13. Time and Space in Beloved H istorical present of 1873 Sethe (after she sees Edward Bodwin's hat) attacks the "schoolteacher" Past of 1855 Sethe killed her beloved
14. 亟亞舒 仂亠仆 仂从仂仂 Edgar Lawrence Doctorow (born 1931 )
15. Struggle between Two Spaces in Ragtime America s dissidents & outsider s mainstream America
16. 舒亟亳 亰 仍仄 亠亞舒亶仄 亰舒 仂仄舒仆仂仄 仂从仂仂 F rames from the movie 卒 Ragtime 卒
24. Time of Underworld Chapter I Spring 1992 Chapter VI Autumn 1951 Epilogue Mixed today and always Chapter II Middle 80-s to the beginning of 90-s Chapter III Spring of 1978 Chapter IV Summer 1974 Chapter V Fragments of 50-s and 60-s Prologue 1951