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Movie Posters
Featuring: The woman in black
Cash in on
actors fame.
Why he looks
like this
Whos dead
Woman in
Set in
Light in the
Twisted like
the story
Stormy indicates
bad things are
going to happen
Name of star
Billing block
Star of harry potter attracts
bigger crowd
The title is red which makes it
stand out.
Penny Wise's arm reaches
around the balloon as if its
trying to snatch the child.
Penny Wises face is covered
by the balloon this shows that
he doesnt want to reveal his
face yet.
Child looks innocent
this presents Penny
Wise goes after weaker
The balloon is what Penny Wise
carries when he kidnaps children.
The title looks like
blood dripping
down the poster.
The caption Youll float
to represents that the
balloon plays a part in the
The close up shot
makes it look like the
child is not alone.
The clowns eyes are
wide open this
presents that he is
eager to accomplish
what he wants.
The clowns smile
makes you
tremble in your
The darkness
enshrouds the clown
this represents
something terrible
has happened to the
The light next to him represents he has
come from outside.
The way his eyes gaze at you it makes
you think he has found what he has
been stalking.
His makeup is smothered all over
his face with faint dark patches
representing dirt.
His bright blue eyes are
looking directly at
something what is it looking
The dark, black clouds
represent something bad is
going to happen. Are they
going to die?
The male in the poster is
presented as the strong
one as he is wielding an
axe and if it comes to close
up combat he can protect
The female is holding a gun so
if she is attacked by a vampire
up close she might not be
able to defend herself
although if they are far away
they can be killed easily.
The way the couple are looking makes you think
that something is there but their backs arent
protected and behind them shows they are
The face in the bottom of the corner
presents he is screaming not in fear as if he
looks the bloodshed.
The male is a sheriff and protects the
The girl is wearing bright purple lipstick
this sexualizes her in the film. She is the
eye candy to the male.
Fast, brutal and totally unstoppable this
represents the vampires as evil murderers.
Theyre coming makes you
something is going to kill
The 0 in the 30 looks like an eye this makes us
think that someone is always watching.
The blood covering half the screen connotates
that there is a lot of blood involved in the film.

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Movie Posters Film

  • 1. Movie Posters Featuring: The woman in black I.T Poltergeist
  • 2. Cash in on actors fame. Unshaven = Stressed Somethings bothering him Why he looks like this Whos dead Woman in black Costume Set in past Light in the attic Twisted like the story Stormy indicates bad things are going to happen Name of star Hammer studios Dark=evil/dead /misty/Cold Billing block Mise-en-Scene Star of harry potter attracts bigger crowd
  • 3. The title is red which makes it stand out. Penny Wise's arm reaches around the balloon as if its trying to snatch the child. Penny Wises face is covered by the balloon this shows that he doesnt want to reveal his face yet. Child looks innocent this presents Penny Wise goes after weaker children. The balloon is what Penny Wise carries when he kidnaps children. The title looks like blood dripping down the poster. The caption Youll float to represents that the balloon plays a part in the story. The close up shot makes it look like the child is not alone.
  • 4. The clowns eyes are wide open this presents that he is eager to accomplish what he wants. The clowns smile makes you tremble in your shoes. The darkness enshrouds the clown this represents something terrible has happened to the clown. The light next to him represents he has come from outside. The way his eyes gaze at you it makes you think he has found what he has been stalking. His makeup is smothered all over his face with faint dark patches representing dirt. His bright blue eyes are looking directly at something what is it looking at.
  • 5. The dark, black clouds represent something bad is going to happen. Are they going to die? The male in the poster is presented as the strong one as he is wielding an axe and if it comes to close up combat he can protect himself. The female is holding a gun so if she is attacked by a vampire up close she might not be able to defend herself although if they are far away they can be killed easily. The way the couple are looking makes you think that something is there but their backs arent protected and behind them shows they are surrounded. The face in the bottom of the corner presents he is screaming not in fear as if he looks the bloodshed. The male is a sheriff and protects the innocent. The girl is wearing bright purple lipstick this sexualizes her in the film. She is the eye candy to the male. Fast, brutal and totally unstoppable this represents the vampires as evil murderers. Theyre coming makes you something is going to kill them. The 0 in the 30 looks like an eye this makes us think that someone is always watching. The blood covering half the screen connotates that there is a lot of blood involved in the film.