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旅 侶亮留僚旅虜竜竜 隆侶亮凌旅竜竜旅 凌
竜了竜留溜凌 劉凌 侶僚 留慮凌粒劉僚竜侶 (BD)
律流凌 留硫
裡粒虜凌侶 亮竜僚僚 亮竜 凌侶粒凌 竜留旅竜溜竜:
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
侶 留了虜凌凌了旅虜流 了旅ホ肝系 僚凌 凌 流留凌 (NAFLD)
 了旅僚旅虜凌-留慮凌了凌粒旅虜 僚隆凌亮凌 亮竜 竜 旅凌了凌粒旅虜 略亮留:
 留了流 竜略侶
 亮侶 留了虜凌凌了旅虜流 竜留凌侶留溜旅隆留 (NASH)
 虜溜侶 虜留旅 竜旅了凌虜劉
 両略僚竜留旅 留慮竜略 凌僚 旅虜 了侶慮亮 ( 30%)
 竜留硫凌了旅虜 僚隆凌亮凌 (虜旅流旅留 3/5):
 竜溜亮竜凌 亮劉侶 >102 cm () 流 >88 cm (), 流  >30
 侶旅留虜流 溜竜侶 130/85 mmHg
 TG 150 mg/dL
 HDL <40 mg/dL () 流 <50 mg/dL ()
 了虜龍侶 僚侶竜溜留 110 mg/dL
HOMA-IR = glucose (mmol/L) X insulin (亮U/mL) / 22.5
竜旅凌僚竜虜旅虜流 留凌侶侶 竜 IBD 了粒:
 律竜旅凌粒旅虜流 竜虜凌亮流
捨N稽捨盈熟旅虜流 留ホ士砧肯 硫略凌 竜 65-76% CD & 18-62% UC
捨ハ凌旅旅亮: 25-70% IBD
捨N仁歌穎 凌旅旅亮: 1-31% IBD
 裡竜 IBD:
 竜留硫凌了旅虜 僚隆凌亮凌: 旅粒竜凌 僚 竜 劉侶 亮竜 NAFLD
 旅ホ肝杵 流留: 38-49% 竜 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜 亮竜 留慮凌了凌粒旅虜劉
 裡竜略侶: 40% 竜 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜 亮竜 亮劉凌 BMI 21
 裡劉旅侶 亮竜 PSC
裡虜凌:  竜虜溜亮侶侶 侶 僚侶留 NAFLD 虜留旅 亮竜留硫凌了旅虜ホ
留留粒僚僚 虜旅僚隆僚凌 竜 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜, 亮竜旅了留亮硫留僚凌亮劉僚侶
侶 留僚旅-TNF-留 慮竜留竜溜留
慮竜僚竜溜 虜留旅 亮劉慮凌隆凌旅
 僚留隆凌亮旅虜流 亮竜了劉侶 竜了劉粒凌 旅凌旅虜ホ 1545 留慮竜僚ホ 亮竜 IBD
 旅流旅留 竜旅隆凌:
 慮竜僚竜溜 亮竜 IBD 虜留旅 留留虜了旅僚旅虜 劉了竜粒凌 (U/S, CT, CT
竜僚竜凌粒留溜留, MRI)
 旅流旅留 留凌虜了竜旅亮凌:
 慮竜僚竜溜 亮竜 旅凌旅虜 侶留凌略慮竜旅留 竜虜 留 NAFLD
 略竜: 141 留慮竜僚竜溜 溜 竜略侶 凌僚 留竜旅虜凌僚旅旅虜
Flow chart
1545 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜
 602 溜 留竜旅虜僚旅侶 凌
竜僚 了粒 虜劉僚凌
 14 亮竜 略了了侶 侶留凌略慮竜旅留
928 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜
76 (8,2%) NAFLD 141 溜 NAFLD
(僚竜亮竜僚凌旅 凌
竜両竜略慮侶虜留僚 竜僚
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
ATP, adult
treatment panel
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
 8,2% 僚 IBD 留慮竜僚ホ 竜溜留僚 NAFLD
 旅 留慮竜僚竜溜 亮竜 NAFLD 流留僚 亮竜粒留了竜侶 侶了旅虜溜留 虜留旅 亮竜
亮竜留粒竜僚劉竜侶 劉僚留両侶 侶 IBD
 旅 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜 竜虜隆侶了ホ塾刃僚 NAFLD 亮竜 了旅粒竜凌
亮竜留硫凌了旅虜凌 留略粒凌僚竜 虜旅僚隆僚凌 竜 劉侶 亮竜 NAFLD
留慮竜僚竜溜 溜 IBD
  NAFLD 竜亮留僚溜龍竜留旅 了旅粒竜凌 僚略 凌 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜 凌
劉了留硫留僚 留僚旅-TNF-留
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
  留留粒粒流 了竜粒亮凌僚隆ホ 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 留 凌 亮竜竜僚劉旅凌 了旅ホ肝
旅 (里) 亮亮竜劉竜旅 侶僚 留慮凌旅凌了凌粒溜留 侶 IBD
 裡竜 竜旅留亮留旅虜流 虜凌了溜旅隆留 溜留僚留旅 了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝砧肱 留了了凌旅マ竜旅 竜僚
凌 里, 留了了略 略粒僚凌 留僚 虜竜旅留旅 粒旅留 亮竜亮凌僚亮劉僚侶 流 侶亮留旅虜流
 旅 劉了竜粒凌 凌 竜溜隆凌 僚 虜略僚 凌 亮亮竜劉凌僚 侶僚
留留粒粒流 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 竜僚 里
  亮竜了劉侶 隆旅竜竜僚侶竜:
 留僚 侶 留留粒粒流 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 留 凌 里 竜 竜旅留亮留旅虜流 虜凌了溜旅隆留
竜溜僚留旅 竜旅凌旅虜流 (depot-specific) 流 侶亮留旅虜流 了竜粒亮凌僚流 凌
了旅ホ肝刃 旅凌
 侶僚 凌劉了竜侶 留留粒粒流 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 竜僚 MAT
離了旅虜 虜留旅 亮劉慮凌隆凌
 裡竜 6-亮侶僚ホ C57BL/6 凌僚溜虜旅留 凌虜了流慮侶虜竜 虜凌了溜旅隆留 亮竜 凌流粒侶侶
隆竜両留僚旅虜凌 慮竜旅旅虜凌 僚留溜凌 (2% 凌 隆) 劉 5 侶亮劉竜
 粒旅僚竜 qRT-PCR 粒旅留 劉了竜粒凌 竜留粒粒流 mRNA 虜留凌虜溜僚侶 竜僚
隆旅留僚 了旅隆ホ 旅ホ (亮竜竜僚竜溜凌, 竜旅隆旅隆亮溜隆留, 凌隆旅凌)
 旅 了旅ホ肝砧肱 旅凌溜 竜両竜略侶虜留僚 虜留旅 粒旅留 旅凌了凌粒旅虜流 留凌溜留
 粒旅僚竜 粒虜旅侶 竜旅劉隆僚 mRNA 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 虜留略 侶僚 凌両竜溜留
虜凌了溜旅隆留 亮竜留両 マ旅亮僚 亮竜竜僚竜溜僚 了旅凌虜略僚, 亮竜竜僚劉旅凌
亮留旅虜凌 留粒粒竜旅留虜凌 虜了略亮留凌 (SVF), 虜留旅 亮竜竜僚竜溜僚
 裡侶僚 凌両竜溜留 略侶, 留留侶流慮侶虜竜 留両侶亮劉僚侶 留凌溜留
隆旅侶慮侶旅虜ホ 亮凌僚凌侶僚僚 虜略僚 虜留旅 溜僚侶 凌僚 里 亮竜
亮竜溜侶 凌 亮竜粒劉慮凌 僚 了旅凌虜略僚
 里留 竜溜竜隆留 mRNA 凌 里F-留, IL-1硫 虜留旅 IL-6 流留僚 侶亮留僚旅虜略
留両侶亮劉僚留 凌僚 里 留了了略 旅 旅 略了了竜 留凌慮流虜竜 了旅ホ肝刃
 僚 凌 里, 侶 竜留粒粒流 留ホ 僚 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ
留留侶流慮侶虜竜 虜溜 凌 亮竜竜僚劉旅凌 SVF
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
mesenteric (MAT), epididymal (EAT), subcutaneous (SAT)
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
MAT adipocytes (Ad), stromal vascular fraction (SVF), mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN)
 僚 凌 MAT 留凌旅略龍竜旅 旅流 了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 劉虜留侶 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ
虜留旅 旅凌了凌粒旅虜劉 留了了凌旅マ竜旅 侶僚 凌両竜溜留 虜凌了溜旅隆留 凌 溜竜留旅 虜留略 侶僚
略侶 凌僚旅侶留 侶 虜凌了溜旅隆留, 留亮凌旅留 了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 留虜旅侶
留凌旅略龍竜旅 竜僚竜了マ 凌僚 EAT 虜留旅 SAT, 凌隆侶了ホ熟留 留凌溜留
粒竜僚旅虜竜亮劉僚侶 留虜旅侶 凌僚 了旅ホ肝 旅
  凌両竜溜留 竜旅留亮留旅虜流 虜凌了溜旅隆留 凌虜留了竜溜 旅流 竜旅凌旅虜流
了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 留虜旅侶 竜僚 凌 里, 亮竜凌了留硫凌亮竜僚侶 留 虜留留
凌 SVF, 留略 留 マ旅亮留 了旅凌虜留留 流 亮竜竜僚劉旅凌 了竜亮留隆劉僚竜
 旅 虜留凌虜溜僚竜 凌 里 旅慮留僚僚 僚留 留虜凌僚 留留虜旅僚流 了凌 侶
隆旅留亮竜凌了略硫侶侶 竜僚竜旅虜流 了竜粒亮凌僚流
 裡侶 CD, 凌 里 亮硫略了了竜旅 竜僚竜粒略 侶 了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 留虜旅侶
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
 僚侶: 竜了旅虜 留凌劉了竜亮留 僚旅留 了竜粒亮凌僚流 竜 隆旅略凌凌 旅凌
 僚留慮竜侶 隆旅留僚 留旅虜ホ (虜凌了了留粒僚凌, 旅亮凌僚竜虜溜僚侶) 凌僚
竜両虜略旅凌 マ凌 旅ホ 凌 了竜粒亮留溜僚凌僚  隆了竜旅凌粒溜留
 IL-17 虜留旅 IL-17E (粒僚流 虜留旅  IL-25): 竜亮了劉虜凌僚留旅 侶僚 溜僚侶
隆旅留僚 旅ホ (虜留隆旅略, 流留, 隆劉亮留, 僚竜亮凌僚竜)
  了凌 凌 侶僚 留僚略両侶 竜僚竜旅虜ホ 竜僚マ竜僚 侶 CD 隆竜僚 劉竜旅
 竜了劉侶 竜旅劉隆僚 IL-17 虜留旅 IL-17E 虜留旅 僚 凌隆凌劉僚 凌 竜 CD
(竜僚旅虜流 虜留旅 亮侶) 虜留旅
 侶 竜溜隆留流 凌 凌 CD 亮凌僚凌硫了略竜
痢了凌 亮凌僚凌硫了留ホ
 旅 竜僚竜旅虜凌溜 亮凌僚凌硫了略竜 竜僚旅虜流 竜旅凌流 CD 留慮竜僚ホ:
 離竜竜虜略龍凌僚 虜凌了了留粒僚凌 虜留旅 TGF-硫1
 留略粒凌僚 留僚留凌了竜溜 亮竜留了了凌竜留ホ (TIMP-1)
 亮留僚溜龍凌僚 亮竜旅亮劉僚侶 亮竜留僚留竜旅虜流 旅虜留僚侶留 粒虜旅旅虜略
亮竜 竜僚竜旅虜凌 亮凌僚凌硫了略竜 亮侶 竜僚旅虜流 竜旅凌流 CD
 凌竜了凌僚 凌 了竜粒亮凌僚隆ホ 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ,  IL-1硫
虜留旅 TNF-留
 竜僚 溜留僚留旅 隆竜隆凌亮劉僚留 粒旅留 凌 凌隆凌竜溜 IL-17A and
IL-17E 流 粒旅留 侶僚 劉虜了侶 旅僚旅虜ホ 亮竜凌了留硫侶ホ 留
凌 亮凌僚凌硫了略竜
  IL-17 竜竜虜留龍留僚 竜 竜僚旅虜流 留略 竜 亮侶 竜僚旅虜流 CD
 竜僚 隆旅留旅ホ故稽採 侶亮留僚旅虜流 隆旅留凌略 侶僚 劉虜留侶 僚 IL-17E,
虜留旅 僚 凌隆凌劉僚 侶 IL-17 虜留旅 IL-17E (IL-17RC, IL-17RB) 竜
竜僚旅虜流 粒虜旅旅虜略 亮竜 亮侶 竜僚旅虜流 CD
 里留 竜僚旅虜略 亮凌竜亮留留 CD 留流粒留粒留僚 侶亮留僚旅虜略 侶了竜竜
凌侶竜 IL-17 留 留 亮侶 竜僚旅虜略, 竜僚 隆竜僚 溜留凌 隆旅留凌略
侶僚 留留粒粒流 IL-17E, IL-6, TNF-留
  IL-17, 留了了略 旅 侶 IL-17E, 留僚劉竜旅了竜 侶亮留僚旅虜略 侶僚 亮竜留僚略竜侶
亮凌僚凌硫了留ホ, 留両侶竜 侶亮留僚旅虜略 旅 痢-3, 痢-12, 凌僚 旅旅虜
留僚留凌了劉留 侶 亮竜留了了凌竜僚略侶-1 虜留旅 侶僚 留留粒粒流
虜凌了了留粒僚凌 留 凌 旅僚凌硫了略竜 竜僚旅虜流 CD
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
  IL-17, 留了了略 旅 侶 IL-17E, 留虜竜溜 旅僚旅虜流 隆略侶 竜 CD
 竜了了凌僚旅虜劉 亮竜了劉竜: 留僚 凌 留凌虜了竜旅亮 侶 IL-17 亮劉
亮凌僚凌虜了僚旅虜凌 留僚旅ホ捨穎凌 留僚旅-IL-17 (secukinumab) 隆僚留僚
僚留 留凌竜了竜溜 留僚旅-旅僚旅虜流 慮竜留竜旅虜流 凌劉粒粒旅侶 侶 CD
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
 竜旅亮劉僚留 竜溜竜隆留 流 了竜旅凌粒溜留 侶 NOD2 竜溜龍凌僚留旅 亮竜 侶 CD
  NOD2 慮亮溜龍竜旅 侶僚 竜僚竜旅虜流 了竜粒亮凌僚流 虜留旅 竜虜略龍竜留旅 留
留僚慮マ旅僚留 亮竜竜粒亮留旅虜略 虜留留 凌 留溜亮留凌 凌 凌亮略了旅凌
了マ凌 (hUCB-MSCs), 慮亮溜龍凌僚留 侶僚 隆旅留凌凌凌溜侶流 凌
 裡虜凌:  隆旅竜竜僚侶侶 留僚 侶 NOD2 留留旅竜溜留旅 粒旅留 侶僚
留僚旅了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 隆留侶旅侶留 僚 MSCs 竜 竜溜亮竜 亮竜 虜凌了溜旅隆留
 凌虜了流慮侶虜竜 虜凌了溜旅隆留 竜 竜溜亮竜 亮竜 凌流粒侶侶 dextran sulfate
sodium 流 trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid
 粒旅僚竜 竜僚隆凌竜旅凌僚留虜流 劉粒侶 NOD2-竜僚竜粒凌凌旅侶亮劉僚僚 hUCB-
 僚竜旅虜 旅 虜留旅 亮竜竜僚劉旅凌旅 了竜亮留隆劉僚竜 竜硫了流慮侶留僚 竜
旅凌了凌粒旅虜流 留僚略了侶
 粒旅僚竜 亮竜了劉侶 亮竜 bromodeoxyuridine 粒旅留 凌僚 虜留慮凌旅亮 侶
旅虜留僚侶留 僚 hUCB-MSCs 僚留 留僚留劉了了凌僚 凌僚 凌了了留了留旅留亮
僚 留僚慮マ旅僚僚 亮凌僚凌侶僚僚 虜略僚 竜 虜留了了旅劉粒竜旅留
  凌流粒侶侶 hUCB-MSCs 亮竜溜竜 侶 硫留侶留 侶 虜凌了溜旅隆留 凌
 旅 留僚旅了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝砧肱 隆略竜旅 僚 hUCB-MSCs 留両流慮侶虜留僚 劉竜旅留
留 竜僚竜粒凌凌溜侶侶 侶 NOD2 留 凌僚 僚隆劉侶 侶 (MDP 竜溜隆旅凌)
  凌流粒侶侶 NOD2-竜僚竜粒凌凌旅侶亮劉僚僚 hUCB-MSCs 留両侶竜 侶僚
留僚旅了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 留略僚侶侶 凌 劉僚竜凌 僚 竜溜亮僚, 亮劉
留留粒粒流 IL-10 虜留旅 隆旅流慮侶侶 留 里 慮亮旅旅虜略 虜留留, 虜留旅
亮竜溜竜 侶僚 留留粒粒流 了竜粒亮凌僚隆ホ 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ
  凌了了留了留旅留亮 僚 亮凌僚凌侶僚僚 留僚竜略了侶 侶亮留僚旅虜略 留
僚-虜留了了旅劉粒竜旅留 亮竜 hUCB-MSCs 劉竜旅留 留 竜留粒粒流 亮竜 MDP
 里凌 MDP 凌虜略了竜竜 留留竜留亮劉僚侶 留留粒粒流 PGE2 留
hUCB-MSCs 亮劉 侶 凌隆凌 NOD2-RIP2, 凌 虜留劉竜旅了竜 凌僚
凌了了留了留旅留亮 僚 亮凌僚凌侶僚僚 虜略僚 凌
凌劉凌僚留旅 留 hUCB
 H PGE2 凌 留流慮侶 留 留 hUCB-MSCs 竜 留略僚侶侶 凌
MDP, 留両侶竜 侶僚 留留粒粒流 IL-10 虜留旅 T 慮亮旅旅虜ホ 虜略僚
 裡凌 竜溜亮竜, 侶 留留粒粒流 PGE2 留 留 MSCs 虜留旅 侶
竜留虜了凌慮侶 留留粒粒流 IL-10 流留僚 虜溜旅亮竜 粒旅留 亮竜溜侶 侶
凌硫留侶留 侶 虜凌了溜旅隆留
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease
 留旅竜溜留旅 竜僚竜粒凌凌溜侶侶 侶 NOD2 亮竜 虜凌 留 hUCB-MSCs
僚留 虜留留凌僚 旅虜留僚略 僚留 亮竜旅マ凌僚 侶僚 凌硫留侶留 侶 虜凌了溜旅隆留
凌 竜溜亮竜
  侶亮留凌隆侶侶 NOD2 留両略僚竜旅 侶僚 旅虜留僚侶留 留ホ 僚
虜略僚 僚留 虜留留竜溜了凌僚 凌僚 凌了了留了留旅留亮 僚
亮凌僚凌侶僚僚 虜略僚 亮劉 竜留粒粒流 侶 留留粒粒流
 旅留了竜虜留僚侶 亮侶留僚旅亮ホ:
 裡劉旅侶 NAFLD 虜留旅 D (里) 虜留旅 隆僚侶旅虜凌溜 凌旅
留僚旅亮竜マ旅侶 僚 僚竜竜旅ホ 留流 侶 劉旅侶
 亮了凌虜流 侶僚 溜僚侶 侶 D 虜留旅 隆僚侶旅虜凌溜 留僚旅-
旅僚旅虜凌溜 慮竜留竜旅虜凌溜 凌旅
 里僚 亮竜竜粒亮留旅虜ホ stem cells 侶僚 留僚旅亮竜マ旅侶 侶
Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease

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Most important papers in inflammatory bowel disease

  • 1. 旅 侶亮留僚旅虜竜竜 隆侶亮凌旅竜竜旅 凌 竜了竜留溜凌 劉凌 侶僚 留慮凌粒劉僚竜侶 (BD) 律流凌 留硫 留竜僚竜凌了粒凌
  • 2. 裡粒虜凌侶 亮竜僚僚 亮竜 凌侶粒凌 竜留旅竜溜竜: 留亮溜留
  • 4. 侶 留了虜凌凌了旅虜流 了旅ホ肝系 僚凌 凌 流留凌 (NAFLD) 了旅僚旅虜凌-留慮凌了凌粒旅虜 僚隆凌亮凌 亮竜 竜 旅凌了凌粒旅虜 略亮留: 留了流 竜略侶 亮侶 留了虜凌凌了旅虜流 竜留凌侶留溜旅隆留 (NASH) 虜溜侶 虜留旅 竜旅了凌虜劉 両略僚竜留旅 留慮竜略 凌僚 旅虜 了侶慮亮 ( 30%) 竜留硫凌了旅虜 僚隆凌亮凌 (虜旅流旅留 3/5): 竜溜亮竜凌 亮劉侶 >102 cm () 流 >88 cm (), 流 >30 侶旅留虜流 溜竜侶 130/85 mmHg TG 150 mg/dL HDL <40 mg/dL () 流 <50 mg/dL () 了虜龍侶 僚侶竜溜留 110 mg/dL HOMA-IR = glucose (mmol/L) X insulin (亮U/mL) / 22.5 (僚凌了旅僚凌-留僚溜留侶)
  • 5. 竜旅凌僚竜虜旅虜流 留凌侶侶 竜 IBD 了粒: 陸了竜粒亮凌僚流 律竜旅凌粒旅虜流 竜虜凌亮流 捨N稽捨盈熟旅虜流 留ホ士砧肯 硫略凌 竜 65-76% CD & 18-62% UC 捨ハ凌旅旅亮: 25-70% IBD 捨N仁歌穎 凌旅旅亮: 1-31% IBD
  • 6. 裡虜凌 裡竜 IBD: 竜留硫凌了旅虜 僚隆凌亮凌: 旅粒竜凌 僚 竜 劉侶 亮竜 NAFLD 旅ホ肝杵 流留: 38-49% 竜 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜 亮竜 留慮凌了凌粒旅虜劉 留僚留亮旅僚略竜 裡竜略侶: 40% 竜 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜 亮竜 亮劉凌 BMI 21 裡劉旅侶 亮竜 PSC 裡虜凌: 竜虜溜亮侶侶 侶 僚侶留 NAFLD 虜留旅 亮竜留硫凌了旅虜ホ 留留粒僚僚 虜旅僚隆僚凌 竜 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜, 亮竜旅了留亮硫留僚凌亮劉僚侶 侶 留僚旅-TNF-留 慮竜留竜溜留
  • 7. 慮竜僚竜溜 虜留旅 亮劉慮凌隆凌旅 僚留隆凌亮旅虜流 亮竜了劉侶 竜了劉粒凌 旅凌旅虜ホ 1545 留慮竜僚ホ 亮竜 IBD 旅流旅留 竜旅隆凌: 慮竜僚竜溜 亮竜 IBD 虜留旅 留留虜了旅僚旅虜 劉了竜粒凌 (U/S, CT, CT 竜僚竜凌粒留溜留, MRI) 旅流旅留 留凌虜了竜旅亮凌: 慮竜僚竜溜 亮竜 旅凌旅虜 侶留凌略慮竜旅留 竜虜 留 NAFLD 略竜: 141 留慮竜僚竜溜 溜 竜略侶 凌僚 留竜旅虜凌僚旅旅虜 劉了竜粒凌
  • 8. Flow chart 1545 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜 602 溜 留竜旅虜僚旅侶 凌 竜僚 了粒 虜劉僚凌 14 亮竜 略了了侶 侶留凌略慮竜旅留 928 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜 76 (8,2%) NAFLD 141 溜 NAFLD (僚竜亮竜僚凌旅 凌 竜両竜略慮侶虜留僚 竜僚 隆旅亮流僚凌)
  • 14. 裡亮竜略亮留留 8,2% 僚 IBD 留慮竜僚ホ 竜溜留僚 NAFLD 旅 留慮竜僚竜溜 亮竜 NAFLD 流留僚 亮竜粒留了竜侶 侶了旅虜溜留 虜留旅 亮竜 亮竜留粒竜僚劉竜侶 劉僚留両侶 侶 IBD 旅 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜 竜虜隆侶了ホ塾刃僚 NAFLD 亮竜 了旅粒竜凌 亮竜留硫凌了旅虜凌 留略粒凌僚竜 虜旅僚隆僚凌 竜 劉侶 亮竜 NAFLD 留慮竜僚竜溜 溜 IBD NAFLD 竜亮留僚溜龍竜留旅 了旅粒竜凌 僚略 凌 IBD 留慮竜僚竜溜 凌 劉了留硫留僚 留僚旅-TNF-留
  • 16. 裡虜凌 留留粒粒流 了竜粒亮凌僚隆ホ 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 留 凌 亮竜竜僚劉旅凌 了旅ホ肝 旅 (里) 亮亮竜劉竜旅 侶僚 留慮凌旅凌了凌粒溜留 侶 IBD 裡竜 竜旅留亮留旅虜流 虜凌了溜旅隆留 溜留僚留旅 了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝砧肱 留了了凌旅マ竜旅 竜僚 凌 里, 留了了略 略粒僚凌 留僚 虜竜旅留旅 粒旅留 亮竜亮凌僚亮劉僚侶 流 侶亮留旅虜流 了竜粒亮凌僚流 旅 劉了竜粒凌 凌 竜溜隆凌 僚 虜略僚 凌 亮亮竜劉凌僚 侶僚 留留粒粒流 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 竜僚 里 亮竜了劉侶 隆旅竜竜僚侶竜: 留僚 侶 留留粒粒流 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 留 凌 里 竜 竜旅留亮留旅虜流 虜凌了溜旅隆留 竜溜僚留旅 竜旅凌旅虜流 (depot-specific) 流 侶亮留旅虜流 了竜粒亮凌僚流 凌 了旅ホ肝刃 旅凌 侶僚 凌劉了竜侶 留留粒粒流 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 竜僚 MAT
  • 17. 離了旅虜 虜留旅 亮劉慮凌隆凌 裡竜 6-亮侶僚ホ C57BL/6 凌僚溜虜旅留 凌虜了流慮侶虜竜 虜凌了溜旅隆留 亮竜 凌流粒侶侶 隆竜両留僚旅虜凌 慮竜旅旅虜凌 僚留溜凌 (2% 凌 隆) 劉 5 侶亮劉竜 粒旅僚竜 qRT-PCR 粒旅留 劉了竜粒凌 竜留粒粒流 mRNA 虜留凌虜溜僚侶 竜僚 隆旅留僚 了旅隆ホ 旅ホ (亮竜竜僚竜溜凌, 竜旅隆旅隆亮溜隆留, 凌隆旅凌) 旅 了旅ホ肝砧肱 旅凌溜 竜両竜略侶虜留僚 虜留旅 粒旅留 旅凌了凌粒旅虜流 留凌溜留 了竜粒亮凌僚流 粒旅僚竜 粒虜旅侶 竜旅劉隆僚 mRNA 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 虜留略 侶僚 凌両竜溜留 虜凌了溜旅隆留 亮竜留両 マ旅亮僚 亮竜竜僚竜溜僚 了旅凌虜略僚, 亮竜竜僚劉旅凌 亮留旅虜凌 留粒粒竜旅留虜凌 虜了略亮留凌 (SVF), 虜留旅 亮竜竜僚竜溜僚 了竜亮留隆劉僚僚
  • 18. 凌竜了劉亮留留 裡侶僚 凌両竜溜留 略侶, 留留侶流慮侶虜竜 留両侶亮劉僚侶 留凌溜留 隆旅侶慮侶旅虜ホ 亮凌僚凌侶僚僚 虜略僚 虜留旅 溜僚侶 凌僚 里 亮竜 亮竜溜侶 凌 亮竜粒劉慮凌 僚 了旅凌虜略僚 里留 竜溜竜隆留 mRNA 凌 里F-留, IL-1硫 虜留旅 IL-6 流留僚 侶亮留僚旅虜略 留両侶亮劉僚留 凌僚 里 留了了略 旅 旅 略了了竜 留凌慮流虜竜 了旅ホ肝刃 旅凌 僚 凌 里, 侶 竜留粒粒流 留ホ 僚 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 留留侶流慮侶虜竜 虜溜 凌 亮竜竜僚劉旅凌 SVF
  • 21. mesenteric (MAT), epididymal (EAT), subcutaneous (SAT)
  • 24. MAT adipocytes (Ad), stromal vascular fraction (SVF), mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN)
  • 25. 裡亮竜略亮留留 僚 凌 MAT 留凌旅略龍竜旅 旅流 了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 劉虜留侶 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 虜留旅 旅凌了凌粒旅虜劉 留了了凌旅マ竜旅 侶僚 凌両竜溜留 虜凌了溜旅隆留 凌 溜竜留旅 虜留略 侶僚 略侶 凌僚旅侶留 侶 虜凌了溜旅隆留, 留亮凌旅留 了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 留虜旅侶 留凌旅略龍竜旅 竜僚竜了マ 凌僚 EAT 虜留旅 SAT, 凌隆侶了ホ熟留 留凌溜留 粒竜僚旅虜竜亮劉僚侶 留虜旅侶 凌僚 了旅ホ肝 旅 凌両竜溜留 竜旅留亮留旅虜流 虜凌了溜旅隆留 凌虜留了竜溜 旅流 竜旅凌旅虜流 了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 留虜旅侶 竜僚 凌 里, 亮竜凌了留硫凌亮竜僚侶 留 虜留留 凌 SVF, 留略 留 マ旅亮留 了旅凌虜留留 流 亮竜竜僚劉旅凌 了竜亮留隆劉僚竜 旅 虜留凌虜溜僚竜 凌 里 旅慮留僚僚 僚留 留虜凌僚 留留虜旅僚流 了凌 侶 隆旅留亮竜凌了略硫侶侶 竜僚竜旅虜流 了竜粒亮凌僚流 裡侶 CD, 凌 里 亮硫略了了竜旅 竜僚竜粒略 侶 了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 留虜旅侶
  • 27. 裡虜凌 僚侶: 竜了旅虜 留凌劉了竜亮留 僚旅留 了竜粒亮凌僚流 竜 隆旅略凌凌 旅凌 僚留慮竜侶 隆旅留僚 留旅虜ホ (虜凌了了留粒僚凌, 旅亮凌僚竜虜溜僚侶) 凌僚 竜両虜略旅凌 マ凌 旅ホ 凌 了竜粒亮留溜僚凌僚 隆了竜旅凌粒溜留 IL-17 虜留旅 IL-17E (粒僚流 虜留旅 IL-25): 竜亮了劉虜凌僚留旅 侶僚 溜僚侶 隆旅留僚 旅ホ (虜留隆旅略, 流留, 隆劉亮留, 僚竜亮凌僚竜) 了凌 凌 侶僚 留僚略両侶 竜僚竜旅虜ホ 竜僚マ竜僚 侶 CD 隆竜僚 劉竜旅 隆旅竜竜僚侶慮竜溜 裡虜凌 竜了劉侶 竜旅劉隆僚 IL-17 虜留旅 IL-17E 虜留旅 僚 凌隆凌劉僚 凌 竜 CD (竜僚旅虜流 虜留旅 亮侶) 虜留旅 侶 竜溜隆留流 凌 凌 CD 亮凌僚凌硫了略竜
  • 28. 痢了凌 亮凌僚凌硫了留ホ 旅 竜僚竜旅虜凌溜 亮凌僚凌硫了略竜 竜僚旅虜流 竜旅凌流 CD 留慮竜僚ホ: 離竜竜虜略龍凌僚 虜凌了了留粒僚凌 虜留旅 TGF-硫1 留略粒凌僚 留僚留凌了竜溜 亮竜留了了凌竜留ホ (TIMP-1) 亮留僚溜龍凌僚 亮竜旅亮劉僚侶 亮竜留僚留竜旅虜流 旅虜留僚侶留 粒虜旅旅虜略 亮竜 竜僚竜旅虜凌 亮凌僚凌硫了略竜 亮侶 竜僚旅虜流 竜旅凌流 CD 留慮竜僚ホ 凌竜了凌僚 凌 了竜粒亮凌僚隆ホ 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ, IL-1硫 虜留旅 TNF-留 竜僚 溜留僚留旅 隆竜隆凌亮劉僚留 粒旅留 凌 凌隆凌竜溜 IL-17A and IL-17E 流 粒旅留 侶僚 劉虜了侶 旅僚旅虜ホ 亮竜凌了留硫侶ホ 留 凌 亮凌僚凌硫了略竜
  • 29. 凌竜了劉亮留留 IL-17 竜竜虜留龍留僚 竜 竜僚旅虜流 留略 竜 亮侶 竜僚旅虜流 CD 竜僚 隆旅留旅ホ故稽採 侶亮留僚旅虜流 隆旅留凌略 侶僚 劉虜留侶 僚 IL-17E, 虜留旅 僚 凌隆凌劉僚 侶 IL-17 虜留旅 IL-17E (IL-17RC, IL-17RB) 竜 竜僚旅虜流 粒虜旅旅虜略 亮竜 亮侶 竜僚旅虜流 CD 里留 竜僚旅虜略 亮凌竜亮留留 CD 留流粒留粒留僚 侶亮留僚旅虜略 侶了竜竜 凌侶竜 IL-17 留 留 亮侶 竜僚旅虜略, 竜僚 隆竜僚 溜留凌 隆旅留凌略 侶僚 留留粒粒流 IL-17E, IL-6, TNF-留 IL-17, 留了了略 旅 侶 IL-17E, 留僚劉竜旅了竜 侶亮留僚旅虜略 侶僚 亮竜留僚略竜侶 亮凌僚凌硫了留ホ, 留両侶竜 侶亮留僚旅虜略 旅 痢-3, 痢-12, 凌僚 旅旅虜 留僚留凌了劉留 侶 亮竜留了了凌竜僚略侶-1 虜留旅 侶僚 留留粒粒流 虜凌了了留粒僚凌 留 凌 旅僚凌硫了略竜 竜僚旅虜流 CD
  • 39. 裡亮竜略亮留留 IL-17, 留了了略 旅 侶 IL-17E, 留虜竜溜 旅僚旅虜流 隆略侶 竜 CD 竜了了凌僚旅虜劉 亮竜了劉竜: 留僚 凌 留凌虜了竜旅亮 侶 IL-17 亮劉 亮凌僚凌虜了僚旅虜凌 留僚旅ホ捨穎凌 留僚旅-IL-17 (secukinumab) 隆僚留僚 僚留 留凌竜了竜溜 留僚旅-旅僚旅虜流 慮竜留竜旅虜流 凌劉粒粒旅侶 侶 CD
  • 41. 裡虜凌 竜旅亮劉僚留 竜溜竜隆留 流 了竜旅凌粒溜留 侶 NOD2 竜溜龍凌僚留旅 亮竜 侶 CD NOD2 慮亮溜龍竜旅 侶僚 竜僚竜旅虜流 了竜粒亮凌僚流 虜留旅 竜虜略龍竜留旅 留 留僚慮マ旅僚留 亮竜竜粒亮留旅虜略 虜留留 凌 留溜亮留凌 凌 凌亮略了旅凌 了マ凌 (hUCB-MSCs), 慮亮溜龍凌僚留 侶僚 隆旅留凌凌凌溜侶流 凌 裡虜凌: 隆旅竜竜僚侶侶 留僚 侶 NOD2 留留旅竜溜留旅 粒旅留 侶僚 留僚旅了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 隆留侶旅侶留 僚 MSCs 竜 竜溜亮竜 亮竜 虜凌了溜旅隆留
  • 42. 劉慮凌隆凌 凌虜了流慮侶虜竜 虜凌了溜旅隆留 竜 竜溜亮竜 亮竜 凌流粒侶侶 dextran sulfate sodium 流 trinitrobenzene sulfonic acid 粒旅僚竜 竜僚隆凌竜旅凌僚留虜流 劉粒侶 NOD2-竜僚竜粒凌凌旅侶亮劉僚僚 hUCB- MSCs 僚竜旅虜 旅 虜留旅 亮竜竜僚劉旅凌旅 了竜亮留隆劉僚竜 竜硫了流慮侶留僚 竜 旅凌了凌粒旅虜流 留僚略了侶 粒旅僚竜 亮竜了劉侶 亮竜 bromodeoxyuridine 粒旅留 凌僚 虜留慮凌旅亮 侶 旅虜留僚侶留 僚 hUCB-MSCs 僚留 留僚留劉了了凌僚 凌僚 凌了了留了留旅留亮 僚 留僚慮マ旅僚僚 亮凌僚凌侶僚僚 虜略僚 竜 虜留了了旅劉粒竜旅留
  • 43. 凌竜了劉亮留留 凌流粒侶侶 hUCB-MSCs 亮竜溜竜 侶 硫留侶留 侶 虜凌了溜旅隆留 凌 竜溜亮竜 旅 留僚旅了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝砧肱 隆略竜旅 僚 hUCB-MSCs 留両流慮侶虜留僚 劉竜旅留 留 竜僚竜粒凌凌溜侶侶 侶 NOD2 留 凌僚 僚隆劉侶 侶 (MDP 竜溜隆旅凌) 凌流粒侶侶 NOD2-竜僚竜粒凌凌旅侶亮劉僚僚 hUCB-MSCs 留両侶竜 侶僚 留僚旅了竜粒亮凌僚ホ肝 留略僚侶侶 凌 劉僚竜凌 僚 竜溜亮僚, 亮劉 留留粒粒流 IL-10 虜留旅 隆旅流慮侶侶 留 里 慮亮旅旅虜略 虜留留, 虜留旅 亮竜溜竜 侶僚 留留粒粒流 了竜粒亮凌僚隆ホ 虜留凌虜旅僚ホ 凌了了留了留旅留亮 僚 亮凌僚凌侶僚僚 留僚竜略了侶 侶亮留僚旅虜略 留 僚-虜留了了旅劉粒竜旅留 亮竜 hUCB-MSCs 劉竜旅留 留 竜留粒粒流 亮竜 MDP
  • 44. 凌竜了劉亮留留 里凌 MDP 凌虜略了竜竜 留留竜留亮劉僚侶 留留粒粒流 PGE2 留 hUCB-MSCs 亮劉 侶 凌隆凌 NOD2-RIP2, 凌 虜留劉竜旅了竜 凌僚 凌了了留了留旅留亮 僚 亮凌僚凌侶僚僚 虜略僚 凌 凌劉凌僚留旅 留 hUCB H PGE2 凌 留流慮侶 留 留 hUCB-MSCs 竜 留略僚侶侶 凌 MDP, 留両侶竜 侶僚 留留粒粒流 IL-10 虜留旅 T 慮亮旅旅虜ホ 虜略僚 裡凌 竜溜亮竜, 侶 留留粒粒流 PGE2 留 留 MSCs 虜留旅 侶 竜留虜了凌慮侶 留留粒粒流 IL-10 流留僚 虜溜旅亮竜 粒旅留 亮竜溜侶 侶 凌硫留侶留 侶 虜凌了溜旅隆留
  • 52. 裡亮竜略亮留留 留旅竜溜留旅 竜僚竜粒凌凌溜侶侶 侶 NOD2 亮竜 虜凌 留 hUCB-MSCs 僚留 虜留留凌僚 旅虜留僚略 僚留 亮竜旅マ凌僚 侶僚 凌硫留侶留 侶 虜凌了溜旅隆留 凌 竜溜亮竜 侶亮留凌隆侶侶 NOD2 留両略僚竜旅 侶僚 旅虜留僚侶留 留ホ 僚 虜略僚 僚留 虜留留竜溜了凌僚 凌僚 凌了了留了留旅留亮 僚 亮凌僚凌侶僚僚 虜略僚 亮劉 竜留粒粒流 侶 留留粒粒流 PGE2
  • 53. ME 旅留了竜虜留僚侶 亮侶留僚旅亮ホ: 裡劉旅侶 NAFLD 虜留旅 D (里) 虜留旅 隆僚侶旅虜凌溜 凌旅 留僚旅亮竜マ旅侶 僚 僚竜竜旅ホ 留流 侶 劉旅侶 亮了凌虜流 侶僚 溜僚侶 侶 D 虜留旅 隆僚侶旅虜凌溜 留僚旅- 旅僚旅虜凌溜 慮竜留竜旅虜凌溜 凌旅 里僚 亮竜竜粒亮留旅虜ホ stem cells 侶僚 留僚旅亮竜マ旅侶 侶 IBD

Editor's Notes

  • #2: Geen tekst: alleen laten zien
  • #20: Development and progression of experimental colitis. Male, 6 month-old C57BL/6 mice (n = 20) were exposed to 2% DSS in drinking water for up to 5 days. Mice were sacrificed at Day 0, 3, 7, and 14 of the experimental period (n = 5 per time point). (A) Daily body weight of mice sacrificed at Day 14; mice sacrificed at earlier time points followed a similar pattern. *P,0.05 compared to initial body weight on Day 0. (B) Disease Activity Index (DAI) was calculated at the time of sacrifice based on weight loss, stool blood, and stool consistency. (C) Colons were excised and measured lengthwise. (D) H&amp;E stained sections were graded for Histologic Severity Score.
  • #21: (E) Representative images of colon histology on Day 0, 3, 7, and 14 (original magnification 6 100; arrowhead = mononuclear infiltrates, thick arrow = mucosal ulceration, thin arrow = epithelial hyperplasia). Data represent mean 6 SD, ***P,0.001, *P,0.05 vs. Day 0.
  • #22: Adipose tissue inflammation during acute colitis. (A) Colons and adipose tissue [mesenteric (MAT), epididymal (EAT), and subcutaneous (SAT)] from mice sacrificed at Day 0 and Day 7 (n = 4 per timepoint) were analyzed for relative mRNA expression of TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-6. Target gene expression was normalized to HPRT gene expression; fold change was calculated relative to mean SAT expression at Day 0. Data represent mean 6 SD. ***P,0.001, **P,0.01, *P,0.05 vs. Day 0 of the same tissue; {{{P,0.001, {{P,0.01 vs. EAT and SAT at Day 7; ###P,0.001 vs. MAT at Day 7. (B) H&amp;E stained sections of formalin-fixed MAT, EAT, and SAT from Day 0 and Day 7 of experimental colitis were compared (n = 5 per time point). Representative images are shown (original magnification6400; arrowhead = mononuclear infiltrates; thick arrow = fibrotic connective tissue; thin arrow = adipocytes).
  • #24: Time-course of mesenteric adipose tissue cytokine expression. Mice were sacrificed at Day 0, 3, 7, and 14 of experimental colitis (n = 5 per time point). (A) MAT was analyzed for relative mRNA expression of TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-6. Target gene expression was normalized to HPRT expression; fold change was calculated relative to mean expression at Day 0. Data represent mean 6 SD, ***P,0.001, *P,0.05 vs. Day 0.
  • #25: Cytokine expression from MAT adipocytes (Ad), stromal vascular fraction (SVF), and mesenteric lymph nodes (MLN) during acute experimental colitis. (A) The adipocyte-specific hormone, Adiponectin; the preadipocyte marker, Pref-1; and the lymph node marker, MAdCAM-1, were used to confirm successful separation of Ad, SVF, and MLN, respectively. Target gene expression was normalized to HPRT expression; fold change was calculated relative to MLN expression at Day 0 (for Adiponectin and Pref-1) or Ad expression at Day 0 (for MAdCAM-1). (B) TNF-a, IL-1b, and IL-6 expression was compared between Ad, SVF, and MLN at Day 0 and Day 7. Target gene expression was normalized to HPRT expression and adjusted for RNA yield; fold change was calculated relative to Ad expression at Day 0. Data represent mean 6 SD, ***P,0.001, **P,0.01, *P,0.05 vs. Day 0 of the same fraction; {{{P,0.001, {{P,0.01 vs. other fractions at Day 7.
  • #31: In vivo expression of interleukin (IL)-17A and IL-17E. IL-17A and IL-17E were detected by both (A) immunoblotting and (B) ELISA in uninflamed areas of strictured (Strict uninfl) and non-strictured (Non-strict uninfl) gut of 12 patients with fibrostenosing Crohns disease (CD) and from normal gut of 11 healthy control (HC) subjects. (A) Each example shown in the upper panel is representative of experiments performed in 12 patients with CD and 11 HC subjects. Blots were stripped and analyzed for 硫-actin as an internal loading control. In the lower panel, densitometry of IL-17A and IL-17E expression normalized for 硫-actin is shown. Results are mean 賊 SEM. au, Arbitrary units. (B) Results, expressed as pg/100 亮g of total protein, are mean 賊 SEM. *P&amp;lt;0.005 versus Non-strict uninfl and HC tissue samples.
  • #32: In vivo expression of interleukin (IL)-17A and IL-17E receptors. (A) IL-17RC (receptor of IL-17A), and (B) IL-17RB (receptor of IL-17E) were detected by immunoblotting in uninflamed areas of strictured (Strict uninfl) and non-strictured (Non-strict uninfl) gut of 12 patients with fibrostenosing Crohns disease (CD) and from normal gut of 11 healthy control (HC)subjects. Each example shown in the left panels is representative of experiments performed in all patients with CD and all HC subjects. Blots were stripped and analyzed for 硫-actin as an internal loading control. In the right panels, densitometry of IL-17RC and IL-17RB expression normalized for 硫-actin is shown. Results are mean 賊 SEM. au, Arbitrary units.
  • #33: Levels of cytokines and pro-fibrogenic mediators in tissue explant organ culture supernatants. Levels of interleukin (IL)-17A, IL-17E, IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-留, expressed as pg/ml, and collagen, expressed as 亮g/ml, in the supernatants of tissue explants from uninflamed areas of strictured (Strict uninfl) and non-strictured (Non-strict uninfl) gut of six patients with fibrostenosing Crohns disease (CD) and from normal gut of seven control subjects (HC), cultured for 24 hours in the absence of stimuli, and levels of transforming growth factor (TGF)-硫1, expressed as relative units compared with the median expression in control subjects (which was assigned the value 1), in the same cultured tissue explants. Values are mean 賊 SEM. r.u., Relative units.
  • #35: Expression of interleukin (IL)-17A and IL-17E receptors on intestinal myofibroblasts. (A) IL-17RC and (B) IL-17RB were detected by immunoblotting on lysates of myofibroblasts isolated from uninflamed areas of strictured (Strict uninfl) and non-strictured (Non-strict uninfl) gut of six patients with fibrostenosing Crohns disease (CD) and from normal gut of seven healthy control (HC) subjects. Each example shown in the left panels is representative of experiments performed in all patients with CD and all HC subjects. Blots were stripped and analyzed for 硫-actin as an internal loading control. In the right panels, densitometry of IL-17RC and IL-17RB expression normalized for 硫-actin is shown. Results are mean 賊 SEM. au, Arbitrary units.
  • #36: Effect of interleukin (IL)-17A and IL-17E on the production of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3, MMP-12, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 by intestinal myofibroblasts. (A) MMP-3, (B) MMP-12, and (C) (TIMP-1 in culture supernatants of myofibroblasts isolated from uninflamed areas of strictured (Strict uninfl) and non-strictured (Non-strict uninfl) gut of six patients with fibrostenosing Crohns disease (CD) and from normal gut of six healthy control (HC) subjects, cultured for 24 hours with medium alone or recombinant human (rh) tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-留, or rhIL-17A, or rhIL-17E. Blots are representative of experiments performed in all patients with CD and HC subjects. Lower panels show densitometry of western blots. Values are mean 賊 SEM. *P&amp;lt;0.05 versus myofibroblasts from the same study group cultured with medium alone. 則P&amp;lt;0.05 versus Non-strict uninfl CD and HC myofibroblasts cultured under the same conditions.
  • #37: Effect of interleukin (IL)-17A and IL-17E on the production of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-3, MMP-12, and tissue inhibitor of metalloproteinase (TIMP)-1 by intestinal myofibroblasts. (A) MMP-3, (B) MMP-12, and (C) (TIMP-1 in culture supernatants of myofibroblasts isolated from uninflamed areas of strictured (Strict uninfl) and non-strictured (Non-strict uninfl) gut of six patients with fibrostenosing Crohns disease (CD) and from normal gut of six healthy control (HC) subjects, cultured for 24 hours with medium alone or recombinant human (rh) tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-留, or rhIL-17A, or rhIL-17E. Blots are representative of experiments performed in all patients with CD and HC subjects. Lower panels show densitometry of western blots. Values are mean 賊 SEM. *P&amp;lt;0.05 versus myofibroblasts from the same study group cultured with medium alone. 則P&amp;lt;0.05 versus Non-strict uninfl CD and HC myofibroblasts cultured under the same conditions.
  • #38: Effect of interleukin (IL)-17A and IL-17E on the production of collagen by intestinal myofibroblasts. Levels of collagen, expressed as 亮g/ml, in the supernatants of myofibroblasts isolated from uninflamed areas of strictured (Strict uninfl) and non-strictured (Non-strict uninfl) gut of six patients with fibrostenosing Crohns disease (CD) and from normal gut of six healthy control (HC) subjects, cultured for 24 hours with medium alone or recombinant human (rh)tumor necrosis factor (TNF)-留, or rhIL-17A, or rhIL-17E. Values are mean 賊 SEM. *P&amp;lt;0.05 versus myofibroblasts from the same study group cultured with medium alone. 則P&amp;lt;0.05 versus Non-strict uninfl CD and HC myofibroblasts cultured under the same conditions.
  • #39: Wound-healing scratch assay. Effect of recombinant human (rh)IL-17A and rhIL-17E on the migration, assessed by an in vitro wound-healing scratch assay, of myofibroblasts isolated from uninflamed areas of strictured (Strict uninfl) and non-strictured (Non-strict uninfl) gut of six patients with fibrostenosing Crohns disease (CD) and from normal gut of seven healthy control (HC) subjects. Myofibroblasts were cultured with rhIL-17A or rhIL-17E or medium alone. Results, expressed as percentage of wound repair, are mean 賊 SEM. *P&amp;lt;0.05 versus myofibroblasts cultured with medium only at 8, 16, and 24 hours.
  • #46: Administration with NOD2-activated hUCB-MSCs enhanced the protective effects against DSS-induced colitis in mice. (AC) Clinical progression in DSS-induced colitic mice was monitored. Numbers of mice were as follows: naive mice, 1014; PBS mice, 1220; fibroblast mice, 610; MSC mice, 1220; MSCMDP mice, 1220; and MSC-siNOD2MDP mice, 1229. (A) MantelCox analysis of survival rate, (B) percentage of body weight loss, (C) disease activity index for colitis severity, and (D and E) on day 10, animals were killed for further evaluation. (D) Colon length measurement. (E) Histopathologic analysis of colon. Bar, 500 mm. Six mice per group were used. (F) Enlargement of mesenteric lymph nodes was evaluated. Five mice per group were used. *P &amp;lt; .05, **P &amp;lt; .01, ***P &amp;lt; .001. Results are shown as mean SD.
  • #47: NOD2-activated hUCB-MSCs reduce colonic inflammation in mice. (A) DSS-induced colitic mice were injected intraperitoneally with hUCB-MSCs and IL-6, IFN-g, TNF-a, and IL-10 levels in colon were determined on day 5 by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. (B) Neutrophil infiltration was determined by colonic MPO activity assay. (C and D) Inflammatory T lymphocyte and phagocyte infiltration were measured by counting cells per microscopic field on immunostained colon sections. (C) CD4 cell counts. (D) CD11b cell counts. (E) Colonic infiltration of CD4CD25FoxP3 cells were determined by flow cytometry on day 5. *P &amp;lt; .05, **P &amp;lt; .01, ***P &amp;lt; .001. Three to 6 mice per group were used. Results are shown as mean SD.
  • #48: NOD2 is crucial for the protective ability of hUCB-MSCs against TNBS-induced colitis. (AC) Gross and histologic observations in TNBS induced colitic mice were performed. Numbers of mice were as follows: naive mice, 7; EtOH mice, 8; PBS mice, 13; fibroblast mice, 15; MSC mice, 18; MSC MDP mice, 18; and MSC-siNOD2 MDP mice, 13. (A) Survival rate and body weight loss. (B) Measurement of colon length. (C) Histopathologic evaluation of colon sections. Five mice per group were used, Bar, 500 mm. (D) NOD2-deficient hUCB-MSCs without MDP stimulation were injected intraperitoneally into colitic mice. Percentage of survival rate and body weight loss were measured. Numbers of mice were as follows: EtOH mice, 8; PBS mice, 13; MSC-siCTL mice, 18; and MSC-siNOD2 mice, 13. (E) Nine days after colitis induction and hUCB-MSC administration, a second dose of TNBS was inoculated and survival rate was analyzed. Numbers of mice were as follows: EtOH mice, 9; PBS mice, 8; MSC mice, 10; and MSCMDP mice, 10. Numbers in parentheses represent the percentage of mice that were dead. *P &amp;lt; .05, **P &amp;lt; .01, ***P &amp;lt; .001. Results are shown as mean SD.
  • #49: MDP enhanced the immunosuppressive effect of hUCB-MSCs. (A) After treatment with ligands, hUCB-MSCs were co-cultured with hUCB-MNCs and MNC proliferation was determined by the bromodeoxyuridine kit. (B and C) hUCB-MNCs were cultured with the culture media of hUCB-MSCs (UCM). hUCB-MNC proliferation was determined by the bromodeoxyuridine kit. UCM 618 and 620; UCM from 618 and 620 hUCBMSCs. (D) Human Jurkat cells and (E) mouse splenocytes were cultured in the presence of UCM and their proliferation was determined. *P &amp;lt; .05, ***P &amp;lt; .001. Results show 1 representative experiment of at least 3. Results are shown as mean SD.
  • #50: MDP-induced PGE2 is responsible for the anti-inflammatory activity of hUCB-MSCs. (A and B) hUCB-MSCs were treated with each indicated ligand. (A) The PGE2 concentration was measured from culture supernatant by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. (B) Cellular COX-2 expression was determined by Western blot analysis. (C) PGE2 concentration in UCM was detected. (D) hMNCs and (E) mouse splenocytes were cultured at the presence of various doses of PGE2 and their proliferation was determined by the bromodeoxyuridine kit. (F) hUCB-MSCs were treated with MDP alone or MDP indomethacin and UCM was collected. hUCB-MNCs were cultured in the presence of each UCM and MNC proliferation was determined. *P &amp;lt; .05, **P &amp;lt; .01, ***P &amp;lt; .001. Results show 1 representative experiment of at least 3. Results are shown as mean SD. GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase.
  • #51: MDP enhanced the immunosuppressive effect of hUCB-MSCs through a NOD2-RIP2dependent pathway. (A) hUCB-MSCs were transfected with siRNAs, and then were treated with MDP. Protein levels of COX-2 were examined by Western blot analysis. (B) UCM was harvested from cells treated with MDP after siRNA transfection. PGE2 concentration was measured in UCM by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. (C) siRNA-transfected hUCB-MSCs without MDP stimulation were determined for COX-2 expression on the protein level. (D) hUCB-MSCs were treated with siRNA without MDP stimulation, and PGE2 secretion was detected from culture supernatant using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay kit. In addition, PGE2 concentration in UCM was measured. (E) hUCB-MNCs were cultured in UCM and IL-10 production was measured in the culture supernatant. (F) hUCB-MNCs cultured in UCM were analyzed for regulatory T-cell population by flow cytometry. Results are 1 representative experiment of 2 or 3 or the cumulative of 3 independent experiments. *P &amp;lt; .05, **P &amp;lt; .01, ***P &amp;lt; .001. Results are shown as mean SD. GAPDH, glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase.
  • #54: NOD2-mediated PGE2 production and ensuing IL-10 induction are crucial for the attenuation of colitis. (A) siRNA for COX-2 was transfected into hUCB-MSCs. Cells were stimulated with MDP and injected intraperitoneally into DSS-induced colitic mice. Survival rate, disease activity index, and histopathologic score were analyzed. Numbers of mice were as follows: naive mice, 10; PBS mice, 12; MSC-siControl (CTL) mice, 12; MSC-siCOX2MDP mice, 12; and MSC-siCTLMDP mice, 10. (B) COX-2inhibited hUCB-MSCs were administered into TNBS-induced colitic mice and disease progress was monitored. Numbers of mice were as follows: EtOH mice, 8; PBS mice, 15; MSC-siCTLMDP mice, 20; and MSCsiCOX2MDP mice, 10. (C) PGE2 concentration was measured in both serum and colon of hUCB-MSCs transplanted colitic mice at days 3, 5, and 7. (D) IL-10neutralizing antibody was injected intraperitoneally daily from day 0 to day 5 into hUCB-MSCadministered colitic mice. Survival rate, body weight loss, and histologic score were evaluated. Numbers of mice were as follows: naive mice, 10; PBS mice, 10; MSCMDP mice, 10; And MSC MDPIL-10 neutralizing antibody (NA) mice, 10. *P &amp;lt; .05, **P &amp;lt; .01, ***P &amp;lt; .001. Results are shown as mean SD.
  • #55: Geen tekst: alleen laten zien