year I PM the development of a series 3 toolbox and managed the implementation of online learning at Wide Bay TAFE
#4: Increased online delivery areas and in 2002 I was contracted to provide Toolbox champions services to Queensland this year complete 8 th year in that role
#5: Over the last 9 years although the learning curve at times has been great I have been fortunate to work with not only the teachers at Wide Bay TAFE but also many teachers, trainers and managers from TAFE, private RTOs, universities, high schools, enterprise RTOs and industry.
#6: The first is that the key to effective e-learning is good educational design. But this wasnt a revelation After all one of the things I learnt when I initially trained as a teacher in NZ in the 70s was that the key to effective and successful learning has always been good educational design so how has the e and technology changed this? Some would say not a lot. Or has it?
#7: Three interconnecting elements that are critical components for the design of learning settings. Learning Resources Content in LMS, other resources to provide diversity, authentic examples and contexts Note: content is presented as a means to an end not an end in itself. Content is the resource for learning not the focus of the learning. Learning Tasks methodology that is used how will learners engage with the resources, facilitation, cooperative and collaborative activities Learning supports are critical and are integral to the learning process. Teachers/Trainers role to be actively involved to maintain focus, motivation of learners etc is necessary to guide learners and to provide the feedback mechanism which is responsive and sensitive to individual learners needs. This should involve the purposeful design of activities involving peer collaboration and cooperation. Consider what communication technologies you will use
#8: Diagram shows various elements of the online settings that can be used to make up the whole framework. As with any design framework it is possible to include and omit various elements. However this gives you a list of possibilities.
#9: But dont take my word for it or trust me on this. As Nancy White said yesterday its about we and the network so I got the network to contribute to my presentation. I asked other people students and teachers what they thought. My first question was: How important is the teachers role in the e-learning environment in maintaining student motivation?
#12: Suzanne: Communication with a student via e-learning is vital. A student/teacher relationship is not only more defined whilst conducted at a distance, but is magnified if the student has difficulties with the content matter, on-line access or workplace issues.油Receiving the feedback from油your teacher油regarding your performance as a student is a motivator and in some ways the only social interaction that we have with a student to acknowledge that they are on right track with studies and to celebrate their progress and motivate the learner to complete the program. Michelle: Carolyn: It is really important for teachers to establish rapport with students particularly in e-learning environments which lack many of the dynamics of classroom interaction. Question 2: How important is what you do (as a teacher) in the e-learning environment to your learners success?
#27: Many learners studying in online environments will tell you they have very little if any contact with teachers. They are expected to be solitary, self-motivated and autonomous learners and learn everything they need to know by interacting with the resources. Although technology has offered learners and educators exciting possibilities for communication, collaboration and the exchange of information (Kalay, 2004; Westera & Sloep, 2001) it is not always being used to its best advantage. How will you use it with your learners? Using technology in your teaching involves thinking differently about what could be done, can be done and should be done One size doesnt fit all there are many learning technologies you could use.
#28: However you use the technology remember as teachers we need to continually adapt and refine our approaches and strategies to work for our learners of today. But most importantly just as technology isnt a replacement for the teacher, interaction between teachers and learners is no longer confined within the classroom walls or to a particular slot in the timetable. The degree of interactivity has a strong impact on successful learning and creating, facilitating and guiding this interactivity is a key role of the teacher. You are the difference! Use the technology as intended as a support, a structure, a tool to assist you in the world of e-learning. Weave the technology into learning learning with, rather than from technology and bring new benefits to yourself and your learners (Mishra & Koehler, 2006; Warschauer, 2007). the role of teacher in 21 st century is different from the past Remember it is not about technology for technology sake but about how the technology enhances the learning experiences
#29: Last word: To use the 21 st century's rapidly emerging technology effectively for education, we must innovate together. As Marc Prensky says we are all Learners, we are all teachers.