The Morrice Club Updates document provides information about various school clubs and activities. The NHS is hosting a blood drive on May 7th and inducting new members on April 16th. The yearbook needs senior photos submitted and yearbooks purchased by April 15th. French Trip details an overnight 10-day trip to Paris and London from Day 1 to Day 10. Track, art club, baseball, weightlifting and chess club information provides meeting times and contacts for joining.
2. NHS (National Honor Society)
NHS is hosting a blood drive on May 7th
Induction for the upcoming members will be held April 16th
The NHS worked the annual carnival last friday
3. Yearbook
Buy your yearbooks by April 15th
Seniors need to hand in their pictures
Anyone is welcome to submit a selfie for the selfie Olympics page.
4. Chess Club
Anyone is welcome to show up on Thursdays at three
Talk to Mr. Gerard for details
5. French Trip
Day 1: Fly overnight to paris
Day 2: Paris
Day 3: Paris
Day 4: Paris, London
Day 5: London
Day 6: London
Day 7: London, North Wales
Day 8: North Wales, Dublin
Day 9: Dublin
Day 10: Depart for home
6. Track
Varsity track practice starts this week
Anyone in grades 9th through 12th is welcome to join
Talk to Mr. Long for details
7. Art Club
Thursdays from 3-4 after school
Everyone is welcome to show up
Talk to Mrs. Jones for details.
9. Weightlifting
Open to parents and students.
Lifting times will be posted on the school football website and on
Mr. Crocketts office window, blue highlights are morning lifts
starting at 6 am.
There will be no lifting after school until after spring sports are
If you have any questions please contact Mr. Crockett at