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March 2013

                 Greg Muender                                                        Jake Moffatt
          Founder & President of TicketKick.com, an                             Team lead for both the launch of
         innovative web based service for contesting                         CarHelper.com and current Realty Team
        traf鍖c tickets. Successfully acquired at                                  Lead at ApartmentList.com.
             $1.68 MM valuation in 2012.
                                                                           Expert in Ruby on Rails with experience in
            BS in Business Administration from San                         scaling, designing, and building at all levels of
                    Diego State University.                                             the web application.

            Startup Mentor at Stanford University                             Self-taught programmer since age 12.

         r                                                                David Baga
     i so
    v                                                 VP of Sales & Business Development at Rocket Lawyer.
A                                                Worked at Oracle Corporation, Information Builders, and at Trapezo.

135 million                209 million          90 million
 parking tickets / year      licensed drivers   moving violations / year

                                 Resolving a ticket is...

        Confusing                       Time Consuming                           Difficult

Drivers are not given complete      The average cited driver spends       The municipalities current
guidance and likely wont make       many hours completing simple     system is unintuitive. Virtually no
  the best decisions for their       tasks such as paying the fine     new technology has percolated
    specific circumstances.            and handling paperwork.        into this space in over a decade.

                               Of Polled Drivers...

    89% felt that they had
                                   71% thought it was too         65% thought that they
 insuf鍖cient knowledge
                                   dif鍖cult to 鍖nd out how a   wasted time by calling and
and a lack of information
                                   ticket will affect their    visiting the courts, mailing in
 to make proper decisions to
                                       driving record.         documents, and paying 鍖nes.
      resolve their ticket.
You can do a lot with your smart phone.

Deposit Your Checks   File Your Taxes   Manage Your Credit

        We think you should manage your
              ticket with one, too.

For resolving a parking or
 traf鍖c ticket, motorcade
      has your back.
                              Take a picture of the
                             ticket and well import
                                     the data.          Pay your 鍖ne, dispute
                                                       it, or get help choosing
                                                            from the wizard.      View your dashboard to
                                                                                    see all citations and
                                                                                   points on your driving

                                        We make money by connecting people
                                         with relevant products and services:

 Product or Service                 Prospective Partner      Revenue Per Acqusition       User Adoption

      Auto Insurance                 Insurance Carriers              $100                     20%
   Legal Representation                  Law Firms                   $75                       5%
 Repairs for 鍖x-it-tickets,
 maintenance of vehicles            Auto Repair Facilities           $10                       7%
     Driver Education                  Traf鍖c Schools                 $5                      35%
Registration renewal, order
 copies of driving record           AAA / DMV Services                $5                      12%

                                        high quality user
      large expected
         user base              +        data imported
                                           from ticket
                                                             +    actionable intent
                                                                    of customers      =    high potential

                                   ad                                   s   e                  e
                                 rc                                  ou                 f鍖
                            to                                rt
                         o                              o   u
                        m                           C                       P


   Contest Ticket

      Pay Fine

   Find Attorney

Enroll Traf鍖c School

Insurance Predictions

 Guidance Wizard

    Mobile App

         ONLINE                          PARTNERS                         GUERRILLA

 Increase search rankings: In          Courts and parking             Place marketing materials on
exchange for reputations and     enforcement will promote our         vehicles who have a parking
advertising credits, attorneys    service on issued tickets and         ticket on the windshield.
    will create content by       their websites. Well drastically
 answering users questions         lower their 鍖ne payment              Af鍖x fake tickets on
  on site, similar to Quora.              default rates.              windshields to get attention.
                                                                       Leverage this buzz for PR.
Capitalize on existing search     Users who post their activity
query demand with SEM via           to social networks will be         Promote to cited drivers at
      Adwords PPC.                 randomly selected to have         courthouses and municipalities.
                                     their 鍖ne paid for by us.





 916.792.3410 gregs cell

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Motorcade Pitch Deck 1.1

  • 2. TEAM Greg Muender Jake Moffatt Founder & President of TicketKick.com, an Team lead for both the launch of innovative web based service for contesting CarHelper.com and current Realty Team traf鍖c tickets. Successfully acquired at Lead at ApartmentList.com. $1.68 MM valuation in 2012. Expert in Ruby on Rails with experience in BS in Business Administration from San scaling, designing, and building at all levels of Diego State University. the web application. Startup Mentor at Stanford University Self-taught programmer since age 12. r David Baga i so v VP of Sales & Business Development at Rocket Lawyer. d A Worked at Oracle Corporation, Information Builders, and at Trapezo.
  • 3. OPPORTUNITY 135 million 209 million 90 million parking tickets / year licensed drivers moving violations / year
  • 4. PROBLEM Resolving a ticket is... Confusing Time Consuming Difficult Drivers are not given complete The average cited driver spends The municipalities current guidance and likely wont make many hours completing simple system is unintuitive. Virtually no the best decisions for their tasks such as paying the fine new technology has percolated specific circumstances. and handling paperwork. into this space in over a decade.
  • 5. VALIDATION Of Polled Drivers... 89% felt that they had 71% thought it was too 65% thought that they insuf鍖cient knowledge dif鍖cult to 鍖nd out how a wasted time by calling and and a lack of information ticket will affect their visiting the courts, mailing in to make proper decisions to driving record. documents, and paying 鍖nes. resolve their ticket.
  • 6. You can do a lot with your smart phone. Deposit Your Checks File Your Taxes Manage Your Credit We think you should manage your ticket with one, too.
  • 7. SOLUTION For resolving a parking or traf鍖c ticket, motorcade has your back. Take a picture of the ticket and well import the data. Pay your 鍖ne, dispute it, or get help choosing from the wizard. View your dashboard to see all citations and points on your driving record.
  • 8. BUSINESS MODEL We make money by connecting people with relevant products and services: Product or Service Prospective Partner Revenue Per Acqusition User Adoption Auto Insurance Insurance Carriers $100 20% Legal Representation Law Firms $75 5% Repairs for 鍖x-it-tickets, maintenance of vehicles Auto Repair Facilities $10 7% Driver Education Traf鍖c Schools $5 35% Registration renewal, order copies of driving record AAA / DMV Services $5 12% high quality user large expected user base + data imported from ticket + actionable intent of customers = high potential pro鍖t
  • 9. COMPETITION e ad s e e rc ou f鍖 c to rt h t O o o u os m C P Information Contest Ticket Pay Fine Find Attorney Enroll Traf鍖c School Insurance Predictions Guidance Wizard Mobile App
  • 10. USER ACQUISITION ONLINE PARTNERS GUERRILLA Increase search rankings: In Courts and parking Place marketing materials on exchange for reputations and enforcement will promote our vehicles who have a parking advertising credits, attorneys service on issued tickets and ticket on the windshield. will create content by their websites. Well drastically answering users questions lower their 鍖ne payment Af鍖x fake tickets on on site, similar to Quora. default rates. windshields to get attention. Leverage this buzz for PR. Capitalize on existing search Users who post their activity query demand with SEM via to social networks will be Promote to cited drivers at Adwords PPC. randomly selected to have courthouses and municipalities. their 鍖ne paid for by us.
  • 11. CONTACT www.motorcade.me angel.co/motorcade greg@motorcade.me @motorcadeapp 916.792.3410 gregs cell