This PPT is based on Movie Screening Committee Introductory Presentation presented in the Welcome function of Batch 2023 - 2025 at the Department of English, MKBU.
8. Movie name Date of Screening
1. Life of Pi 15/07/2022
2.Pride and Prejudice 25/07/2022
3. Frankenstein 01/08/2022
4. Play - Macbeth 06/08/2022
5. Documentary - ' Social Dilemma' 30/08/2022
6. Documentary :- India's Daughter 07/09/2022
7. Hindi Play - 'Hard Times' 24/09/2022
8. Jude the Obscure 30/09/2022
Semester-1 screenings
10. Movie Name Date of Screening
Play :- Long Day's Journey
into Night 30/11/2023
Modern Times 07/12/2023
The Great Dictator 08/12/2023
For Whom the Bell Tolls 09/12/2023
The Old man and the Sea 13/12/2023
Play :- 'The Birthday Party' 23/12/23
Eat,Pray,Love 02/01/2023
The Great Gatsby 03 - 04 /01/2023
The Schindler's list 16/01/2023
Play - "Waiting for Godot" 24/01/2023
Vita and Virginia 01/02/2023
Orlando : A Biography 06/02/2023
1984 17/02/2023
An Artist of the Floating World 01/03/2023
13. Movie name Date of Screening
Raat Rani Episode from Modern
Love Mumbai 20/06/2023
Article 15 21/06/2023
An Astrologer's Day 28/06/2023
Videos :- Operation Smiling Buddha
& India Peaceful nuclear explosion
Ghare Baire 20/07/2023
Semester-3 Screenings
15. These two videos we
watched as a Part of
Studying Pravin
Gadhvi's Poem -
'Laughing Buddha'.