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you need
to know to
use these
How to use the cards?
 Start from a challenge or problem.
 Use the cards to be inspired. If a
certain card doesnt give any ideas
within 30 seconds, feel free
to switch!
 Share the ideas within the team and
build further on the best ones.
4 sources of innovation
Market trends
Technological trends
Customer trends
Regulation trends
You could increase
Imagine ways you can address
disadvantaged groups, and tailor
your products and services to
reduce the gap. Think of targeted
discounts, or ad-hoc features.
For example, Disney developed
Feeling Fireworks, a tactile
experience that aims to give a
perception of fireworks for the
visually impaired.
Imagine you throw away your
product after using it once. Can
your product be valuable for one
use only? Revolut creates one-time
usable credit card details for you
for online purchases on websites
you dont trust entirely.
Your product is a
one-use only?
Your product was so
simple, a child could use
Imagine a way to change your
product or service so that it
doesnt need any explanation.
Interfaces like the ones seen on
Android and iOS are largely self-
explanatory, and let every user find
what theyre looking for.
You could predict
customer behavior?
Think of ways to answer
customers needs rapidly by
predicting them. Amazon patented
a system for predictive logistics:
based on buying trends, your
searches, and regional data, they
send products to warehouses
close to you even before you buy
You gave your customers
something unexpected?
Go the extra mile: surprise your
customers with a present, a nice
message or smart packaging.
Tomorrowland a world-famous
music festival delivers its tickets in
an outstandingly artsy box. Their
stages are amazingly detailed
decors. Even their garbage
collectors wear matching outfits
with the theme.
Everyone lived in
urban areas?
By 2030, 60% of us will be living in
cities. Imagine services that work
best in these crowded hotspots
known for their traffic jams,
apartment blocks and ubiquitous
internet. Deliveroo conveniently
employs young bikers, who can
deliver food quickly regardless of
(the often standstill) car traffic.
You used gamification?
Think of ways to give clients a fun
time while using your product
or service. You can add levels,
social rankings, perks, awards,
missions, and scores. Waze,
for example, gives you points
for every kilometer driven or
for every report added. These
reports are that accurate, many car
manufacturers such as Honda are
leaving TomTom for Waze.
You could reframe your
service into bite-size
Duolingo turns the lengthy,
painful process of learning a new
language into a playful list of
small, easy 5-min lessons. It also
uses answers to translate articles.
It is as accurate as professional
translators and its much faster.
Thats how they make their whole
service free for use.
You went fully global?
Netflix today acts as a global
TV operator, producing and
distributing content worldwide,
and creating international social
phenomena. Remember Stranger
Things? Stranger Things was
special because it was supposed
to remain niche, yet if you add
up all the niches per country, that
becomes a whole lot of people.
The only driver to buy
was sustainability?
Imagine that each additional kg of
CO族 produced by your company
makes you loose a customer. Think
of products and services that have
zero (or positive) impact on the
planet. For example, Nikes Logistic
Campus in Belgium is not only self-
sufficient but also supplies energy
for 1,500 additional households.
Your customers moved
to a new country every
Revolut banking service is fully
global: it can be opened online
everywhere in the world, accepts
payments in every currency, and
charges no or very small fees
regardless of location.
You could offer full
Imagine ways to let your
customers customize their favorite
product or service, and to produce
or deliver that customization
cheaply. The Nike iD online
store allows users to completely
customize the look and feel of
their shoes, for only 150.
You only had voice to
interact with users?
Imagine you had no possibility to
add visual cues. Smart assistants
like Alexa (Amazon), Google
Assistant (Google), and Siri (Apple)
only interact with users via voice.
You used your users
DNA to customize your
Imagine ways to use heritage
and DNA to help your service or
product deliver more personalized
offerings. Spotify released a new
feature that personalizes playlists
reflecting the cultural music of
users heritage, based on their
DNA test (provided by the partner
You could use artificial
No business will avoid
being disrupted by artificial
intelligence. In the insurance
industry, Lemonade uses artificial
intelligence and chatbots
extensively to deliver insurance
policies and handle claims. They
claim that it takes 90 seconds
to get insured and only up to 3
minutes to get payed.
No staff was required?
Wheelys and Amazon (through
Amazon Go) are rolling out
unmanned stores; CitizenM hotels
have self-service receptions; new
underground lines like The lilac
lane in milan have driverless
trains. How can you design your
service with no humans involved?
You used biometrics for
Imagine using fingerprints,
iris-scans or a persons unique
heartbeat to make identification
secure and convenient. Citibank
uses voice biometrics to
automatically identify customers
while they explain their issues
customer representatives over the
Your product learned
by being used?
Imagine each time you use
your service or product, it gets
better and more aligned with
your needs as the user. Stitch Fix
provides hand-selected outfits by
a personal stylist. Keep what you
like, send back what you dont.
They will learn from your behavior
to send you different proposals the
next time.
Your products become a
Imagine your solution becomes
smarter the more its used, so that
it could adapt to the users needs.
Tesla cars learn from each drive
you make. They even operates
as a network. When one car
learns something, they all learn it.
Helping Tesla to create a better
You help to reduce the
use of technology?
Imagine ways to help your
customers use your product less.
After a great success with 3rd
party apps Apple included Screen
Time to their devices giving you
an overview of how much time
you spend on the device, on which
apps, and lets you set limits on
your own usage.
Everyone had a virtual
Can you provide your users with
digital assistants (either chatbots
or talking interfaces) that solve
their issues and complete small
tasks on their behalf? For example,
Google Duplex is a technology
that is able to make simple phone
calls on your behalf, like booking a
You delivered an
augmented reality
Remember Pokemon Go? And the
filters for selfies? They are notable
Augmented Reality applications,
and they illustrated the power of
adding a digital visual layer on
top of the non-digital reality. If
you could add a digital layer on
your users eyes, what would you
display on there?
You had access to your
clients personal data?
Imagine a world without privacy
concerns, where clients expected
companies to use their data. For
example, Root Insurance uses data
to track a driver for a trial period
before offering an auto insurance
premium quote. A car insurance
rate based primarily on how you
free cards
board of
Behind these cards
Board of Innovation makes corporates
innovate like startups, mixing proven
methods from Design Thinking and
Lean Startup.
Feel free to tweak, fix, remix any part
of these cards, as long as it is for non-
commercial purposes. Good karma if
you credit Board of Innovation.

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Motivation Card

  • 1. Everything you need to know to use these cards.
  • 2. How to use the cards? Start from a challenge or problem. Use the cards to be inspired. If a certain card doesnt give any ideas within 30 seconds, feel free to switch! Share the ideas within the team and build further on the best ones. 4 sources of innovation Market trends Technological trends Customer trends Regulation trends
  • 4. You could increase inclusion? Imagine ways you can address disadvantaged groups, and tailor your products and services to reduce the gap. Think of targeted discounts, or ad-hoc features. For example, Disney developed Feeling Fireworks, a tactile experience that aims to give a perception of fireworks for the visually impaired. WHAT IF
  • 5. Imagine you throw away your product after using it once. Can your product be valuable for one use only? Revolut creates one-time usable credit card details for you for online purchases on websites you dont trust entirely. Your product is a one-use only? WHAT IF
  • 6. Your product was so simple, a child could use it? WHAT IF Imagine a way to change your product or service so that it doesnt need any explanation. Interfaces like the ones seen on Android and iOS are largely self- explanatory, and let every user find what theyre looking for.
  • 7. You could predict customer behavior? Think of ways to answer customers needs rapidly by predicting them. Amazon patented a system for predictive logistics: based on buying trends, your searches, and regional data, they send products to warehouses close to you even before you buy them. WHAT IF
  • 8. You gave your customers something unexpected? Go the extra mile: surprise your customers with a present, a nice message or smart packaging. Tomorrowland a world-famous music festival delivers its tickets in an outstandingly artsy box. Their stages are amazingly detailed decors. Even their garbage collectors wear matching outfits with the theme. WHAT IF
  • 9. Everyone lived in urban areas? By 2030, 60% of us will be living in cities. Imagine services that work best in these crowded hotspots known for their traffic jams, apartment blocks and ubiquitous internet. Deliveroo conveniently employs young bikers, who can deliver food quickly regardless of (the often standstill) car traffic. WHAT IF
  • 10. You used gamification? Think of ways to give clients a fun time while using your product or service. You can add levels, social rankings, perks, awards, missions, and scores. Waze, for example, gives you points for every kilometer driven or for every report added. These reports are that accurate, many car manufacturers such as Honda are leaving TomTom for Waze. WHAT IF
  • 11. You could reframe your service into bite-size components? Duolingo turns the lengthy, painful process of learning a new language into a playful list of small, easy 5-min lessons. It also uses answers to translate articles. It is as accurate as professional translators and its much faster. Thats how they make their whole service free for use. WHAT IF
  • 12. You went fully global? Netflix today acts as a global TV operator, producing and distributing content worldwide, and creating international social phenomena. Remember Stranger Things? Stranger Things was special because it was supposed to remain niche, yet if you add up all the niches per country, that becomes a whole lot of people. WHAT IF
  • 13. The only driver to buy was sustainability? Imagine that each additional kg of CO族 produced by your company makes you loose a customer. Think of products and services that have zero (or positive) impact on the planet. For example, Nikes Logistic Campus in Belgium is not only self- sufficient but also supplies energy for 1,500 additional households. WHAT IF
  • 14. Your customers moved to a new country every week? Revolut banking service is fully global: it can be opened online everywhere in the world, accepts payments in every currency, and charges no or very small fees regardless of location. WHAT IF
  • 15. You could offer full customization? Imagine ways to let your customers customize their favorite product or service, and to produce or deliver that customization cheaply. The Nike iD online store allows users to completely customize the look and feel of their shoes, for only 150. WHAT IF
  • 17. You only had voice to interact with users? Imagine you had no possibility to add visual cues. Smart assistants like Alexa (Amazon), Google Assistant (Google), and Siri (Apple) only interact with users via voice. WHAT IF
  • 18. You used your users DNA to customize your service? Imagine ways to use heritage and DNA to help your service or product deliver more personalized offerings. Spotify released a new feature that personalizes playlists reflecting the cultural music of users heritage, based on their DNA test (provided by the partner Ancestry). WHAT IF
  • 19. You could use artificial intelligence? No business will avoid being disrupted by artificial intelligence. In the insurance industry, Lemonade uses artificial intelligence and chatbots extensively to deliver insurance policies and handle claims. They claim that it takes 90 seconds to get insured and only up to 3 minutes to get payed. WHAT IF
  • 20. No staff was required? Wheelys and Amazon (through Amazon Go) are rolling out unmanned stores; CitizenM hotels have self-service receptions; new underground lines like The lilac lane in milan have driverless trains. How can you design your service with no humans involved? WHAT IF
  • 21. You used biometrics for identification? Imagine using fingerprints, iris-scans or a persons unique heartbeat to make identification secure and convenient. Citibank uses voice biometrics to automatically identify customers while they explain their issues customer representatives over the phone. WHAT IF
  • 22. Your product learned by being used? Imagine each time you use your service or product, it gets better and more aligned with your needs as the user. Stitch Fix provides hand-selected outfits by a personal stylist. Keep what you like, send back what you dont. They will learn from your behavior to send you different proposals the next time. WHAT IF
  • 23. Your products become a network? Imagine your solution becomes smarter the more its used, so that it could adapt to the users needs. Tesla cars learn from each drive you make. They even operates as a network. When one car learns something, they all learn it. Helping Tesla to create a better autopilot. WHAT IF
  • 24. You help to reduce the use of technology? Imagine ways to help your customers use your product less. After a great success with 3rd party apps Apple included Screen Time to their devices giving you an overview of how much time you spend on the device, on which apps, and lets you set limits on your own usage. WHAT IF
  • 25. Everyone had a virtual assistant? Can you provide your users with digital assistants (either chatbots or talking interfaces) that solve their issues and complete small tasks on their behalf? For example, Google Duplex is a technology that is able to make simple phone calls on your behalf, like booking a restaurant. WHAT IF
  • 26. You delivered an augmented reality experience? Remember Pokemon Go? And the filters for selfies? They are notable Augmented Reality applications, and they illustrated the power of adding a digital visual layer on top of the non-digital reality. If you could add a digital layer on your users eyes, what would you display on there? WHAT IF
  • 27. You had access to your clients personal data? Imagine a world without privacy concerns, where clients expected companies to use their data. For example, Root Insurance uses data to track a driver for a trial period before offering an auto insurance premium quote. A car insurance rate based primarily on how you drive. WHAT IF
  • 30. Behind these cards Board of Innovation makes corporates innovate like startups, mixing proven methods from Design Thinking and Lean Startup. www.boardofinnovation.com hello@boardofinnovation.com Feel free to tweak, fix, remix any part of these cards, as long as it is for non- commercial purposes. Good karma if you credit Board of Innovation.