This document lists 9 educational videos or quizzes created by Gabriela Collazo between November 13th and November 20th, 2007. Each entry describes the activity, such as showing fruits and their names, choosing verbs to fill sentences, or writing definition paragraphs, and notes they each took 10 minutes to complete. The document provides evidence of the educational work Gabriela Collazo produced.
This document appears to be a record of activities completed in an English learning program on various dates in November 2007. It lists 7 activities or tests taken within the program related to capitalization, writing, prepositions, and the English media lab website. The times spent on each activity are also included, ranging from 15 to 20 minutes.
The document discusses the origins and development of, a wiki created by and for children and adolescents. It started as a neighborhood project in Barcelona and has expanded to schools across Catalonia. The wiki promotes collaborative learning in the classroom through shared knowledge and helps to structure thinking, transform information, and improve writing. It provides tutorials, entries, videos, presentations, links, images and widgets for contributing content and creating discussions to support learning.
This document describes a student's English conversation group that meets for one hour each week. The teacher's name is Nea, and during the hour they only speak in English. They discuss themes about past events in their lives. The student is learning how to express themselves and have conversations with other people. The student was not able to finish their work because the lab closed, so they went to another lab where a class was taking place.
The document lists the titles of various English language learning materials including "Master Spell", "How many? How much?", "The story of Leonard", and exercises on pronouns, dates, and matching. It seems to be a weekly log or schedule of English study topics for someone named Leonora M. Ortiz Bonilla.
Presentatie gemaakt door Ate van der Meer van Snakeware in 1999 betreffende de introductie van een nieuwe pc genaamd de Flashback welke terug greep naar jaren 80 homecomputers als de Amiga, Atari en commodore.
Presentation Snakeware and the Fryslan House in RigaAte van der Meer
Presentation made by Ate van der Meer of Snakeware. Showing what the internet company Snakeware is developing. Telling the story of the ICT Association and the Frysl?n House wich Ate van der Meer has developed.
The pack provides an accurate but limited summary of Adolphe Appia's work and life, aesthetically presenting the mainstream view. It is missing references for quotations and diverse viewpoints. While informative on Appia's techniques, it lacks personal perspectives or discussion of problems with his work. References are not in Harvard style and finding sources would be difficult. The application of ideas is good but more references are needed.
Snakeware en MerkMakers Nieuwe Media, Technologie Van Morgen, VandaagAte van der Meer
een presentatie gemaakt door Ate van der Meer van Snakeware voor MerkMakers waarin op praktische wijze uitleg gegeven wordt over allerhande nieuwe media, technologie van morgen vandaag
The document lists the titles of various English language learning materials including "Master Spell", "How many? How much?", "The story of Leonard", and exercises on pronouns, dates, and matching. It seems to be a weekly log or schedule of English study topics for someone named Leonora M. Ortiz Bonilla.
Presentatie gemaakt door Ate van der Meer van Snakeware in 1999 betreffende de introductie van een nieuwe pc genaamd de Flashback welke terug greep naar jaren 80 homecomputers als de Amiga, Atari en commodore.
Presentation Snakeware and the Fryslan House in RigaAte van der Meer
Presentation made by Ate van der Meer of Snakeware. Showing what the internet company Snakeware is developing. Telling the story of the ICT Association and the Frysl?n House wich Ate van der Meer has developed.
The pack provides an accurate but limited summary of Adolphe Appia's work and life, aesthetically presenting the mainstream view. It is missing references for quotations and diverse viewpoints. While informative on Appia's techniques, it lacks personal perspectives or discussion of problems with his work. References are not in Harvard style and finding sources would be difficult. The application of ideas is good but more references are needed.
Snakeware en MerkMakers Nieuwe Media, Technologie Van Morgen, VandaagAte van der Meer
een presentatie gemaakt door Ate van der Meer van Snakeware voor MerkMakers waarin op praktische wijze uitleg gegeven wordt over allerhande nieuwe media, technologie van morgen vandaag
1. 8, 9, 10, 15, 16 i 17 d'abril Auditori Felip Pedrell Tortosa
2. XXIV MOSTRA DE TETRE A L¨ESCOLA CEIP SANT LLOREN? VALLESP?: La princesa de la mel CEIP SANT ROC: La reina que no reia CEIP SANT JORDI- ALDOVER: Estrella Delta CENTRES PARTICIPANTS Dia 8 d¨abril, dimarts M A T ?
3. XXIV MOSTRA DE TETRE A L¨ESCOLA CEIP LA MERC?: Grease CEIP MARCEL,L? DOMINGO: El rei dels oficis CEIP REMOLINS: L¨aut┬ntica hist┛ria de Blancaneus CENTRES PARTICIPANTS Dia 9 d¨abril, dimecres M A T ?
4. XXIV MOSTRA DE TETRE A L¨ESCOLA CEIP EL TEMPLE: El desig de la princesa CEIP ALFARA DE CARLES : I conte comptat, aquest conte no s¨ha acabat. CEIP SANT ANTONI ABAT: Riquet el del plomall CENTRES PARTICIPANTS Dia 10 d¨abril, dijous M A T ? T A R D A CEIP MEDITERRANI: L¨espasa del rei Art┣s CEIP SANT JORDI, L¨Ametlla de Mar: El rei que no reia
5. XXIV MOSTRA DE TETRE A L¨ESCOLA CEIP JAUME II: Ferdinando , el toro CEIP FERRERIES: : La diadema Ntra. Sra. CONSOLACI?: I de l¨home sorgiren els simis CENTRES PARTICIPANTS Dia 15 d¨abril, dimarts M A T ? T A R D A IES DE DELTEBRE: El cens IES CAMARLES: Les granotes
6. XXIV MOSTRA DE TETRE A L¨ESCOLA CENTRES PARTICIPANTS Dia 16 d¨abril, dimecres C. TERESI?: Blancaneus CEIP DANIEL MANGRAN?: La Laura i el pet┏ perdut C. Dioces┐ Sagrada Fam┴lia: Les barres de sang M A T ?
7. XXIV MOSTRA DE TETRE A L¨ESCOLA CENTRES PARTICIPANTS Dia 17 d¨abril, dijous CEIP B┴tem: Els reis de l¨oce┐ CEIP LA PINEDA: El flautista d¨Hamel┴ CEIP CINTA CURTO: Un m┏n d¨alegria M A T ?